Of course Steve recognized Meng Fan. He is also a sports hobbyist. How could he not know the Olympic hardware king, the rumored Asian strongest man, no, it should be Earth is the strongest, but it didn’t expect Meng Fan to be his girlfriend’s younger brother.

Yes, before coming, Meng Caihe never said that her younger brother was Meng Fan, but told Steve that he would take him to see his family.

“Hello, Meng Fan! My Chinese name is Qing Tingli, you can also call me Steve.”

Steve was surprised to see Meng Fan, But it’s not messy at all. I shook hands with Meng Fan. I didn’t panic when talking, and didn’t show any emotions like flattering. Even though my little brother-in-law in the future is very handsome, he is also full of Legendary colors, and it is inevitable to have a feeling for myself. Some natural hostility.

Meng Fan doesn’t like the man in front of him, and it’s impossible to interfere with the emotions of the fourth sister, but even if it’s not the sister’s control, there will be some hostility and scrutiny. Seeing Steve in his own With a calm look in his eyes, he put it away and asked, “Qing Tingli? Is it a pen name? Or did I take it after I met my sister?”

The reason for asking, except for the surname and first name. They are all special, because although the man in front of him is very standard in Mandarin, he is not a Chinese in appearance, at least not a pure Chinese.

Steve smiled and said with Plastic Pu: “Qing is my mother’s surname, my mother’s ancestral home is fulan. I heard that this surname is up to 500,000 people in China.”

Steve was very proud when he said this, and he felt that his surname was more expensive than he knew it was because of his plasticity.

“Well, I’ll call you Steve.”

Although Meng Fan wanted to call this biracial Chinese name, the homophony of the name is really connected with Meng Caihe It was too easy for him to think of a poem. And Steve only said that his father was Qing, and he didn’t say whether his name was taken before or after he met Meng Caihe, so he was even more reluctant to call him Huaxia.

Meng Fan introduced Wu Tong next to him, and then motioned to sit down and start eating.

Meng Caihe briefly introduced how she and Steve met, and then directly said that he was getting the certificate when preparing for New Year’s Day.

The two are not the kind who are ready to flash marriage at first sight. They have known each other for five or six years. Meng Caihe met when he was still in school, but it is not a relationship between a couple, but a friendship of ordinary friends. I have never met once a year. After Meng Caihe chose to become a photographer after graduation, the two talents gradually had more contact.

One year ago, the two suddenly had more contact with each other due to travel and diving. About two months ago, the two came together naturally. After two months, the two felt very comfortable getting along. Although the time together was not long, they recognized each other, including the status of life and work, so they decided to get married.

Meng Caihe’s work nature and personality are very consistent. In the life sequence, freedom is ranked first, and it is not the kind of talk, it is indeed such a life. However, such a person suddenly decided to get married, which surprised Meng Fan. She can only do this not because of her age–Meng Caihe is only one year younger than Meng Caiwei, and two years away from her thirty years–this shows the changes that Steve’s appearance has brought to her, or no What changes.

Meng Fan has also experienced the matter of marrying an elder sister twice. It was the first time that big sister Meng Caiju got married. Meng Fan, who was a child at the time, almost hated her big sister husband, and still regards Tao Dongli as a liar. The second time it was the second sister Meng Cailian who got married. Meng Fan was almost happy, not because he had already gone to high school at that time and he had grown up, but he was just happy to finally marry the female devil.

Even, he also experienced an elder sister divorce, um, the second sister Meng Cailian, who divorced less than a year after getting married. The reason for the divorce is very simple. Her husband must be a full-time wife, but she refused, and found that her husband could not play a role in regulating and buffering the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so she decisively left.

After a meal, Meng Fan has a good impression of Steve, even if Meng Fan has deliberately observed it from the perspective of being very critical and has the ability to observe, it is still good.

Talkative and humorous, not greasy, well-educated, including family education, open-eyed, not the kind of self-confidence that is flamboyant, but very confident.

All in all, good.

Of course, even if Meng Fan is not pleasing to the eye, he is impossible to stop it. It’s just that he is not pleasing to the eye. Meng Caihe is pleasing to the eye.

As for whether this man would lie to himself elder sister ah and so on, Meng Caihe is not a little girl. Looking at the man’s vision, he is estimated to be many times more accurate than Meng Fan.

As for other dog-blood plots, the more impossible appearance is that the more common elder sister brought her boyfriend and the younger brother to meet, and no matter how much, in addition to the younger brother, there are prospective younger brothers and sisters, and the younger brother is a big celebrity.

The only thing that can be said to be accidental is Steve’s attitude towards Meng Fan. He was surprised at the beginning. The following process was not at all at all. The performance was very calm. Getting along with big celebrities is a very common thing.

After eating, Meng Caihe and Steve left. They are from Imperial Capital who flew from abroad. They have already met the big sister family. Later, they also met Meng Caiwei and Meng Cailian in the Shanghai stock market. They will go back to Wen City from Hangzhou to meet their elders and two younger sisters. As for Meng Caitang, he had already met him when he was in Lion City. After they have met, they will register for the certificate and start their honeymoon trip.

The women of the old Meng Family are pretty chic, who dare to love and hate are also free. This is naturally related to the open mind of the elders of the old Meng Family. Like this time, Meng Caihe suddenly took this mixed-race boyfriend home and said that he was going to get married, and he didn’t even put on a banquet for a traveling marriage. According to Meng Fan’s understanding, the eldest mother might say something, and other elders would not have much opinion. Including grandfather grandma.

“Caihe is gone?”

Meng Fan and Wu Tong just sent Meng Caihe back home and Meng Caiwei came. She met Meng Caihe yesterday because I didn’t come to Hangzhou with her temporarily, and now I come back to catch the afternoon class—yes, Meng Caiwei’s course at Zhejiang University has not ended yet.

After the afternoon class, she is about to go abroad, and she will participate in a film festival in Europe with the crew of “Crossing the River”, and she has again nominated the best actress of the film festival , Which is the queen candidate.

Meng Fan nodded, and then smiled and asked: “The fourth sister brought a boyfriend back without saying a word, and got married quickly. How about you, when are you ready to surprise us? “

Meng Caiwei squinted at Meng Fan: “You didn’t have such a big wife before!” She glanced at Wu Tong on the side, said with a smile, “You two get married first.”

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