“Finally it’s a holiday!”

Meng Cailan, who finished all the high school sophomore courses, went down out of the dormitory with a suitcase, and waited for a while, her mother The car came, and besides her mother came to pick her home, Meng Caihui, who had finished the high school entrance examination early, also came.

“Why are you here? Didn’t you go to the Shanghai stock market first?”

“This isn’t waiting for you. My mother said I would be late, so I can only wait for you I went.”

“What I said, I don’t want to go out alone!”

“Who said I didn’t dare to go out alone! My fourth aunt also said to talk to my mother. They go together, I’m leaving ahead of time. You can’t be alone.”

Meng Cailan’s mother looked at putting the suitcase in the trunk and said with a smile to the two of them: “Okay. , There was time to quarrel on this road.”

After the two got on the bus, they drove directly to the train station.

The two girls are going to the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Meng Caiwei to meet, and then go to Kyoto together. If they are adults, they will be late, almost the day before the opening ceremony. There is still some time before the Kyoto Olympics.

In the car, Meng Cailan’s mother gave a few instructions and didn’t say much. These two little girls have gone out quite a few times. If someone comes to pick you up, you don’t have to worry about safety issues. There are not many things to bring. Basically, I bought them there. I only asked to take the ticket and ID card.

This time, the old Meng Family of the Kyoto Olympics was almost the whole family. Meng Caiwei took Meng Cailan and Meng Caihui in the first batch, mainly because these two little girls are on vacation. I want to go to play in advance. Meng Caiju will take Little South Mountain to find them. Meng Caihe and Meng Cailian will fly over at any time…For accommodation, Meng Caiwei, Meng Cailian and Wu Tong had already booked them when they went there on May 1st. Yes, the tickets and so on, not to mention, Meng Cailian bought it a long time ago. Before Meng Fan won the first Olympic ticket, he bought all the tickets for the three venues.

The adults will pass by before the opening of the Olympic Games. The only one who is not sure if he can go to talk about Meng Caitang is currently participating in any scientific research projects in the United States, and everyone else will go.

The Olympic Games is a major event for the old Meng Family. In the past, people from the old Meng Family participated in the TV show at most. This time, people from the old Meng Family participated in the competition, so they will naturally be watched live. Money is not a problem. Time is squeezed. There is nothing more important this year than watching the Olympics.

Old Wu Family also visited the Olympics this time. Most of the second rooms where Wu Tong is located have gone to a team of more than a dozen people.

In July, the Academy of Fine Arts also has a holiday. Zhang Zhouwei returned home after a holiday and then came back soon. The Academy of Fine Arts was on holiday, but Damei Studio did not have a holiday. Zhang Zhouwei is definitely going to stay with Wang Yanan. Of course, it is also convenient for her to supervise herself to review and prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. Well, I’m used to being taken care of, and I feel uncomfortable going home for a few days.

Chen Daqiang has not returned home after the holiday. He still has a lot of work to do. Chen Daqiang is also a very hard person. In addition to the post-comic work assigned to him by Meng Fan, there are other Taking over other jobs overflowing from the studio, the family is not short of food and drink, but the conditions are quite good. He wants to eat in the anime industry, and the innate talent is not too high, so he forces himself to work hard the day after tomorrow.

Xing Tage’s home is near Hangzhou, and he basically didn’t go back this summer. The main reason is definitely not going to the studio, but a “problem” in his emotional life. After the boxing girls were together, Xing Tage hasn’t changed girlfriends for half a year. This is an incredible thing for Zhang Zhouwei and the others. He even thought that Xing Tage was relieved or subdued.

“I’m going to Neon!”

At noon, during a meal at Damei Studio, Xing Tage stated his plan. First, he went to see Meng Fan. The second is to give myself some time to reset my feelings for boxing girls. This period of time was very enjoyable and tormenting for him. For the first time, he found that he was a little confused, so he had to calmly think about what happened to him.

Zhang Zhouwei was also there. He looked up at Xing Tage and asked: “Can you get the tickets?”

Xing Tage said: “I checked, I bought the opening ceremony and Judo. No, there are channels for you to buy Yellow Ox tickets for wrestling and weightlifting.”

“Neon also has Yellow Ox?”

“It is said that it is because Fatty Meng determined that he was qualified. The rest of the tickets for wrestling and weightlifting are all cleared up.”

“I wipe, Huaxia Yellow Ox has gone to the neon! Niuban!”

“You, Do you want to go?”

What else Zhang Zhouwei wanted to say, Chen Daqiang squinted, and said to Xing Tage: “I will go with my surroundings. Tickets are available. Meng Fat sent it, including the opening ceremony. There are two sets for each of the three of us. However, we are going to be late. I guess we will miss the opening ceremony and arrive the day before the Meng Fat competition. Do you want to go early or come with us?”

” Us?”

“Are you not taking your girlfriend with you?”

“…I guess she has no time, right.”

Xing Tage shook the head and prepared to take only one set of tickets. As for whether to go to the opening ceremony, think about it, let’s go, go early and calm down early. Anyway, he has nothing to do, unlike Zhang Zhouwei and Chen Daqiang. Be busy.

While she was talking, the boxing girl called over, her voice was full of excitement: “My friend, there are two sets of Olympic tickets, she has something to go to, I am going to buy it. Let’s go together! I’ll accompany you to watch your Meng Fat competition!”


Xing Tage breathed a long sigh and smiled wryly Then he took the remaining set and said to the other end of the phone: “No need to buy, I have two sets of tickets.”

Zhang Zhouwei and Chen Daqiang met and looked at each other. With quick eye contact, the two of them are familiar with Xing Tage. The rhetoric and words flickered just now, and now they look like this again. It seems that this boxing girl really has a set!

For Qin Jiao, although I also got two sets of tickets, I was not ready to go. After all, the studio had to operate, so I gave the tickets to Yan Xixi and Pingtou, who was certified by the speed of light after the marriage proposal. The young couple will go early, as a honeymoon trip after obtaining the certificate.

Of course, things that go against one’s wishes often happen. These young couples went to spend their honeymoon early, but they hanged their tails—everything is positive, only updates can be delayed. .

Fortunately, the tail of the sleepy master slipped away by himself shortly after arriving at Neon, and he went to collect his writing style full of assistance.

On July 10, less than half a month before the opening of the Kyoto Olympics, the whole of Kyoto has been filled with the Olympic atmosphere. The sleepy master slipped from the Olympic atmosphere to the night of Kabukicho in Shinjuku. The lights feasted, and the sleepy master felt that the air in this block was as “sporty” as the outside. After visiting several impossible comic shops in China, I went to experience the neon customs and culture again, and when I came out, I was full of faces.

Starting from this day, the special Olympic planes of the China Olympic Legion also began to arrive at Neon. Meng Fan arrived on the 11th and stayed in the Kyoto Olympic Village with the team members. I learned from some old team members. The specifications of the Kyoto Olympic Village this time are still good, much better than last time in Rio.

After checking in, the team leader will issue a variety of cards and cards to ensure that there is no trouble in getting in and out and training. There must be reporters everywhere. After receiving a wave of interviews and filming, the reporter left, and the team leader brought the next training and the row familiar with the venue.

Management must be strict. After all, the people present represent the image of the country when they travel for the country. The probability of going out is very small and they need to go through various cumbersome applications. It’s a little more convenient if you travel in groups. This is also related to the management of each National Team. Some National Teams are very free to come and go.

On the 13th, the wrestling team arranged for the first round of venue adaptation training. The venue is the Kyoto International Exhibition Hall A in Ariake, Koto District, and the next hall B is the venue for fencing and taekwondo. The Olympic Village is in the central district, and the two districts are connected.

In addition, Meng Fan’s Judo arena is located in the neon Martial Dao Hall in Chiyoda District, which is also the neon Judo Holy Land, and the weightlifting is at the Kyoto International Forum Building in Chiyoda District. The distance between the two venues is It’s not very far, nor is it very far from the Olympic Village.

In terms of distance, Meng Fan doesn’t need to run too far, and he can deal with it when the competition is intensive.

China Wrestling didn’t have much time to familiarize themselves with the venue for the first round. It only took half an hour. The pre-match training in a few days may be a little longer, but it is estimated that it will not be much longer. There are also players from other countries who arranged to get acquainted with the venue. Meng Fan also met some acquaintances, such as last year’s World Championship champion Turkish star Kayaop, Uzbekistan star Dusmarov, and Iran star star Kasim Rosta Meters and the others.

Many of them greeted Meng Fan enthusiastically. After all, they have no temper. I hope to meet them later. I will meet them. As long as the probability of winning is zero, the only thing that can be won. That is to “live” longer.

“Meng! Are you going to go out to play at night?”

A small country player was very enthusiastic next to Meng Fan, and the faint eyebrows jumped out of a lot of fun.

Meng Fan only thought that he couldn’t understand anything, shook the head and spread his hands.


He remembered the management of the Huaxia team, so he gave Meng Fan a pitiful look,

As the Olympics approached More and more Olympic delegations come to Kyoto, and there are some lace news from time to time. Of course, you can’t tell others about legal consumption. In comparison, Kyoto is actually pretty good, like 16 years. The amount of TT used in the Rio Olympic Village is called scary.

The time before the next Olympic Games is a bit busy for Meng Fan. Compared with other athletes, he is much busy. Almost every day he has to leave the Olympic Village to go to the competition venue or get familiar with the venue or before the competition. Training, after all, there are three big events and five small events to play, the three of which are still separate.

One round after another, the three venues and the Olympic Village will spin in a row.

During the period, Meng Fan also met an acquaintance at the Judo stadium, not an athlete, but the flight attendant Minako Sakurai who met in Lion City.

She is a volunteer in the neon Martial Dao hall of Judo competition venue. She has temporarily put aside her job as a stewardess three months ago and successfully applied to become an Olympic volunteer. With her looks and work experience, she has become a volunteer It’s not a difficult task. Of course, compared to other venues, the volunteers of the Neon Martial Dao Pavilion are difficult, after all, this is the “quintessence of the nation” of Neon.

In addition, she was also a volunteer for the opening ceremony.

Meng Fan also heard an embarrassing news from Minako Sakurai. Shino Shibuya committed suicide. It was the fiancee of Shota Takashima, one of the robbers, and that was the one for Shota Takashima. Among the women wearing green hats is Hideo Ohno, the deputy captain of the same flight. After Shota Takashima was arrested, he told Sakurai Minako that he actually loved Shota Takashima.

Sakurai Minako said that after the Lion City incident, Hideo Ohno began to avoid Shibuya Shino, but after a period of time, the two got together again. About a month ago, Shibuya Shino killed Hideo Ohno and committed suicide.

Is this because Hideo Ohno avoided Shibuya Shino again, or because Shibuya Shino prepared to kill Hideo Ohno to “retaliate” at first, the police cannot know the answer, and there is no conclusive evidence. , And Sakurai Minako thinks the latter’s probability is very large, because she still remembers the expression when Shibuya Shino said that she loved Shota Takashima very much.

For the follow-up of the hijacking incident, Meng Fan couldn’t think of anything. After listening to it, the whole person was a little confused, was scared and thundered.

At first, Shino Shibuya thought that Shota Takashima would hijack the plane because of her cheating, so after Shota Takashima was sentenced to death, she killed her derailed lover and then committed suicide.” Atonement”?

This relationship is obviously beyond the range of Meng Fan’s imagination.


Meng Fan sighed for a long time, letting out his depressed, bad and complicated mood.

Sakurai Minako let out a long sigh of relief, and then immediately reacted and said to Meng Fan with a look of regret: “Sorry, I shouldn’t have told you about this, at least You shouldn’t tell you before you finish the game. It’s just…”

Meng Fan patted her shoulder, he can see that this incident must have a great impact on Sakurai Minako. , I could feel that she held back for a long time, smiled, and said with relief: “I’m fine, I just hope you won’t be affected by this incident.”

I wanted to take a few more words of relief, but Meng Fan is really not a comforter.

Sakurai Minako nodded and fisted at Meng Fan: “Meng Fan, come on!”

In the blink of an eye, it was the 22nd, and there were only 48 left before the opening of the Olympic Games. In less than an hour, on the evening of the 22nd, Meng Fan received a call from Wu Tong and the others, saying that they were all here, and Meng Fan could still hear Mother and the others on the phone.

Just after answering the call, Meng Fan heard the knock on the door, opened the door and took a look. He raised the two directors of the Shuttle Center, Zhou Xiong. The two directors’ faces were full of excitement and joy, staring at Meng. It took a long time for Fan chuckled to tell Meng Fan: “The delegation has arranged an important task for you, and you will be the standard bearer of the opening ceremony of the China Olympic delegation!”

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