After the time went back to Wu Zizhen and was taken away, wu wu wu shouted again in this bamboo building. Antique dealers and antique collectors such as Wu Zihuan were stuffed with inferior fabrics Mouth, the two people who came to pay the ransom were the same.

There are horror, anger and helplessness in his eyes, especially Wu Zihuan. The personable middle age person in the normally is no different from the crazy mad cow at this moment. He is struggling hard, slamming, struggling with strength. The chair tied to him fell to the ground.


The caretaker sneered and looked at Wu Zihuan lying on the ground jokingly. Wu Zihuan wanted to run, but he was bound by a chair. The movements and appearance seemed ridiculous to them.

Seeing this by other antique dealers, wu wu wu’s voice gradually became quieter, and the anger in his eyes deepened a bit. Looking towards Wu Zihuan’s ridiculous appearance, there was a pain called empathy.

Someone has already experienced such a thing, and the rest should experience it soon.

“Guess, how long will he be able to struggle this time?”

“At most two minutes, the rich Chinese man hahaha without bones!”

I took out the hand-rolled cigarette and lit it on the lighter, smoking it and teasing it, and said to Wu Zihuan, who was struggling, “Mr. Wu, if you are tired, tell us. If you are in a good mood, you will Help it up, after all, you are our food and clothing parent ah ha ha ha…Karma!”

“Laugh, you are paralyzed, laugh!”

A strange voice appeared , This person’s laughter stopped abruptly, and then the other watcher next to him felt that his eyes were black, bang, and the two watchers’ foreheads collided together, and after a dull sound appeared, they held the back of their heads. Release the hand and the two slid down.

The tobacco that fell on the ground continued to burn out, white smoke curled up, and then was soaked in blood slowly and extinguished.

What’s wrong, this is!

The people inside are dumbfounded!

They were sure they heard a voice, and they seemed to see a tall silhouette, but in a flash, the person disappeared.

In a flash, the two guarding people fell to the ground, not knowing their life or death.

After that, they heard a bang. The lock of the simple cell where Wu Zihuan was held was broken, and then the door opened. They were sure to see another silhouette, but soon they couldn’t see it again. .

Wu Zihuan was lifted up. At this time, the silhouette was fleeting again.

Then, the cloth stuffed in Wu Zihuan’s mouth was carefully taken out-but even so, some blood was still brought out.

No way, Meng Fan has no experience in this area, and has no conditions to soak in warm water and slowly take out the fabric.

cough cough cough.

Wu Zihuan coughed repeatedly and barely made a voice: “Are you?”

So close, being supported by Meng Fan, even if Meng Fan’s sense of existence approaches zero, Wu Zihuan still vaguely Seeing Meng Fan’s appearance, it seems to recognize who Meng Fan is. However, I don’t know if it is because the mouth is unable to speak smoothly. How to say the two words stuck in the throat.

“Don’t talk, I’ll take you away.”

Meng Fan has no time to explain, and it is even more impossible to take off his hat, and directly tore off the rope tied to Wu Zihuan. Quickly check to make sure They were all superficial wounds, so I helped Wu Zihuan go outside.

Meng Fan came in from the other side of the bamboo house, almost at the back of the village. The people encountered along the way were basically cleaned up and decided to take Wu Zihuan away from this direction.

When I came in, I also saw some cars parked there, and I found two car keys from the people who cleaned it up. As for whether it matches those cars, I don’t know for the time being.

After a few steps, Meng Fan stopped.


Save it!

Although Meng Fan only wants to take his future father-in-law and leave, but the rest of these people can’t do it if they don’t save themselves.

Boom, boom, boom.

Holding a barbell the size of a Small Accomplishment dumbbell, he smashed all the locks open, and then tore the ropes that tie these people to pieces. As for the cloth in their mouths, they were too late to take it, and didn’t want to take it.

“Don’t talk.”

Meng Fan saw them nodding, and then he went to help Wu Zihuan to walk out, and the rest of them naturally followed… Wu Zihuan, he would definitely walk after a long time. It’s not very convenient, it’s swaying, but I endure it, and I want to live!

The whole process is full of weirdness for them. Meng Fan’s silhouette will be seen by them more or less because he touches them or speaks or blocks their sight. Immediately, it was “non-existent”. In their opinion, Meng Fan was flashing and flashing, suddenly seeing it and suddenly not seeing it.

Divine Immortal, ghosts, abilities?

The ghost is like the female anti-hero ghost in “Ant-Man 2”, her body is strongly unstable.


At this moment, there was a huge noise outside, and even the bamboo building shook, scaring the group of people all lying on the ground.

“It’s so awesome!”

Meng Fan used the live broadcast assistant to figure out what’s going on, which was also shocked!

Finally know why I heard Wu Yuandi’s name and Wu Ji called him over at the first time. It felt strange, Yuandi exploded!

“It’s okay!”

Meng Fan helped Wu Zihuan and continued to walk back. The rest of the people lying on the ground saw this and did not hesitate, and immediately followed Wu Zihuan.

The weird voice is still there—don’t be afraid!

Meng Fan took out the keys, threw them to the two people who seemed more flexible, and said, “Go and find out which two cars they are.”

These two cars The keys are not remote control, otherwise you can find out by pressing twice. Of course, the car is relatively old.

There are not many cars parked here, and they can be found quickly. Make sure there is no problem with the cars.

“Listen to me! Follow this road out of the village, go to the main road as soon as possible, and then find a crowded place! Remember, take care of Mr. Wu, otherwise, I will find you!”

Meng Fan said in a cold voice, as to whether they would turn their heads and forget about it, they didn’t think much about it. Put the black technology microphone on Wu Zihuan’s body, one is to control the movement here at any time, and the other is to locate.

Eight people sit in two cars and start.




At this time, they heard the sound of a heavy blow, and vaguely saw a silhouette holding a hammer-like thing in his hand, smashing the remaining vehicles one by one, all of which were the front of the car. All the engines inside were scrapped.

Oh my God, what kind of power is this!

Meng Fan restored the barbell to its normal size. One of the barbell plates was reduced to the smallest size. Holding this head as a handle, most of the weight was adjusted to the other barbell plate, which weighed 50kg. Getting up and smashing things is much easier to use than a sledge hammer. Meng Fan waved and smashed it violently. No car can hold it.

The purpose of smashing these cars is simple, that is, they are afraid that kidnappers will drive to catch them.

After smashing them, I saw that these two cars hadn’t left. I thought about it and didn’t say any more. Anyway, what I said will be forgotten in a while. The desire to survive will make them realize the current situation. Escaped.

And he, after shrinking the barbell and holding it in his hand, ran towards Wu Ji.

Worry about these two Big Uncles!

Although more than a dozen drones take off with explosives are very impressive, and they seem to have suppressed the scene, but the more you do this, the more you feel uneasy. If you fight together, go back by yourself How to explain.

As for his future father-in-law, Meng Fan is not very worried. He has knocked out two secret whistle on the road into the village, and there is basically no who will stop outside the village. Their. Moreover, the vehicles were smashed, and the kidnappers could not catch up with their legs. Even if the roads here are all dirt roads, the speed of the vehicles must be far faster than running.


Meng Fan remembered that there were a few motorcycles parked on the other side of the bamboo building, and decided to go over and smash it first.

Before I had time to smash it, I met Mr. Zhi and the others, the gentleman who came back. Meng Fan touched it, just in time to hear Mr. Zhi and the Little Old Man say that they would abandon the brave boss. In the dialogue, they also said that people should shoot down the drone to make the confusion over there.

“It’s so dirty!”

Meng Fan has always lived in a relatively good environment since he was a child. The dark side is rarely seen until he encounters the hijacking incident at the time of rebirth. After the rebirth, the timeline shrank and merged before the rebirth and experienced another hijacking, further understanding the dark side of this World.

For this reason, since he entered the village this time, he didn’t start lightly-of course, his fighting experience also made him bolder and more decisive.

And this conversation between the two obviously refreshed Meng Fan’s understanding of the dark side.

As for whether this “contradiction” between Mr. Zhi and Boss Yong is of use value, Meng Fan gave up after a little thought.

Do you use their dog to bite your dog for infighting?

Too much trouble, and there may be accidents.

With absolute strength in his hand, Meng Fan does not plan to play that many bends.

Waiting for these people to enter the bamboo house, Meng Fan followed in and quietly closed the door.

Little Old Man asked people to gather the rest of the people inside and outside the bamboo house and prepare to leave. Meng Fan didn’t stop it. It would be best to wait for them all to gather.

Then Mr. Zhi and the others went to the innermost part of the bamboo house and found that the guardians were all lying on the ground, that the locks were broken, and that the detained antique dealers were gone.

Mr. Chi yelled angrily: “Where is the person?”

The people on the side are all stunned. How do we know!

Meng Fan, who was close to them, gave the answer.

The number of people is neither too large nor too small. Meng Fan spent three seconds before and after.

Of course, the barbell at this time must not be as heavy as fifty kg.

Retrieving the box containing the sapphire double dragon moire from Little Old Man, Meng Fan gathered the guns, knives and so on of these people together and smashed them all.

Out of the bamboo house again, Meng Fan ran towards Wu Ji.

The bald kidnappers and Wu Ji are still confronting each other, and the bald heads look to the bamboo house from time to time, expressing a little anxiously waiting for people to be brought out there quickly.

Wu Ji and the others are also anxious, hoping that Wu Zihuan will come out soon and end this troublesome “deal” sooner.

It feels uncomfortable to feel tight.

Compared to this, playing MMA is nothing if you encounter a strong opponent.

Meng Fan’s side soon came behind the bald kidnappers and the others, and the live broadcast assistant had already helped him lock down some of these people who had guns.

Touched one, before the first one fell down, Meng Fan found the second one, and another one. After a while, the gunners were dealt with, and all their guns were collected. .

“Oh my God!”

“What’s going on?”

“Who, who is it?”

Soon , The crowd became confused. Not only were drones with explosives shrouded in their heads, they were also shrouded in strangeness.

What this person says is down!

Also, there was a silhouette flashing by just now, why is it gone!

Don’t talk about them, even Wu Ji and Wu Yuandi were shocked.

After confirming that the guns were taken away, Meng Fan took off his hat and shouted to Wu Jiji: “Hurry up and take the drone back!”

Meng Fan is worried Wu Yuandi accidentally dropped the explosive over there!

Everything else is OK for him, even if someone shoots, Meng Fan is confident that he can hide behind the hat that makes the sense of existence disappear, but the explosives are different, the range attack!

“Meng Fan!”

Wu Ji was surprised and delighted when he saw Meng Fan suddenly appear!

In the course of the game and confrontation just now, Wu Ji nervously completely forgot the existence of Meng Fan-at least in his opinion.

At this time, all the memories flooded out.

Yes, Meng Fan has also come to Siam, and he told himself that he would follow in secret.

It’s just that Wu Ji didn’t expect Meng Fan to follow here directly, and suddenly appeared among the kidnappers, and efficiently collected all the guns in the kidnappers.

“Kneel down!”

Meng Fan took the collected gun and pointed at the group of kidnappers. He immediately fell to his knees. Hesitating, Meng Fan was just one. The butt went over.

very good!

Wu Ji finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Not good!

At this moment, a drone on top of this group of people suddenly swayed, and the diagonal line fell down, just at Meng Fan.

Damn presence!

It’s not a weird thing that drones fall out of balance, even more how Wu Yuandi’s batch of drones was temporarily bought for program adaptation. The performance is definitely not the highest, and it’s still flying on it. so long!

If a drone falls, there is no doubt that the target will be Meng Fan.


Of course, Meng Fan has to run, but he threw a pistol in his hand while running, and banged the pistol on the drone. The force was so powerful that he lifted it to a certain height. Then it fell.

The landing position is actually not far from where Meng Fan originally stood, but after being blocked, it gave Meng Fan more time to escape.

When he felt like he was about to fall to the ground, Meng Fan was even more a swoop, and finally tried to get himself further away from the bomb.


Fiercely hit the ground, holding his head.

However, there was an explosion sound from behind not at all.

Meng Fan stood up again in confusion. Could it be that explosives are controllable and won’t explode if they fall?

At this time, Wu Ji’s voice came: “That, this is fake. How can there be that many explosives!”


Meng Fan stood up, embarrassed and wanted to hit someone: “What is special about you is to scare them with these fakes? If there are any people who are not afraid of death, you are not afraid of the cold!”

As well as the one who ran because of the explosive falling down, all looked towards Wu Ji, especially the bald-headed boss, who became angry.

“Fake? Do you dare to swindle me!”

The bald head is very close to Wu Ji, clenched the teeth directly rushed over to win Wu Jidang hostage.

Wu Ji had a stomachache a long time ago. He removed the fake detonator on his waist and lost the fake gun in his hand. He greeted him, leaped high and hit his knee. Bald his chest, hit it on the ground, wrapped his arms around his neck, and a guillotine came directly!

Explosives are fake, but the ability is real!

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