“Shall I ask the driver to take you back?”

The rehearsal of Bai Zhi is over, now I have to return to the studio to prepare for the evening fashion night, make-up, It takes time to pick clothes and so on.

Meng Fan naturally followed, and during the concert came the second guest.

Su Qingcen’s company attached great importance to this tour, and arranged a lot of guests, especially for the first show, with three.

Bai Zhi is a very personal friend of Su Qingcen. The other two men and women are artists from the same company as Su Qingcen. They are all quite big. They are not coming to the company to arrange for newcomers to come to Su Qingcen’s concert. It’s a solid support.

Although Meng Fan already has a perfect solution for quickly brushing [Group Photo Emperor] experience, it must be done smoothly.

“No, no, no, I can just take a taxi and go back by myself. Go ahead.” Meng Fan waved his hand.

“Well, you go back early, Caiwei is quite pitiful at home.” Seeing this, Bai Zhi didn’t insist, took Meng Fan outside and left.

“I’m going back to be even more pitiful.”

Of course, Meng Fan did not go back, and it is impossible to ask Bai Zhi to take him to UP Fashion Night.

This year is the third edition of UP Fashion Night. It is jointly organized by UP Group and Fashion Group. This is a cross-border festival integrating film, entertainment, fashion and technology in one body.

Although it is not the top fashion festival in China Xia Country, the specifications are still acceptable. There are quite a lot of guests, not only in the entertainment and fashion circles, but also the big names in the technology circle. .

After eating McDonald’s, Meng Fan came to the venue.

A lot of fans have gathered outside the gate of the conference center to watch the game, and various long spear cannons have been set up, aiming at the red carpet.

Walking on the red carpet has basically become a standard for various parties, events, and ceremonies. This is for people outside and is also the most important indicator of the event specifications.

It was almost six o’clock at this time, and the red carpet had already begun.

The cars of the guests will be assembled in a unified place, and then one will be released one after another, and slowly drive to the red carpet. The guests in the car may get off the car elegantly or handsomely and walk on the red carpet. , Accept the audience applause screaming and long spear ka ka ka.

When Meng Fan arrived, one of the guests who came down was a fashionista, the kind who often appeared on shows, even people who didn’t pay much attention to fashion would recognize Meng Fan, but the name was just for a long time. He couldn’t be called until he finally heard a crowd calling him by his name.

“This should be a strange experience, right?”

Meng Fan is not too sure about the specific criteria for defining public figures, like this one who he recognizes but cannot be named, but someone Social activist who can be named? Is it a public figure?

Is it right? Go to a photo to see if you have any experience in rising.

Putting on his hat, Meng Fan walked towards the end of the red carpet.

Of course, Meng Fan did not walk to the red carpet, but behind the audience around the red carpet.

Although after wearing a hat that makes the sense of existence disappear, you can be sure that these people cannot see themselves, and no photographers will aim the lens at them, but Meng Fan cannot guarantee that they will No long spear, the short cannon just wiped out the gun and accidentally shot himself in.

The sense of existence tends to zero. In fact, it does not mean that others cannot see themselves, but even if they see themselves, the eyes will not convey the “image” they see to the brain, or the brain receives When it arrives, I just ignore it.

But the camera or the camera is different. When the time comes, it is taken. When the time comes, I saw it when I selected the picture. Eh, how does this person stroll on the red carpet?

After all, it tends to zero instead of equal to zero.

If it is equal to zero, Meng Fan feels that even if the photos or video materials are taken, there is no sense of existence. Even, it is possible that the photos and video data can’t be saved at all.

It can go to zero, that’s different.

Meng Fan took a self-portrait of himself wearing a hat, took off his hat to show others the photo and asked what he was wearing on his head, and made sure that others could see it, but at the time The answer is quite heartbreaking.

Walking to the end of the crowd, which is also the end of the red carpet, there is a signature wall, and two outfield hosts are interviewing a star who arrives in front with microphones.

The fashionista also came here and signed his name on the signature wall. Seeing that the outfield host was still interviewing the person in front of him, he didn’t even mean to interview him, so he left.

Bah, fashion night, a woolen thread!

The star interviewed understands the fashion of what the hell, look at that dress, can’t keep up with a passerby street shooter, poor taste!

Shouldn’t Fashion Night come to interview a fashionista like me? It’s just because the other party is famous and has a high flow.

Next time this kind of ghost activity I will never come again… well, I still have to come. If others don’t interview themselves, they can also take selfies and then find someone to take a group photo, and then post to Moments or a scarf to tell others that they have participated in such a standard event, so it is convenient to show and sell things!

There is nothing to be wronged, isn’t it just an interview!

Participate in this kind of activity more, and get used to it, and care about it once more!


What the hell?

Fashionistas were startled when they heard the sound of a photo. They have already turned away from the signature wall and walked inside. Is anyone else taking pictures of themselves?

Adjust your posture instantly, turn around to show a smile, and then turn around to make the back look handsome.

It’s up!

Standing at the corner of the signature wall and walking into the venue, Meng Fan took a photo with the fashionista and saw that the experience has increased by one.

It seems that this public figure standard is not that high.

After one minute, the interview on the signature wall ended, and the interviewed star walked toward the corner.

This person…Meng Fan thought for a while, but really remembered who it was.

This handsome male star, Meng Fan didn’t know him before, because the studio manager, Meng Fan, did a search for Erqing, and he happened to see this male star. It was where Erqing was. The actor who took her role in that drama seems to be one of the male protagonists in the drama, and it seems to be a little fire recently.

The group photo was successfully +1.

Meng Fan still turned off the sound of the phone taking pictures, lest any celebrity is timid and scared.

After a while, another star came.

This seems to be from a certain crew. Seven people, two of whom are well-known, were left there for interviews after signing their signatures. Five people went in first.

+1, +1, +1, +1!

Meng Fan took a photo with everyone, but only added 4 experiences. Of these four, three Meng Fans don’t know me. I really don’t know which one did not provide experience for me. .

This is a double injury. Meng Fan is sad and has no experience. The person who did not provide Meng Fan with experience will be even more sad than Meng Fan who knows the truth!

After a while, three more people came. At first, the remaining two of the seven people hadn’t finished the interview. The difference between the star and the star is still quite big.

After a while, the remaining two of the seven walked out.

This male and female Meng Fan knows each other. The popularity is indeed high. Meng Fan also likes them quite a bit. The mood for the group photo is much more urgent than before.

Dare to shout that the most beautiful female celebrity in the world is beauty-although that sentence is the line in the movie that I am the most beautiful in the world.

As for the male star, the head is indeed big, and he deserves to be one of the Three Great Giants in the entertainment circle.

Meng Fan feels that his head is not small anymore, but compared with him, it’s really small and big. This head circumference alone should be equivalent to the effect of presence +10!

+1, +1, +1… Within twenty minutes, Meng Fan had 32 experiences, plus the previous 5, and there are already 37.

If it weren’t for Meng Fan who came early and waited here, and the others all went in and brushed it, it would be faster.

After finding the right way to solve the problem, the task of [Group Photo Emperor] shouldn’t be too simple!

The two women came over again, they are well-known, but Meng Fan is not willing to take a photo with everyone. For example, these two show off characters and accidentally set them to be broken and let go People find it disgusting, but Meng Fan disdains it. There are so many experience blames, it’s not bad to brush two.

Of course, it’s just a negative opinion, not hatred, Meng Fan is not going to have a kick.

About five minutes later, Meng Fan saw Bai Zhi.

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