I Haven’t Been A Boss For Many Years Chapter 231


Chapter 231 Black Heart, Chicken Thieves

North American Chinatown Grand Court Hall has a long history and profound background. Patriotic forces are recruited, Singapore, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States are independent, Hong Kong Heji, and the number gang used to be orthodox in the Grand Court, but the North American Grand Court still hangs the name of the main hall, unfortunately, there is a sword edge in the world. Wherever it is reached, orders can be passed down. At present, the names of the fonts in various places are different.

But the North American Grand Court is indeed a very powerful force. It has been rooted overseas for more than a hundred years and is intertwined. It not only has halls in Honolulu, San Francisco, New York, Las Vegas, Atlantic and other big cities, but also The spiritual leaders of the local Chinese can influence regional politics to a certain extent.

Zhang Guobin must be insignificant to the Grand Court, and it sounds like a lot of drag for others to mix in the United States.

But the president of the United States can't control Hong Kong either!

Not to mention, in terms of morality in this matter, who is right and who is wrong, obviously at a glance, he stepped on the white gloves of the Grand Court as the leader of Xiangjiang Yihai, and the Grand Court first It must be worthy of its three creeds of "uniting with loyalty, saving the country with loyalty, and eradicating traitors with chivalry".

It's not Mr. Zhang's style to admit counsel when you meet a strong player.


North America.

Atlantic Casino, Golden Building.

Chen Chaosheng wears a black suit with the vice president's English brand on his chest. His New York accent makes him very comfortable in the foreign world.

As the business representative of the Grand Court's stake in the casino, he is the No. 2 figure in the Atlantic Casino, and even the president of the ghost, who is backed by the local mafia, dare not speak up to him.

At this time, after routinely patrolling the VIP casino, he gestured to several subordinates, and a muscular white man pushed open the door of the president's office.

Chen Chaosheng walked into the office, took out a cigar in his arms, sniffed the cigar lightly on the tip of his nose, sat on the office chair contentedly, raised his legs, turned to face a huge French window, outside the window was A residential area staggered by high ground, two streets on the right, there is a construction site, where construction of a new casino hotel has just started. According to the grapevine, it is invested by the Thai royal family.


He put the cigar in his mouth, took out the lighter and was about to light it, when something suddenly shook the corner of his eye.

Chen Chaosheng narrowed his eyes.


The whole huge piece of floor-to-ceiling glass suddenly cracked, and a long and narrow sniper rifle bullet passed through the window instantly, and immediately shot a bulldog in the office. kill.

The white bulldog who was still honest and cute before, sniffing the floor, had his head smashed by bullets.



Several bodyguards outside the door heard the gunshots, and quickly opened the door one by one, drawing their weapons, Point forward.

Chen Chaosheng was stunned on the spot, staring at the glass window ka-cha, ka-cha in front of him, kneeling inch by inch, cracking into cobwebs in a crisp sound, and suddenly came back to when the lighter burned his fingers. his senses, he hurriedly threw away the lighter and stood up to escape.

Several bodyguards protected him in the middle and walked out of the desk, but he stopped abruptly in front of the "Tina" corpse, and looked at the blood-splattered dog corpse on the Persian carpet with deep eyes. I was deeply shocked by it.

“Gifts delivered.”


In an office building, London Aberdeen is covered in a black cloth, with a sniper rifle on his shoulder, the muzzle of the gun is placed in the window, the upper part of the body is hidden in the black cloth, the whole person is mixed with the curtains, only A pair of calm eyes lined up with the scope.

New York Aberdeen held the tactical telescope in both hands and saw the scene inside the casino office with a knowing smile on his cheeks.


London Aberdeen picked up his weapon and withdrew from the window. The two of them carried backpacks and drove away quickly from the scene.


“ding ding ding~.”

“ding ding ding~.”

In the casino office, Chen Chaosheng heard The phone rang, turned away from the two bodyguards and strode back to the desk, picked up the phone and said, "Hello?"

"Brother Chao, the film company invested by Xiangjiang was swept away by Yihai, Your building..."


He spoke Mandarin.

"It was set on fire."

Fat Poxia was very embarrassed.

Chen Chaosheng nodded and said, "I see."

"Brother Chao?"

She was a little surprised by the other party's attitude.

"Hang up."

Chen Chaowu hung up the phone, sat back in the chair, stared at the dead dog for a long time, raised his watch to check the time, and felt extremely sad in his heart. Great shock.

The Atlantic Ocean has just entered the night, that is to say, the Xiangjiang has just dawned, and even if the arrangement was broken last night, after two hours, there will be a killer on the other side of the world to demonstrate to him.

What does this show?

It's because the opponent has the strength to kill him at any time. That bullet hit the dog and hit him, the effect is exactly the same!

Murder can only be revenge. The best way to threaten a person is never to put a gun on his head, but to tell him that you have the right to shoot!

Achieving the greatest goal with the least cost makes Fang a qualified leader.


"Bing, London and New York have already delivered gifts to the consignee. Just now, the brother below came to the news that the Chief Financial Officer of Far East Group has been memorized. People were pulled away, reporters from several TV stations were inquiring about news, and ATV reporters were the most active."

"It seems that people inside ATV were alarmed." Zhang Guobin smiled.

How does he do things? Dongguan Miao, Da Bohao and the others would never ask. A group of overseas mercenaries from London Aberdeen and New York Aberdeen are Hong Kong Aberdeen whom Crown Prince Bin has kept abroad. When Bin sent people to take over the overseas counterfeit banknote factory, they sent this group of young and dangerous youngsters who had just been released from prison. , mainly distributed in several counterfeit banknote trading centers attached to the ***, has been living the life of an ordinary person, and will only do things when dealing with large-value counterfeit banknotes.

Otherwise, Tian Jiaqiang alone can maintain the factory, how can we fight against the vicious foreign forces?

Part of the money earned by the counterfeit banknote factory goes back to the club, part of the factory distributes dividends, part of it is invested in real estate, and the other part is to raise a group of mercenaries.

After Zhang Guobin took over the Tangkou business, he basically never used these mercenary boys. At that time, a phone call was made, and the action was indeed very fast. Because Atlantic is a gambling city, it is actually counterfeit money and money laundering. In developed areas, New York and London just live in the Atlantic Ocean all year round, but I am afraid that I will go to other continents to change the scenery during this time.

“If you give some information to newspapers and magazines, you will say that Far East Bank is involved in falsifying accounts, misappropriating depositors’ assets, falsely reporting profits, and illegally raising interest rates to attract funds.”

Make it bigger." Zhang Guobin knocked on the desk and explained in a serious tone.

"No problem." Da Bohao stood next to Dongguan Miao and agreed, where Dongguan Miao would take care of business affairs, only Da Bohao was keen to learn to eat brains.

On the second day, Dabohao gathered more than 300 brothers at the entrance of the hall, holding signs, blocking the gate of the bank, and gathered to protest.

"Black Heart Bank! Chicken Thieves Far East!"

"Pay back my deposit! Pay me back!"

"Black Heart Bank! Chicken Thieves Far East!"

"Pay back my deposit...Ah...you're greedy for my money for prostitutes..."

"ka-cha, ka-cha." Pig leashes a group of reporters with a camera, Facing the lively scene at the entrance of the Far East Group, I shot wildly for a while.

This matter quickly escalated.

Television, newspapers, and magazines have published the Far East Bank case one after another, and some magazines have written a lot about it, so they have to ask the depositors to hurry up and get the money.

In the afternoon, many depositors of Far East Bank gathered at the gate of the bank, and thousands of runs broke out, which undoubtedly added a fire to the case of "Fake Accounts of Far East Bank".

Yan Xiuqing was standing in the interrogation room. Before she finished her cup of coffee, the female subordinate pushed open the door, holding a stack of magazines, and quickly stepped forward: "Yan sir, look."


Yan Xiuqing looked suspicious, picked up a magazine, flipped through it, and showed surprise: "The news is so fast!"

He turned a blind eye to the female subordinate's shredded meat, covered buttocks, and high heels, but hurriedly scanned the magazine, closed the magazine, and said solemnly: "Study it carefully, there is a lot of information in it that is deeper than what we have reviewed."



The female subordinate agreed in a clear voice.

"By the way, let's find out who has the news to the magazine." Yan Xiuqing suddenly turned around and said, however, this matter is very easy to check, Da Bohao's protest with a sign is too dazzling, I don't know what people think The bank owed him 50 million, and he only knew that it was only 500 Hong Kong dollars.

The female subordinate turned and left.

Yan Xiuqing held a coffee cup and looked at Vincent on the seat.

"Is there any news?"

"Sir, it's really gone."

Vincent cried without tears: " The evidence is all with you, I don't know the rest, I really don't know..."

Yan Xiuqing frowned: "What are you crying, we Lianji never violate the rules, don't make a case It's like being forced to confess."

"Sir, I really have nothing to say, nothing to say..."


"Before the market closed in the afternoon, the stock price of Far East Bank plummeted, dropping by more than 50%. The previously shorted order made a big profit." Cao Renchao walked into the office happily with a piece of paper in hand: "At the same time, ATV stock It fell sharply outside the market. Since the equity outside the market knows that Qiu De will buy the equity of ATV for a long time, the stock price of ATV has been rising steadily. Now it is expected that a big accident will happen, and the stock will fall back to the price of the loss period five years ago. Is it starting to sweep the market? Outside?"

"The past few days, instead of scavenging off-site goods, first sent the news to the Australian consortium that Qiu De was going to go bankrupt."

Zhang Guobin said.

Cao Renchao has become accustomed to tens of millions of market profits, but he is full of reverence for this kind of method that affects the stock market.

Is this illegal trading and stock market manipulation?

It doesn't count!

Far East Bank is really committing a crime, and reporting a crime is a just move!

"Big Boss, the chairman of the Far East Group, was taken away by Lian Ji and the police during dinner." Later, Zhang Guobin received another message.

He asked in astonishment: "So, Qiu De went to Lianji, or in the General Administration?"

(end of this chapter)

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