Standing quietly on the Void River, the Consciousness Barrier, which has existed for many years, was suddenly opened on this day.

After the failure to contain the new Knowledge Demon last time, the strongest Knowledge Demons in the Knowledge Demon domain were opened in the nearby Domain of Consciousness, and all parties suffered heavy losses. Later, they each returned to their respective domains and went dormant.

As a result, they all withdrew their respective Knowledge Demon troops deployed in this area, and now there are only three or two small fishes and shrimps left in the nearby area.

Super Knowledge Demons have determined that the “food” on the opposite side of Consciousness Barrier will not actively attack the Knowledge Demon field in recent years, so they have not paid attention to this side anymore and focused their attention on each other The body.

Therefore, this place has become a gray area in the field of Knowledge Demon, and only some newly born Knowledge Demon are entrenched around here.

Therefore, when the void boats that rushed out of the passage were crushed by the immortal power cannon mounted on the bow, none of these Knowledge Demons had reacted yet, and they were still intoxicated by you. Fighting and killing each other.

The powerful firepower of the Voidship Fleet quickly cleared the Domain of Consciousness of several nearby worlds, and then dropped a blockade network, blocking these worlds, temporarily forming an isolation zone.

“In the Domain of Consciousness here, there are a lot of scattered concepts. Just those Knowledge Demon that we have eliminated, the body should not have so many concepts…”

Station On the flagship of the Void Boat Fleet, Bai Qiuran slowly emerged behind the phantom of Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable. Then, his domain gradually spread under the foot of Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable, slowly spreading to this domain of Among Consciousness, receive is scattered in this fragmented concept of Domain of Consciousness.

“Knowledge Demon are not united, in fact, according to our research results, Knowledge Demon was born naturally. It is the norm to be hostile to each other and swallowing.”

Immortal on the flagship gives Bai Qiuran introduced:

“When Immortal Ancestor created the own Knowledge Demon on the Consciousness Barrier, it was attracted by the fluctuation of the Domain of Consciousness, and Knowledge Demon threw away. It should have happened here. A war.”

“Do you mean that they started filming directly here?”

“Yes, this is the normal state of Knowledge Demon.”

Bai Qiuran looks beyond the Void Flying Boat. From the perspective of immortals, you can only see the colorfully connected Domain of Consciousness, but if you look at it from the perspective of Knowledge Demon, you can see those floating in the Domain of Consciousness and large and small conceptual fragments in the sky.

These concepts are not complete concepts. They are just fighting here and swallowing up the residue left by the Knowledge Demon in the future. After absorbing them, Knowledge Demon will not grasp the new concept.

However, it is not without benefits to absorb it. For Knowledge Demon, all conscious and spiritual things can be used as food. In short, it is tasteless to eat, but it is a pity to discard it. It is like a chicken rib is better than nothing. s things.

But all came, Bai Qiuran was still a newcomer, Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable fully promoted the expansion of the field, and all the conceptual fragments scattered in these worlds were swallowed into the field.

After absorbing these concept fragments, the “probability” of these concepts is also included in the field of Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable, which means that in the future, there will be Knowledge Demon in the field of Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable. Comprehend and master the probability of these concepts, although the probability is minimal, but not completely.

“Set up camp on the spot, build a city, and send people to search for the material worlds of these worlds.”

Bai Qiuran gave the order according to the procedure.


After the order was given, a small but fast ship separated from the Void Boat fleet. Some immortals rode it through the passage and returned to the other side. , Briefing the situation, after a while, in the passage on the Consciousness Barrier, one by one carrier boats slowly sailed out and came to the positions reserved for these worlds. Then, there were refined immortals, from The divine gold gemstone was taken out from the ship, and true fire refining was activated. Immortal, who was proficient in rune and formation, engraved the formation rune for it.

Not long after, a number of void outposts of Immortal World appeared on the periphery of these worlds in the sky, connected to each other, and enhanced the defensive ability of the blockade network.

After the outpost was built, the Void Flying Boats drove slowly, using six transport flying boats and one combat flying boat as a matrix, approaching each other, and then they were spliced ​​together.

The immortals on the flying boat fly out of the ship and work with a common purpose to display magecraft. The one by one matrix has slowly turned into a huge Immortal City, each on the Immortal City city wall The densely packed formation rune, and the densely packed immortal power cannon arrangement, looks extraordinary formidable power.

Seeing that immortals had already completed the preliminary construction in an orderly manner, Bai Qiuran gave the command to the captain of the flagship after two sentences, and then brought a group of girls to these places. The material world of a world.

Knowledge Demon have the consciousness and instinct to corrode and control the material world, but they will not choose to establish sect.

Blood hate Knowledge Demon and enjoyment Knowledge Demon established the own religion at the beginning, but it was actually a helpless choice. The first wave of their birth was to absorb the souls that “created” the own. But it was blocked by Bai Qiuran. The soul that he had eaten into the stomach of Knowledge Demon was forced to vomit it out, and he returned to the Domain of Consciousness to count down and resurrected. However, the blood hating Knowledge Demon was simply blocked by Bai Qiuran, even There is no spring water.

The two of them had no way to leave the Domain of Consciousness to hunt for the soul, so they reluctantly chose to influence the material world through dreams and establish a religion that believed in their own concepts to strengthen themselves.

But this is the domain of Knowledge Demon. There is nothing that can limit Knowledge Demon. The Knowledge Demon who live here probably do not have the patience to establish any religion.

They are at most for food. They raise the creatures of the material world in a “captive” way and slowly hunt for food.

Unlike the Knowledge Demons, the Knowledge Demon Avatar on the Immortal side can play while preaching in the material world. When the field of Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable expands, if the local world’s material world is still If there are creatures that survive, then a series of Knowledge Demons such as Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable can accelerate the development of the local material world and enhance their power through passive abilities, and the beliefs of these creatures can also feed back to Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable.

immortals can choose to join forces with the creatures of the material world. As much food as Knowledge Demon has, then immortals have as many allies as possible.

So Le Zhentian’s plan is that immortals must step by step wherever they go, first establish a defense system, then explore the material world, and expand the field of Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable to the entire world.

In this way, little by little cannibalize the Domain of Knowledge Demon.

“Let’s go.”

Leaving the flagship of the Void Boat Fleet, Bai Qiuran swung his sword and cut through the entrance to the material world, taking Jiang Lan and others, and some responsible The Immortal squad of preaching or research walked in.

After stepping into the material world, a burst of sand and dust blew towards him, Bai Qiuran raised his hand to release the true essence, protecting a group of girls, and then a group of people all walked out of the passage and looked at the people in front of them. Material world.

The place where you enter is a barren desert, extremely silent, without any breath of life.

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