I Like This Dream!

Vol 2 Chapter 127:

Chris was out of business when the king's envoy came to visit. It is not the job of the chief knight to receive envoys, and Chris has no plans to reminisce with his cousin who is not on good terms, so he did not change into formal clothes, but only planned to avoid it during Earl Anna's reception of the envoy.

It can only be said that it was an unfortunate accident to meet Oscar on the way to escape.

"Long time no see, Oscar." Chris replied briefly, "The Earl is waiting for you ahead."

After he finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Oscar blocked his way, with an overly eager smile on his face.

"We've missed you all these years, Cousin Chris!" Mr. Envoy said. "Father regrets blaming an outsider's fault on you. It's too much for any omega to be alone in his teens." Hard work, he sighs every time he thinks about it. My mother too, she almost fainted when she heard that you were implicated in the criminal Ronald's treason case! We all know that you can't be that kind of person .It's just that since the Field family...suffered a huge loss, their status has deteriorated greatly, and there is really a way to avenge you. If my cousin misunderstands you because of this, it will be our great sin! I must apologize to my cousin!"

Speaking of which, Chris couldn't just walk away. He shook his head and said, "I don't blame you."

"It's really great!" Oscar patted his chest, exaggeratedly relieved. He did not say goodbye to Chris because of this, but took a few steps closer to the knight, and said with emotion: "I worked in the king's envoy and served as an envoy. This time I visited Bangalore, I was lucky enough to meet my dear My cousin, it is really joyful. A few years ago, the Field family moved to Urburg because of my transfer, and recently they are going to be promoted... His Majesty's kindness..."

Oscar talked endlessly about the courtesies among the nobles, and the chatter blurred into a noise in Chris's ears. He tried to extract effective information from it, but he couldn't get motivated.

Earl Anna's staff members are very busy every day, and efficiency is their priority, so they don't have time to show off their aristocratic accomplishments—not to mention that most of them are not nobles. The frontier army led by the chief knight is basically a straightforward boss, and the military order to recognize characters and prohibit swearing in reports will not let them learn the art of language. Ann's mouth is basically straight to the brain, and she may say things that don't make sense (and her thoughts often don't make sense), but she doesn't make detours.

Chris was also born in the aristocracy, and graduated from various aristocratic courses. He was immersed in the aristocratic social circle when he was a child, and he could understand the subtext in the eyes and language. But after all these years in the direct environment of Bungalow, he is no longer used to this kind of communication.

He didn't like it in the first place.

"...Let's go together?" Oscar said.

The knight woke up from the brief fugue, remembering what the other party said last. Oscar invited him to go to Earl Anna's living room with the special envoy team. Chris shook his head again and said, "This is not my job."

"Couldn't my cousin be willing to do a little favor?" Oscar begged, "Could it be that my cousin is still angry with me? I was too ignorant when I was young..."

"The meeting between the king's special envoy and the earl does not require the presence of the chief knight, which is beyond my scope of authority." Chris patiently explained.

"I think the Earl won't mind." Oscar looked down, "She loves you so much."

Chris wasn't wearing formal attire, in other words, he was wearing the same outfit he used to get along with Ansu in private. He is used to the collar around his neck, the key is in his own hand, putting it on and taking it off does not make Chris feel any special meaning, but in the eyes of others, especially those who see this for the first time , it is clearly more than a decoration.

Chris activated the mind-reading ability for a moment, and the negative emotions in Oscar's heart smoked like rotten meat. He sighed, and said bluntly: "It's useless, the Earl will not change his mind for anyone."

"You are different, Cousin Chris!" Oscar said sincerely, "The Earl can make you the chief knight, and she will definitely make an exception for you again. Please help me! His Majesty the King has decided to pardon Anna The Earl's passover also pardoned those who fled the territory without authorization, just wanting the Earl to close the door and send back the omega who ran away from home. Those omega families are so worried about their children and their spouses! Let these be confused for a while Isn't it a reasonable request for people to go home?"

"They didn't want to go back," Chris said.

"It's all impulsive. How can omega have an overnight enmity with their own alpha? Not to mention that some omega have abandoned their own children. Sigh, they are really unworthy to be mothers." Oscar looked at Chris meaningfully, He said sympathetically, "Those children who lost their mothers are so unfortunate. Without a complete family and mother's care, their pain, I think my cousin can fully understand it?"

Chris' mother didn't love him.

The mother in Chris's childhood memory was just a vague shadow. For a long time, his mother stayed behind the high wall, and Chris was not allowed to see him. The father said that the mother was not in good spirits and could not be disturbed, and the servant's statement was even more appalling. "You can't see him!" the servant threatened. "I heard that he is possessed by a devil, and he is often insane. He almost killed his own son—that is, you!"

Six-year-old Chris climbed over a high wall and met his mother for the first time. Mother is very beautiful and very calm. This male omega didn't go crazy when he saw outsiders like the rumors Chris had heard, he just sat there, looking at Chris gloomily, like looking at a cockroach.

"Mom?" said young Chris boldly, "Why are you here if you're not crazy?"

His mother moved her foot, and the two chains that bound her ankles rang.

"You...why are you locked up?" Chris asked in surprise, "The prisoner is locked up."

"Get out," said his mother.

As Chris once talked to Ann, his mother, raped by her father and imprisoned in her backyard, didn't love him at all—and that's an understatement. When Chris' father handed the baby Chris to the man, thinking that it would arouse his "maternity" and stop running away, the mother almost strangled the infant Chris to death.

Chris's mother hated almost everyone around her, and the hatred didn't fade even after breaking free from the shackles on her feet. Blood relationship didn't allow Chris to get much preferential treatment from his mother, but when he differentiated into an omega, his mother developed a subtle sympathy for him. This tangled relationship lasted until Chris's father died, and when Chris' mother was finally able to leave the cage, their mother and son, who had tortured and cared for each other, truly reconciled.

Oscar wanted Chris to fight against him, and his calculations were obviously wrong. As a former party, Chris is really happy for his mother, and for all the omegas who can escape from the cage. He felt that the departure of these reluctant mothers might not be a relief to everyone.

Chris didn't intend to explain this complicated mood to Oscar, and he didn't think he could understand it. So he just smiled and said, "Mr. Envoy, please speak directly to the Earl."

"Is my cousin not willing to help me?" Oscar said anxiously, "All the members of the Field family are in the capital now. If I fail to complete His Majesty's task, let alone being promoted, the lives of the Field family may be in danger! You My uncle, aunt, and my lives are all at the mercy of my cousin, do you want to watch us die? Do you hate us so much?"

"I don't hate you," Chris said quietly, "I never hated you."

He just stood taller, saw farther, and touched a wider world, no longer limited to a square inch. He no longer keeps giving in to his relatives wishfully, like a drowning man, just asking for a little false love.

"Then why can't you help us? Things that matter to us are just a matter of life and death for you!" Oscar's voice finally became no longer confident.

"Sorry, that's not my job."

Oscar looked at him in disbelief, never thought that the good old man who used to obey them would become so hard to convince. He thought of the promise he made to the king before he set off, and he began to panic and couldn't suppress his anger.

"It seems that the cousin is not as favored as we thought." Oscar's voice took off the camouflage.

"I guess so."

"Is it because you are infertile?" The envoy's voice became dangerous. "If the Earl finds out that you had a fiancé, got engaged, and slept with her, what do you think will happen to her?"

Chris looks at him.

"Ah, of course you have slept, as your cousin, I know this all too well." Oscar sneered, "Your fiancé is in the entourage, he can testify that you have slept—as for not marking, That’s why you begged him not to mark you because you were afraid that you would not be able to continue working in the police force. If you told this to your alpha, would she still like a second-hand item so much?”

Looking at Chris' expressionless face, Oscar felt relieved from the bottom of his heart. He felt that the vengeance accumulated for many years had finally come to the day when he could take revenge, and Chris, who was always on top of him, was about to tremble because of his threat. The mere sight of this scene in his mind made Oscar ecstatic.

Chris has few memories of Oscar, and Oscar has so many memories of his cousin that it drives him crazy. As the only two children of the Field family generation, Oscar, who was born a few years later, can be said to have grown up in Chris' shadow. His parents always talk about how smart and sensible Chris is, what courses he has completed perfectly, and his swordsmanship is extraordinary at a young age... Among the children of nobles, Oscar can be considered excellent, but with Chris, a child from another family, He was nothing.

If this continues, Oscar's jealousy will only stop at the level of killing the stray cat fed by his cousin. But when he was a teenager, Chris differentiated into an omega, and Oscar differentiated into an alpha. This is the first time that Oscar has surpassed Chris, and he is overjoyed for this, feeling that his luck has come. However, Chris awakened a powerful physical ability, and Oscar's ability was so weak that it could only be used as a decoration. People's evaluation changed from "Oscar is not as good as his cousin" to "Oscar is not as good as an omega".

This happens time and time again.

After Chris' father died, Oscar thought they could embezzle the baron's property and use marriage and family property to manipulate him, but Chris' mother swept away all the property, and the cousin who left his hometown was doing well in the patrol team.

Chris was divorced and unable to have children. Oscar thought his life was ruined, but he went to the northern border and became an unprecedented knight as an omega.

Prince Ronald's rebellion failed, and when Chris was tried, Oscar stuffed a lot of money into a nobleman, only to be brought in for the trial. Oscar almost laughed wildly when he heard the verdict of becoming a military prostitute, but Earl Anna popped up in the middle, and wanted to leave that shit-lucky omega. Later, Oscar heard that Chris was very favored, and even became the chief knight.

Oscar has been drilling for many years and has achieved nothing. He finally became a special envoy, all because the king took a fancy to his kinship with Chris and wanted to change Earl Anna's decision by nepotism.

Oscar felt that anyone in his position would have every reason to hate Chris.

He stared fiercely at his cousin's face with a sinister smile that he thought he had avenged his revenge, but there was no panic or anger as expected. Chris just looked at him wearily, like a priest who never kills, watching a #toad swimming in his own soup.

Oscar had a bad feeling about this reaction, he shook off these thoughts vigorously, and continued: "Think about it! Although you are still liked by the Earl, you have no name or distinction. Once this favor leaves, you fate..."

"Are you finished?"

This voice came from heaven.

Oscar raised his head and saw a female alpha with light blond hair floating in the sky. He hastily adjusted his expression and said, "You must be the Earl! Your demeanor really is..."

Of course he didn't finish, because An Xu never liked talking nonsense with silly people.

Anxu has just arrived, but her spiritual realm has shrouded the Lord's Mansion for a long time, and she has been "surrounding" their conversation since the king's special envoy and Chris met. At first, An Xu wanted to hear what happened to the setting of cousins ​​who suddenly appeared, and then she wanted to see how stupid a fool can be, and finally she watched it like everyone with the idea of ​​"how bad this movie can be". Cursing his own curiosity, bemoaning wasted time, and turning off the TV angrily, like the viewer who has finished half a bad movie.

She's here to turn off the TV.

"Don't gossip," she interrupted, "kneel down and apologize to Chris."

Oscar froze on the spot, and asked in disbelief, "What did you say?"

"You insulted my Chris on my turf and stepped on me, so I knelt down and apologized to him, and I counted to three." An Xu said.

"Wait! There must be some misunderstanding!" Oscar shouted, "I didn't mean to insult anyone! What I said is the truth..."

"One, two..."

"I am the special envoy of His Majesty the King!" Oscar said loudly, "I represent His Majesty the King! You are defying the King by threatening me like this!"

"Three." An Xu heaved a sigh of relief, and patted his chest, "Great, I'm still thinking, what will happen if you really kneel down, I don't want to let you go at all."


It wasn't Oscar yelling, but Chris' voice who realized something. It's a pity that it was a step too late, the human voice was always slower than the thunder and lightning.

If this is a story about abuse of scum and slapping faces, the protagonist will first show off his or her affection with the other protagonist he or she insults in front of the best relatives, and then use thousands to tens of thousands of words to slap the face in a roundabout way , Let the other party feel how outrageously wrong they are, and leave sadly in shock, fear, pain and unwillingness. However, An Xu is a person who doesn't want to get along with a fool for a second, and she still feels that she is dreaming, so how simple and rude her handling method will be, can be seen from many previous incidents.

A flash of lightning flashed in the clear sky, and the hammer of thunder and lightning, which had not been seen for a long time, hit a fixed point accurately. Oscar opened his mouth wide in horror, and a bigger and bigger electric dragon was reflected in his pupils. The shock, fear, and pain lasted less than a second, and ended with him being reduced to ashes.

Sure enough, the thunder and lightning system is the best, An Xu thought.

The mayor Charlotte, who ran out with a sense of foreboding, fell to the ground with a thud. She screamed ("My lord!"), her lips trembled, and she was speechless for a long time. "You can't kill people because of a little language conflict..." Chris said on her behalf with a headache, "He is the king's special envoy! This will lead to the king's anger, and even war!"

"Fight, afraid of him?" An Xu said indifferently, "Anyway, I won't send anyone who chose me back to that brain-dead king. The effect of disobedience is similar to killing the special envoy, right?"

Charlotte held her forehead and clutched her stomach. Her nervous gastritis was destined to get worse.

Earl Anna's experienced staff took two minutes to digest the shocking news, and left quickly to prepare for the aftermath. There was still some time before the uproar happened, An Xu landed in the yard where only Chris was left, he took Chris's hand nonchalantly, and said, "Don't be angry, that guy has bad intentions for you, this kind of It doesn't matter if the relative is gone, right?"

"Do you really want to be said to be the lord of an omega war?" Chris said helplessly.

"Then Chris is a confidante?" An Xu giggled, holding his arm affectionately #愈#热#warmly, and said on a whim, "Shall we get married?"

Chris froze at the sudden subject.

"Yes, we're ready to get married!" An Xu repeated.

I just said it casually just now, but as soon as I said it, the idea seemed to take root, and it quickly blossomed and borne fruit in An Xu's mind. She imagined Chris and herself in their wedding dresses, a Western-style wedding dress for a while, a Chinese-style phoenix coronet for a while, and the person in the bridal suit changed between the two of them. She thought about Esther officiated at their wedding, Nancy, Lydia, Jane... Anyway, many, many people would come, fill the auditorium, and everyone would eat together. After the messy wedding daydream, An Xu thought about the wedding night in the bridal chamber, thinking about calling Chris "my husband", thinking about sitting on the sofa with Chris and playing games with one controller (hey, something weird seems to have been mixed in) , thinking about it, and laughing hehehe.

Chris's expression was very strange, his expression changed several times, his chest heaved violently a few times, and then returned to calmness.

"Are you asking me, or have you already decided?" he asked.

"I'm proposing!" An Xu said, and then he became ashamed of the shabbyness of his proposal. She scratched her head embarrassingly, and said, "Will you marry me? There will be a ring. In short, I will share half of my things with you."

"If you're asking for my opinion..." Chris pursed his lips, "I'm sorry."

An Xu didn't react, and blinked slowly.

"My answer was 'no,'" Chris said. "I said no."

"Why?" An Xu looked at him pitifully, and said coquettishly, "I like Chris so much, doesn't Chris like me?"

"I like you very much." Chris Wen said, "I love you too."

An Xu's heart was pounding, she looked at Chris, and the nonsense that she had prepared just now disappeared completely in an instant.

"I'm not dissatisfied with the status quo." The chief knight said calmly, "You are very kind to a sinner. Not only did you not punish me, but you also gave me a status that I never dared to imagine before. You are also a very wise leader Or, countless people have been saved by you, changed their fate by you, and lived a better life. The legendary savior is nothing more than that. Whether it is your property or your subordinate, I am very grateful to the present I am very satisfied. I love and respect you, I am honored to fight for you, and I am willing to die for you."

Chris has always been taciturn, and outside of his field of expertise, this knight's words can almost be called dull. An Xu is used to and likes his bad words, so when this frank confession came out suddenly, she was caught off guard. It was as if someone had thrown a match in her hair, burning it from head to neck.

An Xu turned his head away to cover up, patted his face, and asked calmly, "Then why don't you marry me?"

"Because I just want to marry my lover," Chris said.

An Xu turned around abruptly, staring at the knight in surprise. "Don't you love me?" She said aggrieved and angry, "You just said you love me!"

"I do love you." Chris nodded, "but I just want to marry my lover, not my master."

"We're married, so I'm not your master anymore." An Xu muttered, "I really like you."

"You really like me, like a pet, like a game." Chris said, "As long as you continue to like me like this, whether we get married or not, you will only be my master."

An Xu opened his mouth, unable to refute.

She liked Chris very much, most in this dream, but even more than the rest of the dream... it was just a particularly favorite dream.

Chris was right, even horribly accurate. Once he is no longer in the play, Anxu's love for Chris is like treating a wild cat that has been petted on the road and is willing to drive away all stray dogs for him. This love is very sincere, but it is hard to say how deep it is.

"It's not your fault." The knight spoke slowly, trying to express something that he didn't know how to say clearly, "Jianlan will fight for equal rights from you, not because you are a bad lord, just because Because you're so good. Like... People who can't eat enough don't want more, and those who can eat will notice that they are naked #luo, shame about it, and try to find a place to hide So do I. As a subordinate and as a pet, I am grateful for your kindness. But if you want—maybe it’s just me being sentimental—if you want more, if you’d like to hear my voice …It is not kindness that I long for, nor more than liking...”

Chris's words became stumbling, and he couldn't continue speaking at this point.

Did he want to say "love"? An Xu thought.

Then she heard Chris say, "If I could, I'd like to be treated as an equal. If you treat me as a lover, our souls should be equal."

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