Wu Tong has been following the news from Siam. From knowing that father was missing, he didn’t sleep well, until it was confirmed that it was kidnapping and Meng Fan and Uncle left for Siam. , I never let go of this heart hanging.

From the moment Meng Fan got off the plane, Wu Tong asked Meng Fan about the situation at intervals of three to five. One was to make sure that Meng Fan and the others were safe, and the other was to know how things were going.

Meng Fan and the others drove from Bangkok to Chiang Rai before 1 in the morning. Wu Tong never slept. Even though Meng Fan learned that they had parked in Chiang Rai for a rest, she did not rest. Has been holding on.

Wait until the kidnapper sends a message to toss back and forth, Wu Tong’s heart is even more lifted, she is not stupid, knowing that the kidnapper is about to appear, such a tossing may be more than imagined Is more complicated.

After leaving the main road and entering the small road, Wu Tong suddenly felt that his heartbeat had missed two beats!

“What’s the matter with me?”

Wu Tong lost his soul, and lost the most important thing in life!

“Who are you?”

Wu Tong banged his head fiercely with his fist. There was a person in his head, but he couldn’t remember who he was. This person treated her It’s obviously very important, why can’t I remember it!

“Who are you! I lost you!”

He yelled like crazy, and called mother Wu and the others who were bowing their heads in the living room to silence Shocked.

“Tongtong, what’s wrong with you?”

“Tongtong, what are you doing, you are scared of mother!”

“Tongtong, you open the door !”

Wu mother and the others went crazy outside Wu Tong.

Suddenly, Wu Tong grabbed his mobile phone and started rumbling, searching, searching…

“Why did I forget you!”

Searching and stopping, Wu Tong saw the phone number remarked as “Silly Donkey”. All the memories behind this name burst into Wu Tong’s mind. He pressed it out with a trembling finger and pressed it tightly to his ear. side.

“It’s you! It must be you!”

“Meng Fan! Why did I almost forget you!”

Wu Tong screamed in a hurry .





A familiar voice came and Wu Tong burst into tears like a flood, and completely collapsed: “Meng Fan! I thought you were dead!”


At this moment, Meng Fan, who had stopped running wild on the other end of the mobile phone, heard Wu Tong’s howling, his eyes turned red, and then tears came out.

He firmly believes that Wu Tong likes him, and he also believes that Wu Tong loves him, but he doesn’t know how much he loves, and he didn’t go into it. This is the same as lovers all over the world, no one can answer the question “How much do you love me?”

At this moment, Meng Fan, who is still wearing a hat that makes his sense of existence disappear, got the answer that he didn’t delve into.

Even if the whole world forgets you, I remember!

“Sorry! I worried you!”

Meng Fan passed Wu Tong’s sentence “I thought you were dead”, and probably guessed why Wu Tong wears it on himself When wearing a hat, she can still think of herself. In this case, her sense of existence approaches zero and she feels a strong anxiety, and then because of love, she thinks about it again, thinking she has something wrong with her strong “Sixth” Sense “.

Perhaps, there may be other reasons, but in any case, this result is that Meng Fan didn’t expect anyhow, very happy and happy, but also very guilty and distressed.

Meng Fan try not to cry in his own voice: “Fool, I’m fine, I will definitely go back safely, and I will definitely bring my dad back safely!”

Wu Tong’s cry was calmer: “Really? I almost thought I lost you just now!”

Meng Fan let his voice have as much comfort as possible: “You are impossible to lose Mine! Fool, you are too tired! How long have you not slept, and your emotions have been tense again! You should sleep for a while! Believe me, there will be good news when you wake up!”

” , You’re fine, maybe I’m really tired!” Wu Tong took a long sigh. She has a lot to say, but she also knows that there is no way for Meng Fan to say more. , Paused for a while, and said: “I…wait till you get back!”

Then he hung up the phone, dropped his hand, and the phone fell on the ground without knowing it, huhuhu, vomiting continuously After a few breaths, I stabilized my mood a little bit, wiped my tears, opened the door, and said to the anxious mother and the others outside the door: “Mother, I’m fine, it’s because my nerves are too tight. I’m a little tired, I’ll take a break.”

I want to close the door, think about it or not, lie down on the bed and stare at the ceiling.


Wu mother sighed, wiped away the crying tears, shook the head to the three aunts and gently tied Wu Tong’s door Go up, it’s open, leaving a gap.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

After bringing the door, the eldest mother took Wu’s hand and patted it lightly, tears in the corner of her eyes, turned her head and fell out.


Meng Fan hung up the phone, wiped his tears, and continued to run wildly.

I don’t think about other things, I just want to ensure that Wu Tong father and the others can return home safely.

About ten minutes, Wu Ji and the others from the live broadcast assistant have entered a village in a mountain col. You can see a lot of bamboo houses. These bamboo houses look like a long time ago. The whole village doesn’t look like people live regularly, it is probably temporary.

Some people can also be seen, but the villagers in the Golden Triangle area that Meng Fan imagined in movies often hold guns.

However, it can be seen that the entire village is related to the kidnappers. After the car drove in, it slowly surrounded them, feeling that they were all accomplices.

The car stopped, Black Tooth got off the motorcycle, and Wu Ji’s window was patted to signal him to come down.

The window of the driver’s seat was patted again. After Wu Yuandi rolled the window down, Black Teeth was less hostile and pitiful, and said, “You are honest Don’t go anywhere here to keep you safe.”

Wu Yuandi was almost crying: “big brother, I don’t need money for the car, can I go now?”

Brother Hei Fang shook the head and motioned him to pull out the car key to him: “Be honest and it will be fine, otherwise you will feel better.”

Wu Yuandi helplessly pulls out the car key and gives Hei Ya Brother, then he shrank into his seat.

“Bad luck egg!”

Heifang turned the car key, and then swung his head to signal Wu Ji to go with him.

Wu Ji, who got out of the car, held the box in one hand and the gun in the other. He stuck it on the door of the car. He didn’t leave, and said, “People, I want to see people first. “

“Brother, we only seek wealth but not life! As long as you bring things, people can take them away. What’s the use of your gun, we have more guns here!”


After arriving on his own site, Black Teeth’s expression became less nervous, and he was not afraid of Wu Ji. He snapped his fingers and several people came out of the crowd. These people really have guns in their hands, and they are not. Pistols are all shotguns. Regardless of their performance, they are much scarier than Wu Ji’s pistols in terms of length.

“I want to see people!”

Wu Ji picked up his coat with a gun, revealing a row of detonators tied to his waist: “No one can see , Don’t want anything.”


Black Tooth cursed crazy man, he immediately stepped back a few steps, and some don’t believe that the Huaxia people still Someone played such a big game, but didn’t dare to test, and said to Wu Ji: “You wait!”

Call someone and let him tell the situation here to the people inside.

From the aura, Wu Ji, who has fought in the MMA are indeed able to hold the field, but it is only able to hold it. If you say that, just put the detonator on the clothes. Just scared all these people that the probability is not big, let alone among this group of people, there are really people who dare to die.

Eating this bowl of rice and mixing in this area, even if the impossible is as bloody as in the movie, I have really seen real thing battles.

“Hold the grass!”

Meng Fan, who saw this scene through the live broadcast assistant, was also shocked, the style is wrong!

In his opinion, this is no different from making a movie. When the gun comes out, the explosives come out.

Also, where did Wu Ji get this explosive?

It should be fake to scare people!

Meng Fan thought he was a tiger enough, didn’t expect Wu Ji to be even more tigerish.

The reason for this is that there is black technology, Wu Jihu is really desperate!

No, no, hurry up!

Meng Fan speeds up, and sports drinks and energy gel are all stuffed into his mouth. He doesn’t want to see Wu Jizhen go to a fight.



In the largest bamboo house in the village, a bald head immediately squinted after hearing the situation outside, looking towards A gentle looking man next to him said: “Should be the son of Wu Zihuan, right?”

The gentle man is holding a fan in his hand, and he patted, nodded, on his chest. Said: “It should be right. His son is said to be a mixed martial artist, and his strength is very good. However, that is also a competition. Really fighting, it may not work. The courage is not small, he dare to carry a gun. Come with a detonator.”

The bald man hearing this laughed: “After all, the combined value of that box is almost close to 60 million Hua Xia coins. It is normal to be impatient. But ah, this person estimates I think I am a little capable, so I am so bold. This is a good thing, the more this kind of person is easier to deal with. I will go and see.”

The gentle man thought for a while and said: “Bring Wu Zizhen In the past, I tried to test his fictitiousness. It’s better not to kill anyone. Tomorrow there will be two groups of antiques. If they kill people, they must change places in advance.”

To quote, the kidnappers were not only Wu Zihuan and Wu Zizhen these two people, but also five of them. These people have a lot of precious collections in their homes.

This vote is worth two billion Chinese coins.

This kind of business is coming soon!

It is more troublesome to directly ask for money than this. The 200 million Chinese currency in cash can hold as many leather boxes as it is, and it is dozens of times more troublesome to carry comparable treasures.

Moreover, even these wealthy people can hardly mobilize so much cash so quickly, and it will attract unnecessary attention. For antiques, they are readily available.

Of course, in the eyes of a gentleman, the most important thing is to ask for money directly, too vulgar!

How elegant it is to ask for an antique as a ransom!

As for these antiques, some of them are sold through channels. Of course, those who dare to buy are not afraid to investigate them. In turn, they can be protected.

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