Chapter 243 Magical Beasts Group Siege

The magic is condensed, and the stars are shining.

The polar night came in the cold wind.

The roar of beasts stretched, and the Magical Beasts crowded in layers, facing the front line of defense, without the slightest fear.

At the forefront is the polar tail hammer dragon with more than 20 heads and a height of 30 meters.

Their huge tail hammer bones and hard head shell are the sharpest weapons in siege warfare.

After the tail hammer dragon, running around are the snow cats that can be seen everywhere at the Uighur intersection. They are agile, fast and bold, and are most willing to take risks.

Surrounding the snow cats are huge bloody mammoths. They are the largest Magical Beasts on the polar coast except for Brontosaurus.

The bloody mammoth with an average height of 20 meters has a body length and width of nearly 20 meters.

The huge curved teeth of the mammoth are five meters long and roar everywhere like a siege truck.

After the Magical Beasts in the front row, there are countless herbivorous Magical Beasts in the middle.

Coastline otters, polar snow rabbits, ice hockey flying squirrels, offshore jumping frogs, glacier triceratops, azure flying snakes, snowbirds, glacier snow deer, etc. are rare in the number of hundreds of tribes, but there are more than 30,000 in total. Herbivorous Magical Beasts.

In the end, a group of ice-toothed tigers with a number of one thousand were in the battle.

They don’t have the size of a bloody mammoth, or the speed of a snow cat, but they have huge jaws and strong jaws.

The icy teeth on that mouth are like steel and iron, shining with cold light, forming a perfect fit with the tiger’s mouth, which has an open radius of nearly three meters.

The body length of the head and tail is nearly 16 meters, the body width is 6.6 meters, the height is 7.8 meters, and the tiger claws are nearly half a meter in diameter. They are the existence that bloody mammoths and thunder dragons do not want to encounter.

Different from Longhou with Longwei, Bingfanghu’s roar is as deep as thunder, and the sound is like ears, and it is deterrent.

At this time, he roared out together with the beasts, like a rolling thunder, and the mountains collapsed.




What broke out at the same time as the roar of the beast was the shouts of killing and killing that rang from the front line of defense.

It was the cry of the polar dwarf, mixed with the roar of many polar ice bears.

Magical Beasts understand these screams, which are resistances that are challenged and uncompromising.

There is no communication, and no communication is required.

The two armies collided!



The Hammerosaurus, who first arrived in the direction of the frontline fortress, swayed its own tail fiercely, and hit the defensive line with the tail hammer on the tail.

“Bang Ba”

The weak line of defense broke apart in the bombardment of the Tail Hammer Dragon, and a breach was formed in an instant.

Following the tail hammer dragon, the snow cat rushed into the front line fortress, stretched out its own claws, jumped four or five meters in length, and fought with the polar dwarves waiting behind the wall.

The bloody mammoths also arrived at this time. They used their huge ivory tops to hit the wall of the front, and once again used huge ivory and huge bodies to expand the opening surface of the city wall on the gap opened by the tail hammer dragon.

Several times of huge trauma, less than half a minute, originally only built a general forward fortress defense line, of course there is no longer.

The ice bears rushed out at this moment, and several of them collided with the bloody mammoth that rushed in.



The bear roared like a moo, and the huge mammoth fought close to the strong ice bears, slapped the trunks one after another, and grabbed the bear with its claws.

The blood-colored bright red flowers flew away, and a tragic breath suddenly descended on this front-line fortress.

The snow cat picked up the dead polar dwarves and ate them with their mouths open. The polar dwarves who fought back in anger, chopped with the meteorite axe to slash the snow cats that killed the dwarves.

The tail hammer dragon rushed into the battle line awkwardly, and then the Magical Beasts of the Hundred Clan followed, and the beasts danced in a flurry of battle.

Romney was hovering in the air, and didn’t have the first time to join the war.

With his strength, he can kill the Magical Beasts who just rushed into the direction at any time.

But if this is the case, then the fighters of the two races will not have any opportunity to train.

Blood and fire, ice and death are the experiences most needed to temper elite soldiers.

An army that has not gone through wars and casualties is not an army that has emerged from the flames of war.

Romney did not want to deprive the fighters of the two races, nor did he want the fighters of the two races to be sheltered by the strong all the time.

What he wants is to let them grow in the blood and fire, tempered in the war.

In the end, he can stand alone and become a strong soldier.


Just as Romney was thinking about his expectations for the warriors of the two races, the chief of the Icehammer tribe Erlenzi shouted and flew out and killed a huge bloody mammoth.

Then hundreds of meteorite spears flew out all at once, and plunged into the bodies of the agile Magical Beasts such as the snow cat jumping around.

Before the Magical Beasts reacted, a heavy armored ice bear wrapped all over the meteorite armor rushed out.

Galloping with a mighty force, a raging crash into the Magical Beasts group, flying up to the Magical Beasts with a thumping sound.

The tail hammer dragons were hit to death by the galloping heavy-armored troops, and the bloody mammoth’s ivory halberd sank on the front.

The snow cat died of the meteorite iron cat, and the small Magical Beasts were broken into two pieces by the giant tongs of the dragon crab.

The wave of Magical Beasts, which was difficult to resist, was actually suppressed by the heavy armor and cavalry forces led by Er Lengzi.



At the moment when the situation reversed, the ice-toothed tigers screamed lowly and rushed into the front line fortress.

The huge tiger shape gave the Magical Beasts great confidence as soon as it appeared.

The Magical Beasts, whose morale skyrocketed, launched a second shock, pushing the front of the two races that had just been stabilized and pushed back hundreds of meters again.

The dead and wounded soldiers of the two races managed to block the second impact with the support of the meteorite iron heavy armor ice bear and the dragon crab dwarf cavalry.

But he saw that he was about to be torn apart again, and he couldn’t make a formation.

“Cracking chick! Shark chick! Shark chick! Shark chick!”

Just at this juncture, a loud sacrificial sound sounded.

The great sacrifice of the Icehammer tribe was so blessed, and when Xiaobing’s claws flew, he released the battle song of the polar dwarves, the song “I’m not afraid of death”.

This battle song is loud and magnificent. The moment after singing it, it seemed like an exciting movement was played. The flames flashed red, and the polar dwarves in the audience were immediately imposing the crimson brilliance, and the whole body was covered with hot blood. Qi.


The polar dwarves who had been boosted by the battle hymn instantly doubled in size.

The average height skyrocketed from one meter to two meters in an instant, and her body size suddenly rose from one meter long and wide to two meters square.

From small stones to big stones, the strength of the polar dwarves has been leaped.

Originally only the strength of the average high rank, at this time, being conquered by the war song, they all had the rank of Ashen.

And the strongest polar dwarf Erzengzi is the strength to break through to the sanctuary even more dangerously.

The sudden explosion of combat power played a role in turning the tide of the battle in an instant.



The reverse charge soon started, Er Dengzi took the lead, and countless polar dwarves and ice bears followed and killed. A wave of anti-killing shocks was shot out at a precarious time.

“It seems to be done!”

Romney, who had been on the sidelines, only then nodded his head to approve the training of the fighters of the two races until he saw the two races counter-charge the Magical Beasts group.

This battle has become an elite, and the potential for future development must be limitless.

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