After hanging up a new call, Meng Fan continued to think about something to add.

The number of points that can be allocated is only 10 points, but now the system has already rewarded a lot of attributes. How to add it must be particular.

I thought 10 o’clock was a lot, but after careful calculation, it’s too little!

Gather together.

Meng Fan still focuses on the attributes related to comics. The attributes sorted out include drawing skills, hand speed, imagination, screenwriting and settings. If you think about it carefully, there is another Observation!

With these six attributes, the painting skills definitely don’t need to be wasted and added. It’s already +34 even if it’s not a universal brush. If you add it, it’s still against the sky.

Imagination is now +11. Needless to say, this is very important. It is even more important than drawing skills, screenwriting, and setting, and it must be added.

The screenwriting and settings are currently +15, which seems to be enough, but you can add more.

The hand speed is +19. If you suddenly commit obsessive-compulsive disorder, you have to +1 point to make up 20.

Observation power is +4, speaking of which, this attribute point provided by the [Night Roaming God] mission, Meng Fan didn’t care much before, but recently, especially with points exchange plus After 3 points, the effect is very significant, and it is also very useful, it is necessary to improve it.

In addition, the [Night Roaming God] task has not been completed yet. If it is completed, let alone other attributes, the observation power can still be rewarded with +4.

Meng Fan reminded himself that after I go back, I still have to spare some time to sleep in the scenic spot.

Hesitating to calculate, Meng Fan finally decided.

Hand speed plus 1…Eh, take a closer look, when the points were redeemed for attributes last time, because I felt that the hand speed was enough, I didn’t redeem them. Now there are more than 1,600 points, so I just exchange 1,000 points for 1 point. Make it to +20!

Add 4 points to your imagination, and increase to +15!

Add 2 points to the observation power and increase to +6, and it will be +10 after the [Night Roaming God] mission is released!

Add 2 points for both screenwriting and setting, all up to +17!

Drawing skill +34, screenwriting +17, setting +17, imagination +15, based on this attribute, Meng Fan can’t wait for a while… Uh, not , Have to wait for the drawing paper!

ding dong.

The door bell rang, Meng Fan went to open the door, took a large bundle of drawing paper from the waiter, and thanked again and again.

The waiter waved his hand repeatedly and said that he should do it. He also asked Meng Fan if he needed coffee and other things. After Meng Fan said that he needed a large cup of double espresso coffee, the waiter did not It was troublesome but a little joy.

Soon to see this charming customer again, and his voice is really nice, the kind that is not tired of hearing!

Not long after, the waiter brought a large cup of coffee and some fruits specially prepared for Meng Fan.

“Thank you.”

When the waiter was about to leave, Meng Fan called again: “Sorry, wait a moment.”

The waiter woke up and turned back. Then I saw Meng Fan brought the laundry basket.

“It seems that there is a laundry service, right?”


“Thank you for your help.”

“No trouble. Do you need anything else?”

“Nothing, thank you.”

“If you need to call for service at any time.”

The waiter happily took the laundry basket and left, and even moved the idea of ​​helping Meng Fan wash the clothes himself, but just think about it, after all, the hotel has a dedicated person responsible for washing clothes, and then drying and ironing. Ping…

When I arrived at the office area, I drank a big sip of espresso coffee, then turned on the live broadcast assistant, virtual screened out the materials, outlines, gallery, etc. I prepared before, and I focused and started thinking.

At the beginning of the comics, Meng Fan had already thought about a lot before and tried to draw a lot. Needless to say how many pieces of drawing paper were wasted, but now that I concentrate, each attribute is gradually becoming Meng Fan’s concentration showed its effect.

Meng Fan not at all discarded all previous scrapped manuscripts, or re-screened it with the current ability, and then combined the follow-up story and outline to think about his opening.

Meng Fan has already thought and perfected the core point of the story of “A Strange Man in Mountains and Seas” a long time ago. The background of the story was extracted by Meng Fan from “Classic of Mountains and Seas”.

“Classic of Mountains and Seas” is an ancient book that records ancient Chinese monsters. The creation time is said to be pre-Qin, or it was completed in the early Han Dynasty. The author is unknown. Modern Scholars all believe that the book is not temporary. The author is not alone, and the extant books handed down are edited by Liu Xiang and Liu Xin in the Western Han Dynasty.

There are 18 existing articles, covering ancient history, geography, culture, Chinese and foreign transportation, folk customs, mythology, minerals, etc. Ancient and modern Scholars have different understandings of the nature of the content. For example, Tai Shigong bluntly said that the content is absurd and cannot be used for history. For reference, for example, Lu Xun considered the book of witchcraft and alchemist, and most scholars in modern times considered it to be an early and valuable geographical work.

Meng Fan takes “Classic of Mountains and Seas” as the background, not only takes the ghosts and monsters as part of the content setting, but also directly moves the geography inside as the geography blueprint of a comic world.

The mountain range, hydrology, and countries mentioned in “Classic of Mountains and Seas” are very numerous, and the geographical position is also very large. Not only does it record ancient China, but also includes overseas, such as Fusang Country. Neon now.

Meng Fan used this as a blueprint, coupled with extended creation and supplements, to construct a comic world.

Geography and Clan, Divine Beast, etc. are all based on “Classic of Mountains and Seas” or adapted, but the time point has drawn a great distance back, set for the era of thermal weapons.

An era where myths, exotic animals, firearms and machinery coexist!

In addition, Meng Fan will also integrate other ancient Chinese myths and foreign myths, such as neon myths, Nordic myths, Greek myths, Roman myths, Egyptian myths, etc. into the comics. The ambition is also great. To use this comic to sort out a collection of world myths.

Of course, the structure of the world is magnificent. It certainly cannot be explained clearly in one or two clicks. It needs to be brought out slowly through the development of the plot of the comics. The mythology part Meng Fan is expected to be in the middle and late stages, and vice versa. In other words, the world structure itself serves the content of the story.

The protagonist is a young man who accidentally hits and becomes a member of Strange Sects. The story starts from the boy’s encounter with a dog. The dog’s prototype is the mountain in “Classic of Mountains and Seas”. Jun (hui), in the record, appeared in the prison mountain.

The name of Shan Yanjun is indeed not good, but the name of Prison Fashan sounds exciting. In addition, the dog is “good at casting” and “laughing at people” in the record. Meng Fan always feels where It’s weird, so I changed the name of the dog and called the prison law willfully.

Well, the name of First Volume is directly called “Starting a Dog”, which is quite shameful.

Sunshine boy, a stupid pet, plus a plot that is related to the lives of all residents in a small town. With this plot to reveal the world, Meng Fan thinks it is still very possible.

Modify the outline, list the details, start drawing!

While Meng Fan concentrated on drawing, the comic book review section of “The Strange Man of Mountains and Seas” with only a book title, cover, and an irritating profile was exploded, and the Meng Fan fan base was also full. Not calm, even some comic forums are very lively.

There is only one reason, and that is that Meng Fan, the shameless himself, rewarded himself with a billion alliance!

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