“Another ten kilometers?”

Wu Tong quickly scoured more than 6 kilometers, keeping the pace per kilometer within 6 minutes, see Meng Fan finish , And slowly slowed down.

Meng Fan panted and nodded, whirring like a bellows.

“You are really…convinced!”

Wu Tong walked forward three steps with his long legs, and backed two steps, keeping side by side with Meng Fan , Long inhale and long exhale to adjust your breathing, rhythmically tap your body with your hands to relieve muscle soreness.

The breathing returned to an inaudible normal state soon, which made Meng Fan feel a little regretful.

“Is it really okay for your knees to run like this?”

Wu Tong still thinks this is very unscientific, and it is gradually becoming familiar, perhaps because he mentioned the older family at home that day After the things about and younger brothers, talking about other things seems relaxed and natural.

“It’s too late. I think it’s better to combine work and rest. You can run every day, but you should run less every one or two times. Or you can combine running with physical training and alternate parts , It’s healthier, more scientific, and more effective.” He was so skinny, “Learn more about fitness swimming.”

Meng Fan grinned, still panting, and said with difficulty:” Well, I will pay attention.”

Sports injury is indeed a thing that cannot be ignored, but Meng Fan used the most scientific warm-up, walking posture, stretching, plus black technology running shoes and guiding The aid of sweat belts can minimize the damage.

As for the rotation of other fitness methods, Meng Fan has thought that aerobic and anaerobic combination is indeed more effective, but Meng Fan is lazy!

Running is a task that is holding him, otherwise, even if he is determined to lose weight after rebirth, it will definitely be three days of fishing and two days of surfing the net.

If you switch to other methods, you will definitely not have enough perseverance.

Of course, Meng Fan also thought that trying other sports might trigger related tasks, but he really did not dare to think about more tasks for the time being. The current physical fitness is enough to handle one run. Can’t stand the toss of other sports.

In case it is triggered, it’s better not to try.

Furthermore, Meng Fan really doesn’t think that the combination of other methods can really catch up with this after running 20 kilometers a day.

But he said: “The effect is really not very good. After running these days, my physical fitness must have improved a lot, but I found that it did not seem to be reduced.”

Although it hasn’t been on the scale, Meng Fan is very clear in his heart. The fat on his belly has been reduced a few times.

“Do you think this has something to do with eating?” Scheming boyMeng Fan asked with a distressed expression, “I run more and eat more, I want to find some scientific and reasonable healthy diet. There is no way to confirm whether it is health science. Do you have any suggestions?”

Hehe, the black technology running shoes also come with the most scientific nutritional intake plan, which is based entirely on his current physical condition.

So against my heart, I can’t think of Xiao Jiujiu in my heart.

“Diet is very important. Although there is a saying that letting go of running is to let go of eating, if you really want to lose fat and weight, you have to control your mouth.” Wu Tong I’m young, I don’t need to take three steps and two steps back to maintain a speed comparable to Meng Fan. “I have a big brother who is a sports nutritionist. I will ask him.”

“Is it true , That’s troublesome!” Meng Fan was very happy to see that there were a lot of follow-up interactions after the topic was thrown out, and then he looked bitter, “Well, won’t let me eat, or eat very much Something unpalatable, right?”

“Choose one of the unpalatable and ugly.”

Although Wu Tong knows that Meng Fan is playing tricks, he is still very serious. “Actually, to be honest, your facial features all look good on their own, but they are squeezed too much by fat. If you lose weight…” I looked at Meng Fan up and down again, and said very pertinently,” It won’t be ugly. Adding your height will add points.”

Wu Tong said that he suddenly became interested, that is, he wanted to see a player with a tonnage like Meng Fan How thin can be and the before and after comparison after weight loss.

This should be a very interesting and positive thing!

“Are you complimenting me or demeaning me? What kind of squeeze is too much, what is not ugly!” Meng Fan was accepted in his heart, but still expressed his dissatisfaction with the related terms. In particular, a serious topic came to sublimation, “heng en, I feel that the appearance change is second, and the most important thing is health and the positive attitude towards life.”


Wu Tong walked out of the runway and stretched to the side, suppressing his urge to roll his eyes.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Wu Tong sent a large piece of information. The title is “Sports Nutrition and Diet Guidance for Patients with Severe Obesity”, and another paragraph is attached with special care. “Scientific Training Guidance for Fat Loss and Weight Loss in Exercise for Patients with Severe Obesity”.

If you don’t read the content, the title alone can make you lose two pounds.

Although there is enough scientific guidance in the black technology running shoes, Meng Fan has read it again, if Wu Tong asks it, it makes sense.

As for eating, Meng Fan is still more willing to follow the minimum standard guidelines given by black technology running shoes and eat less oil and salt normally.

This is relatively simple and suitable for him.

As for sports training, running is the main thing, and people like it everywhere.

The 9:30 section of “The Law of Animation Movement”, when it was put on balance, Meng Fan was able to escape or escape, now, hehe really dare not escape, obediently and honestly arrived on time, I picked one Very far to the front and not very far to the back. Take out the textbooks, pen and paper, no matter what the Teacher says, look up at the Teacher every two minutes, and then lower your head to continue drawing.

After a class, Meng Fan found that the Teacher on the stage had looked at himself at least ten times, or he had stayed for a second. This is not because of high school, otherwise Meng Fan feels that the probability of being called up to answer the question is 100%, and more than three times.

Before the end of get out of class, the [illustrator] task has drawn a total of 260 pictures, and the gap between the 500 pictures required by the third process is not particularly large.

After painting so many pictures, apart from the attribute painting skills awarded by the system, Meng Fan can also clearly realize that his painting skills still have “natural growth” in such a short time. of.

After class, Meng Fan went directly to Songcheng. Now that he decided to brush his presence, he naturally had to choose the most suitable place to brush his points.

When you arrive in Songcheng, you will find food first, hold the food with one hand, give a thumbs-up to the passing tourists with one hand, and release your hands after eating.

“Look, look, that fatty brother is here again!”

“Do you know, I got a fatty on a certain sound yesterday, brother danced upstairs in our city gate The video of, millions of likes!”

“I saw it too, didn’t expect some tourists to take it and send it out.”

“Do you want to How can the hydrangea hit him and let him come up?”

“Are you sure he still wants to dance after he comes up?”

“Do you give me praise if you don’t see him meet people? I definitely want to, otherwise how could I be here again today! Maybe, this fatty brother just wants to be hot!”

The actor outside the king usually doesn’t like having someone who he can’t control comes on stage. , But after weighing it, he still felt that he could get out of control once, and made a decision: “I think it is possible! Xiaochun, it’s up to you.”

The actor who played Wang Young Lady nodded confidently and threw the hydrangea ball. I have been doing work for three years, and whoever wants to smash it doesn’t have the final say, even more how this fatty target area is so large.

Leave you.

The hydrangea ran a beautiful arc towards Meng Fan.

Meng Fan has naturally noticed the hydrangea. Originally, he wanted to find a way to compete. Didn’t expect the hydrangea rushed directly to him, and immediately threw his hands away, with a range of two meters. It became a no-man’s land.

Catch it!

Isn’t I avoiding myself when I finished the dance yesterday? Why is it so powerful today? Could it be that Wang Young Lady has changed?

Without Jiading leading the way, Meng Fan went by himself.

There seems to be more people today than yesterday, and I have to go out more than a hundred times.

It’s all experience!

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