Entering December, it is a busy month for the entertainment industry as a whole. It is also a month for attracting gold and eye-catching. If you are done well, you will have no worries about food and clothes in the coming year Exposure, various New Year’s Eve parties, company annual meetings, year-end events and other business performances are waiting for them this month.

School 15 is also very busy this month. I picked up three channels for the party alone, one for the live broadcast of the New Year’s Eve party, one for the recorded New Year’s Eve party, and one for the New Year’s Day evening. Party. Apart from this, there are also double twelve performances, Christmas performances, various annual meeting performances, and year-end activities of various big-name companies.

In addition, this month there are two days of variety shows to be recorded. This month, according to the 15th division, it is estimated that the free time will be open, and other things will not be possible.

After the New Year’s Day, I finally got vacant. I accepted the guest invitation from Meng Fan’s concert. Not only that, I had to also serve as the concert music director, and I had to do the concert editor for Meng Fan. Song, it is terrible!

After squinting for a while and waiting for Meng Fan to talk about it, he woke up, Shi Fifteen found that he had been arranged, and looked helpless, after thinking it over, he stretched out a finger: “I have nothing to do Just one request!”

Meng Fan asked: “What?”

Shi XV extended three more fingers.

“Will you stay with you for three nights?”

“…It is also three nights, but it’s nothing else. Stay with me all night. “

“It’s not something else? Ten Fifth Uncle, besides all night, do you think of other things? Ten Fifth Uncle, your thoughts are very dangerous!”

” …Go away!”

Meng Fan is gone, Shi 15 also yawned and went to the Blue Whale TV. In two hours, I have to record the show… .. Well, there are still two hours to sleep or play games for a while, this is a difficult problem.

The Shififteenth team did not leave Hangzhou, and began to call to book some musicians’ time. The concert definitely needs a live band. The Shififteenth team does have a band, but the number of people is not enough to support a concert. Yes, another borrower is needed. In addition, the Meng Fan concert team soon joined a team, that is, Jin Xiaowen’s team, and Jin Xiaowen is also responsible for the arrangement of the music of Meng Fan’s concert.

For other duties such as concert director, someone from the 15th division team can take up. If not, they will be responsible for inviting them.

As for the concert guests, Meng Fan invited five people, Shi Fifteen, Jin Xiaowen, Bai Zhi, Su Qingcen and Tan Jing. Five guests in a concert is definitely a lot, but compared to these days, the number of times that Meng Fan is acting as a concert for others is still quite small. If it is not for worrying about the lack of time for the concert, Meng Fan can make a sing. A platter concert is still a big name.

Inviting five people is actually the result of discussions between Meng Fan and the team. It is mainly that Meng Fan has released an album, plus anime songs and cover songs, which can barely afford a concert. , And the invitation of five concert guests is to remove this “barely” and enrich the content of the entire concert.

Meng Fan has also received many invitations for New Year’s Eve parties and year-end events, and there are also but few business performances at the annual conference. The invitation to the party, it must be singing, Meng Fan did not refuse all, and accepted one, Mango TV. This is not just the high ratings of Mango’s New Year’s Eve party, but also that Teacher He once promised to appear on their live show. This time, Teacher He was on behalf of Mango’s invitation, and Meng Fan did not refuse. .

Of course, the appearance fee given by Mango is still quite high.

Although Mango TV’s New Year’s Eve party has been held for many years, and the ratings are very good. Among several satellite TVs that broadcast the New Year’s Eve party almost every year, it is Almost, in recent years, it has been surpassed by Blue Whale Satellite TV once, and the ratings of several other satellite TVs are also getting closer to Mango TV every year, such as Tomato TV, such as Lychee TV.

If you want to detonate the ratings, you must hire big-name celebrities, and it cannot be one, two or three. You must get together, and you must invite one or more than one with enough weight to come to town. , In order to increase ratings.

Among the domestic celebrities, who has the highest popularity and the largest traffic? This is really hard to say, there is controversy. After all, when traffic is mentioned, there must be water-no water can flow-but who to say It’s definitely Meng Fan that can get the ratings most. There is no dispute.


Many passersby fans!

No matter how much rice ring powder you can have, you can use popularity, popular traffic, click and click various brushes, but the number of online viewers of the live broadcast is not moving, at least not too much.

As for Meng Fan, there are too many passersby fans. Just singing by the Olympic hardware king is enough to attract a large number of passers-by, although Meng Fan has already had the National Day party and the Double Eleven party after the Olympics. I sang on it. The key is that he still sings well, and the more important thing is that he is so good-looking!

After the double eleven party, I saw David staring at Meng Fan early, hey you brat, didn’t you say that you don’t want to do business, it turned out to be okay, so during this time there are endless invitations Xiang Meng Fan brought a lot of appearance fees, and it was even higher than the first time, even higher than the double eleven party.

Competing for Meng Fan has almost become the focus of this year’s New Year’s Eve party by David TV. Whoever gets the competition will have a much higher ratings. This is the consensus of several satellite TVs.

Finally, when the mango flower is in the end, the family is happy and the family is worried.

By the way, the news of Meng Fan’s participation in Mango TV’s New Year’s Eve party has not been released yet-the concert preview and lineup announcement are basically after the 20th-the news of Meng Fan’s concert is in December It came out on the 15th. I said it on the scarf. It announced the concert time, location, ticket purchase method and sale time.

The concert tickets will go on sale at 10 am on December 18th. The ticketing website will sell real-name tickets according to Meng Fan’s request, and one person can buy two tickets at most. To put it bluntly, it is to prevent Yellow Ox from grabbing and hoarding tickets. ticket. Although this certainly can’t stop Yellow Ox’s business, it can at least restrain part of it.

With the popularity of Meng Fan, there is no problem at all if the concert tickets can be bought at super first-tier fares, and the concert is still sold for 10,000 people, so I am not afraid that it will not be sold. However, Meng Fan’s price is not high, equivalent to first-line, and even the fare of first-line singers is a bit short.

There are a total of 8,000 tickets on the ticketing website, and the remaining 4,000 are not sold through the Internet. Some are ready to be sent, and some are ready to be sent by lottery.

At ten o’clock in the morning on the 18th, the ticketing website went on sale, and 8,000 tickets were sold out in 29 seconds.

According to “Meng Fan time”, 10 OKs are less than.

Not long after that, there will be new hot spots on the scarf, not #Meng Fan Concert Tickets29 Second Sell Out#, but #Meng Fan Second Session Concert#.

Of course it is not Meng Fan who announced the second concert, but netizens urging Meng Fan to start the second concert.

Before the comics, albums and so on were sold out, they could be reprinted. If the concert tickets were sold out, it might not be easy to reprint it, and it might not be easy to add a seat, so Meng Fan can only be added. .

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