I Have Hundred Times The Reward Of Online Game Chapter 228

The disdainful sarcasm sounded in everyone's ears, and Ma Tianyu and Mo Qi invariably showed a confused look.

Although flying cannot increase battle strength, being able to do so can also prove Han Xiao's strength from the side.

This group of people, although everyone's armor piercing has piled up to more than 80%, and even several have reached 100%.

But even so, can it really kill Han Xiao?

At this moment, Mo Qi suddenly felt a hint of regret in his heart, and felt that he should not come to this kind of muddy water for the commission of more than one million.

"Hey, maybe Xiao Qing is right, but it's too late to say anything now."

Depressed sighed, he glanced at Hou Jie beside him, since he accepted Money, it should not be so easy to withdraw from this operation.

This kid is in Kyoto, and it seems that the background is not simple.

If it really annoys him, even if there is no way to get him in reality, in the game, it will still be very troublesome.

"What are you afraid of, what are you afraid of, is that idiot flying?"

Waving the bone staff, Hou Jie angrily roared: "Put this away for me. With the expression on the dead father's face, what can he do even if his defense is high?"

"Don't forget, the armor piercing of each of you has already piled up to more than 80%, as long as With one skill salvo, we can kill him in seconds."

"I spent more than 20 million yuan, not because I saw you guys were scared and scared before starting a fight."

"Listen to me, as long as you can kill Han Xiao, I will give everyone another million as a reward."


Hou Jie spared no effort to cheer up, and at a distance of 100 meters, there were also people staring at the sky in amazement.

"I originally watched those videos, but I thought Han Xiao was just geared up, didn't expect my eyes opened today."

"Yes, I also watched those videos. Now, that guy's fighting skills can't be described as bad anymore. He is full of 100% armor piercing, even with bronze equipment, I can definitely kill him."

"Oh, then today we Just let him know that there is a mountain beyond the mountain, there is Person beyond the Person, something like a manifestation symbol is not something he can possess."


The voice of discussion echoed among the crowd. Xiao Han knew that the video on the forum had already caused a great stir, and some people even had some ideas about him.

Can be anxious about Liu Yan's injury, he has already forgotten Bai Xiaosheng's advice thoroughly.

At this time, he was getting closer and closer to the ground. Although his speed was still fast, it was much slower than the last time.

Five meters, three meters, two meters...

Xiao Han's eyes narrowed slightly, his toes also loosened the end of Chi Yan's cloak, and his legs were slightly bent at the same time , ready to land at any time.


The next second, the moment his feet touched the ground, he immediately made a reverse slash, canceling about 70% of his strength, and then twisted his body, allowing his back to hit the ground first.



Two violent collisions caused him to lose more than 10,000 health points, but this was more than the first time Much better.

At least for now, the health bar has 2/3/2022 left.

Backhand took out a bottle of high level life recovery potion, Xiao Han immediately poured it into his mouth, and then asked: "How are you, are you alright!"

Approaching Then, he saw that the top of Liu Yan's head, the health value was still more than 1,000 points, and the more than 1,000 points decreased, and he immediately felt relieved.

Then immediately turned over and quickly ran towards the direction of Storm Wind City.

Only at this moment, the surrounding players were startled again by Han Xiao, and they all shouted...

"Quick, quick, quick, quick video, this kind of explosive scene, I have to share it with everyone."

"Fuck, the moment I landed, my health was reduced by 12,000 points, but there was still more than half of the remaining health, which is too ridiculous. Come on!"

"I'm splitting on horseback. They're all players who entered the game together. Why is the gap so big?"


Xiao Han doesn't care about everyone's discussion. Now, the most important thing for him is to send Liu Yan back to Storm Wind City as quickly as possible.

Only by returning to Storm Wind City can she have any hope of surviving.

But at this time, he put all his attention on Liu Yan, and didn't notice that in the direction he was going, someone had already blocked it quickly.

"I fuck, what kind of Divine Immortal speed is this?"

Seeing Han Xiao approaching extremely fast, Hou Jie couldn't help but scolded and hurriedly shouted: "Ma Tianyu, you Don't be stunned!"

"Hurry up and shoot arrows, let me slow down his speed."

"And Knight and warrior, hurry up and block me from the front. He, must stop him here."

Hearing this order, more than a dozen melee players around immediately took action, Ma Tianyu raised his bow and arrow, just waiting for Han Xiao to enter the range Immediately after that, the fingers loosened.

With the sound of the arrow "xiu", Xiao Han didn't even have time to react, and was already stuck on Liu Yan's back.



Two bright red numbers appeared immediately, one was arrow damage and the other was bleeding effect.

At the same time, he also felt Liu Yan's body slightly trembled.

Xiao Han suddenly lifts the head and looks at a group of players who are quickly flanking over. He doesn't care, but stares at Ma Tianyu and roars angrily: "Get out of here, don't you dare? Shoot an arrow, Lao Tzu and you are irreconcilable."

He didn't pay attention to the dozen or so players who rushed over, but that arrow was different, it had a strong Slow down effect.

At this time, every time the speed is reduced by one point, Liu Yan will be more dangerous.

Therefore, he couldn't tolerate such a thing happening, and continued with fierce eyes: "If you dare to shoot another arrow, I will make you unable to get out of Storm Wind City."

At this time, he and the surrounding players were already very close, and the distance between the two sides was already less than two meters.

Xiao Han stopped abruptly and raised his right foot slightly.

He wants these players who don't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth to know that it's not useful to have a lot of people, and he also wants them to understand that if you want to get his attention, you have to think about your body first. Hard enough.

killing the chicken to warn the monkey, he couldn't believe these guys dared to do it.


It only stopped for half a second, and the dozen or so players who rushed towards him had already surrounded him.

As Xiao Han landed with one foot, four-digit damage values appeared on the top of everyone's heads.

Next second...

Bang! boom! boom!

A dozen or so excited players all froze, and then fell down neatly.

This scene fell into Ma Tianyu's eyes. The arm he had just drawn the bowstring trembled suddenly, and a horrified expression appeared on his face.

At the same time, Mo Qi's right hand trembled immediately, and the big Fireball that had just condensed was instantly extinguished.

As for Hou Jie, who organized the operation, he opened his mouth wide, showing a blank expression, and muttered to himself: "This, this is gone?"

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