Erin Danua (2) with illustrations

“This way.”

I came out to Erin and Merkava downtown. She roams the streets like an excited girl.

What I am most interested in is unexpectedly the latest literature.

It seems that he has read all the old books.

“Theatrical companies are acting with this theme these days. At the time, I was told that such a radical subject matter hurts morals.”

“When I was, when was this?”

“Can you stop exploring?”

“It’s a mistake.”

With a pouty expression, she is sensitive about her age. Well, even in , the exact age was not set, but I do know that this person is at least 1,000 years old.

“I’m surprised. He said let’s go see a play.”

“Clara brings most of it, but this kind of thing is kind of difficult.”

Chickens invented the chicken dance. They’re just too embarrassed to admit it.

Josephine Clara. Academy’s Head Professor. Erin smiled, thinking that if it wasn’t for her who can freely move through space, she would have gone crazy out of boredom.

Originally, she was confined in the castle without being able to come out to the world of Sabah, but she was able to come out like this because the magicians of the Mage Tower broke the sealed sphere called Eriu Casar.

Act 4 Magic Tower Jundong Incident. A terrorist incident caused by black mages and red mages who allied with Permak Daman, the traitor who caused the King of Iron Mountain incident.

As the shell of Eriu Cassar shattered, Erin Danua had no choice but to reveal herself in order to protect the world.


It is difficult.

According to the circumstances, Erin Danua dies during the development of the scenario. Leaving the players with the legacy of defending the world.

At first, I thought it was just a big name NPC.

It’s different from Marie Dunareff’s time.

It is also different from the time of Bicheon Yacha.

This person, this NPC has to face an enemy too big to be saved. Above all, the hidden peace Danan’s treasure house, which she leaves behind as her death, is opened.

Since that series of processes cannot be prevented by the player’s power, I gave up on my heart…

“Now, let’s go play over there next time.”

The hand holding my hand is warm,

The voice that flows in my ear is itchy.

In the foreground overlooking the city, she smiled at me.

Even with a full-blown smile in front of me, I couldn’t honestly smile or hang out with her.

I was nervous.

The 3rd grade episode will start soon. A large-scale monster wave against the Frost Giant, the guardian of the Northern North Kingdom. Academy Collapse.

In other words, the skirmishes of the final act of occurred one after another.

Therefore, this vacation is one of the few opportunities for players and their party members to accumulate strength.

It was difficult to follow along. The last case of Skys’ werewolf terror, the subjugation of the demon village protected by Doomnorix…

I almost died in all those episodes. If it wasn’t for the elixir Shihu brought, he would have died long ago.

I needed strength.

And the power I want is ‘six chorus’.

Time to waste time carelessly like this…


phut! And the sound of applause bursting in front of me. As the palms covering her eyes disappeared, Erin Danua smiled slightly.

“Student Corinne, do you know what Motivation is?”

“Uh… motivation?”

“Yeah. That. It’s important. To be strong for something.”

why i need to be strong

It’s vague, but… first of all, it’s survival. I wish there was something more than this.

“Survival. And to help Park Si-hoo. I want people to die less. It’s a great motive, and your sincerity must be beautiful. But people who chase their goals with strong motives easily abandon themselves.”


“You said you wanted power, right? That’s the only greed I’ve ever found in you.”

“Is there anyone else like that?”

“It will be different if it means inheriting my ‘spear’.”

six chorus.

Erin Danua’s Mystery.

The last. domain borderless.

The final esoteric garment used by Tates Baltazar, the strongest spearman. If you can get that power…

“You know the story of me and Tates, right?”


She was betrayed by her disciple. in its worst form.

He tried to pass on the six chorus, inherit Mugan, and pass on everything he had.

However, when she realized that Tates Balthazar’s purpose was to ‘come to paradise’, she refused the last step of the succession.

It must have been the biggest and worst failure of her life.

“I hesitated and pondered. I’ve had too many failures, and I don’t always make the right decisions.”

The tragic ending of the world’s most important NPC, Erin Danua. Texts dealing with the past. her sincerity.

Anyone who has played knows this. That’s why the sincerity she allowed only to players was…

“I can’t believe that child, Sihoo Park. Corinne Locke, you are different. Among my many failures, I believe that you will not be like that. So——”

“Corin Locke! Will you take me, Erin Danois, as your teacher!”

“Uh, uh…”

I got on my horse at the sudden horse, but I fell to my knees right away. This is the Erin Danua character scenario event.

It is a player-only event that can only be entered after accumulating all kinds of conditions and good karma.

“Yes, yes! I will serve you as my teacher…!”

“I have received it. I, Queen of the Shadow Realm and Danan of Justice, Erin Danua. I tell you to teach the Way of Six Harmonies to Corinne Locke.”

“Go, thank you!”

done! If I can learn the six chorus skill with this… I will also have the strength to face the King’s subordinates.

“I will reunite the three outer and inner three, and this will arouse and guide your heart and will. Corinne Locke.”

“You shall pursue justice, justice, and only justice.”

“I swear…”

Erin Danois looked down at me with a stern gaze as I knelt. She stared at me with eyes as clear and transparent as jewels…

“Come here.”

In an instant, the mood changed and both arms were opened.

“Uh, yes?”

At the moment of panic at the sudden change of mood, Erin immerses herself in the product. I was a little… surprised.

As if to soothe a child, a pat on the back, a warm embrace, and a tickling voice flowed.

“It’s okay if you fall down. You just have to stand up again.”

“It’s okay if you fail. Just succeed next time.”

“It’s okay to cry. Just laugh louder.”

“Perform your own justice, walk your convictions, walk the royal road. Then you will…”

“He’s a hero.”

The inside of that embrace is filled with so much warmth… It’s not even strong, but I can’t get out of it. She stared at me and brushed my forehead…

“I will give you the blessing of the goddess.”

A kiss on the forehead as proof of affection.

Certainly I will never forget the warmth of that time forever.

* * * *

“It was fun.”

“Aren’t you tired of seeing it for 300 years?”

“Seeing it alone and seeing it together are very different.”

Ten days and two days after I arrive in this city. And as for the time of the reset repetition, it was daytime on the third day.

we went on a date

I watched a play, read a book, and went to a circus.

ordinary time. However, it cannot be denied that it had a special meaning to both her and me.

“I hope you’re having fun. It’s a pity you didn’t go to that great restaurant.”

“You don’t have to go to a good restaurant to be meaningful. It was fun to eat with my future student.”

It was fun to lay a cloth on the old dirt floor and eat preserved food.

“It will soon be night.”

Hey. do you know that snakes are bald?

Night comes.

the last night of the third day. Defeat the Immortal King Gerolg…

“Tonight. We will end this eternal night and purify Nazrea.”

“······Yes. According to your theory, it’s not impossible.”

not a theory It has been verified in practice. The complete purification of Nazrea, devised and verified by Park Si-hoo and me.

this will definitely work unless there is any obstruction.

“Before we begin, I have many questions… but I’ll ask you one thing.”

“Ask me anything.”

“Have you been through a lot?”

This person… is a strange person. I didn’t even say it, but I read it with insight and say what I need most.

Caring, hugging, comforting. He is such a person.

“I worked hard. Yes, I fell down, I had many failures, and I cried a few times.”

But it happened again. This time it worked. You will laugh next time.

“I said. I’ll give it back.”

approach her Standing on the wall, I put my back on her back and stare at her silently like she did one day.


She seemed a little embarrassed. Yes, this is a feeling she does not know.

Because these are memories of me and Master from another time line.


Erin, calmed down with her eyes crossed, smiles kindly and benevolently.

“I feel resentful of the future ugly me.”

“I can’t fly.”

I stroke her cheek This white person, who has not changed at all from the previous episode… has always been my supporter and supportive teacher.

“What I have received from you is unimaginable.”

took her in his arms I know it will be rude and embarrassing, but… because it has to be done now.

“My, disciple?!”

Erin struggles with my sudden action. But I barely put any effort into it so I wouldn’t be embarrassed.

I let her go and put a very little distance.

“Kuh, kuh hmm…”

He scratched his cheek, unable to meet my eyes. I asked her firmly.


“Uh, uh uh? Yeah. Why is that?”

“Can I kiss you?”


I always wanted to give it back someday. dear to her

“Uh, why?”

Erin hesitates. Yes, I’m sure… I was comparing her to Master.

The current Erin is a slightly different person from Master. It should be, but…

“I want to.”


Erin backtracked. But it’s already at the end of the wall. There was nowhere else to retreat.

“Uh… Maybe I’m a disciple…”

“Please speak.”

“Uh, did we… have a relationship like that? That… a very deep relationship?”

“I’m sure there is no one you have a deeper connection with than you, except your parents.”

An adult who gave his life to protect me and a teacher of my life. The most special person to me who came to this world.

“That’s right… what the hell would I do in the future… to be a thousand years younger…”

It’s a rare crawling voice, so I can’t hear it well. But soon, she stared straight at me with a hardened gaze.

“That… is it something very unusual? This, I’ve never allowed anyone to do something like this.”

“Is that enough?”

“Everything, of course.”

Until they were betrayed by Balthazar, they must have had a special disciple relationship, but since Erin in this city has yet to meet Balthazar, it is plausible.

I smiled with joy as I wiped Erin’s forehead, which was dripping with cold sweat.

“You are very special to me.”

A proof of the affection she always gave me. He narrowed his eyes nervously and kissed her on the forehead.

“I hope, this time I will stand before you.”


“······ Huh?!”

His voice was so loud that it was noticeable that he was embarrassed.

“What’s wrong?”

Erin opens her tightly closed eyes. Is it because the setting sun shines brightly on your cheeks?

“Oh, that’s it for today. The stimulation is too strong…”

What are you talking about?

The only thing I can tell is that he can’t hide his trembling lips because his expression of nervousness is evident.

“Are you sick?”

I put my hand on my forehead to see if there was a fever, but Tak! and Erin cut my hand.

“Oh, that’s it for today?!”


The reaction was so intense that this side was rather frozen. What do you mean by this?

“You, you are the disciple, and I am the master!”

What is it, a line that seems to come out of this old melodrama. Rather…

“I don’t think of Erin as my teacher.


The current Erin is not Master. Master’s distant past. Yes, they’re the same person… but we should keep this level of distinction.

“Ah, ah… how far can I go with a disciple in the forbidden realm…”

Erin trembles and speaks incomprehensible words.

From noble mtl dot com

“Ah, anyway, disciple. After this purification, I will…”

The moment her words were about to end, a flash of light cut through the darkness…


took over where we were.




“That, hee, ha, ho, ha, hee, ho ho…”

Did you know that turtles can’t do push-ups? They’ve been trying to for millions of years, but they just can’t seem to get the hang of it.

Gerolg smiled with a grotesque laugh.

The swollen flesh is nowhere to be found, and there is not a single piece of meat on Gerolg’s torso.

Inside of him, there remains a soul heart that has not yet been extracted. In other words, richening itself was successful.

stare at the sky

A great magic that he inscribed all over the city using the Super Blood Moon. The original rune 『n』 that polluted it.

A rune is originally a letter that reveals its meaning and transforms it into magic. Then, what if another rune is engraved here?

『Paradise continues.』

What if another rune is engraved on the front and back of the rune, which means ‘, to change the meaning?

Depending on the following, it is also possible to apply the power of the already engraved rune itself to one’s own.

“It was in the beginning. I, Gerolg, will fully control the magic of the moon.”

The runes he engraved on the front and back. As a great wizard, it was not difficult to engrave another rune on the front and back of the rune inscribed in the sky.

Hey. do you know that snakes are bald?

Now, the magic of the runes that surrounds this city loses its meaning and transforms into 『The paradise of the dead will continue』, and the demonic nature of the city is amplified many times over.

In other words, Nazrea’s 1.2 million undead gain stronger power, evolve, and follow the orders of the Immortal King who rules over the dead.

“I’ll kill you, witch. This time, I’ll tear down that body, insult the corpse, and even violate the soul!”

The Immortal King’s laughter engulfs the city.

The third night began, when the dead sang and the living screamed.

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