After the series of imperial capital waves ended, the Olympic athletes began to return to their provincial team, and a series of activities were waiting for them.

Meng Fan is relatively free. Instead of going back to Zhejiang Province first, he came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange and gave the Shanghai stock people a big surprise at the airport, not counting the return of Shanghai athletes. It took half an hour to get into Meng Caiwei’s car after a long journey.


Meng Caihui is also here. After Meng Fan got in the car, he talked to Meng Fan chirp chirp twitter twitter endlessly in the back seat. Among them, I had to tell Meng Fan. It was grandfather who enlarged the picture of Meng Fan shaking hands when he was met in the Great Hall of the People and hung it in the living room of the old mansion, saying that it was a matter of glory.

Meng Fan laughed. It seems that his father Mother had been met before. Can this be a generational relationship?

At Meng Caiwei’s home in Shanghai, many people were already there, including Meng Fan’s parents, other sisters, and Wu Tong’s family.

“I’m hungry!”

The first sentence of Meng Fan entering the door is also very real. After saying hello, he went straight to the table and saw a table full of dishes. , Immediately the corner of his mouth grinned to the back of his head, stretched out his hand and grabbed a leg of the crab and stuffed it in his mouth, muttering that I had eaten first and then I started the gorge oneself of the wind.

A group of people laughed when they watched it. Only the expectant mother-in-law, who looked at Meng Fan the more she liked, wiped her tears: “This child has been crying for more than half a year. I heard that athletes have many things It’s to be taboo, I definitely didn’t eat well!”


Next, Meng Fan spent two days in the Shanghai stock market, basically eating and drinking. Sleeping and sleeping, life is very comfortable. Then I went back to my hometown in Ruicheng, Wenzhou. I stayed there for two days. The days were naturally impossible and comfortable.

Meng Fan grandfather set at least fifty tables in the house, and invited the whole village and all the relatives and friends, and some local leaders. The matter of Guangzong Yaozu is very low-key. In order to make the elderly happy, Meng Fan must take good care of him.

I returned to Hangzhou on August 24. The freshmen of the Academy of Fine Arts have already begun military training, and the old students have begun to return to school. The school has slowly recovered its former vitality in the heat.

“It’s almost a year!”

Meng Fan walked on the way to school alone, couldn’t help feeling very emotional. In more than ten days, he will be the first anniversary of his “rebirth” That day.

A lot of things happened this year. Time seems to be slow, but it is fast.

Think about who you were at that time, and then look at who you are now, the changes are really great.

Just like the title of a hot post about him after the Olympics, “In just one year, from the fat house to the king of hardware-the most gorgeous counterattack in history” is indeed a change. Big.

Of course, many netizens still hold different opinions on the word “counterattack”. After all, everyone knows that Meng Fan has a bunch of “Divine Immortal” at home, even if there is no such change. Can get more moisture than 99% of people on Earth, the term “counterattack” is imprecise, he has never been in adversity.

“Iron God!”

The students of the Academy of Fine Arts in the past naturally recognized Meng Fan and were very happy and excited. The one who brought the painting tube was just to untie it. Take out a pen and paper for Meng Fan to sign.

Meng Fan was naturally responsive, and took the initiative to take photos.

There are still many old students who have met Meng Fan, and they were very excited when they met.

The next bedroom Zhang Heng came to the school early this time to be responsible for the reception of freshmen and to find suitable candidates from the freshmen girls to leave the order smoothly. The person looks quite rough, and he is not like an art student at all. , The character is relatively wild. I was walking around with my cute girl and girlfriend, and introduced interesting things about the school with a big wave of his hand. The laughter was hearty and the manners were generous. As I walked, I saw Meng Fan, his painting style changed drastically, and he ran over with his feet on his feet, yelling, “Fang Meng, hold it high!”

End Just jump in.

Meng Fan laughed and hid in a position, grabbed Zhang Heng, who was about to fall, and said with a smile on his shoulders: “Why did you come to school so early?”

Zhang Heng chuckled and introduced Meng Fan to his girlfriend. Naturally, Meng Fan knew why. After a few small talks, Meng Fan continued to walk inside.

Zhang Heng’s little girlfriend was very excited. Meng Fan didn’t say a word all the time when she was there. It was not until after Meng Fan left that she cried. She cried and made Zhang Heng just come out. I took a photo with Meng Fan and sent it to my Moments—mother. I took a photo with the Olympic champion!

Meng Fan was photographed all the way to Qin Jiao’s office, and then went to the dean’s office with Qin Jiao, and completed some of the “procedures” left in the study, and entered the senior year smoothly. .

The dean must be very happy and proud to see Meng Fan. He is even more happy to have confirmed that Meng Fan will speak at the welcome party.

“Does the gold medal have a belt?”

Qin Jiao did not go to the Olympics because the studio is still very busy during the summer vacation. Meng Fan’s games must be watched Yes, now I want to see the legendary five gold medals.

Meng Fan smiled bitterly: “Well, what am I doing with that stuff? At home.”

“Which home? Hangzhou or Wenzhou?”



“What are you waiting for, get it now!”

“Oh. Then, you have to go to the studio later Do you? You go first, I’ll go and get it.”

“Hurry up, run forward.”

Half an hour later, Meng Fan arrived with five gold medals. At the studio, Ahhh, a member of the studio, yelled again and again, all of whom left Meng Fan and gathered five gold medals. After obtaining Meng Fan’s consent, everyone hung up and took photos.

After a while, Meng Fan talked about business.

“I am going to arrange a few signing meetings next. I want to leave the itinerary to the studio to do it myself. I don’t know if I can appoint someone here.”

Meng Fan’s business this time is related to the signing event. There is an signing event in Neon. There is no reason not to have a few stations in China. This is not purely for selling more comic booklets, more or for The feedback is comical.

Meng Fan’s event arrangement, if it is spread out, it must be picked up by many people, even for free. At least Penguin Animation has unconditional cooperation, and the reason why he wants to hand it over to work To do it in the room is not to worry about others, but to train a team in the studio. In the future, you will not have to worry about and negotiate with yourself for many things.

Meng Fan also said about this reason, and said: “Penguin Animation will also send a professional group to cooperate with you. The first few stations here are mainly to observe and learn, as well as some requirements for me. Check. In addition, I will also find an industry insider who understands this kind of event arrangement to join the group. “

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