Big and small, hundreds of black fists, fought for five years.

Five years later, the 20-year-old Yang Tuo retired, and with the younger brothers who had developed in the past five years, Xia Keshang won the head of his own gang and became the leader of the faction.

In the past five years, after inquiries from various parties, Yang Tuo also knew the cause of Master's death.

It's very simple, his master just roared in anger when a certain underworld gang was oppressing the good people, and injured the second leader of the gang...

He was sent by that man to a few of his subordinates who were drug addicts, went into a remote boxing gym with guns, and shot and killed his master.

......just this.

In such a bullshit world, for such a reason, the master died.

So on a dark and windy night, Yang Tuo led the team into the dark, cleared up the people who were left behind by the gang, and then killed the whole family who carried the handle.

By the way, he took over the business of the enemy's family.

That is to control a few gambling stores, some bar owners and prostitutes, as well as private drug production chains, arms in private workshops... They are all very common, the evil forces Yang Tuo has seen. They will fix these fast-paying, unconscionable things.

He is no exception.

In this way, after more than ten years, Yang Tuo's power has grown stronger and stronger. Now he has settled in Xiaoyao County, and after becoming the leader of this county, he has radiated his power to surrounding counties and cities. .

In that city and the dozen or so surrounding counties, the Yang Gang's power is not the first, but it's not a problem to squeeze into the top three; , you can take over the entire area.

During this period of smooth development...

Yang Tuo's subordinate, an important person in charge of the drug smuggling chain in Xiaoyao County, was hacked to death by a fifteen-year-old Leng Touqing who had no fart power!

Yang Tuo has not encountered such emergencies.

I planned to chop up that Leng Touqing skillfully and throw it to feed the dog, but in the investigation of my subordinates, I found that Leng Touqing is a bit complicated... It is a power user of the props department.

Moreover, the props made are very profitable!

This made Yang Tuo want to recruit.

You must know that he has done drug production and sales, small arms business, and countless pornographic gambling and drug establishments under his command, but he has never done smuggling of super powers...

This is a real profiteering industry!

It is also the business that Wei Shangguo has hit the hardest. In the face of this kind of activity, pornography gambling is not worth a slap. If the matter is exposed, the probability of being sentenced to death is more than [*]%.

Super power props, under the right conditions, are enough to make ordinary people kill high-level power users, or allow civilians to break through class barriers-in contrast, the social chaos that super power props will cause, in the power of those in power. Seems like a side effect.

[Super Memory Potion] is the most typical officially certified profiteering business.

Under the temptation of interests, Yang Tuo could not control it - in fact, in the underworld, if you want to establish the status of a big gang, it is very necessary to master a channel for smuggling super power props.

He wanted to have it before, but unfortunately he didn't have the opportunity.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, it is natural to cherish it.

Therefore, Yang Tuo gave the boy a chance to live.

"Two choices, either mess with me or pay for my life."

The boy chose the answer he wanted.


In the past three years, Yang Tuo has made many arrangements for super power props.

He secretly established a chain of smuggling [Memory Bread] and gave the supplier a close watch. He knew that the kid had quietly participated in the college entrance examination in order to escape his control...

Yang Tuo didn't stop him, letting the ridiculous young man struggle.

Even if you win the college entrance examination and get admitted to a key university, what can you do?

In the next arrangement, this kid couldn't fly out of his palm at all.

Whether it's the homeless children he once had contact with, the house he rented privately, and the girl who is close to him... Take [*] steps back, even if he really doesn't want to be threatened by relatives.

That can also be used to force control him with drugs!

However, this is the best policy, and Yang Tuo will not use it unless it is a last resort.

After all, he is such a provider.

Power users controlled by drugs must be abandoned!Even if you don't give up, you won't be able to last for many years. This second hand is completely killing the chicken and taking the eggs. Unless the situation is necessary, it is not within the scope of Yang Tuo's consideration at all.

... What Yang Tuo didn't expect was that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Xiaoyao County police chief died of illness?It doesn't matter, most of the police officers in the county were bought by the Yang Gang, and it's the same for someone else.

A director was airborne above to take office?It doesn't matter, the police below have been bribed, and the new chief will obey under both toughness and softness. He has a hundred ways to make him obedient.

What, the person here is a T4 power user?Ah, this, maybe Yang Gang has made a profit by bleeding. For such a strong man in the public family, it is absolutely impossible to fight against it, only for the sake of cooperation.

The leader of the airborne is a direct line of the big family?My mother, what is he doing in this small county!Close the stall and close the stall, all business is suspended first, don't cause trouble during this time!

to evacuate?Still want to catch a group of typical as meritorious?Would you like to go back and fight for power?

Urgently need to clear up the super power item smuggling case?

...... A series of news from the police station directly shocked Yang Tuo.

After confirming the authenticity of the news, he doesn't even want to stay in Xiaoyao County anymore.

And the [Memory Bread] smuggling channel that has only been established for three years?

It's gone, it must not be left.

Anyway, I did a good job of keeping secrets, and there were only about twenty people who knew about it. Except for my own confidants, it would be a waste to kill others.

Oh, that lad named Ding Dangmao...

Don't kill it first, take it away forcibly, maybe there will be a chance to make a comeback in the future.

Yang Tuo thought so, and did so.

After killing the insiders in the supply chain one by one, Yang Tuo called Ding Dangmao.

This young man named Ding Dangmao is very active, not only posting videos on the Internet, but also doing live broadcasts... The content is also very funny and naive.

Does he want to give himself a normal identity to get rid of the shadow of being a member of the underworld?Or is it a reasonable argument to give yourself a pile of black money of unknown origin?

It doesn't matter anymore.

According to the plan, he easily called Ding Dangmao.

The young man's feigning obedience in front of him became more and more proficient, as if he had no intention of resisting or dissatisfying.

He still didn't know what he was about to face.

What a poor kid...



In the end, Yang Tuo's gradually disintegrating consciousness floated above his corpse. In the darkness that gradually entered the murky darkness, he vaguely heard someone talking:

"Three years ago, you should have let me pay for it."

He couldn't hear any more.


Extras, do not account for the main text

When there is a name and a surname and has a great influence on Ding Dangmao's supporting corners behind the scenes, they will make up their extras to enrich the character image.

In fact, it doesn't affect the plot, so it's okay not to watch

Chapter [*] Breaking Classes with Exams

It was a young girl who stopped Ding Dangmao.

Her surname is Qin, and her name is Lele.

She has short hair covering her neck, her bangs cover her right eye slightly, she is [*] meters tall, her right ear is pierced, she is wearing a cool jacket, and a pair of jeans with exposed thighs... People see her The first impression is that she is a tomboy-type sports cool girl.

"Why are you here?" Ding Dangmao asked with some doubts.

"Come to find you!" she said generously.

Ding Dangmao realized that something was wrong: "How long have you been here?"

Qin Lele gave a wicked smile: "I watched your live broadcast, didn't you say that you would come to check the results after the broadcast, so I planned to come first to scare you... Then, guess you How long did you wait?"

Reaching out, Qin Lele pointed at his chest while pretending to be dissatisfied. least four hours.

It's really hard for you.

"I went to the Internet cafe."

Ding Dangmao lied without changing his face, he naturally couldn't tell Qin Lele candidly that he had just killed five people and dealt with [*] corpses before the time wasted.

"Really?" Qin Lele had a suspicious look. She leaned closer, only less than ten centimeters away from Ding Dangmao's cheek, and moved the tip of her nose lightly: "I smell a lie."

Oh, almost forgot.

This is a world where everyone is a superpower.

As a power user, even if it is the most extensive inflow, if you talk about the danger, it is equivalent to ordinary people holding a sharp weapon - people like T5 power users, the danger is equivalent to ordinary people holding a weapon. firearms.

The higher the super power level, the higher the natural danger.

In the world of per capita superpowers, Qin Lele is no exception. Her superpowers are incompetent [deduction]. Through the collected information, she can reason and restore the process like a supercomputer... or Calculate the future.

Qin Lele can use her superpowers like ordinary people cut vegetables with a knife, even if she is an incompetent superpower at the bottom of the pyramid, her behavior of using superpowers instinctively is very normal in the social atmosphere of Wei Shangguo of.

So, as soon as Ding Dangmao opened his mouth to lie, she sensed the breath of a lie.

She leaned closer, frowned slightly, and said with a somewhat wary tone: "You smell of shower gel on your body, and the smell of sweat after drying..."

"I didn't lie to you, let's play, you are too close." Ding Dangmao pushed the goods away: "I just took a shower and exercised for a while. It's normal to sweat."

Before he left, of course, he took a shower, took care of himself so that he could not see that he had gone through a war, and wiped off the mottled blood on his shoes before he dared to take the bus back.

It's just that he has run for more than ten kilometers, and his shoes and trousers will inevitably get some dust.

"Did you go away?"

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