Is it a Head Disciple…

After hearing the serpent-shaped Knowledge Demon, Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable secretly guessed.

It seems that after being confined to the Consciousness Barrier, Bai Li’s Head Disciple has at least been active in the field of Knowledge Demon for a while. Whether he is dead or alive, Bai Qiuran has You must fulfill your obligations as a Grand Master and try to find his whereabouts.

“I’m optimistic, thank you.”

Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable retracted its gaze from the material world and said to the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon.

“Well, you’re welcome.”

Snake-shaped Knowledge Demon waved his hand, and suddenly looked at a place on the material world continent.

“Huh? It just so happened that they were holding a sacrifice, come on, the same kind, I will show you the correct use of the material world creatures.”

Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable see it The location of the passage was transferred to an open space in the mainland, where a group of snake men wrapped in black robe were tying several ragged snake men to wooden stakes and setting them on fire.

In the flames, these snake people quickly screamed for their lives. Their soul was separated from their bodies, but they were held in their hands by the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon and threw them into the mouth of their biggest snake head. Inside, after chewing twice, he swallowed.

“Good taste.”

After a sigh of satisfaction, the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon said with a smile to the Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable:

“Similar, Don’t look at me like that, I can’t always eat such a delicious thing, sorry, this thing can’t be shared with you… But after we defeat the kind from the depths, you can also find something like I live in the world of material creatures like this, and then enslave them in captivity. When the time comes, you can taste the delicacy of souls.”

Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable indifferent expression, snake-shaped Knowledge Demon thought He was angry and didn’t say anything more. After leaving a sentence, it closed the passage and formed a large pool of snakes on the seat. The to ones hearts content was flapping, which should be the position of his belly.

The two Knowledge Demons are speechless. The snake-shaped Knowledge Demon digests the soul in the belly with satisfaction and silently transforms it into own power, while Bai Qiuran from the Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable within the body controls With Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable, spare no effort analyzes the domain of this snake-shaped Knowledge Demon.

Of course he can see the idea of ​​this snake-shaped Knowledge Demon, so he wants to know in advance the concept of forming this snake-shaped Knowledge Demon and what its capabilities are.

While Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable was silently analyzing the concepts that constitute this field, suddenly, a violent impact came from a distance, and the entire field began to vibrate.


The snake-shaped Knowledge Demon, which was originally slumped on the seat, immediately entangled with countless snakes, forming a three-dimensional tall appearance, looking far away.

Sitting on the ground with the dual purpose Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable also stood up and asked:

“What happened?”

” Someone is attacking my domain.”

The consciousness fluctuation of the serpentine Knowledge Demon was a little alarmed.

“Damn it, that cleaner! Why did you come so fast?”

“Fight or escape?”

Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable was concise.

“Everything is here, it is naturally a battle!”

Snake-shaped Knowledge Demon glanced at Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable, gritted his teeth and said:

“Listen to me In other words, of the same kind, the cleaner’s ability is swallowing, and all existences lower than its strength will be swallowed ruthlessly in its abdomen and digested. But its ability has a weak spot, that is, it turns on the swallowing mode. After that, it can’t make any movements, and its swallowing direction has a blind spot. If you can force it to turn on the devouring ability and support it under its Devouring Power for three seconds without being swallowed, then I can poison it. “

Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable, after it finished speaking, rushed out of its castle without saying a word, rushing towards the edge of the field.

Snake-shaped Knowledge Demon didn’t know if he had listened, but in desperation, he could only follow closely from behind and followed him to the edge of his domain.

When it came to the edge of the domain, the serpentine Knowledge Demon discovered that the own domain already had become devastated. Even the boundaries of the domain became blurred and the canine teeth were staggered. It was obviously torn apart by violence. Up.

On the side of the Foreign Domain, a Knowledge Demon that is bigger than it is standing there, and its lower part looks like a plant growing in the sky. But its body is composed of distorted blood vessels, muscles, and skeletons.

At the top of it is a huge cavity, and the edge of the cavity is covered with a ring of sharp teeth, that is its mouthparts.

At this moment, a crazy wave of consciousness is continuously coming from the body of this Knowledge Demon, endless suction radiating from its mouthparts, and countless lows in the domain of the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon Waiting for the Knowledge Demon, there’s no resistance flew in its direction and was swallowed by it.

Seeing the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon coming out of the own domain, the Knowledge Demon that is like a flesh and blood toilet temporarily stopped swallowing, and consciousness fluctuations spread from its body to the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon.

“Similar, you are finally willing to come out, and you want to be Venerable, and become my food, like-fuck who are you?!”

This knowledge Before Demon’s words could be finished, the fluctuations in consciousness suddenly became disordered. The snake-shaped Knowledge Demon looked and found that Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable had already picked up the sword and spear, and went up rashly.

He was exposed to the golden light all over his body, entwined with the thunderbolt. It seemed that the formidable power was extraordinary, and he caused extremely serious damage to the cleaner in an instant.

“Good job! Same kind!”

Snake-shaped Knowledge Demon shouted at Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable:

“Force it to use Devouring Power!”

Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable has exquisite moves and extraordinary power. On the other hand, this cleaner Knowledge Demon has gained the upper hand in absolute power, but its shape is really not suitable for close combat, a few rounds After that, its body was stabbed by the sword and spear of the Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable with holes and blood.

In desperation, the cleaner retreated several li, and then the roots plunged into the Domain of Consciousness, opening the own devouring ability.

A powerful suction suddenly began to appear, and everything in the sky began to move towards the cleaner’s huge mouth.

“Okay, hold on! The same kind!”

Seeing this, the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon has also activated its own abilities, a toxic that can also be effective on both Knowledge Demon and soul. , Along this suction force was moved towards the cleaner’s direction.

Of course, its toxin has not only eroded the cleaners, but also eroded the Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable.

After Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable within the body lurking toxins erupt, the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon can swallow two of the same kind in one fell swoop, occupying both of them at the same time, becoming the strongest in this area. Great Knowledge Demon.

But what was unexpected by the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon was that Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable not only failed to stabilize the figure in front of the suction, but accelerated with all its strength, moving towards the cleaner and rushed over.

“What are you doing? The same kind!”

Snake-shaped Knowledge Demon exclaimed, but then the suction came, and it had to maintain its own body.

Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable with such a rush, completely broke the rhythm of the battle. If he dies, the cleaner will be able to concentrate the Devouring Power completely on the body of the snake-shaped Knowledge Demon, and then even the snake The toxin shaped Knowledge Demon can poison the cleaners, so there is no use for eggs.

Because it already entered the stomach of the cleaner first, and was swallowed by the cleaner, and after the cleaner was poisoned by it, at most it could only return to the own realm to count down and resurrect.

But things went beyond its expectations once again. The Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable rushed to the cleaners instead of being sucked into the stomach by the cleaners, but seized the opportunity at the crucial moment.

The dazzling golden thunderbolt emerged from the sword and gun in his hand, and then with the help of the Devouring Power of the cleaner Knowledge Demon, the Foundation Establishment Heavenly Venerable pierced the own sword and gun fiercely into the center of the cleaner’s blood clotting.

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