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“Ma Xingwang is here.”

“This guy actually brought his Pig-Dog Beast to Academy again.”

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Liu Yang turned his head and saw a young man with a scar on his face, who entered the Academy.

This young man with scars is holding a dark-colored, high one meter 3 4, bier straight erect fiercely Pig-Dog Beast.

This Pig-Dog Beast is born with pig’s trotters and pig’s hair, but everywhere else it’s like a dog.

All hairs are straight and sharp like needles.

Along the way, show off one’s military strength.

The youth holding Pig-Dog Beast is Ma Xingwang, one of the two most recognized martial power students in the 3rd Martial Arts Academy in Yang City.

Seeing Ma Xingwang, a group of students retreated.

Only a few have a good relationship with Ma Xingwang, dare to step forward and say hello to Ma Xingwang.

Seeing Liu Yang looking up, Ma Xingwang shook the dog chain in his hand and laughed.

Liu Yang slightly nodded and turned back.

The students in the Martial Arts Academy, because they want to compete for resources, the students of the same realm have a difficult relationship with each other.

But apart from individual students, the relationship between the students will not be too bad.

Before Liu Yang, there was no conflict with Ma Xingwang.

But in terms of relationship, the two are just nodded.

Ma Xingwang seems to act arrogantly, in fact, as long as others do not provoke him, he actually actually takes the initiative to cause trouble.

“This guy really doesn’t look good. He’s so arrogant everywhere he goes.”

Aside, Zhou Bing whispered in a low voice.

“Okay, don’t talk about it, he didn’t mess with you, you do what he does.”

Liu Yang shook his head, and Ma Xingwang did show off. However, in the 3rd Martial Arts Academy of Yang City, Ma Xingwang did indeed have arrogant capital.

Without saying anything else, the Pig-Dog Beast held by Ma Xingwang alone is estimated to have just reached Zhou Bing of Body Refining Fourth Stage. If you want to deal with it, you have to work hard.

Because that Pig-Dog Beast is one of the characteristics of this World era, Mutant Beast.

Most Mutant Beasts are bloodthirsty.

But there are a few Mutant Beast that can be tamed by Human.

This is the Pig-Dog Beast that Ma Xingwang calls his “Blackback”.


Liu Yang’s class is Third Year Class 3 of the 1rd Martial Arts Academy in Yang City.

Third Year Class 1 is also called Little Ban, and Genius Class.

There are 30 students in the class.

Ten of them are in Body Refining Fifth Stage, and 20 are in Body Refining Fourth Stage.

Every day, students not only cultivate martial arts under the guidance of martial arts teachers, but also learn a lot of cultural knowledge.

Chinese and mathematics are all essential.

History and geography are also very important.

But the history here mainly refers to the history after World Transformation in 2030.

Geography includes not only the geography of Blue Star, but also the geography of New World.

Apart from this there are courses such as’New World Language’,’New World Rules Manual’, and’Mutant Beast Type’,’Monster and evil thing new edition’.

As for physics, chemistry, and biology, they have all become elective courses.

There are also ideological and political lessons, which are also taken every week according to regulations.

And it’s very important.


This day is April 2066, 4.

It is more than a month away from the Blue Star Alliance Martial Arts College Entrance Examination.

The reason why Yang City’s 3rd Martial Arts Academy is to hold Student Competition during this time period, and to give a lot of rewards, is to let a group of students to get good results in the Martial Arts College Entrance Examination 1 month later.

One lesson is 45 minutes.

Every day, students take 2 martial arts classes.

One class is a cultivation class. It starts at 8 am and is the first class of the day.

Another martial arts class is Combat Class, which is ranked in the last section of the full-day course.

At 8 am, the cultivation class begins.

The students of Third Year Class 1 came to the Cultivation Room specially designed by Academy.

In the lobby of the Cultivation Room, the cultivation in charge of this lesson instructed Teacher Sun Feiyu to stand in the field, waving and waving his hands while talking, “In our Blue Star, martial arts masters go to Energy Refining, once they start Energy Refining , The strength will surge.”

“But if you want to become an Energy Refining Realm martial artist, you must first exercise a strong body.”

Below, Liu Yang and other students stood in 3 rows.

Doing a uniform set of Body Refining Technique in the Blue Star Alliance-Thirty-six Forms of Body Refining.

“As you all know, Energy Refining 1st Realm is Opening Meridian.” Sun Feiyu continued, “The human body has Ten Great Meridians, and every time you open up a piece of blood energy that can be stored, it will grow a lot.”

“At the same time, the stronger the body, the wider the meridians developed.”

“A stronger foundation can be built!”

“In addition, only when the body is strong enough to store enough qi and blood can we benetrating the meridian with qi and blood!”

“Your age group is the age group with the fastest body growth. You must not waste time. You must know that the young and the young do not work hard, and the boss is sad!”

Below, Liu Yang raises his ear while listening to the cultivation body refining technique.

He wants to be successful in martial arts, and wants to be strong enough, first of all, he must naturally build a good foundation!

If you want to build a good foundation, you must first take the road of Body Refining.

He pondered in his heart: “Body Refining has Nine Stages, First Three Stages Strengthening Body, Refining Bones, Changing Blood, my body has been completed.”

“Generally, after completing the Changing Blood, the blood energy of the martial artist is already strong enough to try penetrating meridian.”

“But unless the talent is different, the main lineage developed in this way is undoubtedly the thinnest.”

“In the future, in order to prevent the meridians from being exploded, even some powerful martial skills cannot be used.”

Liu Yang pondered in his heart and accepted the memory of Liu Yang in the past. He still knew many things.

“Body Refining 4th to 6th Stages are Whale Breathing, Tidal Surge, Furious Wave those three stages.”

“Whale Breathing Stage martial artist, with strong body, strong blood and breath, can breathe for a few minutes. After reaching Tidal Surge Stage, martial artist’s physical function is more powerful, and blood is stronger, and he can do all the blows. Last 100 times without breathing.”

“My body’s martial arts realm is the realm of Body Refining Fifth Stage and Tidal Surge. It is only a line away from Body Refining 6th Stage Furious Wave Stage!”

The martial artist of Furious Wave Stage is a hit, and it explodes like a Furious Wave!

It’s much more powerful than Tidal Surge Stage martial artist.

This transmigration allowed Liu Yang, who was only 16 years old, to mature a lot and began to plan carefully for his future.

“In my Body Refining Realm world at this time, although I can try penetrating meridian and formally become a Qi Refining martial artist, as a result, the foundation built is relatively weak, and it is difficult to have Great Accomplishment in the future!”

Liu Yang knows that most of the martial artists of this World started penetrating meridian in Body Refining 4th to 6th Stages.

Of course, there are also those who started penetrating meridian in Body Refining Third Stage Changing Blood Stage.

But those martial artists, most of whom are too bad, or have no cultivation resources, will make this helpless choice.

Liu Yang also has ambitions. He also wants to be a martial arts powerhouse, so naturally he will not delay his future for the sake of being strong for a while.

At this time, only Sun Feiyu continued to say:

“I really hope that some of you can cultivate to Three Late Body Refining Stages!”

“Because our Blue Star Alliance’s martial arts powerhouse, most of them are in Three Late Body Refining Stages, they only started penetrating meridian.”

“As you all know, Three Late Body Refining Stages are Diamond, Overlord, and Mortal Deity Stage.”

“The Diamond Stage martial artist of the 7th Stage, which I have seen before. It is really strong as an ox, you can tear the tiger leopard, you can cross ten severe meters in one step, and the ordinary Saber and Sword are difficult to hurt. If you If you have the chance to reach this realm, you will know how powerful this realm’s martial artist is.”

“There is also the Overlord Stage martial artist of eighth realm. The martial artist of this realm is said to be capable of reaching 10000 kilograms, capable of throwing tens of kilograms of stones out of 100 tens of meters away. There is a man who has to pass the gate, and 10000 men can not be brave . Absolutely awesome.”

“As for the Mortal Deity Stage martial artist of Body Refining Nine Stages, it is also called the mortal War God, 5 horses can’t divide their corpses, 2 arms shock, there will be 10000 pounds of divine power!”

Speaking of which, Sun Feiyu shook his head.

His greatest desire is to hope that someone in Liu Yang and the others can become a Diamond Stage martial artist and then start penetrating meridian to become an Energy Refining martial artist.

As for Overlord Stage and Mortal Deity Stage, he is just nothing serious, and obviously does not think that in Liu Yang and the others, someone can achieve these two realm.

Next, hearing Sun Feiyu say these 3 Body Refining Realm circles, Liu Yang’s eyes gradually brightened.

He knew that Body Refining’s 7th, 8th, and Nine Stages those three stages of martial artists have already begun to be extraordinary and refined.

It is said that any Diamond Stage martial artist can come and fight with the weaker Energy Refining Realm martial artist.

At the same time, in addition to the Martial artist of Energy Refining Realm, the Martial artist of Body Refining Realm, if it can reach the Diamond Stage, will also have a sense of the world called the New World by the Blue Star.

You can log in to that magical world and go out of the ordinary from then on.

“Although I am ordinary, I have to try these three realms!”

“A real man was born in the world, when he was not afraid of all difficulties and obstacles, moved towards his dream and moved forward courageously!”

Liu Yang encouraged himself in his heart.

“Okay, now you can enter the Cultivation Room.”

After Liu Yang and the others did Thirty-six Forms of Body Refining several times, Sun Feiyu brought the entire group from the lobby to the ten Cultivation Room, instructed:

“As usual, Xu Wenjie, Ma Xingwang, Li Man, Liu Yang… ten of you go first.”

Cultivation Body Refining Technique can indeed strengthen the body.

But the effect is limited.

Before Liu Yang and the others, it was just doing warm-up exercises that’s all.

According to Sun Feiyu’s instructions, Liu Yang and the others opened their own Cultivation Room and walked in according to their previous habits.

The so-called Culture Room is actually a separate small space.

There is a Medicine Pond in it.

Liu Yang looked at it for a few times, then took off his clothes and walked into Medicine Pond.


A large amount of azure’s medical liquid began to appear in the Medicine Pond, and soon Liu Liu drowned into it.

And these medicinal liquids started to rotate faster, the speed was getting faster and faster, and finally it was like a storm, forming a high-speed rotation vortex, exposing Liu Yang’s head from the center of vortex.

The strong pressure, coming from all directions, is with a rotating force, as if to turn him into a part of vortex.

Liu Yang had to firmly root his feet on the ground.

At the same time, a strange posture was placed in the center of the high-speed rotation medical liquid.

This is not an action in Thirty-six Forms of Body Refining, but a body refining technique called Nine Movements of Body Refining that his father did not know where to find him.

This Body Refining Technique is quite magical.

Liu Yang’s talent is indeed ranked first in the 3rd Martial Arts Academy in Yang City.

But he feels that 16 years old this year, at the age of one year younger than others, cultivation to Tidal Surge Stage, this Nine Movements of Body Refining secret technique, more or less also played a role.

Liu Yang gritted his teeth, ran cultivation techniques, and tried to draw more medical power from the Cultivation Pool.

It is not a simple matter to take a fixed posture in the medical liquid of high-speed rotation.

At the same time, the pressure brought by medicinal liquid high-speed rotation makes people unable to hold on for much time.

However, cultivation in the Cultivation Pool, even if it is only one minute of cultivation, is stronger than the usual cultivation of one hour.

So entering the Cultivation Pool, everyone will do their best.

“His, can’t hold on!”

Ten minutes later, Liu Yang slammed his body out of Medicine Pond and jumped up.

He gasping for breath, like the cooked prawns, red and transparent.

This medicinal bath cultivation is too intense.

Liu Yang was able to hold it for ten minutes, which is really the limit.

In addition, cultivation in the Cultivation Room is also the welfare of the Academy.

Every student has an opportunity to use the Cultivation Room for free on every day.

Liu Yang’s family is not wealthy and can only increase his strength through this free cultivation opportunity every day.

For other Body Refining 5th Stage Tidal Surge Stage students, everyday all can pay, and use the Cultivation Room one or two more times.

Additional use of Cultivation Room costs 500 dollars each time.

Based on Liu Yang’s conditions at home, he can’t afford it at all.


Liu Yang sighed.

I can only stay here until I grow longer.

Otherwise, I really want to cultivate here all day.

Watching the Medicinal Liquid in Medicine Pond gradually disappear, he shook his head and walked out of the Cultivation Room.

Next, it will belong to other students.

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