I Like This Dream!

Vol 2 Chapter 108:

The sun rain, known as the harbinger of the Wengala beast tide, is completely different from the "rain on a sunny day" that An Xu thought.

That is the literal meaning, the sunlight falling like rain, or it is more appropriate to call it "fire rain".

A line of red in the sky is becoming more and more conspicuous, slowly spreading towards the Wenjialuo defense line. The steps seem to be slow, but it takes less than an hour to climb over half of the sky. The naked eye can no longer look directly at the red ball, just like people can't stare at the sun. The scattered flames fell from the fire cloud as if they could not be held back, and dissipated before landing, but it still made one's scalp tingle, thinking that the sparks would fall on the top of his head.

The outsiders who saw this kind of scene for the first time were as surprised as An Xu, but a week ago, the Wenjialuo defense line had conducted several drills, and now everyone calmed down after a moment of panic. The urban management blew two short and one long animal whistles, and the civilians and fellow travelers in the market gathered and rushed to their homes. The merchants quickly packed up their valuables, and the picket team left at the end to ensure that no one fished in troubled waters to do illegal things . Public facilities such as theaters, city halls, recruitment offices, and hospitals are temporarily open to everyone, and are temporarily converted into refuges to shelter those who cannot return home in time until this wave of beasts passes.

The army assembled like flowing water, and the several months of training was reflected in the rapid assembly time. In the past years, the army, which was chaotic and segregated, assembled tensely and orderly within ten minutes. The non-commissioned officers of the team formed the team according to the procedure at the end. The soldiers before the war calmed down under the familiar password, as if they were conducting another exercise, not the life-and-death checkpoint where many casualties occurred in previous years.

Artillery Aiden stood in the middle of the queue, and suddenly felt that everyone in the front, back, left, and left seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

They all wore uniforms of the same color as the leaves, which were wear-resistant, dirt-resistant and convenient for fighting. They all wear a small bronze medal around their necks. Since they passed the training period and became official border troops, the small wooden plaque with their individual numbers engraved on it has become a small bronze plaque. They use this bronze medal to assess rewards and punishments, record scores, receive wages and benefits, and use this to allow family members to collect the body after death, register as martyrs, and so on. They are different in height, short, fat and thin, but they stand in the same posture. They look different, but they have the same look of nervousness and excitement.

More clearly than ever before, Aiden realized they were a group.

The artillery came in the first echelon to the fort of Vingalore, where their lord himself was already there. Beside the ten cannons, besides the artillerymen, there were also a few recorders wearing earplugs. These frail young men on the front line of the battle were even more excited than the soldiers. Standing next to Aiden was Tina, the recorder who taught them how to use the cannon these days. This beta stroked the cannon nervously, as if stroking a beloved hound.

The sky is already a fiery red.

The forest in the distance became agitated, and something started a flock of birds. The tall cypress trees swayed constantly, as if bathed in a hurricane. The roar of the beast came from Aiden's ears. It is not known whether it is the sound floating in the distance or the recollection in the memory. The sentinel on the watchtower blew the horn, and the low roar of the horn announced the coming of the enemy attack. Within a minute or two, the ground began to tremble slightly, the black herd of beasts took off the cover of the trees, and a large army rushed out of the forest.

Aiden's heart was beating non-stop. He used to be an attrition soldier in the city, and he also fought against wild beasts in the city, but now it seems that he has returned to the time when he went to the battlefield for the first time. The unprecedented lord, unprecedented army, and unprecedented training raised his expectations to an unprecedented level.

Yes, look forward to it. Aiden didn't feel afraid, his heart was full of burning fighting spirit, and the confidence he had in the past when relying on the strong and bullying the weak was completely incomparable to this moment. He is like a warrior who has sharpened his sword for ten years, like a student who has been suffering for many years and finally passed the examination room, full of desire to give it a go. Most of the people in the New Frontier Army are generally like this. They are gearing up and waiting for the approaching dot.

Thousands of meters in front of the fort, the road began to converge. Divided by the rushing river and the steep mountains, the beasts rushing towards them had to take a road about as wide as the Vengalo Fortress ahead. Just like three lanes flowing into one lane, the small dots that are difficult to see when rolling out turned into a dense dark carpet, sweeping over and razing everything blocking the road to the ground.

Get closer, get closer, you have already passed the place where troops were sent out in the past and came into contact with the beast horde. This year's Bungalow defense line has no one out of the city, and the fortress looks like an undefended dwelling, which makes people frightened no matter how they look at it. The artillerymen didn't have the energy to be distracted by their worries. They were staring at the distance markers where the beast horde passed, five thousand meters, four thousand meters, three thousand meters, two thousand meters!

The roar of the beast herd was already clearly audible, and it was unknown whether these beasts would realize that this beast tide was different from the previous ones. The artillerymen, having made all preparations, raised their torches, and with a word they lit the fuses.

The earth shakes and the mountains shake.

The ten cannons that were ignited at the same time roared with deafening bangs, and the ten large iron **** rushed out of the gun bores according to the best calculated parabola, and rushed into the herd of animals with the sharp sound of tearing the air.

The artillerymen trained in this emergency did not learn how to calculate wind speed deviation, ammunition coverage and other advanced courses. The artillery itself is still a new thing that has been born for less than a year. It is amazing to think of calculating the parabola. More It is difficult for the strong. But it doesn't matter, as far as the eye can see, there are all strange beasts, facing a herd of beasts that cover the ground like a carpet, no matter where they hit, it is a grand slam.

The extremely fast big iron ball smashed into the herd of beasts, like a rainstorm hitting an ant colony, and flesh and blood flew all over the place. The stone bear, whose skin is hard to break through with a sword, was defeated by this weapon that could crush purple cypress wood. The rotating iron ball made a thick passage for its sturdy body, and the whole giant beast was torn apart. The shells passing by can tear off a large piece of that limb, and the advancing herd cannot stop due to inertia, and the fallen beasts will die immediately from being trampled, and even cause a series of domino-like explosions. Trampling accident. The iron ball bounced on the ground that had been tamped beforehand, and once again harvested all creatures that were unfortunate enough to be in its path.

Ten bursts of shots actually cleared a piece of white ground in the beast tide. Although it was quickly covered by the follow-up beasts, the immediate effect was exciting enough. Someone cheered, and Aiden bit his lips tightly. He was so excited that he caused such a large amount of damage with his own hands. He didn't want to waste any energy on cheering.

Let's celebrate after winning this game!

A burst of volleys erupted in the beast tide, like a huge plow, plowing the thick beast tide to pieces. The action of loading the artillery has almost become a mechanical behavior, and the artillerymen fell into a frenzy for a while. After the first round of salvos, someone let out an anxious cry. Aiden shuddered, and hurriedly fell back, a cannon was frozen by the ice-type supernatural being and pushed outwards forcefully. The overheated copper pipe exploded in mid-air. Thanks to the timely response of the supernatural being, the oolong that blew up his own city gate did not appear.

After Aiden fell down, he realized that there was still someone standing on the city wall, right next to him. Recorder! He was frightened out of his wits, and hurriedly kicked the opponent's leg.

Tina fell to the ground, and was finally spared the fate of being stabbed by the debris. Once the crisis was over, Aiden crawled over to the girl who lay still, and saw that the copper plate had left a long trail of blood on her cheek and neck, only a finger's distance from the main artery. Tina lay there blankly for a while, then suddenly grabbed Aiden's arm with her backhand, and said excitedly, "If the cannonball is made hollow, with fragments that can explode inside, will the damage range be larger?"

Don't think about such ghosts on the battlefield, okay! The artilleryman who had lingering fear burst out a series of foul language.

When one of the cannons exploded and the other cannons were reaching their limits, the beast hordes that had become much more scattered had already spread to the moat.

The moat diverted the water from the big river next to it, and the depth was enough to drown the tallest beast, but the effect was nothing but nothing. The huge number of beasts is enough to fill up the river ditch with corpses, not to mention that there are still many beasts who are good at swimming. The fastest running poisonous minks have already entered the water, their slick bodies twisted in the water, and they reached the other side of the moat in a few strokes. Barbed wire fences are erected on the opposite bank, which is of no use to animals that are good at climbing...


The first poisonous marten bumped into it, and fell convulsively, and the body fell into the river with a thud. The second poisonous marten climbed ashore and quickly followed in the former's footsteps. Animals that could swim came ashore one after another, and fell asleep one after another, chug chug like dumplings, and never floated up again.

Sparks flickered on the metal grid.

Feeding such a long metal grid with enough current to electrocute a large animal is still impossible with today's generators. However, the lord of Vengalo is the Queen of Thunder.

You said high voltage electricity? OK, how long does it take?

The mobile power supply An Xu was holding the other end of the metal grid on the city wall, watching the strange beasts rushing forward and burning on the grid. The people on the city wall opened their mouths for this silent massacre, and the smell of scorched fur and roasted meat slowly rose from below the city. All the strange beasts rushing to the moat were not missed. Instead of directly putting high-voltage wires in the river, it was for the sake of the ecological environment. After all, if the fish were killed by electricity, there would be nothing to eat.

For the first time since losing the map cannon skills, An Xu found a way to kill in a large area, and it was clean, environmentally friendly and economical. Every part of those strange beasts was intact, at best, the fur was soaked in water. Sure enough, human wisdom is to use tools.

An Xu absent-mindedly stood and outputted in front of the generator. The beast horde is not something to be afraid of at all, and the fierce battle so far has not moved her. Rather, An Xu had this premonition in her heart: her battlefield is not here.

She looked far into the sky, passed through the fire clouds, and looked at the existence on the GPS map in her mind. The spiritual core of the favored one beat steadily like a heart, come on, she thought, come to me, or wait for me to find you?

The sentry on the watchtower noticed something was wrong.

The track of the sun rain has always drifted from the southeast to the northern forest. The closest time to the Wenjialuo Fortress in history, people can barely see the fire crow flying with the red cloud. However, this time, Huoyun didn't pass by the fort very quickly, instead it seemed to be coming towards them.

He was hesitating whether this was within the warning range, and the red mass had already enveloped the sky above the Vengalo fortress at a speed far faster than before. So people discovered that it was not some kind of "fire crows flying around the red clouds", but that cloud that was dripping flames was itself a large group of fire crows.

The flat-haired brutes blew hideously, and every feather of them was burning. Countless fire crows the size of a human head hovered and danced back and forth, looking roughly like a fire tornado in the air, or some huge living creature with scales, the tongues of dark red and orange flames made one's hair stand on end. The temperature on the city wall has risen, and the red cloud is watching eagerly above, and it may land at any time.

Soon after the blast, the artillery took the artillery and the recorder down the city, and replaced them with the archers who followed them. They were supposed to fight against the fish that slipped through the net under the city. After all, the moat would always be filled with corpses, and the beasts that stepped on the corpses would definitely have the type that could overlap and cross the grid. Now the first wave of salvo was sent to the flock of birds overhead, and those arrows were reduced to ashes in the flowing fire before they touched the red cloud.

"Don't worry about this!" An Xu said loudly, "Chris, I leave this place to you!"

She let go of the lead and flew up.

People above and below the city saw the lord in mid-air, and she was facing the fire cloud far away in the sky. Count Anna's body was shrouded in a faint halo, and her long hair floating in mid-air was shrouded in a silver light that resembled lightning, like an angel in sunlight. Like a martyr, the angel suddenly plunged into the burning cloud above their heads.

This is simply a suicide attack, and the people in the Vengalo Fortress exclaimed one after another. The fire crows were like flour that had been hit by a heavy fist, with a large piece sunken in the middle, and the two sides closed together quickly, enveloping Earl Anna. The dough that wrapped the intruder was constantly twisting and deforming, rising higher and higher.

Chris clenched the longbow in his hand, as if being strangled by an invisible hand for a second or two. He bit his tongue hard, pulled his gaze from the sky abruptly, and aimed at the moat. The ordinary iron net without current supply has limited effect. A huge black fox has already jumped over the moat, stomping on all fours and jumping high.

"Archer!" Chris shouted, calling the person who couldn't help but look up back to his soul.

At the same time, he had already drawn his bow and shot an arrow, and the long arrow was as fast as a shooting star, hitting the head of the giant fox. The fox that had jumped over the highest point of the metal net was pierced through the left eye by the arrow, and fell heavily under the huge force. When its body sank, the next arrow had already pierced the throat of a strange beast beside it.

This beautiful double burst called the attention of the archers and calmed them down from the brief confusion. The sudden special situation is indeed different from the plan, but is there nothing they can do without the plan and the protection of the lord? They are one-in-a-million fighters, they have received far better training than before, and they have armaments that are many times better than the private army of the nobles; behind them are comrades who can take turns for them, are fortresses to defend, and Bungalows who pray for them.

The rain of arrows fell on the head of the alien beast, and the alien beast used various means to attack the fortress, and the war between man and beast broke out on this land again. Only this time, it was not only the desire to survive, but also the high fighting spirit that urged the soldiers. They are the frontier army of Bungalow and this is their battle. They cannot and cannot lose.

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