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“I want to keep this body, I want Master and Bodhisattva to be the master.” Net Hua Jing said.

Capricyl said: “You have successfully put the Demonic Path CultiVation Base, you have successfully put it into my buddhism practice?”

华 颔: “Yes, this is the same, stay in the pure land, pin you some incense.”

Capricyl said: “It is good, this matter is chaired by Bodhisattva, you will come as a teacher, we just go to see Bodhisattva.”

Net Hua Ying said: “Yes, Master.”

Master and disciple two people go to the face of Cihang Bodhisattva.

Soon, in the net soil, in the Qianfo Hall, there will be a fragrant fire.

Flashing the colorful Golden Peacock, in the Qianfo Hall, and converges its own wings.

is very fast, there is a light flash in front of the peacock.

The expression of the peacock is also stiff from a slightly bit of numbness, and it becomes more flat and light.

After a while, Net Hua came out with the Quazold.

She is watching outside, similar to the same.

But from the inner miles, she successfully made the previous Demonic Path CultiVation Base to the Dharma, but I went to my Demonic Path Incarnation.

If you hit the thunder, she will never grab her Weak Spot, she will never give the other party.

Its itself is practiced in Dharma, and it is already Bring IT Up a Level.

FourTeenth Realm’s CultiVation Base is stable, starting to climb new goals and make another round of accumulation.

“Distance to Rohan Jinbiao, there is also a quite distance.” Net Hua said.

Capricyl said: “So, you will stay in the pure land, you will stay.”

华 想 想, 尼 手 手 手 手:: “Yue Shi is over there, you will have a good time, you don’t have to ask, I will not be able to grasp, I will not easily It is conflict with Chang’an City, you are staying in the pure land, waiting for Li Daoist home, When Time comes can be horn in coordination. “

华 hearing this, silent nodded: “DísciPle understands, please rest assured.”

Quickry says: “Now we have no longer because of your personal grievances, you must be more peaceful, you can be more peaceful.”

“DísciPle, I will follow Master Teaching.” Take the net, and immediately went down.

Moyi is standing in the original place, for a long time.

I don’t know when, he suddenly suddenly be more than one person.

Caphony has not turned, just whisper: “If I am in Chang’an, I will ask Senior Brother to see a lot of people, she is a lot of people my buddhism.”

The old man standing behind him is an empty mountain.

Listening to the words of Moxie, the old man gently nodded.

Even if you don’t consider the original Demonic path CultiVation Base, just simultaneously practice the Dharma, the strength of Under The Same Realm, which is also above the Xueyuan of the “Five Colorful God” Road.

To some extent, she entered Demonic Path in the past, although she can’t say that Pearl Dark, but they did not have to see.

buddhism is the best practice for her practice.

On this path, she not only Under the Same Realm Battle Stregth is higher, but the progress of the progress Realm is equally faster.

“this child Huang is deep, even if there is no photo, you can repair fruit, future achievements, more likely on you,”

Emperor Ranlian looked at Ma Ronuni, said quietly: “Senior Brother, I understand, just … I have been a cold land of Cihang.”

Ma Roni says: “Manjush Relic, there are 50% of the possibility, it is in chang’an city, with the current relationship between our two parties, even if we are willing to say, try to replace relic, chang’an CITY will not promise. “

Listening to the other party to mention Manjusri, the empty mountains are silent.

After half of it, he sighed: “Bodhisattva does not come out, maybe it is otherwise?”

It is rare to smile on the Merohone: “I am afraid that there is a day, Chang’an City expansion, and even here,”

After the empty mountain Luohan silent, I finally re-opening: “That’s all, I will go to the earth, ask the meaning of the Afly Bodhisattva.”

Capricylony: “No Senior Brother personally personally moves, only need to repair the book, pointing to the pure land of my A., I still run this, Senior Brother will contact Yue Show later. “

Empty mountain Luohan lightly shakes his head: “Since you have to be alarming the body of the body, or I personally take a trip, just caution this can’t be cautious, it is more sinned.”

he looked Towards Quickry: “Yue Shi Lord, Senior Brother, you can go to me, when you are concerned about the Yellow Crown, you can introduce you to Yue Show.”

Capricini double palms 10: “Somet, there is Senior Brother Lao.”

Empty Mountain Rohan Nodded: “I will go to the Pine Land, Yue Shi Lord has any news, Senior Brother news back to Cihang Pure soil, transferred here.”

“I hope to have a good news.” Murangi said.

Empty Mountain Rohan Xu Nodded: “Yes …”

He resigned to Meronini, and then went to the Cihang Bodhisattva.

“I told you not to go, you will not listen?” Bodhisattva asked.

Empty mountain Luo Han Double palms 10: “DísciPle does not dare, but Wenshu relic falls in the hands of Changan people, I can’t do anything, please ask Bodhisattva twice.”

Bodhisattva is speech: “If you have a self-trick, everyone has a bad law, what do you do, I don’t interfere, but you go to the Pure earth, you need to talk to the Alman Senior Brother, I don’t intervene. ”

“Yes.” Empty mountain Luo Han Complied, heart slightly HAS Several Points of heavy.

He bid farewell to Bodhisattva with Cihang, after coming, I finally got a cold soil, and I went straight to the sky.

Empty mountain Luo Han goes, and it has not returned.

Coronini and other buddhism gradually gradually anxious, empty hill Ranan’s message is back, the statement of the Afan Bodhisattva is sitting, it is to stay in the pure land in Ah.

On the other hand, he also needs to negotiate with other sorghum of Abu Genet.

摩罗 a a 的, only waiting for the results.

Waiting, there is no waiting to return to the sky, but I will wait until the other side.

“Mr. Fang” Yue Fengling, contacting the empty mountain Luohan.

Ma Ronini immediately contacts the Destruction Sword.

“SECT Leader Uncle Master Previous Fatigue Multi-Time, Let him take a break, Lin takes Master, there is a result, and then inform Chinese.” Lin Zhong said.

Quickry Nodded: “Youfactor LIN is coming with this Poor Monk.”

The other party will not be invited by the empty mountain Arhat IDol, directly to the Pure land, but another place.

摩罗罗, 林中 一 僧, 即 即, 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方

When you have seen a Middle Aged Scholar that holds the White Jade folding fan, you have first go to step.

is called McChi, and Lin Zhong is slightly unexpectedly, next to Middle Aged Scholars is not the same as Confucian Expert, but a Taoist.

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