When the signing started, there were more than two thousand people in line at the door; when the signing started nearly an hour, there were at least five thousand people in line at the door.

More than 800 people have been signed for sale, 500 people entered the venue, and 5,000 people lined up.

That number is scary enough!

The concept of five thousand people can already support a medium-sized concert!

By ten o’clock, Meng Fan had already signed for nearly two thousand people, and 500 people entered the venue. At least five thousand people lined up outside.

On this figure, the comic book signing record has been refreshed. If more than two thousand people are added, it will be the size of a concert for 10,000 people!

Because the number of people in the line cannot be reduced, the venue can only make a decision to let all the people in the line enter the venue from the other door and sit on the auditorium. After a while, the attendance rate of the Neon Martial Dao Hall will be nearly half. Although there is still a gap between the scene and the Olympic venue, the enthusiasm is not bad.

The media moved when they heard the news. Both Neon and China Media originally sent teams to shoot and interview-Interview Fanfan. Later foreign media also came, and there were a lot of them, some major foreign media. Basically, the group sent a team, while the small one sent a photographer and a reporter. No matter how bad, it was a reporter who used his mobile phone or small photography equipment to shoot.

Of course, the fastest and most widely spread is from these comic fans “self-media”, whether it is China or the neon network, there are related Meng Fan comic signing event. Popular.

In addition, taking advantage of the east wind of this Olympics, Meng Fan will not say how many people will come to this signing event. Anyway, the whole world knows it, and it has become at least more than 30 countries. Front page news.

As a result, in Kyoto and even Neon, there has been a wave of buying the booklet of “The Strange Man in the Mountains”.

The first print of the first booklet of “The Wonders of Mountains and Seas” is 200,000 copies. Except for the 10,000 copies that were shipped to the Neon Martial Dao Pavilion, the remaining 190,000 copies were sent to all parts of the country By ten o’clock in the morning, the stocks of many physical stores began to rush, especially comic houses and bookstores in the Kyoto area.

As for the neon Martial Dao pavilion, as early as 9 o’clock, it started to mobilize inventory from other places. There are still many comic fans, although they still buy under the premise of only signing one. More than one copy, including some Chinese people who have bought the Chinese-language booklet.

In addition, the reprinting of Kodansha also came out-last night, when I saw that the formation was “not right,” Kodansha immediately printed 100,000 copies, and now there is another printing Printed, and mobilized the Duojia printing plant to rush the production. The 400,000 copies can be shipped to all parts of the country before 5 pm.

In a blink of an eye, the signing of the Neon Martial Dao Pavilion has progressed for nearly four hours, and the number of Meng Fan signings has exceeded 3,500. At this time, the attendance rate of the Neon Martial Dao Pavilion But it has reached 60%, which means that even after signing so many people, there are more people in line than before, exceeding 6000 people!

If you count the five hundred people who get on and off the seats and line up, there are ten thousand people!

Ten thousand people signing event?

This is really scary!

Where did so many people come from?

In addition to tourists from all over the world who watch the Olympic Games, we don’t count the lively Chinese people. The most important thing is neon comics.

Too many, too many, come from seeing timely reports. They all know that Meng Fan’s signing is very fast, and they are queuing in the neon Martial Dao hall-neon Martial Dao Pavilion is the Holy Land of many neon people. Although there is a little fee for the ticket in addition to the purchase of books (most of the signing events are like this), the price is lower than the usual admission ticket For the cost, the tickets are not expensive and you can see Meng Fan. Many people came.

Most of these people have already purchased manga booklets from other bookstores. As long as they can afford to wait, they will get it in turn, and they will run over immediately.

“Have you eaten? What do you want to eat?”

Wu Tong, they watched in the venue for a while and signed for a meal. They came back for almost 1 o’clock. See Meng Fan I was still signing for the sale and asked, I was going to get some food for Meng Fan.

“Anything is okay.”

Meng Fan continued to sign and draw, and smiled in response to Wu Tong. This smile is more beautiful than what he had kept before His smile looked better, and the eyes of the fans waiting for the signing were all staring up.

I thought Meng Fan’s smile just now was the best smile in the world, didn’t expect, didn’t expect, Meng Fan’s smile to Wu Tong was the best in history.

Meng Fan has energy gel to restore his physical strength, but of course he has to eat a little bit if he can eat, and he does not have to pursue the external wind of “continuous signing and even having no time to eat a bite” Comment, besides, Meng Fan really has time.

Wu Tong soon brought a lot of rice balls and other food, not only Meng Fan, but also the staff nearby, although many people have already eaten it.

Meng Fan opened his mouth, and when he stretched out his hand, it was a rice ball. There were more than 20 rice balls in his stomach after a few clicks, which made the fans around him dumbfounded.

This appetite, fuck can only appear in comics!


Just when Meng Fan was eating Zhengxiang, there were a few bellows from the queue waiting for the signature. Meng Fan was taken aback, the people around him were taken aback, and then haha ​​laughed. Up.

“Then I’ll try to be as fast as possible.”

Meng Fan went to one hand to suspend the signing, took the microphone inside the venue, and said via radio: “If you are hungry If you are done, you can go to eat something first. I will ask the staff to give you a number. After eating, you can continue to line up in the original order. That~ mainly because you have too many people, even if I invite you to a rice ball ——I can afford it, and there is nowhere to find that many rice balls.”

Everyone laughed when they heard it. Naturally, there is no such thing as an expert to say that he knows which store can provide so many Rice ball.

When the signings were on sale until 6 o’clock in the afternoon, the number of people in the venues finally began to decrease. Before that, Meng Fan had been signing, and the number of people in line had been increasing. Once it increased to Neon. The Martial Dao Pavilion has a 70% attendance rate. It is important to know that Meng Fan’s rate of signing for one hour has almost reached 1,000 people. The idiom “one grows while one grows” has a completely different meaning here.

“There are still four thousand people in the queue. Shouldn’t the queue be closed?”

The staff came over and once again told Meng Fan of the latest statistics, even though Meng Fan I said that there is no need to limit the queue, but I asked again. It is indeed that Meng Fan’s signing time is not short, and there are too many people signing up. How many are worried that Meng Fan is too tired.

Meng Fan looked up and asked again. Knowing that the number of new queues has been decreasing, he nodded. He has no physical problems, but he is not in this way. The main reason is that I didn’t deliberately want to refresh any records-in fact, many records have been refreshed.

After the news of the deadline was released, everyone naturally didn’t say anything. There are currently more than 4,000 people in the venue. After the signings are out, it is at least ten o’clock in the evening. To be honest, it is a bit late.

After the queue was closed, the Neon Martial Dao Pavilion also had the final statistics. Today, the number of people entering the museum reached 14,233, which also broke the opening of the Neon Martial Dao Pavilion. Ticket sales records since the museum.

The total performance of the Neon Martial Dao Pavilion is 11,000. Even if the concert is full, it will be 11,000. If you increase the number of places, it will increase by less than 13,000. Meng Fan signed the sale It is a “flowing water seat” style.

In addition, the book sales staff of Kodansha here also counted the number of single books sold at the signing event, 56,886 at about 8 o’clock. !

This is because some of the fans who came to sign for sale later have already bought single copies on other sites, otherwise, the number will be even more-many fans buy more than one copy.

Of course, these more than 56,000 books are also the result of Kodansha’s three separate collections from outside. Otherwise, it would have been exhausted.

The signing point of the Neon Martial Dao Pavilion is the priority to mobilize inventory, while the comic houses and bookstores across the country do not have such priority. There are already many stores before six in the afternoon. It was exhausted, and it was not added until the pamphlet printed after 6 o’clock came out.

At 10:30, Meng Fan signed a famous painting to the last man fan. Turning around, there are at least two thousand people in the venue who have received their signatures but did not leave. Waiting Take a final photo with Meng Fan.

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