I Haven’t Been A Boss For Many Years Chapter 193


Chapter 193 annexed a font size

"In the future Daxing Society!"

"I'm covered!"


The Crown Prince said.

Zhang Guobin put down his teacup and left with a flick of his sleeves.


Battered and exhausted, Peng Yuan fled back to the city, and rushed into the underground factory with a few horses. Inside the factory, a group of employees had already gone to the empty building, and the target boy with his hands squatted one by one. in front of the tin box.

"Master Peng, is the solution back?" The target boy was wrapped in a white turban, holding a black star in his hand, rubbing his head with the barrel of a gun, his expression playful and unruly, and his eyes were full of murderousness.

Peng Yuan rushed forward without the slightest hesitation and said, "Brother Tony, there is an accident in the transaction tonight, Tang Tingwei was taken away by the police, he is finished!"

"You take someone Do it with me, continue to print counterfeit money, how about we get rid of Tang Tingwei and take over the business of the city?"

Peng Yuan's eyes were greedy, very excited, bloodshot in his pupils, and quickly approached the target boy to shoot the target. The boy raised the black star, pointed the gun at him, grinned and said with a smile: "It turns out that you are also an anti-bone boy..."

"Tony, let's do great things together, and in the future, all of Asia will be You all know our name..." Peng Yuan's tone was crazy, but when he approached the target boy, he suddenly burst out, a whip leg swept out the hehe wind, and went straight to the target boy's head, and a single whip could blow the target boy's head......

"peng peng peng!" A few horses behind Peng Yuan raised their pistols, pointed at the back of the boss, and pulled the trigger continuously. With a few crisp gunshots, Peng Yuan was shot a dozen times in the back. With a bloody bullet hole, he weakly dropped his leg, turned his head and looked towards the horse behind him, unable to support his body and slowly slumped to the ground.

The target shooter made a light cut with a disdainful expression, and walked forward with the gun in his hand, without even looking at Peng Yuan, he pulled the trigger at the muzzle of the gun: "peng peng peng!"

"You idiot, you have to be good to your younger brother. Don't be beaten and scolded every day without giving you money. Damn, I've already bought you around, how dare you come to me to negotiate terms?"

"Bah, go to hell!" The target boy left the city with his hands, and the underground factory soon burst into flames. As for items such as gravure printing presses and electric boards, they had already been transferred away by the brother.

This fire cannot be extinguished by the water pipes in the Nine Dragon City Walled City. In order to preserve the property in the Walled City, the City Walled Management Committee has reached an agreement to call the Fire Department and have the Fire Department come to the Walled City to put out the fire. After a long time, dozens of fire-fighting vehicles with red paint arrived at the periphery of the city wall, and a large number of firefighters entered the city wall to put out the fire.

More than 20 Interpol, accompanied by firefighters, took advantage of the situation to scrape the bottom of the counterfeit banknote factory in the city, and immediately arrested the criminals based on the transaction scene and arrested more than 30 people involved in the production of counterfeit banknotes. …

In order to ensure the safety of the city wall, the City Walled Management Committee turned a blind eye to the Interpol who entered the city wall, although, the Nine Dragon City Walled City has the strength to resist the forced demolition of the colonial government, and is qualified to Negotiating with the authorities using the "Three Leaves" policy, and even had the strength to launch riots, but after all, it was impossible to sit back and watch the city collapse under the fire, let alone watch tens of thousands of city residents become homeless due to the fire, so they had to bring in the power of the government. , and bear the corresponding losses.

The Nine Dragon City Walled Martial Arts Club fell apart overnight. When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, the once prosperous town walled martial arts can only be heard in biographical magazines, a paragraph History, provoked a person, burnt to the ground.

After 48 hours.

Tang Tingwei turned black and exhausted. He stepped out of the gate of the General Administration. He didn't know anything about what was going on in the city. He bent down and stepped into a car that came to pick up people in the city.

"Go to the airport."

"I'll send you to hell!"

Sit in the driver's seat with left hand, shift gear with one hand, step on the accelerator, and Holding the direction with one hand, he drove forward quickly...

Tang Tingwei sat in the car with a look of horror on his face. He hurriedly opened the car door and tried to escape. A big man beside the seat slammed him Hold down, take out a switchblade, and threaten: "old bones, now I'll give you a tube of blood!"


Tang Tingwei's face turned pale and widened. Eyes, a sentence came out of his mouth: "Brother Hao ....."

Interpol set up a counterfeit banknote factory and seized counterfeit US dollars with a face value of 100 million, which immediately became a big news in Hong Kong society, the counterfeit banknote factory The most confidential electric board, the printing machine was not found, but acid-free paper and color-changing ink were found. In addition, all the employees of the group in the entire factory were arrested.

A few days later, a citizen accidentally found more than a dozen black plastic bags wrapped in flesh and blood while playing in Taiping Mountain. The autopsy of the forensic department confirmed that it was Tang Tingwei who had just left the General Administration three days ago. .

After receiving the news, Huang Zhiming stood by the window and turned his head sharply: "Zhang Guobin is getting more and more ruthless!"

"A sir."

"I really didn't do it." On the street in Yau Ma Tei, Booger Bull raised his hands high with a lollipop in his mouth, loudly shouted: "I didn't sell yellow discs!"

"Stand firm. It's over!"

A-sir searches his pant legs.

"shua!" A tiger-headed pacifier drove quickly across Temple Street, followed by several crowns, lining up to leave.

The booger bull's head is against the wall, looking at the fleet of luxury cars passing by in the street, a longing look flashes in his eyes: "Damn it, Big Boss should be like this!"

After the Pingzhi convoy arrived with a backbone, they parked firmly on the berth. A young and bewildered boy wrapped in a headcloth, dressed in a suit and stepped on leather shoes, opened the car door for the boss.

“Brother Bing.”

“en. ”

Zhang Guobin nodded slightly, sorted out his suit, stepped into the restaurant, and Uncle Ji hurriedly went around the cashier to greet him : "Brother Crown Prince, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Uncle Chicken." Zhang Guobin nodded.


"Good afternoon, Brother Crown Prince." Jin Limin stood up and shouted.


Zhang Guobin is here to discuss the waterwheel business.

The counterfeit banknote factory is temporarily closed,

one more waterwheel business,

On the surface, one for one, in fact, a big profit!

Because the risk of counterfeit banknote factories is too high, it is self-evident that it is transformed into a low-risk, high-profit waterwheel business.

And the waterwheel business is done by Jin Limin, who cares about Crown Prince Bin?

Zhang Guobin went back and thought about it for several days, and

finally figured out what to do.

"Brother Jin."

He greeted him.

"Please take a seat." Jin Limin sat down and greeted the waiter to serve the dish. Zhang Guobin picked up his chopsticks, picked up the dish, and said with a smile: "Daxing is very clean."

"As expected of the He Kee brother."

"Brother Crown Prince burned all the cockroaches and mice in the Nine Dragon City Village. This is domineering!"

"I respect Crown Prince, brother." Jin Limin picked up the glass and took the initiative to drink it.

"This time and the reputation of Shengxing have been very popular in the arena."

Zhang Guobin said.

"It's all up to Brother Crown Prince!"

Jin Limin has no shame.

"Hey, I won't rob you of your reputation as Crown Prince."

If you rob it, you will be watched by the police.

"As for the waterwheel business, Yihai and I will not get involved." Zhang Guobin waved, Jin Limin was stunned, he immediately said: "I will introduce a partner to Daxing. , you think about how to import the car into the mainland, anyway, I don't do anything illegal, of course, if you want to do it, I can't stop it."

"I will give 30 million in the hall. I don't care what you do in private, I don't care, on the surface, you must open the Zhengxing stall, and the whole I want 50% of the company's revenue for every dollar! This company's business is booming, and I'm responsible for the operation, and I collect bills once a month. "

"Holding Daxing?" Jin Limin immediately came back to his senses, his eyebrows were greatly shocked, God damn Daxing, is Daxing a company! It's a society!

And because Daxing's land is small, there is only one way to make money, not even nightclubs, KTVs, and the cost is not like a big society to set up a leather bag company to make vests, so it's impossible to talk about holding. Set up a new car dealership, go abroad to buy licenses... After a series of operations, the so-called holding Daxing, to put it bluntly, is annexation and Shengxing!

What's the difference between checking the account once a month and paying it to the club? In the future, the Daxing Society will be In name only, and the whole society will be working for the Crown Prince.

Zhang Guobin was thinking about how to put on more layers of vests, push a few more people in front of him, count the money silently behind his back, no matter what his club thinks about sitting in the hall, he continued: "In addition, you Don't just stare at the waterwheel business, although the waterwheel does make money, but slowly drive the car dealers into the mainland, the mainland car market should not be underestimated in the future, and you can get a lot from serious car dealers."

It is very simple to spend a lot of money to buy an agent license from a foreign car company, and many small car companies will agree. However, all Daqi brands need an agent aptitude, and the agent of a big brand car requires a lot of capital, so it has to be done slowly.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you take over any of the Asian and domestic distributors of BMW, Pingzhi, Bentley, Rolls-Royce and other brands, you will be able to raise a tycoon in the future.

"I'm teaching you to walk the right way and do the right thing, so don't be disobedient!" Zhang Guobin suddenly realized that Jin Limin was confused, engrossed in thinking, immersed in his own world, and said abruptly.

"Yes, Brother Crown Prince." Jin Limin regained his senses and shook his body.

Would you like to.

Would you like to incorporate Daxing Society into Crown Prince Bin?

Jin Limin was struggling.

Zhang Guobin is good at seducing and babbling: "Actually, it is not easy for me to take out the 30 million yuan. Don't think too little, you must be content..."

Jin Limin He understood the hint on the spot and said excitedly: "I'm content."


Even if Shenghexing's financial resources are secretly controlled by Crown Prince Bin, Heshengxing is considered to be annexed into Heshengxing Yihai, but as long as the business can become bigger and stronger, what does it mean to give up a little face?

At least, the Heshengxing brand has not collapsed, and the people under him still call him to sit in the restaurant. The brothers are getting richer and better. Isn't this the original intention of the association?

He's fed up with being a sunset club and being looked down upon by others, and everyone has to step on the pavilion!

"Follow Brother Crown Prince."

"Make money!"

Jin Limin's eyes lit up.

"Brother Crown Prince, it's enough for you to provide the money, channels, strategies, and big business. For other things, don't worry, I'll take care of it!"

Jin Limin raised his glass and made up his mind.

(end of this chapter)

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