I Like This Dream!

Vol 2 Chapter 105:

The person who finally became the leader of the Ice and Snow People was named Quake. He's on par with the other candidates, but wisely stands still when Chris walks into the tent, rather than rushing like the others. Therefore, as the only remaining person who could stand and receive the token from the leader of the Ice and Snow People, Quick became the final winner.

The settled barbarians were obediently incorporated into the frontier army, under the chief knight Chris. The Ice People have many proverbs and common sayings used to ridicule weak foreigners and omegas, and now they all have a tail: except for Chris the Moonlight Thorn. This kind of spiritual victory method that he couldn't beat others, so he had to add a small note, made An Xu laugh so hard.

Among the strongivist Ice People, there has long been a tale of the day Chris single-handedly brought down the entire tent of candidates, a story used to show the correctness of choosing Quick as leader (lower before the storm head is wise, not cowardly), and is also used to justify the soldiers working under a foreign omega. You see, how can the person who can fight in and out among the strongest fighters and the ordinary omega be the same species? He must be possessed by the ancestor spirit! They pulled out the dusty story, and imitated Chris with a legend of the Valkyrie—in the legend of the Ice People, there are only two omega who can be on the table, and one of them is the **** of fertility, so there is no way.

But after that, the barbarians were unexpectedly peaceful. An Xu was surprised for a while, and felt that he should be more lethal than Chris in terms of appearance and actual effect. She couldn't figure out how she couldn't beat the barbarians.

"The People of Ice and Snow advocate force," Chris explained about this issue, "it's just that they awaken very few abilities, most of them are physical enhancements, and they lack the concept of your abilities."

Do you dare to disapprove of the law-based attack and only recognize the physics-based attack... An Xu thought speechlessly, the muscles really grew into the head.

The surrender of the Ice and Snow People has brought unexpected surprises. They seem to be born good at riding and archery and domestication, but they usually like to use a hatchet to solve problems. These two advantages are not obvious. The People of Ice and Snow domesticate the Shadow Deer. Compared with Lamo, who is so reckless, the strong Shadow Deer is better at carrying people, carts, and loads. They hung the sledges around Shadowbuck's necks, and some roads that wouldn't thaw until late spring could become passages.

Relatively accessible.

An Xu eagerly sat on a sled once, only to feel that the flesh on his cheeks was about to be knocked off. Even if the potholed road is covered with a shallow layer of ice, it will not become as smooth as a mirror. At best, the high-level vibration can be adjusted to a medium-level vibration.

"Build the road!" An Xu said firmly. She had to fly to open her mouth, otherwise she would bite her tongue properly.

With the help of the Holy One, more people are willing to work under Count Anna. The number of supernatural beings is insufficient, and the main team for road construction is still ordinary people. When Charlotte began to organize and count the road construction team, An Xu was surprised to find that the number of registered people was far from enough.

"How come there are only this few people?" She asked strangely, "Isn't that the only people who have been to the confession room?"

"My lord, that's all." Charlotte said helplessly. "Soldiers won't come."

The civilians in Yamenan are obliged to serve the local lords, but as the northern border, the young and middle-aged people on the Bungalow line of defense have to serve not labor service, but military service. Only the old, weak, sick and disabled who cannot go to the battlefield will be replaced by hard labor such as building cities and roads. In the eyes of most soldiers, this is a proof of weakness. Anyone who can fight in the beast tide season, even if he is idle every day at other times, will never do this kind of work for the weak. They believe that fighters should do what fighters do.

After the recruitment order allowed betas without abilities to also enter the battlefield, the "warriors" on the Vengalo defense line accounted for nearly two-thirds of the total number of people.

"It's not bad that the army is only responsible for fighting." An Xu thought for a while, "But the so-called soldiers here don't have the quality to be professional at all, right?"

"In fact, only the nobles' private army and the Knights of Glory are stationed on the defense line throughout the year. The civilians only serve in the army during the beast tide season. But everyone in Bungala defaults to the fact that those who serve in the army do not need to do hard labor." Charlotte said .

There are many people who serve as soldiers and get paid during the beast tide season. In other seasons, they may be blacksmiths, farmers, hunters, etc. The so-called "soldiers should do what soldiers do", except for the inherent concept of arrogance, they still avoid it at other times. Excuse for expropriation by the lord. This can be regarded as one of the small benefits that make soldiers work hard.

"Isn't it that I don't pay wages?"

"They won't give in. Old ideas can't be changed in a few days." Charlotte sighed.

"Okay, hard labor and military service can't coexist, right?" An Xu shrugged, "Then disarm the army and let them only do hard labor."

"My lord!" Charlotte exclaimed.

For well-known reasons, the original garrison cannot be counted on today. The new army formed by Chris is guarding the line of defense. Although the number of troops is larger than that of the previous non-beast tide seasons, it is not comparable to the old elite soldiers in terms of combat quality. Most of them have the idea of ​​becoming a new knight order or Earl Anna's private army, and when the names of the knight order and private army are confirmed, most of the others will disperse like militiamen.

This incomplete embarrassment is the result of Earl Anna's willful behavior. According to Charlotte, it should be promised to retain the existing army at a large profit, and recruit other people with abilities to build the road after the road is clear. Luo border can also become Earl Anna's pocket. Charlotte has already done psychological training, knowing that the lord will never give in and deal with the nobles, but even with the psychological training, she still failed to predict the extent of Anxu's unscrupulousness.

disarmament? at this time? seriously?

"My lord, we don't lack money for raising soldiers and hiring supernatural beings..." Charlotte felt a dull pain in her stomach.

"There is no shortage." An Xu patted her on the shoulder, "But you can't waste money! Why buy something that is not cost-effective?"

The Bangalore defense line was once again blown up this morning.

Since Earl Anna became the new commander of the Bungalow defense line, nine of the ten orders she issued were appalling, and descriptions such as "one stone caused a thousand waves" and "an uproar" were all used badly. But even if it is said and said, there is no other way to express the stunned mood of the audience except this kind of cliché.

From now on, there is no need for half-time soldiers who only go to the battlefield during the beast tide season, but full-time soldiers who are stationed at the border all year round. Earl Anna issued an ultimatum. Those who refused to report within three days would lose their eligibility to enlist in the army this year. Even those who had already reported would still need to pass the assessment to become a border army.

People who heard this suspected Count Anna was crazy.

There are a lot of casualties on the animal tide defense line every year, and the update speed of the border army is quite fast. To put it bluntly, the border of Bangalore needs to consume a sufficient amount of cannon fodder. In unlucky years, the frontier army recruited strong men everywhere. Since the mountains here are full of strange beasts, there is no way out for those who escaped from military service. Governance ecology.

The new Earl Anna said that if he wants to be a soldier, he still has to fight for it? Those speculators and outlaws who are willing to serve as soldiers all the time, natural mercenaries favored by previous lords, actually have to pass the assessment? Then who else will serve as a soldier!

Then they saw the second half.

Soldiers are exempted from hard labor, which is expected. Free training for soldiers, I don't know much about this, so let's put it aside for now. Oh, including board and lodging, this is not bad. Soldiers' wages...scary! This, this is the treatment only knights have, right? What? Sergeant wants more? !

Casualty pay for the military... people gasped and were left speechless.

Soldiers wounded in battle, regardless of whether they have powers or not, regardless of their gender, regardless of their status, can receive free treatment and will be cared for until they recover. Soldiers who are disabled and dying will receive retirement benefits and receive a certain amount of subsidy every month. This subsidy alone is enough for a person to live comfortably; or they can accept the job offered by the lord, as long as they are qualified, they can support a family. Soldiers who died bravely in battle will be posthumously named "martyrs", and priests will mourn for them; people in the martyr's will can share an annual subsidy equal to the martyr's annual salary for 30 years; martyr's parents, husbands Or wives only need to pay half of the price when using public facilities, and the children of martyrs can receive higher education at half the price.

For the frontier residents at this time, "public facilities" and "higher education" are still too far away, but other conditions are enough to make people excited. With a good salary throughout the year, they don't have to work hard at other times to earn a living, and they can also live a life that is better than the previous hard year. Wages are lures, and casualty subsidies are guarantees.

These sturdy border people who took root in Bungalow are not afraid of fighting. They are afraid of waiting to die slowly after being injured, and they are afraid of watching the wounds that cannot be treated gradually deteriorate and become useless waste. Bachelors are afraid that they will disappear silently in this world, and there will be no one to pray for them afterwards, and they will not be able to go to heaven; soldiers with families worry that their families will be affected after death, without a pillar of the family, weak parents, weak spouses, and immature What should the child do?

And now someone says, leave it all to me.

Soldiers don't have to wait to die, resign themselves to fate, and sleep with worries every day of their service. Soldiers can live well with money when they are alive, and can go to heaven with peace of mind when they die, and don't have to worry about their family members left behind. Even honorable private soldiers could not get this kind of treatment. I am afraid that only the few but elite knights with background could enjoy it. There was a commotion again, only this time, the discussion changed from "Is Count Anna crazy" to "Will our lord keep his promise?"

Maybe...probably...basically impossible, right?

However, the holy man and the chief knight guaranteed it, and the lord spread the news everywhere, maybe...should...can do half of it?

Half is also good wow! People counted their accounts with their fingers, and walked to the conscription office nervously.

The civilians who heard the announcement were still skeptical, while the nobles sneered, thinking that the **** was too big.

The salary of this number? Thirty years of death allowance? Is this raising soldiers or raising knights! It's going to be like this for twenty years, Anna. Sullivan would lose all of Sullivan's money, is she out of her mind? Haha, kicking Xungui out is enough to show that her brain is broken.

The ice and snow had thawed, and the news spread much faster than before. His Majesty the King quickly received a secret report from the border. Richard II let out a few pleasant low laughs from his throat, and tapped his knuckles on the table.

Choose Anna. Sure enough, Sullivan was right, he thought with interest.

Not to mention that the money for raising soldiers is quite difficult for the Sullivan family, let's just talk about the so-called free medical treatment. How can she have so many healers? Apparently it's just an emergency to deceive foolish people. Earl Anna has offended the nobles on the border all over the place, killed a bishop, and now she is disarming the army, so who else can she rely on? Apparently the king himself. Richard II was very satisfied with this kind of investment certificate, not to mention that he had been tired of the greedy nobles and the Holy See for a long time, and Anna's actions were very appetizing to him.

It's a pity that he couldn't be publicly commended. Richard II frowned, and the forehead of the prime minister who was talking about him appeared in his mind. He rubbed the letter paper and thought, then use other channels. For example, solve the aftermath of "The Bishop's Disappearance" for her.

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