“Anchor Meng, what was that you just now?”

The young Tsuji who thought he was too joking and pushing Meng Fan crazy, in Meng Fan After getting off the city gate, he hurriedly followed and cautiously said, “Actually, I was cracking a joke with you. I promise I will never drive that broken car again. Next time I will drive a seven-seater van to pick you up. You.”

Meng Fan resisted the urge to sit this guy to death, and grinned: “It’s okay, I have a good time in this picture.”

Next In front of the city gate, Meng Fan told Wang Yuanwai that he was going to paint today. Although Wang Yuanwai was curious about how this guy has so much homework, he still happily told Meng Fan to find the Gao there. Thin administrators are fine.

“Come on!”

The Gao brother on the cultural square saw Meng Fan with a smile on his face, and said, “It is still the same as yesterday for free painting. Head portrait? The position is reserved for you, and everything is ready for you, two stools, and a small table for you to put things. Come, I will help you move it.”

“I’ll come, I’ll come.”

Tsuji Zhan boy moved after hearing the wind, grabbed the table from Meng Fan’s hand, and picked up a stool with his other hand.

Meng Fan saw this and took another stool from Gao Ge.

“Oh, these are all the assistants here.”

Brother Gao laughed and went to a management booth. Not long after, he walked out with a box in his hand. When he reached the small table that had been set up, he said, “The management office also knows about your painting here yesterday. For talented street performers, our scenic spot always supports more.”

The so-called talent, from the perspective of the Cultural Plaza Management Office, is equivalent to how many tourists can be attracted.

There are a lot of street performers on the square, half of which are scenic employees, half of which are hired by scenic spots, and occasionally a few like Meng Fan who occasionally beat soy sauce.

Although Meng Fan draws a profile picture for tourists for free, the management office can’t draw any money from it, but as long as Meng Fan can help the scenic spot retain more time for tourists, it’s enough.

Passenger flow is the most important data for a scenic spot, and secondly, it is undoubtedly the proportion of the time tourists spend in the scenic spot.

So, knowing that Meng Fan will come again, here is also quick support.

For example, the position this time is much better than last time.


“I think there were quite a lot of people in line yesterday. These queuing number plates are put here for people to collect, so as to avoid the phenomenon of queuing randomly.”

Pointing to the vicinity of the new location again, said with a smile: “There are a few air coolers and a free plum soup here to make the queueing tourists more comfortable.”

speaking of which, people in line There are not many, that is twenty-thirty. The key is that there are many onlookers.

Of course, these equipments are originally available on the Cultural Plaza, but not all street performers and stalls can move around with these equipments, let alone the high-end outfits like Meng Fan now. , Can be ranked in the top five in the entire cultural square.

After hanging up the “poster”, it will be broadcast. Even if it is officially “open”, the position this time is better than yesterday. In addition, Meng Fan drew more than 50 illustrations yesterday, which is also faint. A sense of calmness and confidence, at least people passing by look like an old rivers and lakes.

As a result, it takes two minutes, even if there is no support like the last time Wang Young Lady, it will soon usher in the first “customer”, which is a beautiful little elder sister. .

With yesterday’s experience, Meng Fan entered the state for the first one, shua~ shua~ shua~ 3 minutes to get it done.

“So fast!”

“So cute!”

“You are amazing!”

“Thank you!”

The pretty little elder sister was very satisfied. She took a cartoon portrait drawn by Meng Fan and showed it to the onlookers around her. Then she left with joy.

Go away.

Just leave.

Meng Fan has done it!

He wanted to stop the little elder sister and ask if there was anything he forgot to do.

But then I thought about it, I really didn’t ask for a group photo.

Even Meng Fan never thought that the little elder sisters would not take photos with themselves.

Everything happened because yesterday was so smooth. First, the young lady Wang opened the group, and then the confident big sister carried the whole audience, and I completely won!

But today is different. The little elder sister who started the group came up with a “mouth cannon” and left the battle without a skill without zero output.

Zero output comes next. What Meng Fan is worried about is undoubtedly that all those who come up later will be grateful and left.

Well, I can still bring Meng Fan the experience of live broadcast and illustration.

Yes, even though Meng Fan doesn’t care much about the reward for the task of [Group Photo Brother], it’s mosquito meat after all. Naturally, I don’t want to let it go.

Are you asking for a group photo?

It seems a little strange.

“Little elder sister!”

Just as Meng Fan was struggling with a request for a group photo, Tsujizhan boy bravely stood up and stopped the little elder who was about to leave. sister.

“Our anchor Meng is broadcasting live at 8 stations, and the anchor’s name is Meng Fat. You can share a photo and share it with Moments to help promote the popularity of Lala.”

The boy wears a Luffy T-shirt today, and a straw hat of the same style as Luffy. With a delicate and pretty look, it is quite harmless to humans and animals.

Naturally, he didn’t know that Meng Fan needed a group photo to gain experience, but he knew that Meng Fan came out to live outdoor live broadcast on such a hot day. It must be that the more people online in the live broadcast room, the better, plus because of almost Driven crazy by Meng Fan’s guilt, he picked up the banner of assistance in a clever manner.

“Oh, okay.”

The little elder sister was very happy, ran over to take a picture with Meng Fan, and asked about Meng Fan’s anchor name again. I posted it to Moments. After I posted it, I thought about it and said to Meng Fan: “You have to write your anchor name on it.”

refers to “poster”.

Meng Fan followed the kindness and wrote immediately, and after finishing writing, he turned around and gave a compliment to Tsuji Zhan.

Seeing this, Tsuji Zhan boy was in a good mood, and gave Meng Fan one who was too tight just now. I apologize for this. If I can, I will change the Smart to a seven-seater van and change the back seat to one seat. You who made up for you now just need to feel relieved to paint and let me do the other things.

Simple and easy to understand, straight to the soul.


About ten minutes later, a crisp system hint sounded in Meng Fan’s mind.

It’s not that Meng Fan drew nearly 20 cartoon avatars in 20 minutes, but in the process, because of Tsuji’s words, some enthusiastic viewers took Meng Fan far away. Pulled into the camera and took a group photo and then posted to Moments to promote him.

There are also people who use Meng Fan purely as the background or scenery of the tourist area. After taking a group photo, they post to Moments: I met a fatty brother who started live painting.

The live broadcast name and so on, most of them are not posted.

Meng Fan really didn’t expect Tsuji’s youth screamed, and his task was completed at least an hour earlier.

Tsuji Zan•True•Support•Boy!

“Di! Take photos with different human individuals 100 times to complete the [Group Photo] task progress. Reward: Points +100.”

“Di! Complete the [Group Photo] task, Obtained the title of achievement [Group photo brother] (camera sense +1, smile appeal +1).”

That’s it!

Meng Fan originally hoped that he would be able to upgrade after the completion of this task. For example, after the completion of the previous praise madman, he upgraded to a higher difficulty true praise madman, didn’t expect ah didn’t expect ‘t expect, that’s it.

Isn’t it logical to upgrade from 100 group photos to 1,000 or even 10,000 real group photos? Isn’t the system so self-willed?

Furthermore, there is such a venue for outdoor live broadcasting, and the task of taking photos is incidental. It is so stingy not to upgrade!

After waiting for a while, it was determined that there was no upgrade task, and Meng Fan could only continue painting with a little depression.

Occasionally, there are a lot of people taking pictures and taking pictures here. It feels uncomfortable in my heart, as if I lost two kg of spicy strips!

“Thank you!”

The little elder sister got the drawing. This little elder sister has a single eyelid which is very cool, but when I look at the drawing, I can see a pair of eyes curled up with a smile The moon, happily took a photo with Meng Fan.

I looked at the photos I took, and then at Meng Fan. The little elder sister with a single eyelid was surprised and said strangely: “Didn’t expect you are quite photogenic, and you laugh, really Good-looking!”

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