
Meng Fan still has no cracking a joke. He appeared on the stage and raised it. Although everyone saw Meng Fan’s Three trial lifts of 282kg are no longer as easy to lift as before—yes, even the move that reached the five hundred mark before, now seems easy to think about it—but it is still lifted.

After squatting down, Meng Fan slowly stood up and slowly pushed the barbell to the highest level. Everyone could see that Meng Fan was struggling.

It’s amazing to say that Meng Fan raised this 282 to push the total score to 515. What everyone cares about is no longer how terrifying the score is. Instead, the focus is on ” Meng Fan was finally struggling” above.

Yeah, it finally seems to be struggling!

If you don’t even have to weigh such a weight, it would make you wonder how to do it.

The five-hundred breakthrough level has also been raised to 515, so it’s time to give the bottom line!

After this third attempt by Meng Fan, the competition is finally over, and all the weightlifting competitions of the Olympic Games are also over.

The Olympic weightlifting event ended in such a miracle. This is no longer a perfect ending or a perfect curtain call, but it should be remembered by the world forever!

This game will definitely be the most famous and most exciting in weightlifting history, and Meng Fan is bound to become the most legendary and greatest in weightlifting history.

No one!

The next process is more step-by-step, accepting awards, raising the national flag, singing the national anthem, and crying.

“Fourth gold medal!”

The commentary of Zhou Yingjie Teacher’s scene is still very comfortable-although the voice has been distracted several times, it is at least enjoyable. It’s not like the previous competitions were over without even introducing their opponents-when the awards were presented, the voice again diverged: “This is the fourth gold medal Meng Fan won at this Olympics! Four gold medals in a single Olympic Games He surpassed the three gold medals of Li Ning and Zou Kai, and became the athlete who won the most gold medals in a single Olympic Games in the history of China. He also became the athlete who won the third most gold medals in a single Olympic Games in the history of the Olympic Games, second only to flying fish. Eight in a single session, five in a single session by Parrumi and Nedonadi! “

“At the same time, he is also the first athlete in human history to win Olympic gold medals across three events!”

“…This is the end of the game commentary. Thank you all for your company, and thank Meng Fan for the wonderful game! Let’s see you tomorrow in the men’s freestyle wrestling arena At that time, Meng Fan will also participate in his fifth event, men’s 130kg freestyle wrestling. I wish Meng Fan a good result! Goodbye!”

After the broadcast of Zhou Yingjie Teacher, I will go first. A trip to the toilet, this game is really exciting!

After the awards ceremony, after Meng Fan stepped down, he ran towards the auditorium again, and under the auditorium, he held the gold medal raised high and handed it to Wu Tong, speaking in his mouth. It’s just that the sound here is too loud. Wu Tong above sounds not quite clear, but it probably means he knows for sure.

Wu Tong took the gold medal with a happy smile, looked carefully, looked and watched, then passed the gold medal to others, but no one else took it, let her Take it yourself.

Of course everyone in Wu Family knows Wu Tong’s birthday, and Meng Family must also know it at this time.

No wonder.

The first piece of gold medal Meng Fan was handed to Little South Mountain first, the second piece was handed to parents first, and the third piece was handed to Meng Caiwei first, thinking that Meng Fan was a transfer I’m not showing my affection anymore, didn’t expect to wait here!

This gold medal is “engraved” with Wu Tong’s birthday date!

Are there any birthday gifts that are more meaningful than this?

Below the auditorium, reporters from Yangwu are already waiting.

The reporter was as excited as before. After congratulating, he also asked a question that everyone cares about: “Meng Fan, is there any point in the final weighting of the clean and jerk? Or 515 This total score is meaningful to you?”

Meng Fan turned his head and glanced at Wu Tong, and then said with a smile to the reporter: “Yes, the number of 515 is a lot for me A very meaningful number. Because my girlfriend Wu Tong’s birthday is May 15th. This year because I am preparing for the Olympics, I have no time to celebrate her birthday, nor give her a birthday gift. Therefore, the total score of breakthrough 500 After that, I wanted to try to raise the total score to the same number as her birthday date, and then give her the gold medal as a birthday gift. I hope she can like this birthday gift that has been so late for so long.”

After the reporter understood this reason, he was confused. The audience who sat in front of the TV and waited for Meng Fan’s interview session also received a crit of Olympic dog food!

It’s so capricious and talented people would think of this. Athletes can give an Olympic gold medal to their loved ones or their loved ones. Linked with the birthday date!

No, not only that.

This is just to “engrave” my girlfriend’s birthday date on the gold medal, but to write her girlfriend’s name and birthday in the weightlifting history!

From this moment on, as long as someone mentions the highest weightlifting record, they should immediately think of Wu Tong. At least the domestic audience must be like this.

Moreover, this time may be maintained for a long time. At least, from the current point of view, no one in the world except Meng Fan can break this record.

In other words, if Meng Fan does not break, this record may be retained for more than ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years!

After all, before Meng Fan, the five hundred mark was considered to be a lifetime series.

If you love her, write her birthday in history!

This crit of Olympic dog food, it is simply!

“…I think she will like it.” The reporter couldn’t help being curious and asked, “Then, if your girlfriend’s birthday is on May 20 Even in June? Will you continue to get worse?”

Meng Fan smiled without saying a word, he would appear proud to answer this question, and Meng Fan’s attitude has always been humble.

When the reporter saw this, he had to say: “Then what else do you want to tell the audience?”

Meng Fan smiled and said, “See you tomorrow.”

The reporter was taken aback, what about today’s “humility”?


From Meng Fan’s grabbing 233 to the clean and jerk competition, to the award ceremony and this post-match interview, the domestic Internet is getting more and more lively. The number of topics about #Meng Fan 举重# has always been the hottest topic. As soon as the interview clips came out, it became more lively and related hot topics appeared again.

#Meng Fan 朋友#

Compared with Meng Fan, Wu Tong’s popularity is definitely much worse. There must be many people on the Internet who don’t know the most beautiful repair. Painter, so I immediately went to search and discuss Meng Fan’s girlfriend.

# Birthday 515# This new topic also quickly appeared on the hot topic. In addition to those who come to eat dog food, it is interesting that many people say that they have their birthday on the same day, and half of them are proud of themselves. It is also the same birthday, half of which is feeling the gap between each other, which can be regarded as “incomparable”.

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