It is extremely chaotic, but there is order in the chaos.

Ding Dangmao went to the slum to hang out when he was a child, but he ran away after a short time. The little boy wanted to live here unless someone covered him, otherwise the end would be miserable.

Like many people who don't like to show his face, he kicked away the needles in the alley, and after leaving the alley, he stepped past the twitching drug addict beside the trash can, and he naturally integrated into the slum. .

This is not his first time here.

After merging "Famous Detective" a few days ago, he wanted to find the information and bracelets that were lost that night, but what about the famous detective?As the saying goes, it's hard to cook without rice, and he doesn't have any clues at all, and he doesn't know where to start.

Just find them one by one in a stupid way.

He went to the scene first, and the clues at the scene had already been destroyed, so Qin Lele did it himself... Besides, after more than [*] days, the fart could not be seen.

The police from other places came here to collect evidence, and even went deep into the slums under the leadership of the power user. They were going to door to door with lie detector tools, but most of them didn't cooperate...even under coercion. Cooperation, and did not force out clues.

When I checked back, the super lie detector tool was broken.

Don't know how bad it is.

After three consecutive lie detectors were scrapped in the slums, the super-power superintendent who led the team was scolded by them, and they never went to the slums again.

Ding Dangmao knew how bad that thing was. It's not like there are no superpowers in the slums. Some superpowers are specifically aimed at electronic devices. It is very easy to scrap your lie detector across a long distance.

There are many gangs in this place, all of them are poor people and social scumbags. Everyone hates seeing the police, so their investigation can't continue.

Ding Dangmao sneaked into this place quietly, but he really found some clues.

In the slums, there are a group of scavengers.

They usually pick up junk to sell for money, and of course they also find useful things. Among them, picking up corpses... is also a part of picking up junk.

Where there is a dead person, they will definitely sneak over to search for the body at the first time.

Then go with all the valuable stuff.

Before, Ding Dangmao followed the clues to their stronghold, and quietly searched several of their nests... but didn't find what he wanted.

But I learned that they also have some hidden dens for storing valuables.

I came today to search for their hidden dens.

From the detective's vision, Ding Dangmao can judge a person's approximate identity and occupation from his clothing and physical characteristics.

Soon, he was eyeing a scavenger.

I followed it quietly, and saw the scavenger scan the crowd around him, and saw a junkie who was so excited that he fell to the ground and twitched. Find some needles or white noodles.

Well, scavengers, picking up rubbish to pick up dead bodies, and of course 'picking up' living people.

After determining the target, Ding Dangmao continued to follow. The scavenger went around for a long time, and even took out the white noodles in an alley and had a little fun before going back.

Instead of going home, he went back to the scavenger's stronghold.

Ding Dangmao was also lurking in the soil and followed him into the stronghold.

Chapter [*] The Scavenger's Secret Stronghold

"you are late."

Not long after this man entered the base, a group of the same scavengers glared at him in the spacious round table, and the leader reprimanded: "We said that we must gather before [*] o'clock in the afternoon, do you still want to do business?"

"Can you blame me? My watch is broken!"

The scavenger had a little hilarity before, but now his mind is a little sluggish, he waved his hand and said, "It's my fault, let's not talk about this, let's get to the point."

With that said, he took his seat.

Most of the people present were ordinary people, except for the leader who was a T5 power user, who saw that everyone was here, and said, "Yesterday I contacted the Qingshui Gang from other places, and they said they were willing to buy from us. Goods, but you have to show them the quality first."

Hearing the news, everyone laughed lightly.

"Damn it, someone has finally taken over the stuff that was picked up from the sliver!"

Ding Dangmao, who was eavesdropping under the table, remembered that the police in Xiaoyao County had almost completely wiped out the slums, and there was no news about this incident. Although the people in the county town knew about the news, the Internet and the news insisted on the news. The wind was calm, and the fart didn't get out.

It's just that in the county seat, there are more and more police officers coming and going.

It has also successively cleared and turned over a number of criminal dens, which is considered to be a cross-over.

The county town has also begun to recruit police from the outside, but unfortunately the people of Xiaoyao County have all taken this 'missing' in their eyes, and there is no one to save their lives.

At present, it is entirely up to the out-of-town police to maintain law and order...

And those policemen who were wiped out were obviously cleaned up by this group of people in the slum, and I don't know if they returned the bodies.

Obviously, there are gangsters from other places who are greedy for the equipment of these police officers.

Want to spend money to buy from them.

"By the way, what about other things, I remember that I didn't get one at the scene of the car accident this time..."

As soon as someone made a sound, their boss glared at him: "Shut up!"

The audience immediately fell silent.

"I've told you all, it's a very critical moment, and we'll talk about it when the rumors pass! All of you are open-mouthed, if you spread this out one day, do you want to kill all our brothers?! "

The scavenger boss is really angry.

What kind of ban is he repeatedly applying for in the eyes of this group of crooked melons and cracked dates?

More than half of the members present are addicts, and the rest are not taboos on tobacco and alcohol. If they drink too much, they will cause trouble... The normal ones are pitiful.

It's very possible to tell everyone's secrets when you get drunk one day.

Thinking of this, the leader of the scavenger has secretly made a decision. After the police's equipment is sold, he will find a chance to take one or two reliable confidants and treasures to go directly to other counties. The same is true.

Anyway, this place can't stay any longer.


Tracking continues.

The target was changed to the boss of the scavengers, and I saw them reporting their work one by one at the round table, such as how much the group of people below sold the scraps and touched the corpses and turned over how much they got, and what strange gadgets they got...

The report did not end until the afternoon.

The boss of the scavenger lit a cigarette for himself and smoked it silently. After he took out part of the materials turned in this time and distributed it, he left with his share, a suitcase full of change.

He avoided the crowd at dusk, walked out of the slum, and came to the stone wall of a certain wilderness.

Put down the box, put your hand on the outside of the stone wall, and melt the stone in front of you like a stream of water, and soon it was corroded and a big hole was formed!

So, having superpowers is convenient.

The place is sheltered by trees and rocks.

The boss of the scavengers spent months drilling a hole with his superpowers, hollowing out most of the rock inside, and building a collection room in the hole.

This is his private stronghold.

Once a week, the leader of the scavengers will come, put money or other valuables in the hole, and use his superpowers to seal the place when he goes out!

After entering the hole, he took out the money from the box and said impatiently, "If it weren't for the strict control recently, I'd definitely have to exchange all the money for gold nuggets..."

I checked everything inside, and before I knew it, it was night.

The boss of the scavengers left with satisfaction after reading a room of collections.

Before leaving, he naturally did not forget to seal the place.

The stone turned into a liquid, flowed upstream toward the rock wall, and gradually sealed the entire opening, and then turned into a solid—in this way, the opening of the cave was sealed, and it looked like an ordinary rock wall from the outside, without any abnormality.

Seeing this, Ding Dangmao turned on the flashlight and strode out from the rock wall.

[Swimming Powder] gives him the ability to easily sneak into any facility.

In the cave, a lot of rare things and money are kept. Gold nuggets and jewelry are locked in the safe, and some super powers are placed on the counter. Dangmao saw that there was a lie detector inside, and A dozen slices of bread in a crisper.

Unexpectedly, this person still has his [Memory Bread] unfinished.

Ding Dangmao also saw a few bottles of super-power medicinal water, the kind that he had used before and could heal wounds without leaving scars when poured on his body.

Look again, there is actually half a bottle of Super Memory Potion.

I've never had this stuff.

In addition, Ding Dangmao also saw a lot of contraband, so that this guy can be transferred to a drug lord at any time; another cabinet is full of various documents and materials, which record all kinds of secrets... ...

To be honest, it's really a talented person to collect so many things.

In the archives, Ding Dangmao saw what he was looking for.

It was a bunch of documents "Weak Points" that had been glued together. This forced to restore most of the documents that had been torn to shreds by the shock wave, and there just happened to be content that I cared about.

They come in a clear bag and are well preserved.

"It took no effort to get it."

After taking away the documents he wanted, he looked around again, but couldn't find the location of the super bracelet... At this time, the tape of "Famous Detective" came into play.

The layout of the cave was watched by him.

If he were him, he would put more valuable items in...

With such superpowers, it must be placed in the rock wall!

After observing for a few minutes, Ding Dangmao found a wall whose color was inconsistent with the surrounding, and walked in on the spot, blending into the wall.

...... Sure enough, there are no caves.

The space here is small, and there are three super power props in a row.

A bracelet, a ring, a long gun.

Without looking at the other two, Ding Dangmao directly picked up the bracelet and put it in his pocket.

Ding Dangmao didn't know what the other two super powers were used for.

So there is no plan to take it away.


Sorry, there are two updates today.

make up tomorrow

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