I Like This Dream!

Vol 2 Chapter 141:

An Xu was taken aback by the thoughtless words.

In the cloudless sky, a bright moon hangs. Every mysterious heavyweight figure always seems to be accompanied by such a full moon. The big and round moon is like the halo of these characters. It seems to be very close to the ground, which makes people doubt that it can be touched by standing on a tall building. Only when you really fly in mid-air, you will find that the moon is always out of reach.

"What's wrong with the moon? You don't want to say that the moonlight is beautiful tonight, do you?" An Xu said with a constipated face, thinking of Natsume Soseki's famous quote.

"The moonlight tonight is really beautiful." Noah said, looking up at the moon leisurely.

The corner of An Xu's mouth twitched, and said, "You are not my type at all."

Noah laughed lowly. He shook his head, as if he thought it was very interesting, and said, "I like you very much."

God's favored Noah looked at An Xu tenderly with his black eyes, his expression was not so much "liked" as "satisfied". There are some emotions similar to ordinary people in this gaze, but it does not make people feel warm at all—farmers in the agricultural group will be as tender as him when they look at the fruits they have cultivated. An Xu was scrutinized by these eyes, and felt as if he was being drooled by a huge dirty and smelly ogre, his heart was hairy, and the hairs on his arms stood on end.

"You ordered these ascetic monks." She asked straight to the point, "Why?"

"It's just an experiment." Noah replied.


"Cultivate angels." He said lightly, "When the true **** is born, enough angels need to die."

"Destroy the world." An Xu repeated, "You want to become a god, but you want to destroy the world?"

"But isn't that what God is going to do?" Noah laughed. "In the beginning of the Bright Bible, God used one page to create the world, and another ten pages to rain down thunder and fire, causing nine-tenths of everything on the earth to die. Only believers can survive, and there will only be believers on this earth. Or the real Bible earlier, do you know the "Revelation"? There are prophecies of deification in the old Bible, and it is necessary to let honor, power and glory belong to God, let lightning, thunder, earthquake, and hail come together, and let war, famine, plague, and death cleanse the earth, this is what the true God will do."

He paused, and then said with some regret: "It's a pity that although the ascetic monks worship the Lord, their ability is far from enough, and the number is too few. They are not as effective as me alone after traveling for such a long time."

Alingu is no longer alive.

The holy city has become a dead city, and Pope Randolph III died in peace. He didn't understand the reason why his son killed him. All the cardinals in Yamenan died with their eyes closed, oh, maybe they died without knowing what happened. The Holy See has concentrated so many supplements in one place so cooperatively, saving Noah from running around. He felt it must be fate.

An Xu stared at Noah, speechless. She was filled with a strong sense of absurdity, the massacre was for conferring gods? Listen to the Bible? It's like going all the way to the big devil, and the big devil said that the reason for his cannibalism is "there is a folk prescription that people whip strong#yang".

If most fanatics are obvious stupid mental patients, Noah's mutant is a calm lunatic. The madness of the king is still within the scope of human comprehension. There are many stupid kings with wrong brains in history, and Noah, who seems to be calm and abnormal in brain circuits, is completely unreasonable. The strong anger blended in this sense of absurdity made An Xu feel that there was a flame burning in his heart.

"You killed so many people for this completely unproven reason." She said through gritted teeth.

"I have to try it." Noah said it as a matter of course, seeing the fire in An Xu's eyes, he showed a surprised expression. He said, "Won't you try it? I thought we were the same."

"Who is the same as you!" An Xu blurted out, "You don't treat them as human beings at all!"

"I just see them as adults. It has been more than three hundred and fifty years since the last era, and human beings have multiplied, and I only kill one-third." Noah laughed, "Aren't you like that?" ?"

His implication is very obvious.

Noah regards all people, including kings and popes, relatives and believers, as human beings, but he does not treat people as the same kind. When he decides to kill, he is neither joyful nor angry, just as a farmer reaps weeds when the scythe is lifted and the weeds fall to the ground. Then he said, you too.

Noah, the divinely favored man, concluded this a long time ago. On a certain day during the stocking, he found that the divinely favored Anna had become indifferent to anything and anyone in the world. He was surprised by this for a while, because the weeping little girl he had met did not have such courage, and now Anna was not the same as before. Did her escape from the dead change her temperament drastically, or was she simply possessed by the devil and really became another person? Noah doesn't care about the answer, he just needs to know that the other party regards everything as a dog like him.

Only those who have the perspective of the gods are qualified to talk to Noah.

However, Noah's cognition was only half right.

If it had been a year earlier, or even a few months earlier, An Xu would probably have been speechless about it. She really doesn't pay attention to people, what is a dream and a game? People who don't take the world seriously, really don't have the right to criticize others, just like a player who joins the good camp can't blame the players who are evil let's go. Having said that, if An Xu from her time was released, she would not be so angry at what Noah did.

It's different now, An Xu has decided not to care about the difference between reality and dreams, to take this world seriously, and live in Yamenan well. The loss is no longer just "Oh, the character I finally collected is dead", the dead are living people, and An Xu's empathy here has been revived.

"I'm not the same as you at all." She said word by word, "I have someone I value, I have companions, so I won't destroy the world."

"This is our point of difference." Noah said with an unchanged expression.

"Ha! You just said that we are the same, and now you are talking about differences? It would be quick to change your words." An Xu laughed.

"We are very similar, but it doesn't mean we have no differences. The two gods I know are completely different." Noah said calmly, "What I just said is the first God, who appeared in the old Bible and the light Bible , killed tens of thousands of people, but made the surviving people extremely love and worship. And what cares about us is His successor, which is extremely kind and gentle, so it has been the raw material for more than three hundred and fifty years."

There is a "god" in Yamenan.

But what is God? Some say he is so powerful that he can create and destroy worlds in a single thought, others that he is merciful in hearing prayers, and in other stories he appears calculative, throwing a tantrum at the lack of a tribute. There is a "god" in Yamenan, but just like every legend that is getting more and more exaggerated, the gods are not as omnipotent as in the stories. That divine...creature can only be called the story of the gods prototype.

Prototypes are much more reasonable and simple than legends.

Long, long ago, a meteor shower tore apart the sky. It is impossible to test the previous world, and the source of the meteor shower is also unknown. Is it the anger of the gods, the pranks of the devil, or the shock caused by the fall of the two? A force that does not belong to the world is spreading in the world.

The history of mankind is almost broken, and there is no truth left, only plausible and exaggerated legends. Probably only the gods in this world can recall that era. "Origin" is like blood memory. After they were baptized by the power of meteorites, they shared the past without historical data.

When the meteorite rain landed, ordinary animals mutated under the influence of the force radiated from the meteorite fragments. Animals with supernatural powers, that is, strange beasts, rapidly reduced the human territory. Humans have also mutated because of this, but perhaps because they are not as sensitive to meteorites as animals, human beings are still struggling to survive under the attacks of alien beasts.

There was a bird that was lucky to be hit by meteorite fragments and survived. The meteorite fragments embedded in its left wing made it gradually become stronger, but it was not completely digested. The reborn giant bird continued to fly north and south according to its instinct, and the meteorite gave it the ability to live forever. After growing day after day and year after year, the giant bird has gradually become a living radiation source, wherever it flies, a beast tide will form.

("You attacked that bird before, and almost succeeded in digging out the meteorite in its left wing." An Xu said, "Unfortunately, I interrupted it. By the way, thanks to the old wound you gave it, I can Get rid of it.")

("That's really great." Noah still smiled, "I'm naturally more happy to see someone to talk to than to save a beast until the end.")

A sheep swallowed a fragment of a meteorite, but luckily did not explode and died.

This is not uncommon. In that era, there were actually many lucky animals that swallowed the fragments. Although they also gained great strength and a long lifespan, they did not give birth to intelligence because of the meteorite. The giant bird's intelligence is not directly affected by the meteorite, but rather it has gained some brains after living for such a long time. In that era of origin, the animals that got meteorite fragments were only particularly powerful beasts.

Sheep is one of them, and it's different, presumably, in that it's pretty weak.

After the migratory bird changes, it will still migrate north and south. Its ability to become ice bird and fire bird stems from the desire of migratory birds to adjust the temperature. Carnivorous and omnivorous animals became doubly aggressive, and they evolved abilities to make hunting easier. Herbivorous wild animals run faster, hide better, and have evolved abilities to avoid being hunted. However, this sheep is completely different. It was born in the sheepfold, and it belongs to the wool sheep used to gather wool, not the meat sheep. It has never been hungry or in danger, so it can barely be called The only way to survive is to please the owner, so a lot of them should be added to the meal.

Sheep has evolved, it can't fly into the sky, it can't hide in the jungle, it's not fast, it's not strong, it doesn't have the slightest means of attack, but the meat on its body is full of delicious energy. Such an out-and-out big fat sheep should be eaten by predators on the second day of the meteorite rain, but it is this kind of waste that survived to the end.

Its ability is to be likable.

To be precise, it is not only to please "human beings", it pleases all creatures. Creatures who approach this big sheep will be affected emotionally, and even have hallucinations, regarding it as the most respectable and most in need of protection. It wanted to drink water, so a group of goats led it to the water source. The aggressive tiger rushed over and ate the goats. As soon as it entered the range, it was affected and began to lead the way instead of the goats. It wants to eat, and the monkeys and squirrels in the whole forest will pick the freshest grass and the sweetest fruit for it. It wants to cross the river, and the crocodiles line up to serve as a step for it. It was going down the mountain, and the brown bear carried it down the cliff.

The sheep without the slightest ability survived day by day. It has a wide body and fat body in the center of the jungle where the jungle preys on the weak, and its ability becomes stronger and stronger as the survival time increases. Powerful alien beasts lingered around it, like ants guarding the queen. These creatures, which are affected more every day, take it first, gradually lose their wildness, and become good at endurance—if you put these beings who have lost their instinctive characteristics of beasts together with the ascetics who have lost their human nature, they will be surprised similar to.

Everything was going well until one day, a person who changed the fate of humans and beasts appeared.

It was a pious missionary, who appeared in the place where the sheep lived by mistake. When he stepped into the area of ​​the sheep, tired and hungry, he saw God in a hallucination.

It is also a matter of course, a priest who prays for the salvation of the gods every day in the dark age of mankind, undoubtedly wants to see God most. He was ecstatic, and rushed desperately to the **** in his heart.

The sheep's ability is to be pleasing and to protect itself, so the creature in the illusion should protect the sheep and never hurt it. The strange beast guarding the sheep has been assimilated to a great extent, like an extension of its will, as long as the existence close to the sheep is not malicious to it, they will not attack.

In theory, sheep should be fairly safe.

The intelligence of this animal would never have imagined that there would be a creature that would want to eat his flesh and drink his blood for the existence he respected most in his heart.

The man saw the savior in the hallucination, and his God said to him: "This is my body, which is given for you; this is my blood, which is given for you. Eat, you should do this, for It's about remembering me."

So he did it.

With an extremely pious heart, the future Urban I devoured the flesh and blood of the sheep without any malice, and the flesh and blood turned into an unprecedentedly powerful supernatural power in his body. Relying on this ability, he left the forest alive and brought the news of the discovery of the gods back to the human shelter where he was. Believers and speculators walked with Urban I, and they were equally fascinated by this power, and wept to see the gods. These people were moved to share the flesh and blood of the sheep, and became powerful supernatural beings.

The ability of "God" to confuse people's hearts is only effective within a certain range. Once they leave, people have the ability to think again. The sheep did not have the same strong influence on these complex humans as they did on the beasts, and not all of them became fanatics. For the future of mankind, they came up with countermeasures. The zealots are sent to the sheep's field, and with pious goodwill, kill the strange beasts that surround the sheep, and bring out the carcasses.

Many people who ate the bodies of these strange beasts burst to death, but many survived. Relying on these rising supernatural beings, after years of fighting, human beings who were divided in various places finally reunited and built Yamenan.

The alien beasts around the gods had been harvested, and people found that the flesh and blood of ordinary alien beasts could not give them supernatural powers. They don't know the role of the meteorite, so they can only regard the remaining sheep as a life-saving straw.

When a person wants to live, the gods can put in the recipe.

"So, there should be quite a few people who have eaten the gods." An Xu said, "But you said that there are only three people who are favored by the gods?"

"Urban I ate the two legs of God. He was really hungry." Noah told a joke that was not funny. Among those who survived, we ate the most bone meal."

"The once-in-a-decade beast tide is because of it?"

"Yes." Noah replied, "Our poor **** is kept underground, and he can only take a breath every ten years, in case it wants to go out too much. It's a pity that the gods have digested that meteorite this year. Completely integrated into its flesh and blood, the Holy See will no longer be able to suppress it."

"It's convenient for you." An Xu curled his lips, "Converting meteorites into flesh and blood that is easy to handle is really a big advantage for people."

"That's true, it's really convenient." Noah looked at An Xu meaningfully.

"Is Urban I really dead?" Anxu asked again, "Why didn't he live to this day like the firebird?"

"have no idea."

"You don't know?" An Xu gave him an exaggerated look, "I thought you knew everything."

"It's just a few years older than you." Noah admitted frankly, "We just inherited the memory of God, not the memory of the Pope. He may have died of an old injury, or he may have eaten too much after all. He didn't make it through old age. It's also possible that he ate too little, was too cowardly at heart, and was only a quasi-god in the end."

After Noah finished speaking, he glanced at An Xu.

Noah the Blessed One is a priest with aristocratic demeanor, he is very polite, and he looks people in the eye when he speaks. He explained for half the night that day, and the moon rose a lot. During this period, Noah looked at An Xu the whole time. It stands to reason that An Xu should not have any reaction to his gaze. The spiritual realm surrounding Noah has not sensed any emotions, but at this moment, An Xu felt a needle-like sense of danger.

She flew backwards without thinking, and then saw a slight fluctuation in the night sky where she was just now, as if the space in front of her was actually a pattern on a piece of paper, and the paper was gently pulled by a hand from nowhere. An Xu felt a breeze on her cheek, which surprised her.

An Xu was not surprised by Noah's sudden attack. Noah talked for a long time, but the meaning behind his words was obvious. An Xu, or Anna who was selected by Noah before. Sullivan is the seed of his waiting for the result. He has been eagerly looking forward to it like a gu, and he knows that it is not because he regards the final winner as a companion. What surprised her was the breeze blowing across her cheeks, which was not considered a serious attack, but this ray of induction happened when Anxu's protective shield tightly wrapped herself.

It's like being in an airtight space suit and feeling something blowing behind your ear.

An Xu didn't stop for a moment, and retreated hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye. The distorted space behind her chased after her, making her look like a jet plane leaving a trail of exhaust behind it. An Xu turned at a right angle and abruptly moved away from the original path. She could see that the thing following her continued to extend a long way to where she was just now, and it became bigger and bigger, just like the night sky Cracked.

An Xu didn't turn his head back, and before the distortion disappeared from his sight, the thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air, pierced the night, and rushed towards Noah on the other side.

The abilities she can use are no longer limited to Thunderbolt, but Thunderbolt is still her most loyal partner. The power of thunder and lightning is to Anxu, just like ice and fire are to giant birds, it is an instinct that can be used without thinking. Just in a blink of an eye, countless electric snakes of the same color as the moonlight twisted into one strand, and roared menacingly towards Noah.

However, it passed through.

Noah didn't move a single finger, Shi Shiran stood where he was. The continuous electric dragons just kept passing through like this, and the two of them seemed to be on two different layers. An Xu frowned, and the thunder and lightning turned from the spear into fireworks, and began to project on Noah in pieces.

Lightning **** bloomed near Noah, and the spherical lightning that Anxu once regarded as the killer of the beast tide was thrown around for nothing. If this was not midair but the ground, the surrounding miles should have been razed to the ground, and there may be deep deep depression. The light of lightning engulfed the figure in black robe, and the indiscriminate bombardment lasted for a full five minutes before calming down.

In the midair where the original brightness had been restored, Noah's intact figure reappeared.

"So, it's my turn now?" Noah said, "Give it back to you? No, the poisonous snake will not be poisoned by its own venom, so it's better to go elsewhere."

After a delay of about a second, the thunder exploded again.

This is not An Xu's handwriting.

An Xu, who was in the confrontation, turned his head suddenly, only to see a series of thunder and fire exploded on the ground not far away. The picture she had imagined just now is appearing on the ground at this moment, and the surrounding houses and trees are as if destroyed, and there is nothing left in an instant. However, the thunder and lightning that exploded downward still persisted and continued until the ground sank deeply, leaving a bottomless pothole.

"Can you tell me about it?" Noah said, "How does it feel to kill your important companion?"

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