I Like This Dream!

Vol 2 Chapter 144:


Lydia's hands were shaking, and her body trembled slightly, twitching from time to time, like a remote-controlled robot with a bad battery. She moved very slowly, her joints seemed to be rusted, and her eyes were trembling in their sockets, as if heaven and man were at war.

The ascetic monks of the Great Ascetic Monastery are all descendants of ascetic monks. For generations, they have used a large amount of holy water containing the flesh and blood of the sheep, and lived in an environment of daily brainwashing since childhood. They can be said to be the best "conductors". When the sheep worshiped as a **** was still alive, it was limited by human beings, and its intelligence was relatively low, so it would not have a huge impact on the ascetics. But when Noah replaces the sheep and inherits its legacy, these excellent conductors who are not fortified against God will easily become his puppets.

Noah is not worried that the ascetic monk in front of him will be an exception, he just needs to wait for a while, a little while.

He is right.

Ascetic Lydia walked slowly towards them, ignoring the calls of her companions. She took out the dagger, and the person pointed at by the knife gasped. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Lydia.

An Xu is still awake, even though she prefers to faint. Her mind was clouded by the pain, and even watching Lydia walk towards her didn't cause much ripple. Light golden eyes and green eyes looked at each other. The owners of both eyes were out of their minds. The most excited person here was the paladin on the other side of the barrier. Chris' voice was blocked on the other side, and he could only see his anxiety Extremely expression.

Lydia's dagger plunged into Anxu's chest precisely.

"Stop! Lydia!" The knight screamed hoarsely from the other end, "Ann!"

An Xu opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Lydia's body was no longer trembling, and her knife fingers were as steady as she had been in her ascetic training, as if she were standing at the operating table with the scalpel. The sharp dagger went straight into Anxu's heart, cutting out her spiritual core precisely, as if prying open the shell and peeling off the fruit.

The blood smeared on An Xu's chest, her lips were as pale as paper, but there was a force that prevented her from escaping this terrible reality with a coma. She could not move her neck, nor could she move her eyelids, so she could only look at the executioner with nothing to look at. The ascetic monk seemed to be burned by this gaze, and his stabilized body began to tremble uncontrollably again. His green eyes blinked twice, and were quickly filled with tears.

In the next blink of an eye, two water marks appeared on the ascetic monk's cheeks. She remained expressionless. These two lines of tears appeared extremely abruptly, just like tears from a puppet in a strange story.

But the dagger didn't stop.

The ascetic monk's movements were very neat, and Anxu's spiritual core and undigested fragments of the giant bird were dug out without much flesh and blood on them. Noah nodded in satisfaction, and stretched out his hand to her.

In fact, Mr. Demigod has the ability to cut another God-favored person by himself, but he thinks that such trivial matters do not need to be labored by himself, and it is a kind of dramatic effect to let "the God-favored person Anna important person" do the final blow. taste. This scene pleased Noah and made him laugh with interest. As his final rival lay dying, the angel held her core and offered it to the returning god. Noah thought that taking this as his last step to become a **** would not lose the religious implication.

Lydia held the red-stained core and turned to Noah. It was a crystal, more beautiful than the crystal nucleus of any alien beast, and the power contained in it was beyond the reach of ordinary alien beasts. On the side of the spiritual core, a small amount of red tissue wrapped a protruding mass of meat, from which the power of the meteorite emanated, and it had not yet been digested. The whole set of fragments is no more than half the size of a fist, and it floats in the palm of the ascetic monk, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

The energy contained in it makes the spiritual core and fragments both in this world and outside this world. It is this characteristic that allows such extra parts to grow well in Anxu's heart. It is so small, but it has infinite possibilities, and even Noah is swayed by it.

He grabbed it, and from the moment he lost his master, the violent power was like a storm brewing under the ice, and he began to struggle as soon as he touched Noah. Noah held the last fragment of God, and the planner for most of his life was finally in his hands, and he swallowed it without thinking about it.

Noah is not a reckless person. He has planned countless times for today, and he has made complete preparations before swallowing the spiritual core, and the timing of his mouth is also on the safest point—"preparation" and "safety" "It means that the power in the spiritual core is not easy to backfire, and he is more than 90% sure to digest it. if not? For Noah now, what else is there to be vigilant about, which might pose a threat? Anna, the God-favored one who has been deprived of her power, is no longer worth mentioning. As for others, haha, are you talking about the obedient ascetic, or the knight who was blocked?

Proper caution is prudence, excessive nervousness is cowardice and humbleness, and Noah is not only not cowardly, he is also quite arrogant. God's favored ones never take people seriously, just like people don't worry about ants. Therefore, at the moment of swallowing the spiritual core, Noah's attention was all on digestion, and his vigilance against the outside world dropped to the lowest point in history.

Lydia moved at this moment.

She was only an arm's length away from Noah, with a spiritual core in her left hand and a dagger in her right hand. The moment Noah opened his mouth to swallow, Lydia's speed increased to the extreme, and she stabbed at Noah.

An assassin in close quarters is more terrifying than the best fighter, and the power that erupts at that moment can be compared with An Xu's thunderbolt like raindrops. She seized the only chance, and the spirit core with chaotic power raged in Noah's body. Even if he was as powerful as Noah, when facing the same level of power, he had to spend most of his energy on stably digesting it. superior. Whether it is the strength he can use, or his attention to the outside world, it has reached the lowest point at this moment. The ordinary dagger sticking with Anxu's blood suddenly pierced Noah's heart with extremely fast speed and tricky angle. It pierced the black robe in the blink of an eye and almost fell into the priest's body.


The power Noah can use is very small, and his attainments are far inferior to Anxu's in terms of using mental power to construct a shield. But to let ordinary people judge, this so-called weakness can't be felt at all, and the weakened and weakened ability is also so strong that it makes people despair.

The demigod Noah raised his protection at the last moment, and the personal shield formed by the condensed mental power blocked Lydia's knife tip. The last point of distance became a natural moat, and it was impossible to advance any further.

That is the difference between heaven and man.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and within half a second of Lydia's violent attack, this assassination with all its strength had already been declared a failure. Noah realized what happened in an instant, and he was quite surprised, surprised that an ascetic monk could actually do something to him. However, he was in a critical moment, and he didn't have so much time to think about such small details, so Noah had already reacted before he was surprised.

The mental blade is faster than the wind blade, and it is not as good as Anxu's artificial meat grinder, but it is enough for mere humans. It scratched the ascetic monk's neck, and a line of blood sprayed out. Noah even took the time to make a protective shield so that the blood of mortals would not stain his clothes.

However, at the same time that line of blood appeared on the ascetic's slender neck, another thing happened.

The knight who seemed helpless against the air wall created by Noah just now broke through the air wall in an instant. He appeared in front of Noah like a thunderbolt, as fast as a flash. The dagger that had killed Eva, who had previously killed the lightning supernatural power, was thrown at Noah aggressively. arrive.

How different are two daggers from one? It’s just overreaching, Noah thought. The dagger that dared to offend the demigod twisted in mid-air, seeing a bloodstain appearing on Chris's neck, but the knight had already retreated at an incredible speed. Before the retreating knight landed, his figure had disappeared out of thin air.

Only at this moment did Lydia's body fall heavily to the ground, her trachea was cut open, and what awaited her was not a brief painful death. However, the ascetic monk had a triumphant smile on his face, but Noah, who was unscathed, frowned and looked at the empty ground at his feet.

In the place where Anxu, the favored of the gods, was lying, now only her blood remains. The knight rushing over looked like a knight who was going to die together, but the attack on Noah was just a cover. At that moment, he picked up the half-dead God's favored person and rushed into the teleportation array that had been prepared.

It was a seamless fit, and Chris had been patient, pretending he couldn't break through the air wall, until he seized the last, best, and only chance. He only exposed the level of power of the plague rat that Noah made before. Noah, who was busy digesting the spirit core, probably wouldn't pay the price to hunt down a little guy of this level and a half-dead man who had stripped the spirit core. man of. This last-ditch effort finally paid off.

Noah clicked his tongue and looked down at the dying ascetic. There was a dying gasp in her throat, but the smile on her face didn't fade in the slightest. Even when Noah looked over, the demonstration seemed to expand. Noah tilted his head in confusion, and his spirit penetrated into the mind of the ascetic monk.

Great. The ascetic was thinking.

I'm sorry, thank you. The ascetic was thinking.

The ascetic didn't agree to attack with the knight, she just gathered enough strength to resist at the end, giving the knight a chance to attack. The ascetic monk has no resistance against Noah, she is probably just different from other ascetic monks who are as simple as white paper.

Lydia is an ascetic monk born in a great ascetic monastery. Her step-by-step life had a turning point when she was twelve years old. She was sent to spy on Anna the Favored, and then she saw a world she had never imagined.

Lydia learned how people lived outside the Great Penitentiary, and people did many, many other things besides praying and penance. If she only saw Yamenan, she would not be shocked much. The ascetic monks in the Great Ascetic Monastery have never been stubborn. But what Lydia saw was unlike any traveling ascetic. She saw a new world, born from the fingertips of the Creator beside her.

Everyone here has something to do, every day is not suffering, and people are not looking forward to God's call like other places. They live vigorously, are full of energy to build their own cities, create their own wealth, and are full of hope for the future every day. They perform their duties, their fate is not determined from birth or gender differentiation, and the common people can do more than pray to the gods. People united against the beasts, people united against the plague, and darkness, cold and hunger, and they succeeded.

Lydia didn't understand a lot of things, and Ann said she should ask and talk more. Ann would answer her questions, and there were questions Lydia would find the answers herself in a few years, if only to keep them in her mind. Ann had many strange fallacies, but Lydia found herself unable to refute them. The seeds of doubt took root in her granite head, making the hard stone soft and loose.

Lydia met a lot of people. The ascetic monk Nancy said that God loves the shepherd and the lamb equally, and the mercy of the gods is reflected on everyone. Esther, the Patriarch of the Evangelical Church, said that she hoped that people would care more about the world they are living in than the well-being of God's kingdom after death, and that God lives in the heart rather than a temple of gold. Ann said, eat more meat and grow taller. If God wants his most devout believers to waste their bodies for no reason, He must be a bad thing that should be defeated.

Ann said that everyone is different, and of course Lydia is also different from other ascetic monks.

Ann said, you are unique.

Perhaps because of this, Lydia seriously considered the option of learning from an alchemist, and she decided to go, which was the first decision she made by herself in her life. Her teacher, Alva, is a very knowledgeable person, and the strict academic requirements can be called easy for an ascetic monk. Lydia likes the feeling of holding a scalpel, she likes saving people more than killing people, and she likes the feeling of making her own decisions. It's her decision that leads to the life she chooses.

Lydia didn't particularly hide her skills. Once during the beast tide, as a field doctor, she personally assassinated two ferocious beasts when reinforcements were insufficient. The officer who saw this scene afterwards was full of praise for her, and even went to ask the lord if he could transfer Lydia to the special forces. "What a pity!" the officer couldn't help saying, "Miss Lydia is such a powerful fighter, don't you think it's a waste to just let her tie a bandage?"

"An adult can cut people with a broken iron sword. How much time, energy and money do you think it takes to train a doctor?" The lord replied, "What's more, she can be whatever she likes, and others can't control it. It's a waste of money." size?"

Lydia had a sleepless night when she heard this. This kind of thing will never happen in the Great Ascetic Abbey. All the ascetic monks are a part of a huge machine, and the Ascetic Abbey will make them what they need to do. In the birthplace where efficiency is the priority, where is there room for choice?

No one thought about what to choose.

From birth, the ascetics of the Great Ascetic had no choice, including their names. The children born in the Great Penitentiary were all named according to the order in the Bright Bible. There are 617 names in the Bright Bible, so the range they can name is within these 617 names, which are drawn up according to the order of birth and gender. The children of the asylum have no surname, they are called the children of God, just as the holy ones are called the bride of God.

There are countless "Lydia" in the history of hundreds of years, it just represents the order of the 231st of this batch. So strictly speaking, Lydia also has no name. The ascetic monks in the Great Ascetic Monastery have no names and no lives of their own. After they die, they will leave nothing but their bodies.

The ascetic monk Lydia, who was breathing weakly on the ground, showed a happy smile when reviewing the memories stirred up by Noah.

Ascetic Lydia, medical student Lydia, doctor Lydia, is different from other ascetics.

Although very short, Lydia, who has no surname, has really lived in this world.

"I can't understand it." Noah whispered, "However, a flawed soul cannot be an angel."

He sighed, and the invisible force crushed Lydia's heart.

The bright full moon is about to fall, and when most of the people in Yamenan are still dreaming, the fate of Yamenan is quietly changing.

From a certain day, news of "devil ascetic monks haunting" began to appear everywhere in Yamenan. These terrible ascetic monks are all supernatural beings. Where did the slaughter go. The private army of ordinary lords was vulnerable in front of them, many villages were destroyed, and corpses were everywhere.

Fortunately, after the plague and the great purge, the structure of Yamenan has undergone slight changes. The territory of Duke Anna has greatly expanded, and 70% of the population is under the protection of the Duke, and she has the most powerful army in Yamenan. After the two incidents of devil ascetic monks, the entire territory began to enter a state of martial law. Even the ascetic monks with high combat power could never return under the attack of the powerful army.

However, Duke Anna himself has never shown up.

Urburg, which has reached a cooperative relationship with Duke Anna, received aid and the original wealth of the royal capital, which should have left the capital of Yamenan unscathed. However, the king's capital was breached very easily, because Noah went there himself.

He didn't summon any disasters, and didn't show any power. This divinely favored man in plain white clothes and holding the Pope's staff just stood there, and everyone seemed to see a god.

"Let's go!" Prime Minister Roland hurriedly appeared in front of Queen Eve, and said anxiously, "Something is wrong, let's leave the capital!"

"Where's John?" Eve lifted her skirt and ran behind Roland.

"There are others to respond!" Roland said as he activated the teleportation array, and the broken attendants burned the teleportation room after they disappeared.

"No one is going to pick up John." Eve said suddenly after several jumps between teleportation arrays.

"Why do you think so? We will take care of you and His Majesty John IV separately..."

"I trust you, Your Excellency the Duke." Eve interrupted him, "But I also discovered the disappearance of members of the royal family."

"...Just to be on the safe side, Your Majesty." Roland admitted, "John IV is hidden in a safe place in Urburg, guarded by many supernatural beings and agencies. The former king Richard II is in the palace, if their Not all members of the royal family were targeted and His Majesty the King will be safe."

Prince Ronald, the eldest son of Richard II, an offshoot of the royal family earlier... The disappearance of members of the royal family has been happening quietly, from remote offshoots to close blood relatives, they all disappear completely. Eve is not as careless as Richard II. She has been secretly investigating the disappearances of royal family members for a long time, and found that these disappearances are related to the Holy See. If Noah, the divinely favored representative of the Holy See, has anything to do with this, for a person who needs a member of the royal family, taking John IV is tantamount to avoiding wolves with blood dripping.

"You gave up the king." Eve said, "Aren't you worried about being criticized for it?"

"I value his wise mother more than a child less than five years old." Roland replied, "If she wants, any child can be John IV."

This is the answer Eve was waiting for.

God's favored Noah does not actually represent the Holy See—even though he seems to be the only one left to represent the old Holy See—Noah only represents himself. However, Eve and Roland's guess was very correct. He did not occupy Urborg, but just walked around the capital. Richard II, John IV, and all who had royal blood in them, were gone.

Noah has devoured his compatriots in various senses. He is stronger than ever, and it can be said that he is invincible in Yamenan. Unfortunately, such results did not satisfy him.

What is the use of being invincible? What he wants is to stand in the sky.

where is the problem? Noah thought about it, recalling that promise. He thought, probably because the blood of man had not yet flooded the earth.


A blond girl in her early teens hurried out of the confession room, holding a small paper bag in her palm. She stopped in the shadow of the corner, took a small breath, then went out, and got into the carriage surrounded by servants.

After dozens of minutes, the girl fell on the bed in her room, her body twitching slightly, but the strange thing was that there was no pain on her face, only a light apprehension. She bit her lip, trembling and looking at the small paper bag in her palm, she swallowed all the white powder in it.

A blond girl in her early teens hurried out of the confession room, holding a small paper bag in her palm. She stopped in the shadow of the corner, took a small breath, then went out, and got into the carriage surrounded by servants.

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