Hang up the phone, Li Changsheng looked up and down Wang Dongsheng a few times.

“Now, you are regarded as my student officially. Remember, to be my student, there are three requirements. One is to be obedient. Second, to be obedient, and the third is to be obedient. Do you understand?”


Wang Dongsheng replied very loudly.


Li Changsheng nodded.

Although this Wang Dongsheng is a wealthy Young Master, he carries a sense of strength and arrogance, but this kind of character is very much liked by Li Changsheng.

Because of this straightforward temperament, there is no intestine, which is what Li Changsheng appreciates.

“Being my student is the blessing you have cultivated in your last life.”

Li Changsheng said.

At this time, there was the sound of “dong dong” footsteps outside the door.

Li Changsheng thought it was his three roommates who came back, but when the tall man of the opponent bends down when entering the door frame, Li Changsheng can see clearly that he is another of the fighting team Member, Wei Hu.

Wei Hu, the name speaks for itself, is very strong, and just standing there gives people an oppression.

However, after entering the door, he respectfully greeted Li Changsheng.

“I have seen the coach, the trainee Wei Hu is here to please you.”

This guy Wei Hu, talking in a low, muffled voice, looks like a stupid big fellow , However, the members of the fighting team know that this guy is not stupid at all.

If he is stupid, he won’t come so quickly and take the initiative to admit his mistake to Li Changsheng.

“Okay, I’ll accept you too. The class will start tomorrow, 8:00 in the morning, and you are not allowed to be late, otherwise, the fist of this coach can not be trifled with.”

Li Changsheng clenched his fists subconsciously, but Wei Hu and Wang Dongsheng felt a chill in their hearts.

They have experienced Li Changsheng’s methods. There is absolutely terrifying power in this thin body.

“Wang Dongsheng, your arm is injured. I have a formula here. You buy these medicine ingredients at the pharmacy, boil them into a paste, and then apply them externally for three days to ensure that your arm recovers as before. “


Wang Dongsheng is nodded.

Seeing that Li Changsheng really took out the paper, wrote a pile of Chinese medicine, with the dosage and so on, and handed it to Wang Dongsheng.

Wei Hu next to him couldn’t help but wonder: “Coach, Shao Wang’s arm, the doctor said it won’t get better after three months, three days, is it a bit exaggerated?”

Wang Dongsheng didn’t believe it, but he didn’t dare to question it face to face.

Although the coach is very strong, his strength is not equal to medical skills.

Even if the coach really understands medicine and is superb, it is impossible to heal his injury in three days.

Li Changsheng just smiled very confidently: “What is three days? Just follow the prescription I prescribe, and one day will be fine.”

“Do you know what is Immortal Medicine? This is the immortal prescription. With this prescription, you can buy 10 streets in the third ring road of the extremely expensive land.”


Wei Hu and Wang Dongsheng sucked in a breath of cold air at the same time.

There are ten streets within the third ring road. How much does that cost?

Is the coach boasting a bit bigger?

It seems that not at all, aware of the suspicion in the eyes of the two, Li Changsheng waved his hand: “What are you doing, I want to rest.”

, And added: “By the way, whoever of you tells me about Jin Wenwen’s whereabouts, as his coach, you both have returned to the team, I should also visit her.”

“This, Li Coach, you won’t do anything wrong with Wenwen, do you?”

Wei Hu hesitatingly asked.

Indeed, the reason why he rushed in and fought Li Changsheng desperately that day was because he listened to people talking about what Li Changsheng did to Jin Wenwen.

Although Li Changsheng is officially his coach now, he regards Jin Wenwen as his sister. In case Jin Wenwen’s whereabouts tells the coach, what he is doing is not as good as a beast…

“What do you think?”

Li Changsheng could not help eyebrow raised.

“I just want to talk to her and let her return to the fighting team. After all, the three of you are going to compete together.”

“That’s good.”

Wei Hu put out a long breath, then shook his head and said: “I don’t know where she is.”

“I don’t know? Then why are you meditating for so long? Fuck off.”

Li Changsheng kicked Wei Hu’s butt, and his body over two meters was kicked out of the door.

I wanted to give Wang Dongsheng a kick, but when I saw his hand in a plaster, I ended up showing mercy.

After the two left, Li Changsheng lay on the bed and slept beautifully. Until the eyes opened, they still did not see the three of Jiang Tao coming back.

So I stretched out and planned to buy something in the supermarket below to sacrifice my five internal organs temple.

Who knows, when I left the dormitory, I was stopped by a silhouette.

“Li Changsheng, I have something to find you, let’s talk to another place.”

The visitor is not someone else, but it turned out to be Chu Meng, one of the four major flowers of Qing State University. The old granddaughter.

“If you have anything, just say it. Where can I change it? I didn’t do anything wrong, I am not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, and I am not afraid of being seen by others.”

Li Changsheng doesn’t care. Said.

Chu Meng is hearing this, can’t help but be impatient, this guy is so thick-skinned, you are not afraid of being seen, but Eldest Miss is afraid, this Young Lady is one of the four Goddess in the school.

However, thinking of what I want to do, I am not in the mood to care about that many with Li Changsheng, and directly opened the mouth and said: “Listen to my persuasion, you will drop out immediately. Leave Qing State University! “


Li Changsheng hearing this was taken aback.

If it weren’t for Chu dreamed of seeing himself with a cold eyebrow, he really wants to touch the other’s forehead, is it burned out of his brain, or is it irritated, why just come here? Just let yourself drop out?

“I am a good student, why should I drop out?”

“Did you beat Qin Hao’s nephew Qin Xuan in a bar today?”


Li Changsheng nodded.

“Are you engaged in espionage work? Otherwise, how can the information be so well-informed.”

“Don’t care how I know, I just want to tell you a piece of news, you first I hit Qin Hao’s son and Qin Hao’s nephew. Qin Hao has been completely angered. Even with my grandfather’s warning beforehand, Qin Hao doesn’t plan to bear it anymore and wants to do it against you.”

“Today, I heard the news that Qin Yi has united with several experts from the Taekwondo Club and said that he would retaliate against you, and this move was supported by Qin Hao.”

“Qin Yi has always been very ruthless in his work. There are not a few people who have been interrupted by him over the years and become vegetative. Therefore, I advise you to quit school quickly, otherwise, you will not end well.”

“So it’s like this!”

Li Changsheng just smiled slightly: “Sure, I know, but I don’t care about Qin Yi’s garlic.”

While speaking, he turned around Chu Meng and was about to walk to the supermarket.

“Don’t put it in your eyes? You are so crazy.”

What else does Chu Meng want to say, Li Changsheng has already walked a few meters away.

She can only stamp her feet fiercely when she is angry.

“Damn fellow, I am kind to save you, but you just didn’t listen. When Qin Yi comes to avenge you, you will wait to regret it.”

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