Chapter 885 Women’s debate.

After bidding farewell to the Six Kings Army, Qin Feng returned to the refuge.

In the meeting room on the first floor.

He also met with the backbone members of the Jiangnan War Zone, including Lina, Gina, Little Aunt, First Trench from the Li Heng Tian Guild, Luo Wei from the Rose Guild, General Zhang from the Sword and Shield Guild, [Beast Blood·Zhan Tian] , 【Thunderfire·Blade】,【Blood Dance·One Sword Soaring Blood】and others.

“Master Qin.”

“At present, although [Black Fire Dragon Dillason] has been annihilated, the hell army is still raging in Europe, America, South Asia, the Middle East and other regions, and countless foreign players have lost their lives one after another…”

“Especially in Africa, where the death rate of players has exceeded 70%…”

“At present, the total population of the earth is only about 3 billion!”

General Zhang first reported to Qin Feng.

The voice was trembling…After all, Qin Feng is no longer a human being, but a powerful god!

“Wow, on earth, 4 billion people have died…-…”

Listening to General Zhang’s words, the younger sister Lena couldn’t help covering her small mouth and looked very surprised…Well, after the monster invaded the earth, Lena almost lived in the refuge without any influence from the outer world.

Life is also sweet.

Unexpectedly, the 7 billion people of the earth would die 4 billion in such a short period of time…more than half!

“Fortunately, our Chinese compatriots have almost no casualties.”

Sister Gina also took a breath.

In fact, since Qin Feng informed of the invasion of hell in advance, China has been prepared for a long time. Coupled with the strong combat power of Chinese players and the general Jiangnan theater, the death rate of Chinese players during the entire hell invasion There is not much difference from peacetime.

Therefore, although human deaths are 4 billion, almost all of them are crooked nuts, which also relieved sister Gina.


“I heard that guilds in other countries have all sent out help from China… If they only rely on them to fight on their own, I am afraid that these foreign players will suffer heavy casualties!”

Little aunt Xiang Yuhe also said at this time.

The expression was slightly unbearable.

Although she has no good feelings about this group of foreign players, after all, they are all human beings. Watching these foreign players die in the hands of the hell army always makes her feel a little bit regretful.

“The three of you are really warmhearted▉ …”

Looking at the three men from the richest family, Lena, Gina, and Little Aunt, Qin Feng also smiled speechlessly.

There is an old saying called being rich and unkind.

But after getting along for so long, Qin Feng also found that the three neodymium people of the richest family, apart from sometimes a little stubborn temper, are really kind at heart, full of love for even others, and don’t like it too much. Fight.

On weekdays, even if she is bullied by the big sister Luo Wei, she endures it silently.

This kind of calm, gentle, gentle, uncontested, indifferent and tranquil character is also very attractive.

Could not help.

Qin Feng also took a look at the first trench. After all, he is not a family and does not enter a family. The three neodymium people are so good. This first trench can be regarded as a very good boy.

Then, Qin Feng turned his eyes to the president of the Rose Guild, the older sister [Luo Wei], and asked: “Sister Luo Wei, according to you, China, should we help other countries?”

Well, Luo Wei is a very assertive girl. Qin Feng often communicates with her about her experience in the game and listens to her opinions.


“Why aid?”

Luo Wei put her hands on her waist, her bright lips slightly aroused, “The natural selection of things, the survival of the fittest, these crooked people have already lost in this game, they should be eliminated… in my opinion. Not only do we in China do not need to assist them, it is even better to send a group of players to destroy them.”

··· ···Seeking flowers······ 

“In this case, in the future, humans will only have one race, and that is China!”

“The earth has only one owner, and it is also China!”

Talk about it.

[Luo Wei] I looked at Lena, Gina, and Xiang Yuhe triumphantly, and seemed to think that the attitude of these three neodymium men from the richest man’s family was too weak!

“President Luo Wei.”

“Although the weak are not worthy of pity, there is no need to kill them all…”

…… .. …….

“Allowing these foreign players to fend for themselves is nothing but benevolence!”

[First Trench], who has always laughed, seemed to be irritated, and suddenly said coldly.

“Ha ha……”

“A licking dog, when did he become so stiff…”

Luo Wei immediately snorted.

Because of her background in Yanjing’s famous door, and her strong combat power in the game, Luo Wei has always been strong in Qin Feng’s small circle. Seeing the first trench who always laughs haha ​​dares to confront her, so You are not welcome at all!

“Okay, stop arguing…”

Qin Feng waved his hand to stop the quarrel between the two parties.

Just now, he has completely seen the attitude of his closest people. It can be said that everyone has his own position.

The three neodymium people of the richest family are more caring.

The sister Luo Wei of Hungarian is relatively strong.

The first trench seems a bit tangled.

The Muse is completely neutral and obeys the opinions of his own master.

After thinking for a while, Qin Feng tapped his finger on the table and said lightly: “I announce to the outside world that we, China, will not help other countries, let them…cherish the last time in your life…thousands”_

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