At night, Shenrada No. 1 Prison, floating outside the world, fell silent in silence.

Located here outside the world, it should be not at all the difference between day and night. However, out of the normal physical and psychological considerations of the prisoners in this place, the machine god On the outside of the small world, a pair of sun and moon was specially made using the technology of the robot Divine Court.

And now, the sun is already set, and the regular moon rises into the sky, reflecting the dim light, and falls on the ground of Shenrada No. 1 Prison.

Two guardian puppets one after the other walked through the deep passage in the third district of Shenrada Prison, and the night vision device in their eyes continuously scanned the conditions of the prisoners in each cell. .

The prisoners in this Shenlada prison are not political prisoners who oppose the Mechanic God, or the former intelligent life degraded from the intelligent life to the wild beast.

The compassionate machine god is studying them here, hoping to redirect them back to the ranks of intelligent life and regain the glory of the family.

However, most of the prisoners in the three districts of Shenrada Prison are political prisoners from various families. Not only do these families do not appreciate the gift of Mechanic God, they hope to use various means to get Their race got rid of the control of Mechanic, and even bite Mechanic.

In the eyes of the guards and warriors who have been branded with the imprint of loyalty by the Mechanic God, these family political prisoners are the most despicable betrayers, and they are also the most dangerous prisoners in the Shenlada prison.

They are organized, planned, and united. Once they are given a chance, they will create riots in this prison and take the opportunity to escape.

Two guards walked past the corner, and suddenly, in a cell on the left, the sound of a hammer door suddenly sounded.

Kang, bang, bang.

At the same time, there was a si si sound.

This si si sound can easily be mistaken for some wild beast sound. However, after an automatic search in the guardian’s puppet’s think tank, this si si sound has been translated into a certain The language of the families of the remote world.

“Big iron.”

The person in the cell said:

“My toilet is blocked.”

The melee specialized guardian robot in front walked to his cell, opened the iron window on his cell, and looked inside.

The night vision ability allows him to clearly see the scene in the cell. In the dark cell, the toilet leaning on one side of the bed is indeed full of sewage, and yellow water is flowing from the toilet. Came out and even flowed to the floor.

The scaly half-orc held in this cell is looking at them with innocent eyes and wagging his tail.

“Oh, these inferior and dirty material lives.”

The guardian puppet cursed in a low voice, and then said to the half-orc:

“You wait, I’ll call for the repair unit for you.”

After a while, a repair unit floating in the air with countless mechanical limbs arrived at the call site, and the two guards turned on the robot. He passed the door of the cell and walked in first.

“Keep calm.”

The melee guardian puppet first stretched out his hands, and involuntarily pushed the half-orc to the ground, and then used a sparkling electric light The rope tied his hands.

“Hey, can you lighten it, I don’t want to escape.”

The half-orc was pushed to the ground by him and yelled.

“Oh, you hurt me!”


After he was tied up, the guardian puppet pulled him up, Kicked him by the way.

After subduing the half-orc, the two guardian robots signaled to repair the body and entered the cell, and began to repair the toilet for the half-orc.

“ao wailing!”

And at this moment, perhaps by the movement made here, there was also a certain person in the cell opposite the half-orc. The hissing sound of a wild beast, and the sound of beating the iron gate.

The long-range guardian puppet walked over and opened the bars on the prison door.

A ferocious white wolf kiss suddenly protruded from the gap between the bars and fences, trying to bite it, but the guardian puppet was not afraid at all, and Shi Shiran withdrew his hand.

The wolf kiss backed away, and then a pair of scarlet eyes gleaming fiercely appeared between the bars, looking at it fiercely.

In this cell, a white werewolf is being held. They are also a race that has gradually degenerated from intelligent creatures to bloodthirsty wild beasts. Once in the werewolf society, white werewolves were also called For Wolf King.

They are lonely, powerful, full of wisdom and vision, and master the most profound mystery of the werewolf clan.

But now, this white werewolf has become a wild beast that only drools, eats raw meat, and howls against the moon made by the machine god every night.

The guardian puppet made a coldly snorted cry of disdain. It raised its leg and kicked the cell door, threatening the werewolf and making it more honest.

His intimidation had obvious effects. In the cell, a werewolf over 2.5 meters tall let out a dog-like wailing and rushed to the bed, shiver coldly.

When the guardian puppet saw it, he turned around. However, at this moment, the werewolf who had been full of fear in his eyes suddenly flashed a ray of light in his eyes.

It stretched out its hand, and at the moment when the guardian puppet turned his head, it pulled out a strange and crude pistol from under its own bed.

Aiming at the back of the neck of the long-range specialized guardian puppet, the white werewolf shot him with a pistol in his hand.

“zi zi.”

A strange arc flashed, just hitting the rune on the guardian puppet’s stamina, and the rune flashed and dimmed suddenly It went down, and the arc was poured into the body of the guardian puppet along there, blocking his soul’s spirit within the body, and the connection with other body parts.

The shortcomings of the fleshy body of the puppet are fully revealed in this brief moment. Their soul and Nascent Origin are stored in two separate parts. For them, Nascent Origin is just a powerful furnace. After the body command center signal was blocked, the guardian’s indestructible fleshy body was intact, but it was unable to make any actions.

“Damn inferior creature!”

The melee specialized guardian puppet standing in the cell on the other side also noticed the situation here, and he pulled out his waist rune throwing axe, wanting to end up with the werewolf in the cell opposite, but at this moment, the half-orc with his hands bound by him suddenly spit out a device similar to a werewolf pistol from his mouth. He bit it and stabbed it fiercely into the melee type. Near the spirit of the guardian puppet.

A burst of electric current flashed, and the function of this guardian robot was temporarily scrapped.

“Alarm, alarm, there are prisoners escaping from prison in the three districts, alarm—”

“Report your mother and die!”

The repair machinery that was repairing the toilet flashed a red light to sound the alarm, but was kicked viciously by the orc, his head hit the toilet, and the parts spilled all over the floor.

This kind of machine specially used for maintenance, the combat ability is not as good as some families with outstanding physical ability.

“Finally killed these two guys.”

The eyes of the white werewolf in the cell opposite had restored clarity, and he said to the orcs in a certain language:

“It’s not in vain that I pretended to be wild beast for so many years and ate raw meat for so many years.”

“Tough hard work.”

The half-orcs also responded in the same language:

“Wait a minute, I will help you open the cell door now.”

After that, he tore off some mechanical limbs for maintenance from the maintenance body next to it, holding it They disassembled the weapon parts and the artificial Purple Mansion of the power core of the two guardian robot bodies standing still.

“Get out of the way a little bit.”

The half-orcs carried the that rune cannon arm of the ranged guardian puppet and aimed it at the werewolf’s cell.

The werewolf evaded according to the words, the half-orc pulled the trigger, and the rune cannon released a burst of rays, melting the cell door into a big hole.


The white werewolf stepped out of the prison door, and the half-orc threw the rune giant axe of the melee puppet to him.

“Let’s rescue all the remaining companions, and then go to the tarmac to grab the spaceship!”

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