I Like This Dream!

Vol 2 Chapter 134:

Before everything started, Alva showed Chris the rat that ate Count Anna's flesh and blood. Pointing to the lab rat that swelled and died within a minute, he repeatedly warned Chris that anything could happen when the shunt started.

"Eating flesh and blood is equivalent to diverting a very small part of the energy, which you will carry hundreds of times later. This kind of energy can be accumulated and it is difficult to digest. I don't recommend you eat part of it first to see the effect." Al Wa said, “From the outside, we can only see that the recipient’s body grows and divides at a very fast speed, and finally goes to collapse. Before their death, their brain activity is extremely active, and the mental overload collapse occurs before the physical collapse, or the mental breakdown is the physical collapse. The last straw of collapse. Except for these experimental subjects themselves, no one knows what happened to them. In the spiritual field, I still know too little."

"Thank you." Chris said, "If I come back alive, I will give you first-hand information."

Chris had guessed what he would face, the severe pain, the mental shock, the sense of collapse after supernatural overload... At first, it was true.

He was lying beside Ann, and they were surrounded by complex alchemy equipment. Doctors and nurses walk around, and Chris doesn't quite know exactly what they're doing, and his attention quickly turns away from them.

Leave everything outside.

The knight knew what it was like to overuse a power, but the most intense ones didn't compare to how he was feeling now. If the collapse of excessive use of abilities is compared to extreme hunger, the moment Chris felt contact with An, the pain he felt was like swallowing a castle forcibly with a human stomach.

Only the person involved knew what happened, and only after establishing a spiritual connection with Ann did Chris understand what kind of pressure she was under. It was like poking a hole in a balloon that was inflated to the limit, the energy from the impact alone was comparable to a mental blow, and the pain was not enough to describe the knight's feeling at the moment. He felt that every part of his body was acting independently, gaining too much power, and was about to expand a whole universe; he felt that he was struggling to survive in a raging tsunami, struggling to maintain his balance.

Chris persisted for tens of seconds, maybe decades, time and space have lost their meaning in the chaotic present. Annihilation is just a matter of a moment, but persistence can only be exchanged for an endless purgatory, and giving up seems like a relief. Struggling with unearthly perseverance, the knight tried to build his tiny shelter amidst the bewildering blizzard. It wasn't easy, but Chris succeeded in the end, and Alva's words lingered in his mind: Energy can only be shunted to living things.

He couldn't give up, even if he wanted to die, he had to bring Ann back.

Chris survived the mental storm without weights and measures until his frozen mind finally had room to think. The environment in this spiritual realm was rather dangerous, but in this danger, he also felt a certain sense of familiarity.

Like something felt when entering Ann's spirit.

He is not an eloquent person, and it is difficult to express this kind of feeling that only a mind reader can explain in words. Like a touch of color, a piece of melody, a breath of smell, there are traces of Ann in the storm of blades that can gouge out human flesh. But when he stretched out his hand to those familiar feelings, the flesh and blood that had come off the protective cover became **** again.

Chris knew this wasn't reality and his body was lying "out there" on the operating table. But this is not an illusion, the damage in the spiritual realm actually hurt his spirit. The crude shelter he built was crumbling, consuming his strength little by little.

Between the lightning and the flint, the knight made a choice.

The option that Anxu had chosen.

Chris's mental body was completely opened up in this storm. He was trying to resist the impact just now, and now he is obeying and even pushing this force, absorbing it into himself. The initial shock came intensified, and in the blink of an eye he was covered in bruises.

The outside operating room suddenly became busy, and the knight who had just stabilized for a moment was covered in blood again. His body swelled and grew tumors, almost a degraded version of Earl Anna's illness. Alva calmly divided the medical staff into two groups. One group operated on the lord, and the other group dealt with her chief knight. Two people on adjacent operating tables are mirror images of each other, simultaneously caught in a demonic seizure.

An Xu once completely opened up the protection in front of the fire bird's spiritual body, so as to mix into the opponent's core. Chris opened his protection in this storm, but it was to share half of the impact, and to find the consciousness of Ann who was also ups and downs in it. He could feel himself expanding, and a few seconds later his "body" exploded. Chris couldn't see, hear, touch, lost all five senses, couldn't feel his own body, and even the pain that fell on his body no longer existed. There is nothing here in chaos, he can only feel the rush of violent energy around him, boundless and endless, enough to drive most people crazy in this nothingness.

Chris persisted with all his willpower. His consciousness was like a big tree in a strong wind. Its leaves were blown off and its branches were broken. In the end, there was only one belief that must survive. The chief knight is an out-and-out model knight. Compared with the dragon-slaying knight praised by Kiamenan, it may be closer to the knight T-tank, guardian, and damage bearer mentioned by Anxu. When Chris was fighting to protect something, he was stronger than ever.

Suddenly, everything stands still.

Chris erected a barrier, he could maintain his balance, but it also blocked the energy flowing towards him; when he opened the barrier, while being hurt by the impact, he was also like a small boat going down the rapids, Involved in a more core position in Anxu's sea of ​​knowledge.

The energy impact ceased, and everything was extremely calm, as if being in the eye of a typhoon. Chris stood up hesitantly.

Yes, he stood up, he had limbs and a body again, holding the giant sword in his hand that should have disappeared during the fight against the Firebird, and wearing light leather armor on his body. He walked slowly in this dark space, and gradually, there were sounds and light around him.

Like stepping out of the dark room into the sun, Chris squinted his eyes at the sudden brightness. He heard the voices of noisy people, and when he opened his eyes, he was completely stunned.

Chris wondered what would happen to him after he started the shunt, but in the wildest scenarios, this option didn't exist now. At the heart of the rioting psychic storm he saw... a city.

There were many, many people coming and going in the streets, and it was more lively than the downtown of Spring City or Thunder Castle Festival. They were dressed in strange clothes, with black hair and faces of different races, walking around in a hurry but not eagerly. The road is very spacious, and what is flowing in the middle is not a crowd, but strange-looking vehicles. These cars are moving at a frighteningly fast speed, and there is nothing pulling them in front of them.

Chris stared at the traffic for a full minute, watching them move forward at a fast speed, stop or turn without warning, and make beeping sounds suddenly. The knight pulled his eyes away from the top, and was attracted by the alternating red and green lights on the road. A red villain appeared on the lamp post for a while, and a green human figure appeared again for a while. The light man "walked" jumping and jumping, just like a shadow puppet show performed by jugglers. Chris couldn't help but took a few steps forward and circled around the lamppost. The lamppost is very narrow, and there must be no room for the manipulator inside.

He raised his head in a daze, and the tall buildings on both sides of the road could be called soaring into the sky, probably only the royal palace in Urburg could match it. What makes people stunned is that there is not one tall building that can be compared with the palace, but countless. Along the road, there are many large buildings lined up neatly, far and near, as dense as the mountains of Tibes Hill.

In the blue sky, a huge bird flew over, leaving a long white line like a tail.

What does this vision represent? The knight thought blankly.

It couldn't be real here, those fancy-dressed people didn't even glance at Chris. He reached out to touch the lamppost, and passed through it. He stood in front of people or cars, and everything that passed through him seemed oblivious. Chris started to run wildly. He ran the length of a Spring City, and the surrounding area was still bustling. I continued to run, and after running for an unknown period of time, everything began to become blurred. The pedestrians and the street scene seemed to be separated by a layer of fog, and they could no longer see clearly.

What new test is this? Want to find Ann in it? Chris thought uncertainly. The sense of Ann failed after entering here. Her traces did not disappear, but became too much. Everything smelled of Ann, so it was equivalent to finding no clues.

Chris came back to where he started again and stopped.

He keenly found many familiar faces. The white-haired old man sat down tremblingly on the stone pier by the roadside for the third time; after they sat down, the young man in the yellow hood chewed something in his mouth, with wires in his ears, and turned into a small road. Lane; on the count of three, a little girl in red stopped in front of the traffic light, humming a song. After reading this, Chris raised his head and saw the giant bird passing in the sky again.

The knight shuddered.

He drew his sword and stabbed it at the ground. The blade penetrated the ground, but the stone brick was intact when he pulled it out. He climbed the outer wall of the high-rise building to the top of the building. From the top of the building, he could see a frighteningly huge and bustling city, which was blocked by taller buildings, so he couldn't see where the boundary was. He jumped and fell all the way to the ground, but his body didn't feel any pain.

Chris took a breath and shouted, "Anna! Anna. Sullivan!"

There was no reply, and no one was disturbed.

He yelled a few times, stopped, and said again: "Ann!"

Something shook.

This is a very strange feeling. Even though the streets are still full of traffic and the pedestrians seem to be normal, Chris feels that the world has shaken. Encouraged, he continued to shout, "Ann! Where are you?"

Nothing happened, Chris looked at the sky, no one fell from the sky. He put away his disappointment, lowered his head, and suddenly met the eyes of the girl in red.

She is looking at him.

Not only the little girl, but also the old couple sitting on the stone pier were watching him, and the pedestrians passing by him were also watching him. There was curiosity but no hostility in their eyes, which seemed to be just a casual glance at a differently dressed person. When Chris looked back, the people who looked at him politely looked away. He stood in front of others, and the passer-by seemed to be taken aback, and avoided to the side.

The knight reached out to touch the lamp post, and he felt the cool steel.

Chris was overjoyed, he pondered for a moment, walked up to the old couple, knelt down, and said, "Sir, ma'am, good day?"

The old people looked at him with a smile.

"Do you know where Ann is?"

The old people kept the same smiles as before.

Chris's heart sank a little bit. He thought about the language barrier, but the other party didn't even show any reaction to the language barrier. He politely thanked and said goodbye, and tried to stop pedestrians from asking. People on the road were either laughing, surprised, or expressionless, but none of them responded.

Veterans who have entered other people's spiritual domains will definitely shake their heads at Chris's reaction. Any foreign consciousness that does not pretend to be obedient, but instead makes so many actions that will alarm the master of the domain, is really stupid to death. It must be the subconscious mind that wakes up before the dreamer's own consciousness, and the alarmed defense measures will respond, and the peaceful street can become a dragon's pool and a tiger's den in the blink of an eye, making it impossible for outsiders to come and go.

In theory it is.

The subconscious mind is more honest and straightforward than the superficial consciousness, where malice and antipathy will be magnified, as well as kindness and love. An Xu entered the consciousness of the fire bird, and she seemed to have entered a difficult battlefield. And when Chris was running in Anxu's world, the world was also open to him, causing him no harm. His call echoed in Anxu's spiritual world, like a beam of light on a lighthouse.

Someone grabs Chris' hand.

The knight suddenly turned around, and he saw a girl with light blond hair standing behind him, and said with a smile, "Are you here too?"

He felt a lump in his throat, and the vivid Ann in front of him seemed to have disappeared for centuries, and he had been looking for it for centuries. Chris's lips trembled, and he called "Ann" dryly, and the swelling emotion in his heart could not be resolved, and it turned into a tight hug.

An Xu was held in his arms, a little confused about the situation, but he couldn't help but relax. She patted Chris on the back, like coaxing a big wronged dog. she says…

Whatever she wanted to say, she couldn't say it. The world vibrated as they approached, and the otherwise ordinary streetscape around them rippled eerily, like electronic images with a bad connection. The shock of letting go of Christo hit the door again, and he let go of his hand at once to prevent hurting Ann in the severe pain.

For a moment, Chris saw the world change again. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the blue sky was covered in black and red, and countless meteors pierced the sky, like poured ink, quickly polluting this peaceful city. There was a noisy sound in his ears, and it was only at this moment that Chris suddenly realized that the people talking on this street did not make any clear and understandable sounds. He was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, and his eardrum kept ringing, and he could only see An looking at him worriedly, opening and closing his mouth.

She acted like she didn't see the end of the world behind her.

Chris may have lost consciousness for a while, or it may have been only a moment, and when the pain subsided, he found himself no longer on the street. He was lying on a small bed covered with a soft quilt, and Ann stood beside him, relieved that he had woken up. "It's all right," she said. "You won't have a headache here, will you?"

Not only will there be no headache, all the pain on Chris' body has left him. He felt relaxed for a long time, relaxed and strange, the knight felt like he was locked in a small box, losing all sense of the outside world.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"Go home." Ann said, "You're welcome, although the honorific setting is also very cute...'you' is fine."


"my home."

She patted the bed very naturally, sat on the stool, and slid from one end of the room to the other and back again. Chris noticed that there were rollers under the chair, and then saw that the light in the room was coming from above them, the white lamp was burning steadily, maybe it wasn't burning, and he couldn't smell the flame.

"This is your... your home?" Chris said incredulously, "This is definitely not Abery City..."

"City A." An replied, "Country Z, Province X, City A."

Chris had never heard of any of them.

His mouth opened, closed, and opened again, making An Xu laugh. She walked out of the room, and when she came back, she was holding something the size of a palm with two sticks sticking out of it. She held one side in one hand, snapped it apart, and handed Chris a wooden stick and the attached icicle.

"Here, Popsicle." She took a sip first, "Do you want to play PS3? I'll teach you!"

The knight stared at her blankly, his mind spinning at high speed, his expression dull. An Xu waited for a while, but before he got an answer, he took out the handle and turned on the power.

Brilliant images appeared on the black square, and the figures moved in it. The light, shadow and sound left Chris stunned. He watched her fiddle with these incomprehensible complicated instruments, as if she knew how to use them from the beginning.

Is this really Ann? His instinct said "yes", not to mention that the illusion disguised as Ann would not imitate these things that were completely out of his memory. There are too many incredible things here, and there are not many similarities with Tibes or even Yamenan. It can even be said that everything in this city is self-contained, like another world.

Countless clues were connected in a string in his mind, presenting an answer that he didn't quite believe.

"Ann," his voice was somewhat uncertain, "were you born 'here'?"

"No, I only moved here when I was in college."

"...you are not Anna Sullivan."

"Of course." His alpha said simply, "I'm Anxu."

"Anxu..." Chris repeated the name in shock, "From the beginning, the Ann I knew was 'Anxu'? It was you in the seminary in Alingu? Wait, it was you in Sullivan Manor? "

"I woke up in Yamenan in Sullivan Manor, and I met soon..." An Xu paused, and said in surprise, "Should I say this sentence? It was you at the beginning? At that time Chris is you? Didn't you say it wasn't?"

She didn't wait for Chris to answer, and made a stop gesture first. "Forget it, let the past go, every day I think about whether to live in the dark history." She wiped her face unbearably looking back, showing a big smile, "It would be better if it was all you, my love Is man one from head to toe?"

Even though he was thinking about serious issues, Chris was also left blank by this sudden confession.

"Have I ever told you?" An Xu said, "I've thought about what you told me last winter, and you're right. Mutual respect is the most important thing even if you're in a relationship, let alone married. I just It's just being stingy...I will respect you and treat you as a person like me, even if one day, this dream will wake up."

Even if one day, this dream will wake up.

This sentence was like a thunderbolt, splitting the shadow of confusion in Chris's mind, and shaking his mind with a roar. At this moment, all questions have been answered, even though the answer is completely beyond common sense, he blurted out: "This is not a dream!"

"Okay, okay, it's not a dream." An Xu followed his words, but judging from her expression, she didn't take it seriously at all.

"Yamonan is real, and so am I," Chris said incoherently, "You built Spring City and Thunder Castle, everyone is not an illusion, everything really happened..."

An Xu nodded in good temper, the more relaxed she was, the weaker Chris was.

He couldn't find a convincing argument at all. Thinking about it differently, if he suddenly appeared in such a world from Yamenan one day, he would probably feel that he was dreaming, and Ann still has painlessness... No, Think carefully about what An Xu said, it's Anna. Sullivan's body is naturally painless, right? ! This suddenly made it several notches harder to find myself awake, and the routine of pinching my face to make sure I was awake no longer worked.

So she kills people and rushes into danger without any scruples, so she is impermanent in good and evil, and does whatever she wants. So she doesn't take anyone seriously, because they, including "Anna Sullivan", are just a set that will disappear when she wakes up in her heart.

However, no matter how difficult it is, why do you still feel that you are dreaming after more than ten years in another world? Chris searched his guts to talk about the content that could prove that Yamenan was not a dream. While talking, he looked at An Xu's empty eyes and suddenly understood.

An Xu is not aware of it, she just doesn't want to find out.

She didn't notice it right away, and when she realized what was wrong, it might be too late. Chris can feel Anxu's kindness and openness, but he has never understood how a person who treats civilians so kindly and is truly happy for the happiness of mankind would slaughter his relatives#. "Because it was a dream" - while getting this answer, Chris also understood that when An Xu knew that she had really done something, she would never be as relaxed as she is now.

At this moment, Chris actually felt sympathy.

He thought that he was probably doomed. When he knew the truth, his first reaction was not to sympathize with those who died, but to pity An Xu who didn't know what he had done. Chris didn't want to wake her up. At this moment, he had an unreasonable strong desire to protect, and wanted An Xu to live happily in his dream for the rest of his life.

If he could, he would really like to do it.

The knight closed his eyes and said, "We have to go."

"Where are you going?" An Xu asked.

"Amenan." Chris replied, "Everyone was worried when you left. I'm here to find you."

"Isn't it good to stay here?" An Xu asked back, "Look, there are TB, PS3, computers and the Internet, no beasts, no ABO, it's much better than Monan. I don't understand anything you don't understand." I can teach you."

"No beasts and ABOs?" Chris was inevitably distracted.

"Well, human beings are at the top of the food chain. There are only two genders, male and female. Although there are classes, birth does not determine fate."

"That's great." Chris said with straight eyes, "Then, the world is peaceful, and there will be no omega discrimination, I mean sexism?"

"Well," An Xu smiled dryly, a little unable to face Chris's sparkling eyes, "it's not impossible, human beings are very good at tossing themselves. But many people are working hard and will become better. The world here is much larger than that of Ammonan. Ah, it may be because of the isolation of alien beasts around Yamenan. Maybe there are human settlements in the wilderness. In short, my world has seven continents and four oceans, nearly two One hundred countries, seven billion people..."

The knight listened fascinated to the world she was talking about, and it took him a while to come back to his senses. He thought of the world he was in. In comparison, Yamenan seemed wild and backward, but as Anxu said, it would get better.

This is not reality after all, even if it is reality, Chris will not stay. Rather than going directly to a "completed" new world, he would rather be the builder of his own world.

He interrupted: "Can't we go out?"

"It's going to be bad once you go out." An Xu said, "You looked in pain just now, and I felt cramps all over."

"But we can't stay here forever." Chris revealed the status quo, "You put all...I don't know how to say it, energy? You temporarily block all the energy out, it is impossible to block it for a lifetime, it will only Slowly consume the power that can be used. The later we go out, the harder it is for us to fight against everything outside."

"But the time here can be extended." An Xu said, "I remembered, I used to be a bird for hundreds of years in some corner, so it's okay for us to be people for hundreds of years here?"

"It's not true!"

"It's not real." An Xu said casually, "This is already another dream, the dream I brought you to my own world. Anyway, apart from you, I don't have much nostalgia for that world. It’s better not to use computers and game consoles.”

"Ann, do you really think so?"

The knight looked at An Xu quietly, his calm blue eyes made her flustered for no reason. Chris held An Xu's face in his arms, made her look in the same direction as himself, and said, "This isn't the face of 'An Xu', is it?"

She looked at the mirror next to the bed in the bedroom, where a woman with light golden eyes was reflected.

In Anxu's spiritual world, her self-cognition is still the Thunder Queen of Yamenan.

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