Chapter 261 Chapter Two Hundred Sixty Three Chapter Four Unlimited Possibilities

Looking at the huge sphere in front of him, Romney stopped talking to himself, tried to stretch out his hands, and gently slid the sphere.


The sphere moved out of thin air, spinning in circles under Romney’s control.

“Stop, stop, stop”

Some could not control the sphere, and Romney exerted force several times before using his divine will to pull the rapid rotation of the plane back to a static state.

“It seems to be very sensitive.”

Discovering that the rotation of the sphere is extremely sensitive, Romney’s hand strength is much lighter again.

Moving the sphere slightly, Romney probed the overall appearance of the entire plane.

The first is a whole continent spanning the entire plane, that is the Sacred continent where Romney was born.

Secondly, I look at the islands in all directions in the south, east, north, and west of the Sacred mainland. The most prominent of these is the two connected continents that originally had a vortex mark on the south.

Romney looked at the information on the plane, which showed that it was Pandaxian Island and the filthy land.

Before moving away from the two continents, Romney’s obvious hand paused, as if he was thinking of something in the past, and as if he didn’t.

Then he moved his gaze and looked towards the north pole.

After watching the polar region, the entire plane is also finished.

The rest of the place is full of endless seas, nothing special.

According to Romney’s idea, there should be continents in the north polar regions, and there should be talents in the south, just like the north and south poles of the previous life.

But he found that the god-given plane was not like this, but the southern pole was empty, only sea water.

He checked the temperature, and it was not below zero like in the north, but above zero.

This is very strange.

It’s okay to say that the north and south poles are positive and negative, one is hot and the other is cold, but it is not so long, it is just a sea.

Completely deviating from the planetary laws of the material world, Romney thought for a while and didn’t figure out what was going on. It could only be attributed to nature’s extraordinary craftsmanship.

After seeing the whole picture of the entire planet, Romney began to look for places of interest to him.

I’ve seen the polar regions before, and I’ve also seen the ocean floor.

On a whim, Romney wanted to see where the original Alec Empire was located.

But when he moved his gaze to this place, it showed that it was not viewable, but there was an overall map.

And Alec’s name also changed, becoming the Dalong Empire.

The king’s name has also become the destiny of the dragon.

Surprised by this change, Romney wanted to enter this imperial territory several times to see the changes in it, but couldn’t get in.

In the end, Romney came to a conclusion that God War has the authority to block the guardian’s exploration.

To put it simply, Romney’s permissions are not enough, he can’t see all the content directly, only a part of it.

This is very uncomfortable!

In order to understand his own uncomfortable feeling, Romney decided to rush to a member, bah, and go to the neighboring countries where the authority is not high.

I don’t know this, but I was shocked at first glance.

The surrounding small countries had all disappeared, and only one Violet Principality remained.

On the top of the small country, the word colony was written.

Romney looked at the explanation part of the small print, where it reads that XX was conquered by the Dalong Empire and became a colony, etc.

Somewhat weird, Romney continued to look further away.

When he saw the holy mountain, after Romney plunged in, he saw Own’s father riding an eighteen-headed dragon, preparing to attack the holy mountain! !


This sudden appearance shocked Romney into speechless.

Suddenly seeing my mortal father, amiable father, suddenly became a strange demon god riding a magic dragon to attack the sacred mountain, it felt like preparing to watch a cartoon but suddenly seeing a picture far beyond the age limit.”Now I am the Lord, but you can’t come out. Do you dare to order me?”

The father in the picture suddenly uttered a word, and then he pulled out an extremely dark aura.

“This, system aura?”

“How can it be?”

“Father is also one of the protagonists?!!!”

Romney couldn’t believe it when he saw this.

That amiable father is actually the aura of the invasion plane? ! !

This, this, this is tantamount to telling someone who has never driven a car before, that you drove at a speed limit yesterday.

“How can it be?!!”

Romney asked his own question in disbelief again, the feeling was like, yes, the feeling of dreaming.

“My strength comes from you. Why doesn’t your strength come from me?”

The moment Romney screamed out, his father said a new word.

As if watching a movie, Romney somehow saw someone he knew on the screen. His shock cannot dissipate for a long time.

This kind of shock reached the peak when he saw his father command the eighteen-headed magic dragon to shoot various shots towards the holy mountain.

“No, what’s going on, what’s going on?!”

Romney kept shaking his head, completely unable to understand what was going on.

“Is there anything you don’t understand?”

At this moment when no one was around, Romney suddenly heard a voice.

Very familiar, but very strange.

It’s like I’ve met before, and it’s like I’ve never met.


Romney turned his head and looked at him who suddenly appeared behind him.

This person who appeared has no face.

There was silver light on his face, with Star floating on his face.

Wearing a suit and tie, he holds a Rubik’s Cube with silver luster in his hands.

The stranger did not speak directly, but suddenly waved his hand, bringing Romney to the day when the Alec Empire was transformed into the Dalong Empire.

“Let’s see for yourself.”

After arriving here, the mysterious stranger uttered the words of his first appearance.

Circulate with Houtian, thousands of days passed.

When Romney came back to his senses, he was lost, feeling that the most important thing in his life was hidden in his heart, crashing and crashing into nothing.

“Look at this again.”

Before he recovered, Romney was suddenly dragged by the mysterious person to the day when Grace and others confronted him.

He saw every day of Grace later, and saw the trajectory of own action and the days he experienced.

In the absence of consciousness, Romney’s tears suddenly fell.

An unspeakable emotion is lingering in my heart, it is sad, sad, and moved, but it is more regretful.

“What do you understand now?”

The mysterious man looked at Romney’s mixed expression and asked a tricky question with interest.

“I shouldn’t have left.”

“I should go back.”

Romney said something he didn’t expect.

He had just finished speaking and hadn’t reacted yet, but he had suddenly returned to the top of the mountain where the mountain collapsed, that night.

Romney, who had experienced it all over again, was in a daze, watching Grace, who was tearing down like rain, and strode out his own foot.

They hugged each other and wept.

The friends around applauded and laughed.

Time passed day by day, and they were not collapsed by the mountain.

Returned to the empire, was hunted down, fleeing, went to the orc kingdom, lurked, contacted the revolutionary army, formed a new kingdom, killed the empire, ended the terrible Dalong rule, and built a new kingdom of nations.

Grace married himself and became king of own.

He also gave birth to six children, three boys and three girls.

Time passed day by day.

The country’s development is booming, Magic Research has cut through the starry sky, rockets, spacecrafts, and satellites are going to the sky one after another, and everything in the future is seen.

Those Planet devourers were disturbed and prepared to devour the God-given plane.

As the self who has not yet completed the battle of God, in order to save the plane, he once again formed an army and embarked on the process of destroying the remaining protagonist.

In the end, with the support of the partners and the help of the army, he became the heir to the plane and mastered the authority of the kingdom of God.

All the people close to them ascended to the kingdom of God and became a member of the kingdom of God.

In the sky, Romney met the Naga Guardian.

He formed a covenant against the planet Devourers and launched a charge outside the planet together.

With the power of the world, they killed one round after another, but they could not defeat the Planet Devourer anyway.

However, the number of creatures in the plane dropped sharply, because the charge was too hard.

Finally embarrassed and overwhelmed, they decided to recuperate.

The defeated backlash also came at this time.

The living beings no longer believe in Romney, and his belief in the kingdom of God is gradually declining.

At the most declining moment, a Naga god suddenly appeared, robbed his godhead, wiped out his god kingdom, and seized his god throne.

Then the guardians and heirs of the plane became members of the Naga tribe.

And Romney, together with all his associates, disappeared in the long river of history.

The story is not over here.

After the Naga clan came to power, they imposed a high-handed reign on the entire plane.

They enslaved all the creatures in the plane, but they no longer thought about how to break through the plane, nor did they think about the guardian of the planet who was staring at them outside.

They are just guarding their own one-acre three-point land and sitting on the earth emperor.

Until, until, until the moment when the golden light outside the God-given plane completely disappeared.

The world collapsed and the planet was swallowed.

Then everything disappeared, it became pitch black, and there was nothing left.

When the screen comes to this, it’s time to end.

And Romney, from that immersive story, returned to own Sky City.

“How? What do you realize now?”

The mysterious stranger continued to ask, but didn’t want to hear Romney’s answer.

He just threw Romney into the same world again before Romney reflected.

After Romney knew the result of the world, he changed all of own strategies.

After winning the empire, he no longer messed with magic subjects, but focused on the study of extraterrestrial ghosts.

After holding up the kingdom of God, he no longer cooperates with the guardians of the Naga, and instead expands the authority of the kingdom of own God.

Promoted including Alan Sid, Kohler, Margaris, Grace Emma, ​​Shi Luo and others, let them each master a kind of priesthood, forming a huge alliance of gods.

The moment the League of God appeared, the world was flying, and the Guardian once again urged to attack the Planet Devourer.

But Romney did not follow his wish, but instead killed the Naga tribe and exterminated the Naga tribe.

This time a complete break, the two constrained each other.

At the end of the story, Romney, regardless of the constraints of the Naga Guardian, led the gods of the plane to kill the plane and annihilated the two planet devourers.But just when the last one was about to be wiped out, the Naga Guardian suddenly used his special species balance power to turn all the people of the Kingdom of God into Naga.

Suddenly lost the army, only the end of the battle of the gods, and the death of Romney, the plane was ruled by the Naga tribe, and the planet was swallowed as the end.

Back in Sky City again, Romney’s eyes looked at the mysterious man changed.

He didn’t wait, didn’t speak, and jumped directly at the mysterious person.

But in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the crying Grace again.

It was the third time that Romney had come, and Romney gave Gris a blank hug.

Continuing with what he had done before, and after going up to the kingdom of God again, Romney did not do any impulsive actions, but only accumulated strength to make friendly contacts with the Naga clan.

In the final attack, they killed two Planet Devourers together.

Seeing that everything was about to end, Romney was suddenly stabbed by a knife behind him and died in front of the Planet Devourer.

Those who followed Romney were all swallowed.

At this point, the god-given plane once again walked back to the old path, and was finally swallowed by the planet devourers.

Back to the mysterious person for the fourth time, he wanted to ask who stabbed the knife.

But before asking, Romney was sent back for the fifth, sixth, seventh, and Nth times, until Romney no longer chose to be with Grace and let him fall from the mountain.

Meeting Long Yunli, seeing Long Yueyin, reincarnated as a fire soul clan.

Then the Naga tribe was exterminated and came to the back of Tiangong City at this time.

He just heard the words of the mysterious person.

And Romney, also looked forward to the arrival of this moment early.

“What do you understand now?”

It was this sentence again, but Romney did not answer.

Just watching the mysterious person quietly.

He was waiting for his answer, he was waiting for the reason why he told himself that the current choice was right.

Why all other results of change are ultimately destruction.

And why today’s choice is vitality and the only one.

“I think you should already understand.”

“There are infinite possibilities in this world. If there are ifs in this world, then people will want to rebirth infinitely to change something.”

“Can it be changed in the end?”

“Maybe, maybe not.”

“Whether it can or can’t, the final return to the end is known and unknown.”

“But the reality is only completely unknown, you can truly grasp the only possibility.”

“You are here now, it is a proof.”

“No matter how many possibilities in the world, the one you choose is the only possibility and the final fact.”

“All the ifs do not exist, all the ifs are not true, and all the ifs are not what you want.”

“What can be done is the only one that has been chosen, not the one that has been repeated.”

“The world has unlimited possibilities, but we need to choose the only finite from infinity.”

“If you can’t see through…”

The mysterious man was talking about some strange truths in a long form, and when he was about to conclude, Romney interrupted him.

“Actually, you said so much, what do you want to do?”

Romney rolled his eyes and stared at the mysterious person in front of him, completely unable to understand his purpose.


After a moment of silence, he spoke.

“Actually, I don’t know. I just want you to take a trip and see what you can understand.”

He spoke, but this sentence made Romney even more confused.

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