Bai Qiuran controlled the shuttle and flew in Heaven for several days.

With his true essence stimulated Feisuo, in just a few days, they already flew from Righteous Yang City, the center of Yang Heavens mainland, to the northwestern edge of the mainland.

Bai Qiuran stopped the shuttle until he could see the churning sea of ​​clouds all the way to the horizon, and then led the entire group into a nearby mountain range.

He left Righteous Yang City and a passerby on the side of the road casually told him this place after he sent the signal.

Although it may be a scam set up by other forces, or a simple coincidence, Bai Qiuran’s intuition told him that this is the real location.

Furthermore, even if it is really a trap, he is not afraid.

The entire group went deep along the mountain range. After approaching the designated location, everyone suddenly heard the sound of digging.

They quickened their pace and walked out of the lush and green woods, and then they saw a tomb mountain standing in the clearing in front of them, and in the front of these tombs, there was an Elderly dressed in linen, Sleeves and trouser legs are rolled up high, waving a shovel in his hand, digging the ground.

He has great strength. Every time he goes down, he can dig out a small pile of soil from the ground. Soon, he dug out a big human-shaped pit.

Then, this Elderly put down the shovel, picked up a coffin next to it, put it in the soil, bulldozed the coffin, and then used the stone on the side to efficiently knock out a beautiful piece tombstone.

Finally, he carved a line of words on the tombstone with a chisel.

“Eastern Immortal World, the tomb of Wang Cheng”.

After doing all this, the old man dragged his own business to a clearing next to him, waved his shovel again, and started digging another big pit.

“This old man, how can he be so bold.”

Seeing this, Qing Mingzi shake one’s head.

“What’s wrong with digging a grave?”

Bai Qiuran asked.

“Wang Cheng is the name of the Azure Emperor sitting down on the Grand Tutor.”

Liu Shi explained.

Everyone looked around again and found that the names were slowly engraved on these tombstones.

“They are all people with names and surnames in the Azure Emperor forces.”

Qing Mingzi suddenly pointed in a direction and said in surprise:

“Azure even The Emperor himself has his grave.”

Bai Qiuran They looked over and found that the name engraved on it was “Nie Qingyun”.

“Eastern Azure Immortal Dynasty’s Imperial Family family name is Nie, and Nie Qingyun is indeed the name of final generation Sacred Martial Azure Sovereign.”

Hanging on Bai Qiuran’s waist, Wisdom Immortal, who had been pretending to be dead for a long time, couldn’t help but whisper to him at this time.

But perhaps because of shock, Qing Mingzi and Liu Shi did not at all hear what he said.


Li Jinyao couldn’t help but cup one fist in the other hand to the old man who was digging:

” Therefore, your friends are like Qings, and now the graves are full of green grass.”

“You are too arrogant.”

Tang Ruowei couldn’t help saying:

“This is Eastern Immortal World, how dare you plan a grave for the Immortal Emperor of Eastern Immortal World?”

“hmph, a person is inherently dead, and the Immortal Emperor is also a person. Why can’t you lay a grave for him? ?”

Elderly stopped his work, held the shovel and stuck it aside, coldly snorted and said:

“Eastern Immortal World is now a bunch of stupid ass, I’m They dig their graves, they are considered to be flattering them. This bunch of trash should be exposed to the wilderness when they die.”

The words of this old man were so pungent and straightforward, Qing Mingzi and Liu Shi couldn’t help but slap their tongues. .

“Nonsense, are you here to do and so on?”

The old man just paused and immediately became impatient.

“If you are lost, please go back. If it’s nothing, don’t bother me. I have to dig a grave for the fools of the remaining three heavenly layers.”

“Of course something is going on.”

Bai Qiuran said to him:

“We came here after sending out the signal and being guided by others. We would like to invite Senior takes us to Central Immortal World.”

“Want to go to Central Immortal World?”

The old man haha ​​smiled and pointed to the side and said:

” Okay, you jump in, and I will take you there.”

Everyone followed his fingers and found that the old man was pointing at a pile of empty coffins.

“Anyway, Central Immortal World is now a bunch of cowardly dead people. They can’t fight or scold them. The idiots of Four Directions Immortal World can ride on their heads at any time. Fu, even the juniors can’t clean up.”

He loudly said:

“You are going to the world of dead people, naturally you must become dead people.”

“This statement is wrong.”

Puppet Venerable said:

“The world of the dead is clearly Netherworld. What does it have to do with Central Immortal World.”

“hmph, that’s also a dead world.”

Elderly sneered.

“Let the Immortal Emperors ride on their heads and shit, Ghost Emperor three hundreds of thousands of years, no matter what, I just said before, I am also a dead man who cheated!”


Puppet Venerable’s face was angry, but Bai Qiuran held him back.

“This Old Mister is right.”

Bai Qiuran shake one’s head:

“Good warriors have no merits, the loyal ones There is no exaggeration, the good doctor has no Huanghuang name. He said ugly, but it is true. I and Li both can bear the blame for the Ghost World thing. After stocking you three hundreds of thousands of years, there is nothing to refute “

“And the Central Immortal Emperor too, lost the Master, just like a motherless child, crying, terrified and over-cautious, terrified and over-cautious.”

The old man pointed and said, feeling a little excited:

“A coward, it’s better to die!”

“Are you embarrassed to talk?”

Puppet Venerable finally couldn’t help it, and screamed:

“Then you are so powerful, why don’t you take a shovel and shoot these idiots one by one to death, drag them back and bury them? Haw here, blame the gods and accuse others, you are also a coward!”


Hearing Puppet Venerable’s words, the old man stood up suddenly Come, throw away the shovel in your hand.

He rolled up his sleeves and was about to talk with Puppet Venerable, but he opened his mouth and suddenly felt speechless.

He sat back down again, sitting on the edge of the pit he dug out, staring blankly for a while, then suddenly covering his face weeping bitter tears.

“You are right, I can’t beat an idiot, I dare not go out, I am also a coward, I am also a coward…”

He cried for a while, then suddenly laughed When I got up, laughter was full of self-deprecating.


Tang Ruowei couldn’t help but pull Bai Qiuran’s sleeve.

“This old man is crying and laughing. Isn’t he a madman?”

Bai Qiuran shook head and said to the old man cup one fist in the other hand:


“Senior, as long as you enter the coffin, can you go to the Central Immortal World?”

“Of course the dead can go to the world of the dead.”

That Elderly means The heavens are painted and the face is muddy with tears and nose, and odd said:

“This is the law of heaven–“

“That line.”

Bai Qiuran Look at Qing Mingzi and Liu Shi.

“Master, Liu…”

“Call me Master’s Wife.”

Liu Shi softly said with a smile.

“Master Master’s Wife, I have wronged you.”

Bai Qiuran apologized.

“It’s okay.”

Qing Mingzi waved his hand:

“I haven’t slept in a coffin in my life. This is also quite an interesting experience.”


“That’s fine.”

Bai Qiuran looked at Li Jinyao and Tang Ruowei again, Tang Ruowei shrugged his shoulders and looked indifferent, and Li Jinyao took the opportunity to say:

“I don’t want to sleep in the coffin unless Senior is with me.”

Too lazy, Bai Qiuran nodded agreed, so the entire group chose their favorite coffin and lay in, Li Jinyao and Bai Qiuran lay in a coffin.

After everyone lay down, the coffins were immediately closed, and then they fell into the soil with them, without whereabouts.

The old man was still sitting on the spot, muttering what he had just laughed at. After another moment, someone from outside the sky suddenly flew over and fell to the ground.

This person is dashing eyebrows with star eyes, handsome in appearance, tall and tall, and the back of the head turns light wheel slowly, very mystical.

“old man.”

He looked around, and asked the old man:

“I am Azure Emperor Your Majesty under Immortal Venerable Kui , Have you seen two men and three women, have you come here recently?”

The old man sat in the pit, muttering to himself, and ignored him.

“old man?”

Immortal Venerable Kui frowned and said angrily:

“I’m asking you something.”

” I’m not a coward, I’m not a coward…”

The old man suddenly stood up slowly, holding the shovel, muttering in his mouth, and looking at Immortal Venerable Kui.

“I am not a coward, I will kill an idiot and bury it for you!”

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