This kind of qualitative change in the five senses is actually not the five senses themselves, it’s not that they see farther, hear better, smell more detailed, and feel better. Sharpened, tasted more flavors, not to see more primary colors, understand the aspirations of all things and so on such exaggerated Divine Ability, but to have a very clear and true combination of five senses and precision, which is simpler That’s it-lock it!

Whether it is hearing, listening, smelling, smelling, and touching, it is more accurate, and it is accurate to the level of “locking in”, and you can find what you want from the disturbing colors, sounds, smells, tastes and textures The kind.

This kind of locking ability is also available to most people. Meng Fan also had it before, but it will not be as real as it is now. It seems that there is an operation interface in front of it, so you can do it yourself. Selected, and the operation is simple and fast.

For example, if hundreds of colors, hundreds of sizes, and hundreds of shapes of beads are put into a pool and fully stirred, Meng Fan can select any designated beads within the limit time.

For example, hundreds of perfumes are placed in a room, and the bottles are opened to let their scents come out. Before entering the room, Meng Fan smells any of the perfumes, and the perfume itself The scent is complex, and then after entering Meng Fan, he can find the same scent in a room with complex scents and follow the scent to find the perfume bottle.

For another example, if a hundred people or even more people recite poems or sing or do something together, in short, Meng Fan can find the owner of a voice recorded in advance.

For another example, there are a hundred or more big waves of long hair. Meng Fan closed his eyes and touched one of the big waves of long hair. After asking everyone to adjust the position, Meng Fan could still touch Gives long and wavy hair.

Another example…

From the surface, the five senses are not really related to throwing precision, shooting precision, and hitting precision. All three precisions are 20 After clicking the attribute, the five senses have undergone such a big change. At the beginning, Meng Fan was amazed. There is still some expectation. There is a kind of illusion that the system will take him to cultivation or enter the fantasy world, but think about it carefully. As well as summarizing the later experience, it seems to make sense.

For example, at the beginning, Meng Fan was able to throw shots when he was accurate, and he could control the distance difference to the centimeter level within his own ability. Such accuracy itself has at least included vision and The precise training of the sense of touch, control the visible distance + control the weight under the touch.

The relationship between hearing and throwing, shooting, and hitting is well understood.

As for the sense of smell and taste, the two are really mysterious. With Meng Fan’s superficial scientific literacy, I want to find the scientific connection between them and the three kinds of precision. They are really compared. It’s difficult. He only knows that smell is distant and taste is close. The two work together are closely related. Another is that air humidity and atmospheric pressure changes will affect both, and the other is that the two work together to lock the target. It still works.

As for Meng Fan’s interpretation of metaphysics, there will be too much, and it will be irrelevant, because it is determined later that the changes in the five senses have little to do with metaphysics, so I don’t think about it. , I’m afraid I’m stunned.

In a word, the changes brought about by the five senses this time, from a certain perspective, can be regarded as opening the door to a whole New World for Meng Fan. Because of the strengthening of the five senses, I feel that one has a big difference from the previous A different world.

Of course, for his athletic ability, it also brought a qualitative change.

After this change took place, it first played a role in the project of golf. During the recording process, I had never touched golf. After a few hastily practiced swing shots, I connected the club and Meng Fan, who had only just heard the rules through the player’s commentary, showed his amazing strength.

The most intuitive performance after the three precise combined effects on the five senses has undergone a qualitative change-one hundred percent birdie.

What is a birdie?

The standard golf course has eighteen holes, and is composed of multiple par three, four, and five holes. Most of them include 4 par three holes, 10 There are four par-4 holes and 4 par-5 holes.

The so-called par three, four, and five holes refer to par. Par is a term for golf. It is the standard to complete a corresponding hole with three, four, and five strokes. Rod.

The total of the 18-hole par is 72.

One less shot is a birdie.

For example, it takes only two shots to score a white ball on a par three hole.

One shot on the green (green’s transliteration refers to the location of the hole), one shot for the hole.

What is the concept of 100% birdie?

Equivalent to is to play a full 18 holes, only 72-18=54 strokes.

54 strokes, which has already exceeded the world record.

The 18-hole world record is 55.

This is more than that.

strictly speaking, Meng Fan’s statement of 100% birdie is not rigorous. Strictly speaking, it is 100% birdie, because there is still two shots less than par. The eagle ball and the albatross three strokes less than par.

On the second hole of par three, Meng Fan shot the eagle ball, two shots less, naturally a hole in one shot, 155 yards (more than 141 meters), just one swing, After getting on the green, he walked into the hole perfectly.

Following the next par three, there was a hole-in-one, two consecutive shots-in-one. Putting this into a serious game, that also made history.

Then he completed a par-four hole and completed three holes-in-one through 18 holes.

In addition, the other eagle birds and albatross are counted. In the end, Meng Fan scored 48 strokes on the 18th hole, which is 7 strokes less than the world record!

It’s the first time to play!

Of course, it is the first time that Meng Fan has scored such a score. In addition to the precision of the blow and the quality change of the five senses, there may be another reason, that is, he also has the blessing of the [lucky] attribute. .

The shooting of the golf project was completed, and the photographers and other staff who didn’t know much about golf and didn’t understand much of the data were also shocked. The picture was really shocking, one shot in one shot. Just go in, golf is like billiards!

As for the athletes who are familiar with the venue and training, and Feng Shanshan, the protagonist shot of the project, let alone, it is not an exaggeration to say that Meng Fan played the 18 holes , The number of players who worship Meng Fan from far or near is less than one hundred.


When the head coach of the China Golf Club and a group of coaches performed one third on the 18th hole, the look in Meng Fan’s eyes had begun to be wrong, but at the end, that look was completely usable. To describe it as crazy, and then I started chatting with Meng Fan about some golf tournaments, bonuses and other related endorsement income. The intention could not be more obvious.

With a score like Meng Fan, there is no need for a tour or a grand slam, just a formal game is enough to make him the god of golf!

Meng Fan did not refuse. He promised to wait for the opportunity to play exhibition games or charity events in the future. As for the professional games, forget about it. After all, he has already filled up [I am the champion]. His needs are gone, and he didn’t plan to try a new sport, otherwise, with his current ability, he can do anything, then he really has no time for himself.

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