Nalan Yuting fell under the ring, and struggled to get up, looking at that silhouette on the ring, with a look of fear.

China hidden dragons and crouching tigers, it is not a few that can beat Nalan Yuting in the north, but it is absolutely no more than a slap that can seriously injured Nalan Yuting with one move.

Almost all that slap was a great character that moved the world, not including the shameless young man in front of him.

Li Changsheng put his hands on the ropes of the ring, calmly looking at the seriously injured Nalan Yuting under the stage, opened the mouth and said: “Just now you injured my subordinate, now I’ll give you two choices, either to apologize to him or I break your leg.”

The voice is condescending, and this tone shouldn’t have appeared at Li Changsheng’s age.

After Nalan Yuting’s expression changed several times, she shook the head: “Impossible, you can kill you and you can’t be humiliated, and I’m a sick man, I don’t believe you dare to do to me.”

Nalan Yuting finished speaking, and Li Changsheng couldn’t speak.

Chu Xing on the second floor shouted: “Mr. Li, Chi Yu is the tiger of the north. You must not be impulsive.”

However, Li Changsheng has no To answer Chu Xing’s words, he just shook his head slightly, and then suddenly supported the rope on the ring with his hands, and jumped down from above.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, he kicked out suddenly, hitting Nalan Yuting’s left leg.


Clear sound.

The audience was in an uproar.

Too decisive, too simple, and too unscrupulous.


It’s as strong as Nalan Yuting who couldn’t help but let out a scream, big beads of sweat flowed down from his head.

On the calf of his left leg, a piece of white bone pierced the skin and exposed.

Simply, weird, and terrifying.

Li Changsheng made a brazen shot, so that everyone in the court couldn’t react.

After more than thirty seconds, several subordinates brought by Nalan Yuting rushed up.

But when the first fierce and unafraid of death guy was hit by Li Changsheng, he broke his chest and flew out, this group of normally fierce guys who are known to be fierce and unafraid of death finally stopped. .

It’s one thing to fight hard, but it’s another thing to go up and die.

Wolves are the most ferocious animals, but if they face a tiger that can crush it, they will also run away. Animals and humans are essentially the same.

Li Changsheng patted his hands, like doing an insignificant thing, and then slowly walked up to his place on the second floor and sat down.

Peng Tiexin glanced at Nalan Yuting, who was still lying on the ground, clutching her calf, shook the head sympathetically, and then followed Li Changsheng step by step.

Chu Xing finally couldn’t help but walked over, looking at the youth who made him have several points of invisible, and said loudly: “Li Changsheng, do you know what you are doing?”

Li Changsheng was recommended to him by his niece Chu Meng. He didn’t take Li Changsheng seriously at first. It was only after Li Changsheng helped him defeat Wang Dali that he understood what the young man in front of him was. importance.

But now he regrets it to the extreme, because he would rather let the Qing State territory out in exchange for his father’s life than offend the sick tiger.

“Isn’t it just a leg? If he weren’t Chi Yu’s subordinate, he would be dead now.”

Li Changsheng said indifferently, without any madness in his tone. Everything is as expected.

Perhaps for others, Chi Yu is an unattainable mountain, but in the eyes of Li Changsheng, he was just a subordinate that followed him back then that’s all.

“Li Changsheng, you are indeed very strong. Nalan Yuting is not your opponent. Look at the northern rivers and lakes. Your military force value can also be ranked in the top 30, but you can let your military force What’s the use of being strong? The person behind Nalan Yuting is the sick tiger Chi Yu. Do you know what kind of disaster will be caused by breaking his leg?”

“The sick tiger Chi Yu and Xu Xiaolin are listed as north Two hills, people in the entire northern land, if you offend him, don’t you mean bringing about one’s own destruction, not to mention you, even if my Chu Family will suffer from you, originally the biggest boxing match The price is to lose the Qing State territory, but now it is very possible to catch up with the life of my Chu Family.”

Chu Xing jumped with anger.

If it weren’t for the youth’s battle strength in front of him, he would have liked to slap him on the spot.

“I will do my best.”

Li Changsheng raised his head and leaned back on the chair behind him. Chu Xing’s appearance made Chu Xing angry.

“Can you afford it?”

Chu Xing has nowhere to vent the evil fire, and his face is full of despair and depression.

Finally, a long sighed, walked back to where he was and sat down.

The situation has developed to the point where Chu Xing feels powerless.

There, Yang Ren hurriedly sent someone to bandage Nalan Yuting’s injuries.

Qin Hao, Yang Chenggang and the others smiled at taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Dare to break Nalan Yuting’s leg, the big Old Hu in the north can’t be furious. Apart from Xu Xiaolin in the north, who can wrestle with the sick tiger Chi Yu.

Moreover, there has been an extraordinary relationship between Xu Xiaolin and the sick tiger Chi Yu. Unless this kid is Xu Xiaolin’s own son, Xu Xiaolin will never go against Chi Yu, and this possibility Minimal, because Xu Xiaolin has no sons at all, only a daughter.

Once Chi Yu gets angry, Li Changsheng and Chu Family are bound to die.

In the end, the real winner of today’s boxing match is Qin Hao.

Li Changsheng from start to finish sat there leisurely, unaware that his actions were tantamount to a hole in the sky.

Sitting at an alluring woman not far from Li Changsheng, looking at Li Changsheng who not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, said with a sneer: “Look at how you died this time.”

It is said that there is no hate for no reason, but alluring women are not pleasing to Li Changsheng.

Yang Xiaowei with blood nose and swollen face, Qin Yi, who was cleaned up by Li Changsheng, and Brother Qin Xuan both clenched their fists with excitement.

Li Changsheng’s move is really painful for the relatives and quick for the enemies.


There was a commotion on the first floor, and the crowd was rushed through.

A group of strong men in black suits blazed a trail among the crowd, and then a middle-aged man in suits walked in arrogantly surrounded by a group of black clothed bodyguards.

When the opponent appeared, it instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

Many of the leaders of Qing State, including Yang Ren, Qin Hao, and the others all stood up, with awe on their faces.

Chu Xing instantly looked pale, without blood, his body began to tremble.

The middle-aged man took the lead and walked up to the second floor. Qin Hao, Yang Ren and the others hurried up to meet them, but they were rudely pushed away by his bodyguards, but they did not dare to have the slightest mark on their faces. Dissatisfied, but stood aside trembling with fear.

Because this man is one of the two big mountains in the north, the Big Boss of Xu Clan Group, who is as famous as the sick tiger Chi Yu, and the king Xu Xiaolin.

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