"The superhero world kills without evidence."

"...Brother Lu, I have a clue."

In the end, Ding Dangmao had no intention of asking for help.

Lu Yueshan hung up the phone and said to Xu Shanglong, "Unfortunately, it seems that he doesn't need our help, but I managed to find such a great vice president, but I don't want him to die easily."

Xu Shanglong swiped a short video on his mobile phone and said, "Got it."

Lu Yueshan said, "How about you go to Xiaoyao County with Sister Chuan?"

Xu Shanglong: "Is it appropriate for me to go?"

Lu Yueshan: "Everyone is busy, you are the only one."

"Okay, let me go."

"Remember, don't take it lightly until the time of crisis."

"I know, the icing on the cake is not as good as giving help in the snow, but if we all give help in the snow, what if Ding Zi still doesn't join?"

"What should I do?" Lu Yueshan shrugged: "Don't worry, do you like hot faces and cold butts?"

The reason why he is familiar with this process is because he was invited into the organization in this way, and naturally he wants to apply the same method to others.


Xiaoyao County, a slum.

A large number of people collapsed at the place where several gangs had merged.

The little boy, the man in the suit, and the street boy are in the middle...

Three giant wolves surrounded everyone present from three directions.

The man in the suit moved his hands, showed a gentlemanly smile to everyone present, and said, "In the future, we will be the new boss here."

"Also please inform the power users living in the slums and ask them to come before eight o'clock in the evening to discuss important matters."

Chapter [*] Slum Embrace Evolution

Sure enough, it was right to avoid Qin Lele.

If you put your relationship with her on the bright side, those big families who have conflicts with her will definitely hit her on her.

Now, if they want to find someone to take revenge, they can only find themselves.

He took out his No. [*] mobile phone, sent a text message with an anonymous black card, and briefly explained the situation to Qin Lele.

After that, Ding Dangmao wrapped the thunder gun with cloth. This thing is 1.5 meters long. After wrapping it in cloth, it looks like a stick. Even if it is carried on the street, there is no sense of violation. This broken place, as long as it is not past the checkpoint, will not be found.

Rings and bracelets, two super power props are also put on, the ring is put in the pocket, and the bracelet is hidden in the wide sleeves, no one can see it.

Putting [Swimming Powder] on his body and incorporating the "criminal expert" with the best anti-tracking technology, he just walked out onto the street without any intention of covering up his figure.

Since the Xu family had already sent a few people who were not good people to investigate him, there was no need for Ding Dangmao to continue to disguise.

From Lu Yueshan's words, Ding Dangmao deeply realized that the world of power users is really different from ordinary people. Maybe T5 power users can still apply the rules of ordinary people, but when they reach T4 level, they have completely entered another world.

Just like this time, he killed Xu Shangtong, and the Xu family also suspected him.

Could it be that the Xu family put it into law, called the police and asked the police to arrest Ding Dangmao, and then used the power of the family to exert influence and sent him to prison through a serious trial?

No, that's for ordinary people.

In the super power world, everyone is accustomed to avoiding the sight of ordinary people. They will go directly to the door, and if there is insufficient evidence, they will send a killer to give the suspect to Tutu!

Win the battle, and the so-called 'inadequate' evidence becomes irrefutable.

This is just revenge!

If you lose, apologize, or suffer legitimate revenge from the other party!

What decides justice or not is power after all.

Originally, Ding Dangmao had almost realized this through Li World's website; now, after chatting with Lu Yueshan, he confirmed what he was thinking.

In other words, the fear of confrontation with the government that haunted him has dissipated.

As long as the struggle of the super power world does not take place in broad daylight and where crowds gather, then the government will turn a blind eye and let them solve it on their own - in ancient times, this is the grievances and grievances of the rivers and lakes, and the yamen is a shit!

In the same way, you don't have to worry about your wanted order being spread all over the street.

Ding Dangmao intends to integrate into the rules, he struttingly found a taxi on the street and drove towards the suburbs...


"Good, give you, transformation, strength."

In the slum, the little boy lost his terrifying beast in his eyes. Soon after they unified the slum, the little boy ordered all the dogs in the slum to be collected.

Soon, dozens of stray dogs were gathered.

Most of them are yellow-faced and skinny, and even have a lot of disabilities, not to mention various diseases. After all, they all live in the slums, and there is no last meal...

But the little boy didn't mind that.

He squatted down, stroked a Shiba Inu who took the initiative to approach him, stroked its thin rib-like body, and said softly: "Wolf, strength, give you."

As soon as the voice fell, a black fluid gushed out from his arm.

Something like a symbiote in Marvel covered the surface of Shiba Inu, who screamed in fear on the spot, but soon the dog's screams turned into heavy wolf howls, and his body was constantly raised. ...pull up...

Turned into a 1.5-meter-high black giant wolf!

The giant wolf overlooked the surroundings in surprise, and the wild dogs who were looking at them avoided their gazes and even moved their bodies away. After all, facing such a giant wolf that was 4 meters long and 1.5 meters tall, enough to tear apart tigers and leopards, how could they not? It's okay to be scared to pee.

You know, an adult tiger is only 1 meter tall.


The little boy waved to the dogs below.

All of a sudden, many wild dogs rushed over. They already had a natural intimacy with the little boy, and they were so obedient in the face of the little boy's coercion that they didn't dare to make trouble.

Soon, a giant wolf was shaped.

In the end, a total of twelve giant wolves appeared in the open space of the slum.

Among them, the four giant wolves are black, 1.5 meters tall and well-proportioned.

And four giant wolves are dark blue, 1 meter tall and slender.

The last four giant wolves are dark red, 2 meters tall, and extremely strong!

They are normal type, speed type and power type.

In this way, the power of the little boy's transformation has also been exhausted, and he can only turn the canine into this giant wolf servant, as for the rest...


Sharp fingernails popped out and cut his arm.

The blood dripped on the ground, and he greeted all the wild dogs present and said, "Come, lick!"

Soon, all the blood was licked up.

Under the gaze of the little boy, they grew black hair on their bodies, and their physiques became huge, and finally turned into a real wolf in nature...

Dozens of hungry wolves let out long howls one after another.

Hearing the howling of the wolves, the little boy showed a rare gentle smile. He walked behind him and lifted the cloth...

Inside was the meat they had collected hard from the slums.

"Be good, eat enough, fight for me!"

A pack of wolves swarmed to share their food.

After they were full, the little boy took out a towel from his pocket. It was the towel that the Xu family brought from Ding Dangmao's dormitory, and it was contaminated with the owner's smell.

Under the little boy's gesture, the pack of wolves remembered the taste one after another.

"Find him and tell me."

The group of wolves howled, strode excitedly, and gradually disappeared from the little boy's field of vision.


"I can give you my blood."

The man in the suit drew his own blood with a needle and injected it into the volunteers on the ground...well, volunteered.

Just 50 ml of blood was injected, and the latter's thin body, which was destroyed by the poison pin, began to tremble, twitching on the ground as if he was addicted, and foam gradually appeared in his mouth.

"This is the evolution given to mortals." The man in the suit introduced to everyone present with a lofty smile: "You will be infinitely powerful, extremely fast, and not afraid of illness... You like to eat flesh and blood."

"You will be my blood slaves, ghouls."

The man on the ground stopped twitching, he stood up slowly, and was shocked to find that his body was no longer thin, the muscles all over his body bulged like air, and even the muscles themselves were flowing like liquid.

He felt like he could lift hundreds of kilograms of fat pigs!

Moreover, the drug addiction that tormented him in the body also disappeared.

It's just that the transformation of the body takes energy, which makes him want to... eat something.

Something alive, or raw meat, with blood!

"Everyone gets divine evolution!"

The man in the suit assured everyone: "Also, there is almost no cost!"

The eyes of the crowd went wild.

There are only a few power users left, looking at each other in dismay, full of vigilance.

Chapter [*] Unexpected Battle (Part [*])

An adult male like a man in a suit has about five thousand milliliters of blood in his body.

Every 50 milliliters of a needle has transformed more than [*] poor people, and the blood consumption has reached more than [*] milliliters.

It just makes people suspect that he is made of blood.

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