I Like This Dream!

Vol 2 Chapter 136:

Richard II was lying on his big bed, covered with the precious and gorgeous brocade quilt as before, and lying on the soft pillow made by many supernatural beings, but there was no flowing little lover on his bed.

Your Majesty the King, paralyzed.

His once strong hands and feet lost strength, and he could only lie limp on the bed, unable to even turn himself over. His eyes became blurred, and he could not see anything on the same side of both eyes, only a black hole. The first time he woke up and found himself in his situation, Richard II yelled in rage, but his tongue stuck limply to the roof of his mouth like a pudding. He could not utter a word, but roared like a wild beast.

The Royal Healer was called, but to the king's dismay, the healing spell did not bring him back to life. He angrily ordered that the heads of these people be cut off, but Ford, the jester who understood his mind best, never showed up, and the person with the ability to read minds also disappeared. Queen Eve stuck to him obediently, pretending to listen to him whining for a while, and said, "Ah, do you want to find a doctor? This... I understand, Your Majesty."

The healer left, and a doctor came on top. It was an out-and-out omega. If Richard II could still move, he would insist on spitting on the faces of two ignorant omegas. The way the doctor looked at him sent chills down his back for no reason, and the wizard took out his small box, which contained densely packed needles.

The king's complexion eased after the treatment. Many people praised the doctor's medicine, but only Richard II himself had a hard time. The needle in his scalp gave him a splitting headache, but he didn't show any anger anymore, and his face was paralyzed.

Richard II used the most vicious curse in his heart to greet this **** wizard and his vicious wife, that stinky #弟# who invited the devil to murder her husband! She deserves to be rotten! Burned and beaten in hell! After the king cursed them, he began to desperately hope that his courtiers could see through the true colors of these two shameless omegas. He thought, without him, how could the queen settle Yamenan's government? The courtiers are all alphas!

Omegas are meant to be ruled, without their master alpha, they certainly don't know how they would live their lives. Although his hateful wife used such despicable tricks to make the great alpha king suffer misfortune, as long as she stood among those alphas with noble blood, she was destined to hide her face and run away. In his heart, Richard II imagined how the queen cried and asked him for help after being frustrated. When the wizard dispelled the black magic, he would whip this **** severely, deprive her of her queen status, and strip her naked Hanged outside the city gate, to let her know how wrong it is to use her jealousy on her husband.

Richard II survived for two days with these fantasies of relieving hatred, and only on the third day did he mercifully change his decision. Perhaps the Queen could not be hanged, thought the King, if only she would release the wizard from the black magic at once, and he would only divorce her, flog her, and parade her through the streets, if only she would release the wizard at once.

The king always thought that he was the bravest alpha in Yamenan. He also joined the army when he was young—although he was always in the rear of the army; his powers were enough to hunt the most powerful beasts—although he made up for it after the servants surrounded him. Of course he has the best qualities of an alpha, such as bravery, tenacity, and fearlessness. But Richard II found that he would rather face hordes of strange beasts than lie down.

He had frequent headaches, nausea, difficulty swallowing, and would vomit if he was not careful. His excretion was uncontrollable, and excrement appeared on the bed at any time. The king had enough servants to deal with his aftermath, but the filth sprayed on him was disgusting enough and dealt a major blow to the king's dignity. The queen and lovers hadn't visited him for the past two days, and Richard II felt both angry and grateful.

On the fourth day, all the people whom the king had expected came.

The prime minister came first. Duke Roland maintained a calm posture as always, saluted the king, and began to read the draft announcement to be released. The royal order he drafted was as accurate and elegant as ever, and the content was well-organized, but before he read halfway through, Richard II was already glaring, and his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

According to the edict, the king abdicated due to illness, and passed it on to the little prince. Because the little prince was young, Queen Eve and the prime minister, Duke Roland, were regents.

When it comes to letting the little prince, who is only three years old, succeed to the throne, the edict mentions the son of prophecy, which is completely in the king's own tone. Richard II did say this, but he expected to pass on the throne at least decades later, after his own death! He glared at the prime minister furiously, cursing in his heart the rebellious officials and thieves who were colluding with poisonous women. Damned, hypocritical careerist! In the past, he dared to put on the face of a loyal minister who worried about the country and the people! He and the queen really had an affair! This thought made the king furious, and for a moment he didn't know which was more irritating to him, this case of adultery that should go to hell, or the usurpation of #power.

As if reading the king's mind, the prime minister stopped after reading the "King's Order", raised his head, and said, "I have no oversteps towards Her Majesty the Queen, and I have no ambitions for the throne."

Ghost letter! Richard II's eyes were about to burst into flames.

"My reason has already been told to you, but His Majesty has never taken it seriously." Roland said, "Amenan needs a wise king, not a stubborn madman. The amnesty for all 'rebels' is about to be issued, The doctor will be declared legal, and the envoy to discuss the contract with Earl Anna has already left, so please don’t worry.”

If you don't worry, you will be surprised, the king's face is flushed red, like a kettle that is about to explode, and he is wheezing and wheezing non-stop. The Duke of Roland bowed and retreated in a formal manner. Richard II discovered today that such a respectful and polite behavior can also make him furious.

Soon the king found that the prime minister was already the most considerate member.

After the prime minister went out, Mrs. Cynthia walked in. Richard II's eyes lit up, he was a little panicked under the successive blows, and looked at his beloved lover as if grabbing a life-saving straw. Mrs. Cynthia has always understood the king's mind. The king looked at her enthusiastically, trying to express his meaning with his eyes and let the other party take him out.

Then he saw the queen appear outside the door.

Queen Eve wore her hair in a simple bun, wore the queen's fancy dress, and wore the most fashionable makeup at the moment, showing no sign of panic. She and the prime minister who was about to go out nodded to each other as a greeting, and then walked leisurely to the king's bedside. Mrs. Cynthia bowed to her respectfully, and the Queen nodded to her mildly, and there was no trace of hostility between them.

How could this be? Richard II thought incredulously, didn't Lady Cynthia often complain to him that the queen was a prudish bitch? Aren't they jealous of each other? Shouldn't they be like omegas competing for the attention of the same alpha, with bitter hatred, fighting to the death?

Eve glanced at the shocked king and suddenly laughed.

Even with the long scar her husband had left on her face, even with that sharp, contemptuous smile, the queen looked radiant at the moment. She changed the way she put on her makeup, and she no longer put on that docile demeanor. Her unrestrained eyes directly met the king's eyes, like a soldier looking at his defeated opponent.

For a moment Richard II could not believe that this was his timid and virtuous wife.

"I took the initiative to surrender to Lord Eve." Mrs. Cynthia said sweetly.

Why? ! Richard II's eyes were tearing apart, and he wanted to roar at this **** omega, I love you so much! How do you do it? how dare you? !

"Of course it is to live a good life!" Mrs. Cynthia patted her plump #full **** exaggeratedly and giggled, "Your favor may disappear at any time, and it may become a disaster at any time. I am an omega, of course I want a stable home. Don’t worry, I will take the child to my new fief and find a young, handsome and strong alpha to live with. Well, there may be a few. They will all be much more capable than you in bed.”

The king's face turned pale.

"Do you want to ask about the child?" Mrs. Cynthia is worthy of being Richard II's longest lover, she immediately understood what the other party meant, "The child is indeed yours, but after discovering how wise Lord Eve is, Well, a smart omega like me has no intention of letting my child wade into muddy water. My child will never know who her father is. Richard II's only child is Prince John—soon to be John IV. You see, how well I treat you? Most of your illegitimate children died because their mothers were too stupid."

After saying this, Mrs. Cynthia bowed gracefully and withdrew.

"Prince John is the first heir and the only heir." Eve said, "Thank you for getting rid of the other heirs. No old guy will jump out and become resistance. Because you kill too much, those nobles who have become frightened birds want to prevent You have long nights and many dreams, and you have already dealt with your other lovers and illegitimate children."

The king let out a whooping sound from his throat.

"You really messed up Yamenan." Eve sighed. "You slaughtered people, made enemies everywhere at inopportune times, and made a lot of stupid decisions. The only thing to be thankful for is that thanks to you Many good people have been pushed to my side because of my stupidity. They would rather have an omega temporarily regent than a king who goes around killing people."

She looked at the king, this alpha who had always been headstrong had haggarded and aged a lot in the past few days, which made her smile uncontrollably. She said, "I do hate you, but not for the reason you think. I never resent you for looking for a lover like a stallion, because I never thought of you as my spouse. I don't marry me for you." Resentment, you are just my upward ladder. But I'm afraid you can't think of any other reason in your mind."

"So I won't explain it to you." Eve smiled and said, "I'm just here to tell you what's going to happen. Guess what the doctor said? Your heart is going to fail, and your body is going to suffer for years and years. Pain, your **** will get infected and rotted, incontinent like a real brute. It is said that your skin, especially the ankles, groin, etc., will get sores from being pressed against the sheets for a long time. You will Fester a little bit alive, but you won't die right away, thank the healer."

Richard II's face flushed to the limit, and then turned pale little by little during Eve's narration. His face gradually became pale, and the eyes he stared at Eve also became serious, even taking on an unconscious begging.

His wife was not at all relented, and the queen looked at the king indifferently, and said, "You deserve it."

Those who died innocently, those blood sprayed in vain, will always be returned to the culprit who did all this.

The nobles have exchanged all kinds of interests, and the people who support different factions are like crickets in a jar. They don’t have much energy left, and they have to fight first—not a single cricket found the bull that fiddled with them. tendons. Queen Eve, as a chess player disguised as a chess piece, holds a good card that is far superior to others, and becomes the final winner without bloodshed on the battlefield without gunpowder.

An amnesty was issued, and some nobles who had lost their titles under Richard II's order were rehabilitated with great fanfare as a show of appeasement to the noble class. The reason why I said something is because Richard II's butcher knife moved too quickly, many nobles really died and their families were killed, and no one could come back. The queen retained the titles of these families in permanent memory of this "wrong misfortune". The common people think that the queen is very kind, and the nobles think that this is the queen showing favor to them. Only a very few smart people who think too much realize something else.

There are quotas for Yamenan's noble titles and the number of seats in the House of Representatives. If the dead occupy the titles, the noble class will inevitably decrease.

In this empty window period when Richard II killed a blank window, the living nobles haven't figured out the impact of this policy for the time being. Eat meat, grab each other into a ball. And "in order to allow the decree to be issued smoothly", Queen Eve and Duke Roland proposed a motion, announcing the establishment of a House of Commons under the number of noble members who had shrunk by nearly half.

This matter caused the nobles to think for a while during the scramble. After confirming that the House of Commons is actually all civilians and will not be knighted at all in the future, the nobles no longer put any resistance to this. The so-called members of the House of Commons are just representatives of some guilds, as well as small officials who work for the Queen's natal Stuart family. These people are basically responsible for discussing some civilian matters that have nothing to do with the nobles, and they bitterly come up with solutions and implement them. Alas, which nobleman would want to intervene in this kind of thing that has no oil and water, is bitter and tiring, and the inferior people toss and work on their own?

In this way, the new officials who received the new education quietly entered the ruling department of Yamenan.

The merchants implicated in ransacking their homes were all released, and they took back their deprived properties, which made the nobles quite critical. How can you spit out what you swallow? The royal family doesn't want it, can it be distributed to us heroes? But before they know it, it's done, notices announcing the return of property are posted all over Yamenan in the blink of an eye, and troubadours explaining to illiterate civilians—hell, these people who have been beaten by Yan# Troubadours, like mold on a rainy day, are everywhere again at some point.

The nobles of Urburg felt the offensive of public opinion for the first time, and the queen suddenly stood at the highest point of morality, and was considered an angel by many businessmen and commoners. This remark caused many nobles who could guess the inside story to roll their eyes, thinking that this black widow is really capable of pretending. There are also many people who think they have touched the hobbies of the new rulers, and start to sing praises. In short, because the nobles mainly compete for the property of the nobles, this order was successfully implemented in the end.

Not long after Earl Anna's "recuperation" was over, the royal court and Earl Anna reached a peace alliance. Hospitals were being rebuilt all over Yamenan, and schools purporting to train future doctors were being built openly. Although the Evangelical Church was not recognized as a separate church for the sake of not stimulating the old church, the royal court recognized the legitimacy of its preaching everywhere.

Earl Anna's territory was as busy as the royal court in Urburg. After the particularly ferocious animal hordes and the purge passed, post-disaster reconstruction activities had to be carried out everywhere. The wounded are healed, the dead are buried, and the bereaved are consoled. The vacancies that emerged under the disaster need to be filled. The hunting doctor movement has caused great harm to both doctors and alchemists, but the training of doctors and alchemists has been on the right track, and the fire will not be destroyed.

New teams were sent out to tell those who hid in the purge that they were safe, and to count those who died in natural or man-made disasters. A team came back with Rogue Wind, their meeting with the old leader was accompanied by a lot of laughter, tears and screaming, Chris was thrown by them together, and couldn't help but make a fuss all day. Because of the cheat of sharing the gods, the chief knight was drunk by everyone at the welcome banquet, and he forced everyone to drink under the table. The new wine from Tibes Brewery is colorless and transparent, but one can can make a dozen ice and snow people faint.

The Wind Rogues have turned back into the Wind Knights, serving as patrols, scouts, and guerrillas. Chief Knight Chris is finally no longer a bare knight.

By autumn, the full casualty list was brought back. Some of the people who were looking forward to it wept with joy, and some cried bitterly. The list is so long that it makes people sad. However, some clinics are still open in places where doctors have been slaughtered, and people who have been helped and taught by doctors have become new doctors.

And when the new medical students graduate, they go on to mentor these half-baked new barefoot doctors.

They chose to hold a belated memorial service in early November, for those who have been buried in foreign lands for several years. The list included soldiers from the guards, troubadours and nightingales who helped outsiders smuggle to safe areas, and doctors who stayed in dangerous areas to save people. On the day of the memorial service, the large square that had been expanded several times was full of people, but the square was very quiet. Esther, the Patriarch of the Evangelical Church, led everyone to recite the Doomsday, and then representatives from all parties stood up in turn.

Thanks to the efforts of the alchemists in the physics team, the megaphone that Anxu could only use for himself can finally be used by ordinary people. The delegates stood one by one in front of the microphones, and their voices spread throughout the square, and could also be heard by those who could not squeeze into the square.

"My comrades in arms were involved in a despicable war of disparity in strength, and they did what they should do." A representative of the military, artillery officer Aiden said solemnly, "I can't express my feelings for the martyrs who died in battle, but I want to say that a despicable butcher's knife can't kill a hero, the hero's heart never dies, and the successor will never be slaughtered."

"I'm glad I survived, after all, no one likes to die." The representative of the troubadour, the Mynah Spy who survived but retired due to disability, said humorously, "However, my companions, when they went I don’t regret it at all, and I don’t regret it either. I’m lucky, I came back alive, and I want to live happily for those who are unlucky. When I’m so old that I can only lie in bed, I want to live with my grandson The granddaughter said, "Your grandfather was amazing at the beginning, and his work was not in vain."

"I, I am an alchemist, I am also a doctor, and now I am a physicist..." The representative of the doctor, Alva's first apprentice, Gavin, the physicist personally appointed by the Queen of Thunder, said stammeringly, "It wasn't originally I should be speaking, but today the physics group has achieved results, so I will speak. I am not familiar with the manuscript, sorry, everyone forgive me!"

Colleagues who were familiar with Gavin's nagging nature when he was nervous silently covered their eyes.

"When I was young, I studied with Mr. Alva. I was the first batch of medical students, but I didn't learn well. When I first started to take Mr. Alva's class, I didn't dare to dissect the corpse at all. The corpse was too scary. , I’ve had nightmares for a long time.” Gavin said ramblingly, “Everyone’s talents are different. People like me are not good at being a doctor. Doctors, such as Lydia, who was a top student at the time, and Fanny. I know Fanny well. She is really nice. She cried when she saw dead bodies and other people’s blood at first, but she was not afraid afterward. The autopsy was done more diligently than anyone else, she said she had to study hard so that she could treat many people..."

The people who had a little commotion over Gavin's unreliable words quieted down as he spoke.

"It's the same this time. I heard that people outside can't do anything about the plague. Fanny set out immediately. She was the first batch of doctors to go out. Others persuaded her, saying that she only needs to stay here to teach students and let the students It's good to go, but she can't sit still. She went out, she..." Gavin sniffed, "she" for a long time, and didn't continue for a while.

"I read the list just now, and everyone heard her name." Gavin breathed out, "Her news came back earlier, I am very sad, and everyone who knows her is very sad. But just a few days ago, we I received the letter, which was sent by a new student Fanny took in outside. He said his name was Bart. Although Fanny’s notes and textbooks were burned, he memorized them. He wrote a copy of the trustee I sent it back and said that he would also become a doctor, hey, his handwriting is very beautiful..."

Gavin wiped away his tears with a sharp sniff, his expression serious and cheered up.

"Sorry, I can't always get the point," he said. "What I want to say is that all our efforts and all our sacrifices are not for nothing. Even if such a terrible thing happens, even if the future encounters more misfortunes. As long as we persist, as long as the fire in our hearts is not extinguished, there will be light in this world."

Physicist Gavin raised his hands, and under his signal, the gradually darkened square suddenly lit up.

The things wrapped around the pillars around the square are not decorations. The generators are running at full capacity, providing a steady current, and the filaments in those round glass **** are heated to incandescent state, and at the same time they shine brightly.

The night in Spring City is lit up by this human light.

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