I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Vol 2 Chapter 474: Justified

After some conversation, Shen Qi was quite satisfied with Dr. Qu, and hoped that Dr. Qu could come to the center to develop and engage in the research of basic theoretical physics.

Dr. Qu is currently working at the Central South Institute of Mathematics and Physics of the Academy of Sciences. He agreed with Shen Qi to report to Yan University immediately after completing the formalities there.

After dealing with mathematics and physics, Shen Qi next cares about chemistry.

Regarding the benzoazepine compounds code-named C01B, Lao Yan has completed a paper and handed it to Shen Qi.

The summary of this paper is as follows:

"The research on the synthesis process of benzoazepine? Using benzoazepine and nitrotrifluoromethanesulfonic acid as starting materials, through condensation, hydrolysis, nitration, substitution and other reactions to prepare a new compound 4-oxidation- 5-Phenyl-1,3,4,6-tetrahydro-6,10-methylene-2H-1,4-benzazepine?

The target compound 4-oxo-5-phenyl-1,3,4,6-tetrahydro-6,10-methylene-2H-1,4-benzazepine was synthesized through a 10-step reaction. Its structure is Confirmed by H-NMR (hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) and MS (mass spectrometry), the total yield was 26.2%. "

The main body of the thesis consists of two parts, the first part is the "synthetic route", and the second part is the "experimental part".

The synthetic route mainly refers to the design of the synthetic strategy for the target product C01B. Some documents are cited as support to show that such a design of the strategic route is reasonable.

The experimental part is subdivided into ten small sections from 2.1-2.10, expounding the specific experimental operation of the ten-step reaction in detail, and the writing is very detailed.

"2.6. Use 2-dicyclohexyl-diphenylphosphine (0.27mol) in 1,2-dimethoxyethane for 2h at 60 degrees Celsius. Under palladium catalyzed conditions, add a chemical equivalent of sodium tert-butoxide …"

It has been refined to this level. Any professional chemist can get the target product C01B by following the steps in the "experimental part".

Shen Qi saw that there were two authors of this paper, with Shen Qi in the front and Yan Jun in the back.

Shen Qi revised the paper, putting Yan Jun's name in the front and his own name in the back.

Lao Yan wrote the abstract and text more rigorously, and Shen Qi had nothing to change.

This is a standard organic chemistry synthesis paper, which only describes the synthesis route design, the laboratory operation of each step of the reaction, the yield of each step and the total yield, and does not involve the content of pharmacology.

Professional content such as toxicology and pharmacokinetics requires data support from a large number of animal experiments and clinical trials, and large-scale industrial production needs to be verified by the process chemistry team.

All the above things are completed, only a drug can form the basic conditions for commercialization and have the possibility of marketing.

Shen Qi positioned C01B as "a kind of chemical test product in the initial test stage of the laboratory". As for the practical use and scientific value of C01B, let's talk about it in the next paper.

Shen Qi and Lao Yan used a 10-step reaction to synthesize C01B in the laboratory. The chemical name is 4-oxo-5-phenyl-1,3,4,6-tetrahydro-6,10-methylene- Shen Qi believes that 2H-1,4-benzazepine?'s new test product has the effect of smoking cessation. Of course, this needs further verification.

The total yield of 26.2% is worthy of further research. Once the paper is written, it should be sent out as soon as possible.

There are also the so-called four major journals in the international chemistry community, which are "Nature", "Science", "German Applied Chemistry" (ANGEC), and "Journal of the American Chemical Society" (JACS).

"Nature" and "Science" are very tangible journals. They only provide synthetic routes and no evaluation of application value. It is difficult for such chemical articles to be included.

Many of the chemistry articles included in "Nature" and "Science" are no longer pure chemistry. They are more like articles on pharmaceutical engineering or biochemistry.

This is similar to the selection of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in recent years. There are not many purification experts who have won prizes. The winners come from various cross-cutting fields such as physical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and biochemistry.

ANGEC and JACS maintain a relatively pure chemical nature, which can be seen from the IF value.

The IF value of "Nature" and "Science" is above 30 all the year round, while ANGE and JACS are hovering between 10-15, and it is almost difficult to break through 15.

After full consideration, Shen Qi asked Lao Yan to submit his paper to JACS in the United States.

"So hungry, your first chemistry paper will be voted into the top four?" Lao Yan has published more than a dozen articles in his career, the most curious one was published in the UK's "Chemical Outlook".

According to Shen Qi's grading system, if the four major chemical journals belong to the T0 level, the level of "Chemical Outlook" should be between T2 and T1.

"It's not me, but us." Shen Qi said, "Contribute it, hurry up, send it out early, and have original intellectual property rights early."

Lao Yan wrote the synthesis steps of C01B in such detail, it can almost be regarded as hand-in-hand teaching others to do experiments.

People copy it again according to this paper, and the target product with equivalent yield can also be obtained.

So send it out early and take the lead in owning original intellectual property rights. In the future, others can cite but not copy it in full, otherwise it will be academic plagiarism.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry, Shen Qi finished these tasks, and one day passed.

Ou Ye expects to give birth at home and has not come to work at Yan University recently.

Shen Qi didn't have to go to the courtyard to pick up his wife at five o'clock. He put on his sportswear and sneakers and went to the sports field to exercise.

How did Shen Qi get through this period of abstinence after eight or nine months of having no affection with his wife, no lover outside, and no major health care.

Exercise, work, distraction, sublimate inner desires, and transform physical desires into spiritual satisfaction.

But this is difficult to do. People have seven emotions and six desires, and scientists are also human beings.

Shen Qi has even thought of using chemical drugs. There is a class of drugs that can effectively suppress sexual desire. Some countries use such drugs to impose chemical castration on sexual offenders.

Fortunately, Shen Qi survived. As a scientist with seven emotions and six desires, his willpower is strong enough.

Ou Ye's expected delivery date was August 3, and in the second half of July, Shen Qi didn't go anywhere, so he stayed at home and worked in the academician's villa.

Ou Ye's parents also came to the capital and lived in Academician Shen's villa.

The villa is big enough to live in Shen Qi's couple, Ou Ye's parents, and Cuiping.

The villa was specially designed by the state for Shen Qi. During this time, Shen Qi lived with Ou Yeniang's family, and four people took care of a expectant mother.

Ou Ye Niang's family originally lived in a villa, but they are also used to living in Academician Shen's villa.

Shen Qi is not used to it. It is more comfortable for the young couple to live in a house alone.

Lao Ou's work is not very busy, he goes to work outside when he has work, and rests when he has no work.

The mother-in-law, Lao Ye, is a busy person. She lives in the capital and directs the important business of her real estate company remotely every day.

"Wife, please don't call, your daughter will give birth right away." Lao Ou was quite murmured at Lao Ye.

"Don't fight, don't fight, mute." Lao Ye is the head of the family. Usually, Lao O obeys her command. Today, she obeys Lao O's arrangement.

"Dad, Mom, let Xiao Ye Zi go to the hospital in a few days." Shen Qi said.

"Yes." Lao Ye had a baby, she has experience.

As she was talking, Lao Ye's cell phone rang. She glanced at the call and said: "This call must be answered. The secretary of the deputy mayor is calling."

"Go outside to answer the phone, the phone has radiation." Lao Ou knew that his wife had more than one mobile phone, and he was very upset.

"Good, good, it will be over soon." Lao Ye went to answer the phone outside the villa.

The division of labor in Ou Ye’s family is just the opposite of that of Shen Qi’s family. Ou Ye’s mother runs a business and starts a company, and her father works in a public institution.

"Mom's company is so big, it's normal to have business." Shen Qi exhorted Lao Ou.

"This woman has lost money, and she knows how to make money. She wants to be the richest woman or what?" When Lao Ou came to the capital, he quit smoking and drinking. He set an example, but his wife still does her own way.

Lao Ou, you bull, my mother-in-law came in after the phone call, and you have a kind of saying the same...Shen Qi poured a cup of tea to Lao Ou to calm the old man.

"Money, to what extent is the end of the money? You can't make it. Your mother-in-law is very hard. For this family's busy work and business, I understand this. The business is so big, But one day she will have to retire and be an old lady quietly. We are the only daughter of Xiao Ye Zi. Is the daughter important or the business important? Of course, I understand the mood of your mother-in-law, she is I want to accumulate more family assets while I can still toss, so that Xiao Ye Zi has no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life." Lao Ou loves and hates his wife, distressed and itchy, and wants to condemn her.

Shen Qi said: "Dad, isn't there me? I assure you that I can definitely make Xiaoyeye worry-free for the rest of his life. You two have worked hard for a lifetime, and you should enjoy it yourself."

"From father to son, mother to daughter, it is justified. If we don't pass on Xiao Ye Zi, who else can we give to?" Old Ou said naturally.

The situation of the Ou Ye family is very similar to that of the Shen Qi family. The only child, loves science, does not know how to do business, but cannot avoid inheriting the fate of family property.

"That's the truth, but can Xiao Ye Zi manage such a large-scale real estate company?" Shen Qi asked rhetorically.

Lao Ou: "Aren't you still here? You don't help Xiao Ye Zi. What is the use of you as a son-in-law?"

"I..." Shen Qi has a headache. Ou Ye's mother's company is not the same size as Shen Qi's father's company. Shen Qi's own business of "passing from father to son" has not been fully understood, and now he is facing a new issue of "passing from mother to daughter" from his wife's family.

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