120 – Meeting with them (1)

– Han Seo-jun, an E-rank hunter. What is his ability?

– Was there a reason you joined the Theocratic Clan?

– “Sudden ability awakening?” Han Seo-joon, an A-rank talent?!

– Multiple Awakeners? How many abilities does he have?

The Internet is quite noisy.

My name is plastered all over the portal site.

This is because he subdued monsters using various abilities.

By joa****

Title: ㅅㅅ Did you hear about the Yeongdeungpo monster incident?

└ hahahaha Seo-joon Han was a shack deceiver?

└ Ah, it was strong.

└ I should have recognized Lee Ji-hyun from the time I joined the clan.

└ Han Seo-Jun Coin Rice Cake Gazuaaa!

└ ㅇㅋ

By munp****

Title: What was Han Seo-joon in Yeongdeungpo? Wasn’t it E rank?

└ Mall?

└ “I am Seojun Han. He is a person who is doing Hunter as a hobby.”

└ Blah blah blah

└ But what is it really? I think I used all of the yeomdong series, the ice series, and the strengthening series?

└ Aren’t you really a person with multiple abilities?

By novel***

Title: Aren’t multi-talented people’s ability proficiency low?

└ Yes. He’s not a dog genius or training even one ability is too much lol

└ Bastards, why are you raising Han Seo-joon? That’s right, isn’t it below A rank?

└ hahahahaha Do you think A-Rang looks like a guy?

└ I envy the f*cking telekinesis ability

└ Oh, the guys who will be good are different ㅠㅠ

I quietly looked down at my phone.

All kinds of reasoning is rampant.

It’s understandable that they talk about it.

These days, Jihyun and Yerin were involved in a scandal, and in the midst of a lot of talk, not only did they use various abilities out of the blue, but they also showed performances comparable to those of an A-ranked person.

There are very few cases where multiple abilities have been utilized to this extent.

No wonder people are surprised.

‘I never thought this day would come.’

I feel a bit flustered in many ways.

Because he is an A-ranked or multi-talented person, people are paying positive attention to him.

Emotions are bound to be new. Memories of being a porter flashed through my mind. It wasn’t long before he realized that it was an absorption ability. You really don’t know what people do.

– The door opens.

“Ah, we have arrived.”

I got out of the Hunter Gallery.

I put down my phone and carefully looked away.

The door of the elevator was wide open before I knew it.

As I slowly moved my steps, I suddenly saw my destination.

This is the conference room of the Clan House.

About the incident that Sol visited and talked about a while ago, she made an appointment to meet in the conference room to talk with them for a while.

It was a bit difficult to free up time because everyone had a tight schedule, but I was able to schedule an appointment somehow.

She told me that whether she was lucky or bad, even Yerin, who had been stuck in the surname Sega, would be able to make some time for herself.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to meet Yerin.

‘I don’t think Yerin will be okay.’

She was Yerin, who hesitated, saying that contacting me might weaken her heart, but she exchanged her regards from time to time.

So she was able to roughly know the situation of the family name.

‘According to what Yerin said, she is taking over (?) The family name quite smoothly.’

I grabbed the conference room doorknob.

I saw a watch. When I checked the time, there was still quite a bit left until the appointment.

It seemed a little early, but I opened the door to the conference room without much thought.


“…… Ooh, ooh.”


“…… uuu”

“What are you talking about?”

A gloomy sob sounded clear.

I turned her gaze to her with her puzzled expression.

An ashy-haired woman was sniffling, her head banged against the table.

‘Isn’t that Yerin?’

I’m a little embarrassed.

Why is Yerin doing that?

Even when they contacted me to meet, they said, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Hee-hee” While smiling broadly?

No matter what had happened in the last few days, he seemed helpless, as if he had lost his family.

“Hey Yerin?”

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“Ah…… Teacher…… ?”

“It’s been a while. But why are you like that?”

“Nothing…… Sniff…… It’s nothing…… Just…… Black.”

Exuding a gloomy aura, he lies half-prostrate on the table and carefully turns his head to look up at me.

Two eyes full of unknown depression are looking at me.

I was worried about what had happened to Yerin as there was even a slight drop of water on it.

It’s almost the first time I’ve seen Yerin so depressed.

“What happened?”

“Really, really…… Because it’s nothing…… You don’t have to worry, whimper, don’t use it…….”

“No. How can you not care when you’re sobbing? Say it once, Yerin. Maybe I can help.”

“Seo, teacher niiiiim… ….”

“Is it because the surname tax is not going well? When I called, they said everything went well, but in fact, wasn’t there a little problem?”

I cautiously approached and patted him on the back.

Small Yerin’s back trembled.

It was like a small rabbit.

“Okay…… It’s okay sir…….”

Yerin raised her head at her glance and muttered as she looked up at me.

The sight of Yerin sitting in her chair with her shoulders drooping with her helpless expression made her look really sad.

If it was like usual, the moment he saw my face, he would have come running like a puppy and smiling. ….

‘Ah, can’t it be because of that?’

The picture Jihyun sent me a while ago.

Are you shocked by the picture?

No matter how much they share a lover, the picture Jihyun sent must have been quite shocking. Because seeing it with your own two eyes will feel different from imagining it.

‘No. Wait for a sec. You contacted Yerin after the photo was sent, right? When she contacted her, Yerin was fine as usual. So it’s not because of the photos?’

So what’s the problem? I don’t know.

I’ll have to ask Yerin directly.

“The surname tax is really…… Are you okay…… We are calmly reducing the forces that oppose us…… I am slowly transfusing new blood while creating my own faction by attracting marginalized forces.”

“Uh…… So?”

“Yes…… The other brothers and sisters were a bit repulsed, but…… Through sharpening her sword, she is firmly trampled on, and the difference in her strength is constantly imprinted on her…… It’s pretty good except for a few people…….”

“I see.”

I wondered what the expression “Certainly trampled on” Would be, but I was relieved to hear that the problem was being resolved.

In the first place, the fact that Yerin could be away like this was proof that things were being resolved without any major problems.

“Then what is the problem?”

“…… Absolutely no problem, sir. Because it’s personal. Okay…… Are you okay.”

If you say it with a face that is not okay at all, there is no credibility.

I swallowed lightly. What should I do? Yerin really doesn’t seem to want to talk.

I slightly averted my gaze. Then the books that were scattered on the table caught my eyes. What are those books?

‘Mother’s Handbook? How to raise a baby?’

What is it?

What about those?

Could it be related?


Did you feel my gaze?

With a slightly puzzled look, Yerin slowly stretched out her arms to cover her books.

I stared at her for a moment and then pursed her lips.

“Yerin, Ryu Yerin.”

“Teacher…… Sir?”

I put my hands on Yerin’s shoulders.

Then she looked at Yerin with serious eyes.

Yerin looked up at me with her wet eyes.

Yerin’s reddish eyes were full of sadness.

“That…… The face is a bit close…….”

“Yerin. What am I to you?”

“Yes? Yes?”

“What kind of relationship do we have? Tell me, Yerin.”

“No, that’s me and…” … Teacher…….”

As she asked her question right in front of her nose, Yerin shyly avoided her eyes. She hunched her shoulders, unable to meet her eyes.

I moved my hand to hold Yerin’s hand slightly so that she wouldn’t avoid her gaze. “Ah, ah,” Yerin said, blushing.

“Tell me.”

“Teacher… ….”

Yerin cautiously licked her lips, unable to straighten her reddish face.

“…… Lover. I am a lover.”

“Right. Yerin. I’m your boyfriend yes?”

As he removed her hand from her cheek, Yerin gently nodded her head with her slightly blank eyes.

“Yes, ma, yes, sir… ….”

“I may not be of much help, but Yerin, how can I, as a lover, stay still when you are having such a hard time?

I gently grabbed Yerin’s hand.

It felt warm and soft to the touch.

It’s been a while since Yerin and her hands seemed to touch each other.

Yerin tried to pull her hand out of her shyness, but when I got stronger, she grabbed it and her shoulder flinched once, then slowly turned her head.

“Yerin. From your point of view, I may not be reliable. Even if you have a problem, you may not be able to solve it. If it’s a problem you can’t solve, I won’t be able to solve it either.”

“Oh, no. It’s not like that…….”

“Then can you tell me? I don’t want to just watch you, my lover, suffer like this. I want to help as much as possible.”

“Ah…… Flaw. Teacher…… Sir… ….”

As I gently stroked her hair and spoke, Yerin called out to me as if she was slightly weeping.

‘Ha…… This is true.’

It’s a little cheesy.

But sometimes it’s not bad to say this, right?

First of all, I had to find out why Yerin was having a hard time.

‘Seeing Yerin, who is normally blunt, sad like this, must be a big deal for her, right?’

I just stared at Yerin with a slightly more serious look.

“…… I, over there, actually.”

She was Yerin who hesitated for a moment, but she soon started talking about her as if she had her heart settled.

“It’s not about me, it’s about a friend I’ve been really close with.”

“Friends? Could it be Mina’s story?”

An unexpected word came out.

There are not many people who can say that Yerin is her friend.

Mina is probably the only friend I meet these days.

…… Could it be that something is wrong with Mina?

“Oh, no. Not Mina…… Therefore…… My name is Dahyun.”

“Dahyeon? It’s the first name I’ve heard.”

“She’s my last name. I met her when she was in Sega. We were really close when we were young…….”

“Ah. I see.”

Dahyeon, Dahyun, Dahyun…….

It’s strange. Not unfamiliar

It sounds like a name you’ve heard a lot somewhere.

‘Huh? Could it be that it’s not Seong Da-hyun?’

Sung Da-hyun, a high ranker in the family name family.

The only Dahyun I know is Seong Dahyun.

“Uh, so? What happened to Dahyun?”

I was a little curious, but I didn’t bother asking.

That’s not important right now.

Let’s continue listening to Yerin’s story.

“Uh…… That’s it…… Dahyun is…….”

Yerin was hesitant to say something.

I glanced at mine and bit her lips.

But she closed her eyes tightly and she slowly opened her mouth.

“…… That. I was pregnant.”

“Huh? Really? Seong Da-hyun?”

Isn’t this a pretty surprising fact?

“It’s something to celebrate. But what’s wrong? Could it be that it was an unwanted pregnancy?”

“Oh, that’s not it… ….”

I asked a question with a puzzled expression, but Yerin denied it with an ambiguous expression.

“Then what?”

“When Dahyun used the pregnancy tester, she definitely said two lines.”

“Two lines…….”

“So Dahyun was very happy when she found out she was pregnant.”

Yerin started to cry again.

No, why is he really like this?

Have a man day.

“I thought Dahyun was pregnant, so he really liked it…… He names the child, weaves the clothes, and thinks about how to decorate the child’s room.”

“Huh. Do you really think it was good to have children?”

“Yes…… These days, Dahyun is busy with the family name, so he went to the gynecologist and couldn’t get a direct examination, but he really thought he was having a baby.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

“Yes… ….”

Yerin suddenly bit her lip and bowed her head.

“After taking the test…… Is there such a thing as an imaginary pregnancy?”

“No, what is that…… ? Did you test with a pregnancy test?”

“Because the accuracy rate of the pregnancy test is 95%…… That’s the wrong deal.”

I sighed.

I liked it so much that I was pregnant.

I think he must have been quite shocked.

“I did a blood test at the hospital and it said it was an error due to hormone imbalance. However, Dahyun even received an ultrasound scan as if she couldn’t believe it…… How much he wanted a child…….”

The depressive look is evident throughout.

It seems like he and Seong Da-hyun are really close.

Because it’s the first time I’ve seen Yerin worry like that.

‘I feel sorry for Yerin, but I don’t think she is sensitive enough to shed tears over other people’s affairs.’

Is it that you have a close relationship with Seong Da-hyun enough to reveal your emotions this far?

For some reason, I was relieved.

Since she was Ye-rin, who had no social skills, she was usually worried.

She thought that she was fortunate in many ways that there was someone she could give her heart to except for me.

“It’s a pity.”

“Yes… ….”

Yerin looked at my face once and gave a sad reply.

I don’t know why, but when he saw my face, he seemed a little moved.

No, why are you looking at me and crying?

This is true.

“I can tell just by listening to how much a woman named Dahyun wanted a child. It must be sad But there are plenty of opportunities. Is not it?”

“Opportunity…… Yo. This?”

“Yes. Seong Da-hyun’s husband-to-be isn’t running away anywhere.”

“Yes. Yes.”

“Did it be difficult for you to conceive because of something wrong with your body?”

“No. I am healthy.”

“Really? Then tell me you don’t have to be so impatient.”

“Ah…… Yes. Teacher.”

I lightly stroked Yerin’s hair.

Yerin felt my touch and looked at me carefully.

Her eyes, which had been wet with moisture, glowed reddish.

“The opportunity is…… There must be a lot…… ?”

“Of course not. Uh, could it be that she’s not getting along with her boyfriend?”

“No. It’s not like that…….”

“Then there will be no problem. If you have a good relationship with her boyfriend, won’t you naturally have children someday?”

“Yes, I see…” … I guess I, no, Dahyun was impatient.”

Yerin secretly wiped away her tears and gave a small smile.

“By the way, Yerin. I was really surprised that you were sobbing all of a sudden.”

“Ah, ah. I’m sorry, sir.”

I tossed Yerin’s hair slightly as I muttered a little unevenly.

Yerin immediately apologized with her restless face.

“I was surprised to find out what really happened, but I didn’t expect you to be so sad about someone else.”

“I have a lot of tears. Teacher?”

“Will you reflect on what you have done and say something like that?”


She really didn’t know, so she was at a loss for words.

“Whatever. I thought the reason you were sobbing was because of that picture. What?”

“A picture? Ah!”

I wonder if it was a scratch from scratching?

Yerin flashed her eyes as if she remembered.

She looks at me with a swishing, intense look, as if just a moment ago she was drooping down with a melancholy look, and that was a lie.

“Right! That’s right! Teacher, what is that picture? Seriously!”

They are arguing with each other.

“Did you do it with that, that, that Jihyun unnie? Yes?!”

“No, what.”

“Huh, huh. Too bad…… When I say do it…… I ignored…… Is it because I’m small? I’m not as glamorous as Jihyun unnie…….”

“You know it’s not like that, Yerin.”

“Then why don’t you do it with me?”

Ah, damn you made a mistake.


“Uh, huh?”

“That teacher is your lover, right? Yes?”

“Yes. I told you earlier. I am your lover.”

“Then make one promise with me.”



Erin nodded her head vigorously and put on a hurt expression to show her determination. I could roughly guess what she was going to say.

“Since Jihyun did it with her sister, do it with me too…” ….”


Before Yerin could finish her words, the door to her meeting room opened.

As the door suddenly opened, Yerin and I focused our eyes on the door.

There were two familiar figures outside the door.

“They were here first.”

“Hello. Mr. Seojun, Ms. Yerin.”

It was Jihyeon with a haughty expression and Seoyoon smiling brightly.

“Ah. Jihyun.”


Jihyun glanced through the books on motherhood on the table, then snorted once.

“Ha. What are those books?”

Ji-hyeon looked at Ye-rin as if he was being ridiculous, shook his head, and started slowly approaching me.

“Seojun, how are you?”

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“Oh, yes.”

Ji-hyeon suddenly arrived right in front of his nose.

Suddenly, memories of his first experience came to mind.

After that day, every time I saw Jihyun, I got a bit nervous.

“Come to think of it… ….”

Ji-hyeon glanced sideways at Ye-rin and then, without delay, covered my lips.



Seoyoon exclaimed in surprise as her face blushed slightly, and Yerin made an expression of embarrassment at Jihyeon’s sudden action.

Soon after, Jihyun took her lips away from me and smiled at Yerin with a confident expression.

“…… Didn’t you kiss today?”

“Oh, sister!”

When Yerin reflexively shouted, Jihyunie swiped at her lips and proudly declared.

“Why? Is this your first time kissing your boyfriend?”

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