We are born high, and we are born with brocade clothes and jade food. These mortals who were born low can even have a problem with eating and renting. They can only turn to us and let us help them work so that they can survive.

Yes, the reason why they can eat is because we have given them jobs, if it is not for the elites like me who are promoting social progress and development, and at the same time pulling these commoners with kindness...

They were already starving to death!

Although in the future, Xu Shangtong, who had learned a lot of knowledge, knew that there were some problems with his father's words, but the idea had already taken root in his mind.

Yes, I was born noble, I have a golden spoon in my mouth, and I chose my reincarnation well... In any case, I am the direct descendant of the Xu family, and I was born in [*]% of the world. The above-mentioned end point that human beings will never be able to catch up with in a lifetime.

Seeing that the commoners were studying hard without the [Super Memory Potion], Xu Shangtong brought a mocking smile: What's the use, you were born to go to the factory to screw screws, or go to the construction site to move bricks and ashes, you are destined to go Do the hardest work!

Seeing that middle-class families have been frugal for a long time before they grit their teeth and buy a bottle of [Super Memory Potion] for their children, Xu Shangtong also smiled sarcastically: Yes, if you are lucky enough to be admitted to university, maybe you are qualified to let me give you a job.

Seeing that high-class people like him poured [Super Memory Potion] and easily scored more than [*] points, Xu Shangtong nodded calmly: They will be my contacts in the future, but I can make friends with one or two.

And every time he saw the commoners with carp leaping over the Dragon Gate in the newspapers, Xu Shangtong always had unpleasant and negative emotions in his heart: These untouchables can't sit in their own seats and do their best to give to the society!Create value for yourself!

Pyramid society, every floor is full. When you come up, who are you going to squeeze down?

Resist, reject!

Xu Shangtong disliked people who had risen in class, especially those with a lower status than himself, whether they were middle-class or commoners, they should stay in their positions and work hard and conscientiously like cattle and horses.

Why, to have such an unrealistic dream?

Facing the bottom, Xu Shangtong not only hated them, but also hated their uncultured knowledge, disgusted their cheap and inferior clothes, disgusted their conversation with dialect and lack of vocabulary...

Only when they are flattering can Xu Shangtong feel a little more comfortable.

The weak should flatter the strong.


This sense of superiority supported him through his childhood, and after establishing his three views at the age of 16, his superpowers naturally awakened, and he grew to a T5 level in just a few weeks.

After the college entrance examination, a person like him who kept [Super Memory Potion] every week, naturally got into the best universities in the country with ease, returned to the family after further studies in the university, and finally got in touch with him as the heir. to family matters.

Also exposed to the dark side of the family.

For the first time, he knew that society can still be so filthy, and human life can be so contemptible... or, worthy of being a pariah, living so humble and dying so worthless.

In the dark corners of society, most of them are civilians, whether they are the self-deprecating drug addicts or the gangsters who disturb one side.

That's right, only such pariahs would live in that damp and stench environment.

And what about these pariahs, even if they are involved in the underworld?What about the dominant side?

It's not like he has to bow his head to the Xu family.

Those underworld bosses who scolded Fang Qiu and dominated one side still had a flattering smile when they saw themselves...

Moreover, for the Xu family, their lives were more contemptible than the lives of ordinary people.

If you kill ordinary people, you may have to pay compensation or all kinds of dredging.

As for these pariahs of the underworld, they can do it with a single word of 'clean up the unfaithful', and kill them when they kill them, and their kind will automatically end, not even a single troublemaker.

The family's business gathers all aspects, whether it is the company factory on the white road or the smuggling in the underworld, it is the source of the family's wealth.

In order to maintain the business, Xu Shangtong followed the elders to study everywhere. In order to take over the business and practice courage, he even killed more than one person with his own hands, which was so numb.

The so-called dark side of the family is nothing more than that.

This time, the impact on Sanguan did not defeat Xu Shangtong.

After figuring out the whole story, Xu Shangtong became enlightened again.

Super power came naturally to the T4 level.

It also allowed Xu Shangtong to see clearly his own nature and his goal: he wanted to become the head of the Xu family!

This is a position that every direct descendant wants to compete for!

If you can't compete, even if you and the head of the family are brothers, you can only be reduced to collateral.

And the children born in the collateral line are also collateral line, from generation to generation, the blood line with the direct line will become more and more diluted, and the collateral line will gradually be marginalized in the Xu family.

Of course, it’s not that there is no resurrection. The last one has never competed with a blood relative who has become a collateral line. You can choose one person from your own children to compete with the direct line-there is only one chance. Accept fate.

This is also a clan rule to spur the straight line to work hard.

Of course, it is generally indisputable. The education received from childhood to adulthood and the resources poured into it are not at the same level. How can collaterals compete?

In the family's hundreds of years of history, there have been one or two accidents.

For the rest of the time, the Xu family is still directly under the control of the world.

As a direct descendant of Xu Shangtong, he can see clearly that he does not actually have an advantage. Which brothers and sisters in their twenties like him are not at the T4 level?

In contrast, his eldest brother, the second brother, and the seventh sister are the geniuses that are favored by everyone, especially the second brother has reached the T3 level. If he can reach the realm of the old man, the Xu family will not only be as stable as Mount Tai, but also expand externally. !

As a result, Xu Shangtong, who returned from graduate school and took over part of the family's underworld business, felt the pressure for the first time.

The pressure from the family, oppressing his heart, made him a little timid, and his peers who were too good made him stop and make progress.

Only people of the same or even higher class can make him feel the pressure.

From the father, from other clan elders, from the old man, from siblings, from the peers with stronger backgrounds in college...

Therefore, his super power level stagnated.


Super power has nothing to do with blood, but with mood.

Born in a big family, you don't need to bow your head for life, you can try whatever you want to do, without the pressure of suffocation in your heart, you are naturally 'transparent'.

The super power level will not be too low.

Therefore, superpowers are closely related to the quality of life.

Xu Shangtong saw that whenever his brothers and sisters defeated a competitor and moved closer to being the head of the family, their desires were satisfied, their small goals were achieved, and they were getting closer and closer to their big goals... ...

The mood is refreshing, the mood is transparent, and the super power is also rising.

Xu Shangtong saw this clearly. He knew that the improvement of superpowers was nothing more than this, to do what he wanted to do from the bottom of his heart.

In this case, blindly worrying is fruitless.

Just do it.

Just do it!

He wants to be the head of the house.

His mind, his desires, every cell in his body screamed.

So Xu Shangtong unswervingly plunged into the whirlpool of family struggle!

...and then smashed to pieces within a year.

Like other half-brothers and sisters, the losers are driven to remote places to work, and unless there is a small probability like a collateral attack, they cannot return to Kuimucheng until the fight is over.

Xu Shangtong was very unwilling.

Who will really be willing to talk about the outsiders?

Unlike other brothers and sisters who accepted fate, Xu Shangtong developed the character of not hitting the southern wall and not turning back since he was a child. After he was exiled to a remote county, what he wanted was not to accept his fate and live like this...

He wants to make a comeback!

I want to drive out those few people who are recognized by everyone!

I want to be the head of the Xu family!

Therefore, Xu Shangtong came up with a way: to jump out of the family system, if he could record his great deeds in official documents, he could return to Kuimu City with the normal promotion process——

The whole process has to be fast!Can't disturb the family!

Before the few competitors reacted, he returned to the family.

Once again involved in the struggle.

Last time Xu Shangtong learned a lesson, this time it is impossible to lose.

He thought so.

Also intends to do so.

So after he came to Xiaoyao County, the first thing he did was to read the files, find the traces of the head snakes in the county, find out the evidence of their smuggling of super power props, and then bring them to justice...

Unfortunately, he was stuck at this step forever.


End of this volume

Chapter [*] Inseparable People (Part [*])

Blood, blood everywhere, and broken limbs.

The blood spread to the soles of the feet, and there were corpses everywhere, all of them children, and the oldest was only twelve or thirteen years old.

Indistinctly, harsh laughter and screams were also heard.

The person in her arms is already stiff and cold, and her broken body looks like it has been tortured for a long time.

It's all my fault, it's me who implicated her...

The murderer's face echoed, and his voice screamed like a nightmare.

"This woman's mouth is very hard. I tried my best and she didn't intend to open her mouth, including threatening her with that child... Pfft, it's so funny. She wants to protect you so much, but you come to die in person."

"Are you crying? Don't be sad, you'll go down to accompany her soon."

Then came the battle, blood spattered, stumps and broken arms.

In the midst of the rubble, I squeezed the killer's neck with my hand, and I finally saw fear in his eyes, which was good, very good.

"No! I'm from the Xu family..."

"Spare my life, I won't..."


"The Xu family won't let go..."

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