I Like This Dream!

Vol 2 Chapter 120:

The main road passing through Sameluo County was officially abandoned. Before the new road was repaired, a temporary teleportation array was set up and opened to all travelers free of charge.

The decree against Sameiluo County was promulgated soon: no commercial roads will pass through it, and there is no need to pay tolls for Sameiluo; merchants who trade with Wenjialuo, Tibes and Aberli County, and members of the merchant guild are not allowed to Trade with County Samelow; no goods, books, and subjects of Count Anna are allowed to go to Samelow County.

This didn't have much impact on the people under Earl Anna's rule. Sameiro didn't have any special products to sell. In the past, merchants only traded with them along the way. Compared with the transaction volume in Spring City, they were nothing more than mosquitoes. Meat. Although the new road has a long detour, there is a general subsidy for this in Bungalow, and the reduced tariff is enough to make up for this loss. The commerce of Wengalo, Tibes and Abery County is quite prosperous. It can be said that they account for half of Yamenan's country. Come so far to do business with a poor place.

Count Anna did not forbid the people of Samelot from coming to her territory, but there was a limit.

People in Sameluo can work here for a short time, and they can take their families out, but they cannot bring back a penny or a commodity. People in Sameiro can go sightseeing here, but the allowed stay time is very short, and they only have the minimum civilian treatment. No matter how much money is spent, they cannot enjoy high-level services and high-level basic necessities of life. Open the eyes of the common people of Sameiluo, and not let the nobles of Sameiluo enjoy themselves in Spring City. People from Samilo are not allowed to receive education here unless they apply for immigration and become citizens of Bungalow after passing many reviews (including property and ideological and moral aspects).

The household registration system took a rough shape when compulsory education was popularized and border troops were registered, but now it is becoming more and more strict as Spring City becomes more and more prosperous and crowded. There are clear boundaries between "tourist visa", "temporary residence permit" and "citizen ID card", and relevant laws and regulations are becoming more mature day by day.

People who have obtained Bungalow citizenship, even if they leave Bungalow, still enjoy the protection of Earl Anna. The lords elsewhere have no right to convict the citizens of Bungalow, they must be repatriated and tried by the court of Bungalow, otherwise that territory will enjoy the same treatment as Sameluo County now. This set of systems was first piloted in Spring City in Wengalore, Thunder Castle in Tibes, and Abery City in Abery County. In the future, it will spread to all official and unofficial territories of Earl Anna. Citizenship in these places The certificate is hot.

But being a citizen under Count Anna wasn't all about rights.

Count Anna's decree is valid for all citizens, for all who come to her land. New Bungalow citizens who were born in Sameiro are also not allowed to return to Sameiro and must follow the laws of Bungalow. They can pray every hour according to the old customs, and they can use veils to show their devotion to God, but they are not allowed to interfere with others, even their own relatives. It is illegal to force others to wear gauze on the border of Bangalore. Once reported, they will be punished, and those who are serious will be deported.

Traditions and customs are respected, this respect is mutual and the law is above all else. An Xu's original words are: You have a tradition of conniving with alphas who can't control their crotch #crotch, but if that happens, let's experience Wen Jialuo's law of **** #剂强#rapists.

The punishment for #rape is not without controversy, in fact the vast majority of those with access to the discussion find it too harsh. All kinds of voices made Mayor Charlotte dizzy. As the representative of the officials, she took over this hellish task: to collect everyone's opinions, and to communicate with the lord whose brain circuits were unpredictable.

"My lord, punishing #rapists is a good thing, but is this punishment too severe?" she said, "These alphas will ruin their lives for a moment of impulse."

"They asked for it!" An Xu retorted, "What about the victims? Those innocent people who suffered because of this unexpected disaster, deserved to have their lives ruined?"

"The misfortune has already happened. The important thing is not the punishment, but the aftermath."

"This is one of the aftermath work. Only by killing chickens and monkeys can we avoid more **** cases. As for the resettlement of victims, psychological counseling and compensation," An Xu looked at Charlotte with disgust, "Taxpayers are raising Are you guys looking good?"

Charlotte swallowed a sigh, and sensibly put it another way.

"Imposing such a heavy punishment for **** will cause many problems in law enforcement. What if someone makes a false accusation?"

"We can afford to hire real supernatural beings, right?"

"But what if the omega is in the boom period? Although I am a beta, I also know that the alpha has almost no resistance in front of the omega in the boom period. This is determined by instinct."

"Nonsense, I'm an alpha." An Xu sneered, "Is the person who said this joking? Once they have desires, they can't think? The part they use to think is above the neck? Instinct How unbearable is it?"

Charlotte silently glanced at Chris who was sorting out the documents behind An Xu, as if saying that she was not convincing at all.

"What's the matter? I can't sleep with him because I can't bear it." An Xu followed the mayor's gaze and looked back, rolling his eyes at her.

The pheromones during the omega craze are indeed very stimulating. An Xu had tasted it when she first went to Nightingale's Throat and was drugged, but in that case, she could resist her desire and feel uncomfortable about being calculated. An Xu has always felt that 春#药猫 is just an excuse to write meat. If it is put in reality, some people say that they will die if they don’t mess with others... Is it just a display? Go **** yourself!

Realizing that the topic was about himself, Chris nodded in a good-tempered manner, and went out with the documents in his arms.

An Xu smiled and waved to him, and stared at his back with his chin in his hand, until Charlotte coughed in embarrassment.

"I didn't sleep with him because of instinct." An Xu said to himself, "Because I like... No, this is the motive, but it is not the reason for me to do it. I will do it to him because I know There will be no loss in doing so. He is my thing, a reward, and I can do anything to him. Even if doing so will cause any bad consequences, it is completely within the limit I can accept."

Count Anna's face was covered with careless indifference, which was completely different from the happy smile just now. Recently, the head maid, Flora, complained to Charlotte that the main idea was that beauty harms the country, and urged her to persuade Count Anna. As a staff member who often met with the earl, from time to time, Charlotte saw the boss's clinginess to the chief knight, blinding his eyes twice in three days. The lord was indeed in a daze. But from what the above passage sounds like, that's not the case at all.

Which side comes from the heart?

Charlotte shivered for no reason, she felt that she would never be able to understand what Earl Anna was thinking in her life.

"It's far away." An Xu waved his hand, "What I want to say is that instead of blaming instinct, it's better to blame the cost of obeying instinct is too light."

Unlike the guesswork of his staff, An Xu's thinking is very simple.

I know I'm dreaming, so I do whatever I want. Even if you incur countless hatred in your dreams, hurt people who you would never hurt in reality, and are hated by people you like, when you open your eyes the next morning, everything will disappear. Everything is zero cost.

They know that they will not be punished multiple times, that it will be the victim who will be blamed instead of holding their head up. So they indulge their instincts and use it as an excuse to act recklessly.

To some extent, it can be said that the principles are similar, but the weights and measures of the two are not in the same dimension: if this is reality, Anxu would not do whatever he wants, but they did evil in their own reality. If this is a dream—of course it is a dream—if morality and logic are ignored, and the law of the jungle only obeys, then things will be even simpler. Now it is obvious that she is stronger. She hates rapists, so #rapists should be eunuchs.

"The difference between a man and a beast lies in whether he can control his instincts with reason." An Xu said, "If they can't help their instincts, then I'll let them see the consequences of not being able to bear it, so that they can't stop their instincts before they are 'impulsive'." I'll stop and think about it."

"But what if the crime still happened?" Charlotte said, "If the thing had already happened, such a heavy punishment would make the perpetrator panic and even do more extreme things. The original **** incident is likely to change Become **** #rape and kill, they will become desperadoes."

"So we want to reduce their punishment so that they don't do worse things? Appeasement policy has never had a good result." An Xu shook his head, "The jackal will not feed it just because someone cuts its meat, it will only harbor The psychology of luck is greedy for more. Killing, killing will have a heavier punishment, **** and killing will be even more severe, and the death penalty is not the end of punishment."

A chilling smile appeared on her face.

"The victimized holy man Hosea doesn't agree with you." Charlotte sighed, "He prefers to influence sinners and give them a chance to repent."

"What does it matter to me?" An Xu said coldly, "If someone commits a crime, they must be punished, no matter what the victim thinks. This is the law, not humane. I don't care if the victim forgives the criminal. The criminals are so talented, what are their last resorts—in addition, the rapists have a fart, they don’t want to do it themselves, so what invisible force can force them to **** others?"

An Xu paused for a moment before closing his coffin and concluded: "I only protect my people and provide them with a good life. As for those who don't want to live a good life, they will bear the consequences themselves. God will forgive, God will forgive, and some people have committed crimes. If you still want to forgive all the consequences, I will send him to see God directly."

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