I Like This Dream!

Vol 2 Chapter 113:

The point where the lips fall is undoubtedly another mouth.

Unlike the accidental touch just now, this time it was completely deliberate. Chris held his breath and approached cautiously, Ann's hot, moist breath brushing against his cheeks, tickling him. This bending down may have taken several seconds, or it may have taken half a century. Even Chris, who could swim halfway across the lake with his breath held, felt tightness in his chest—of course, it may also be because his current state consumes too much oxygen.

The knight stopped suddenly just before touching each other, worried that his dry lips would wake Ann up. He hastily licked his lips, and after licking, he wondered if it was not good to touch them so wet. Most of the courage and impulsiveness that came out of nowhere just now disappeared quickly during these two pauses, and the way An was sleeping soundly off guard gave Chris the feeling of guilt for taking advantage of the children again. Almost uneasy. He looked forward and backward for a few seconds, and then closed his eyes.

Chris's speed is not fast, lest a bad control will wake Ann up. His downward movement is like slow motion, and so is the background music in his head, which is exactly the part that plays when the main character in a suspenseful horror movie approaches a suspicious door. The heart-beating BGM was played so loudly that Chris felt like his ears were starting to ring.

The protagonist of the horror movie grabbed the doorknob, and the drumbeat of the BGM reached the climax part. Finally, there was only a distance no wider than a strand of hair between them, and they could feel the body temperature radiated from each other. Then…

"Is the Earl awake? I have something urgent..."

Chris straightened up abruptly, and slammed his whole body on the bench, almost throwing Count Anna in his arms. He rescued An Xuankong's body at the critical moment, and raised his head stiffly to look at the source of the sound. At the entrance of the courtyard stood Caleb, the boss of the Throat of the Nightingale branch, who hurried in. His body was still leaning forward, his mouth was half-open, and he apparently stopped abruptly.

Chris wanted to find a hole to slip in.

He stared at Caleb nervously, trying to force an official smile. Caleb was worthy of being a member of Nightingale's Throat. He met Chris's embarrassed face, regained his composure in the blink of an eye, and walked in small steps as if nothing had happened. "Can you wake up the Earl?" He said seriously, "I have important news to tell the Lord."

Chris nodded quickly, thinking about getting down to business, getting rid of distracting thoughts, and gently shaking Earl Anna on his lap. Ann lay there upright, shaking her eyes several times without opening her eyes, which actually made Chris breathe a sigh of relief: she didn't wake up now, and she must have not woken up just now. If she asked Chris sleepily why he bumped her just now, Chris would have stuttered and lied.

"Ann? Wake up!"

The knight calmed down quite a bit, and started the wake-up call in earnest. He intensified the shaking and straightened Ann's upper body. A series of annoyed murmurs came from the earl's throat, he hugged Chris' waist, and buried his head in his arms, as if trying to escape harassment.

Caleb looked up at the sky, the weather is really nice today.

In the end Count Anna was dug up, she opened her eyes reluctantly, and stared at Caleb murderously. Caleb was terrified by her cannibalistic gaze, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart, the earl's waking up is too serious.

It's not just the hatred of getting up.

An Xu, who just fell from the sky, is like a mobile phone that has entered power-saving mode, turning off most functions and starting to repair itself internally. Although she couldn't bite off anything from the fire bird, her understanding and application of spiritual power had a significant improvement effect, which was equivalent to opening a new energy furnace. In the past, a large part of crystal nuclei that could not be digested or eliminated accumulated in the body. Thanks to An Xu's special constitution, he did not die like others. Now that his "digestive power" has increased, these deposited things have become reserve energy.

The doctor once worried about her lack of water and rice, but when she found out that she was healthy even without eating anything, he classified it as a special feature of the divinely favored person and left it alone.

What the above words mean is that Anxu's sleep is not pathological, but a physiological phenomenon of drowsiness after exercise and a full meal. These days she's back to the point where normal life is okay, but what do you do when you're sleepy on a day when you don't get up early? As the big boss, Earl Anna is unattended, and there is nothing important to do. It feels good to sleep, so sleep more.

She is just lazy.

So, when Chris's lips touched Ansu's chin for the first time, she was like a cat smelling fish in a half-dream, and suddenly became energetic.

The battle with the Firebird gave Anxu many benefits, one of which was that he could see clearly without using eyes. She looked peacefully asleep with her eyes closed, but she actually had a full view of Chris's expression. An Xu saw that the knight's face was flushed from touching her lips, and she touched her lower lip with her fingers as if to confirm, and pursed her lips nervously. She saw Chris shake his head as if trying to get rid of some thoughts, and tapped twice on the head.

An Xu's breathing became heavy, and she tried very hard to adjust her breathing so as not to let her face distort suddenly. God! Why so cute! Why did you blush because you accidentally kissed me after sleeping with me for half a year! If this is a Galgame, An Xu, who played out the plot outside the computer screen, would have screamed and started beating the pillow.

Thanks to Chris himself being restless, he didn't notice An Xu's eagerness to jump up at any time. The knight's eyes looked at her with tenderness like water, but also with a bit of panic, An Xu was about to let out a wolf howl and turn over and throw him down—maybe this is why she couldn't see Chris showing such an expression on weekdays The reason.

An Xu has always found Chris to be very cute. After getting along with him for a long time, this feeling has never disappeared, but has intensified. The Chris who leads the soldiers and rides the horse is so handsome, the Chris who has been dealing with boring official documents for a few days is really good, the Chris who has been letting her mess around is so gentle... Later, the adjectives are not brain enough, and it becomes a Shui'er's "Chris is so cute" doesn't realize that there is something wrong with describing a heroic knight who is much taller than her by being cute.

A smiling Chris is cute, and so is a frowning one, and even more so when she's looking at her, because she's showing her face in one way or another. An Xu has never had any self-control that he is proud of, and he plays lawlessly in this dream world. Once he thinks that the knight is too cute, he will inevitably itch his hands and mouth. It's already exhausted not to rush down outside, but it's strange if you can hold back when you can do it in private.

In the beginning, going to bed made Chris nervous and embarrassed, he endured it stiffly, but instead made Anxu feel the excitement of some kind of monster seducing the holy monk. Later, the knight figured out something, and let her get what she wanted. The feeling of suppressing her feelings and giving everything she wanted could stimulate people's sadism. People with a dignified ascetic temperament always make people itch, wondering what they will see when they pry open the holy shell. An Xu wanted to see his real reaction, to see how he lost self-control and couldn't bear it, so he played too excitingly every time. Even if I think about changing the route next time, being gentle next time, etc., I will still play it off when I see it next time.

Sometimes An Xu felt that Chris was like a big dog with a good temper, who was pulled by her brat and kept silent. The big dog blinked helplessly gentle blue eyes, and held her up before she threw himself to the ground, brushing his wet nose against her face.

An Xu struggled, not knowing whether to open his eyes or not. She wanted to suddenly say "Why are you kissing me?" with an innocent face, and scare the knight who was looking around and feeling guilty to the ground; but she couldn't bear this special moment of "I know you think I don't know", just like Through a looking glass, take a sneak peek into Chris's mind.

Then, suddenly, Chris leaned over.

An Xu never thought that Chris, who was so nervous when he accidentally brushed her lips, would kiss her again, with the target still facing his mouth. She never thought that he would dare, let alone think that he would. He approached cautiously, not the usual cautiousness of tiptoeing through a minefield, but the cautiousness of holding his breath for fear of scaring away a butterfly. He lowered his head little by little, licked his lips, and closed his eyes.

The kind of middle school student's innocence suddenly infected An Xu, making her long-lost girlish heart like a mushroom in a rainy day, bursting out in large pieces. The soft and fluffy girl's heart huddled together, lowered her head one after another under the beating of the raindrops, covered her face and made a shy sound. An Xu's mind full of bad thoughts seemed to have suddenly used a pack of cleaning powder, and then was splashed with a basin of water, and there was a splash, leaving only a pink blank.

Her mind went blank and she could only stare at Chris's approaching face. The knight closed his eyes tightly, his eyelids were trembling slightly, and his eyelashes were trembling all the time, like a pair of butterflies flapping their wings. She heard her heart beating loudly, and couldn't help holding her breath, waiting for Sleeping Beauty's treatment.

That's when Caleb ran in.

Chris, who was frightened, almost fell to the ground in fright. His face was so hot that it was about to smoke, and if it got too hot, it would spontaneously ignite. There was nothing left of the charming atmosphere just now, only Caleb who was taken aback, Chris who was panicked, and An Xu who was so annoyed and angry that he was about to beat his chest.

An Xu felt that he was so cultivated that he broke through the sky without jumping up and beating up Caleb.

"What's the matter?" she asked angrily.

"Her Majesty the Queen is pregnant." Caleb said straight to the point, "Her Majesty the King will designate this child as the Crown Prince."


The king's order to establish the crown prince for the blood of his birth has not yet been announced to the world, but Richard II's close officials understand that the king has made up his mind.

At this age, the king will naturally not have no offspring. Leaving aside illegitimate children, the relationship between the previous queen and Richard II was extremely bad, but she still gave birth to a son and a daughter for the king. The eldest daughter developed into an omega, which brought the precarious relationship between the king and his wife to the brink of collapse. A few years later, the queen was finally tortured and went crazy, and the second son differentiated into a beta. Richard II was very indifferent to this son. The second prince was almost a transparent member of the royal family. He disappeared during his study tour on the eve of the king's wedding.

Richard II married the youngest daughter of the Stewart family last fall, and the queen is pregnant this year, giving birth to the much-anticipated crown prince before winter. Directly declaring an unborn baby as the crown prince is too childish. Even though he knew that the king would probably not let go, Prime Minister Roland tried to persuade him again and again.

"The timing is wrong, Your Majesty!" He persuaded, "The former queen's family has always criticized you, and those nobles who have your blood scattered abroad also expect the crown prince to appear as late as possible. The baby is made the crown prince, don't you worry about the young lion being killed by the hyena when he is young?"

"My child born this year has a destiny, and he is destined to sit on the throne. There is nothing to worry about, just a mosquito." Richard II said nonchalantly, "All their glory comes from me, and I can take it back at any time if I want to." .”

"Including Mrs. Cynthia?" Roland said a little bluntly.

Lady Cynthia has been the king's favorite mistress in recent years, and her brother, Viscount William, is the captain of the royal guard. As far as Roland knew, that wasn't an easy omega to kill.

"Cynthia? She's just a cute little thing." The king didn't know what to think of, and showed an aftertaste expression. "She does have a bit of interesting cleverness, but she can be dismissed with jewelry and perfume. Why should I punish such a scratchy creature?" What about kittens that don’t break their fur?”

"With all due respect, this 'harmless kitten' killed another one you domesticated."

"A jealous omega." Richard II actually laughed, "Appreciating these cute little things fighting for you with clumsy means, and thinking you don't know anything about it, this is the loveliness of a lover place!"

"Forgive me for not appreciating it." The prime minister said sullenly.

"The heir's mother must be dignified and virtuous, while the lover must be a bit petty. Sir Wellesley really lacks interest in life." Richard II waved his hand in disappointment, "Let's call it a day, I'm tired."

Duke Roland had no choice but to bow and leave, sighing in his heart.

The prime minister bumped into a lady in a fine dress in the corridor, and he saluted the red-haired queen, who nodded back to him. The queen named Eve is neither arrogant nor cowardly, she is not the type that the king likes, and she is not disliked by the king, she just lives an ordinary life. According to Roland, this unobtrusive omega is smarter than the former queen, who was too upright and disgusted, and Mrs. Cynthia, who was favored but had enemies everywhere.

I just hope the future heir is more like a queen, he thought.

Behind Roland, the queen's eyes also swept over the frowning prime minister, as thoughtful as him.

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