I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 15 I’m anxious, but he’s not good at it

"Jace versus Kassadin, this matchup is very comfortable."

"Penicillin is playing with confidence, this one is going to be c."

New blog post below.

There have been more comments, and netizens are actually not stingy with praise.

"Okay, okay, keep up the good work."

"Brother, the cards are okay, they have that flavor."

"Holy shit, it's Jace."

"Jace fights Cassadine, don't press casually from the front."

The audience was optimistic.

LGD took away Jess and Jinx on the second and third floors, and VG added Zack and Big Mouth.

In the end, LGD locked Thresh and Rambo, moved the troll jungler, and VG Kang selected Ekko in the special position.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed——

LGD (Blue) Rambo, Troll, Jayce, Jinx, Thresh

VG (Red) Ekko, Zach, Kassadin, Big Mouth, Braum

In terms of talent.

Qin Hao continued to click on Thunder, but changed it to 12-18-0, and clicked on Level 2 Fury, Level 3 Sorcery, Feast, Blood-sucking Habit and Bounty Hunter (for every enemy hero killed, the damage will increase by 1% ).

Want combat power bonus.

Because when playing Sadin, there should be many opportunities to steal points. Bringing Thunder is convenient for suppressing, and the summoner's skills can also flash and ignite.

This is Qin Hao's understanding.

He felt that Jace, who had developed ahead of schedule, had the attack power of War Zeal, but how to develop ahead of schedule was the key. This hero is strong in the early stage, but the winning rate of the three- and four-piece sets will decline. When he reaches the six gods, the curve will increase slightly.

The premise of all this is Jace's equipment advantage.

The disadvantaged Jace is an OB man.

Enter the spring.

PYL does not plan a first-level group.

He felt that it was not easy to enter because there was Braum and Big Mouth on the opposite side. Simply stand on the top lane and catch the opponent by feel.

"VG's bottom lane is in a hiding position. Dandy learned the lesson from the previous game and chose to stand guard at the F4 intersection."

While the center line was about to converge, Qin Hao rushed into the open space and pierced the side of F4.

"I saw Zach opening the field in my ward, but it shouldn't matter. Only when Zach reaches level three can he be able to do things."

"VG changed the line successfully. This wave is really in the atmosphere. You thought I would continue to go up, but in fact I just went down."

"Fuck, I didn't catch the other side." PYL muttered.

The lens is given to the wild area.

Eimy is opening stone beetles with the help of MaRin.

Failed to catch the matchup.

The next rhythm is probably that the junglers will tacitly brush the jungle and move closer to the two-man lane, and then swap the side towers.

This scene has appeared countless times in the spring games.

However, during the month that Qin Hao stayed in the rental house, he was watching LCK games and found that some teams gradually did not like to change lanes to develop.

Maybe I believe in the wiring technology.

Just like them, IMP actually doesn't like to change lanes, and likes to change lanes when he can't stand his opponents.

Top laners on both sides are in jail.

But Jace pressed close to the melee soldier.

This is a clear sign that I'm going to make you uncomfortable.

In the league, blood exchange is a very important tactic. If you don't lower your status, how can you catch the jungler?

The three soldiers naturally focused their fire and immediately lost their health.

Seeing Kassadin's Q, Qin Hao dropped the minion in front of him and threw the Q skill, then cut the hammer QA to make up for the thunder.

Easyhoon took his time and went out with five red cloth armors and clicked on healing (health recovery +2, every 5 seconds), so he was already prepared for a war of attrition.

Knocked out a bottle of red.

In the first wave of lines, Jace could only do this at most.

For the next 10 seconds, Kassadin stood at the edge of the experience area, waiting for Jace to push the line over.

Easyhoon felt that the opponent was not very detailed, so when he was cutting and hammering, he stood in the pile of soldiers. As a result, the military formation was destroyed, and Jace couldn't control it at all.

But Qin Hao didn't want to control the middle position.

At the third wave line, the blue frontline soldiers were being beaten by the defensive tower. Qin Hao was using his sword to stare at Kassadin as he took the tail sword.

Defense tower A has one melee soldier left.

right here!

Qin Hao's hand speed soared, QE crooked the gun, and then stepped forward to accelerate.


"With a feint, Kassadin moved up and dodged the powerful cannon. Jace refused to let go and wanted to come up more. The Marquis gave a Q with his backhand and took another bottle of red pill."

"That's not quite right. Kassadin still has three bottles of red on him. If he can get 750 to go home and buy the Tears of the Goddess, he will be very comfortable."

"You can also do arm braces, it depends on whether the pressure is too great."

I’ve seen a lot of commentary on the matchup between Jace and Kassadin.

Strictly speaking, Penicillin didn't surprise them. On the contrary, Hou Ye was very experienced and always used his positioning and raising his hands to cheat the game and obtain the tail knife environment.

A Kassadin who knows how to play can tolerate losing swords in the early stage, but he definitely doesn't want to lose experience.

And until now.

Qin Hao couldn't make his opponent lose experience.

He didn't want to press too hard and his last hit would be ruined.

PYL cut the screen and looked at the lane in the middle: "I can come in this wave, you send the lane in and control the middle of the wave."

The last tower is about to be pulled out.

Next, IMP will go to the bottom lane, and the opposite double lane will come up. PYL felt that it was a bit difficult to play in the middle, and the effect was not as good as expected, so they simply took the opportunity to return to the city and come to help.

The spiritual scene of PYL was naturally seen by Heart.

Kassadin's position was on the upper side, and Thresh quietly came to the grass on the middle road, waiting for an opportunity to take action.


Jace took a step back, and with lightning speed, he suddenly turned around and cut R, Q hammered the rear troops, trying to slow down and then flash E Kassadin to ensure that Thresh's skill would hit. Thoughts are delicate enough.

Jace jumped into the air and caught the void ball head on.

This time, Kassadin dodged and pulled away, but Qin Hao's finger was already on the flash.

"If the energy pulse slows down again, Jace E can't come out. He's just a little bit out of position, but he just can't reach it."

At the battle table, Mr. Hou showed a smile that he had not seen for a long time.

"Well, this flash..."

Miller helped make up for it: "As a newcomer, it's normal to be a little nervous."

The audience is not so easy to talk to, Jace's operation can make them laugh.

"I thought it was funny enough last week when Dade, the ice girl, showed off her big head, but I didn't expect that there would be a naive one as well. Whose general is this?"

"Thresh is squatting."

"Is it so difficult for Jace to beat Kassadin? I remember Rookie's Jace, at level 3, Kassadin was trapped in the tower and couldn't come out."

"Then why don't you say that Dade's Kassadin is the only winning hero in NB."

"Who can play if Kassadin also scores points? Easyhoon's Kassadin is very average in my impression. There is really no Dade Kassadin show."

The audience’s comparison is simple.

Rookie's Thunder Jayce can defeat Kassadin by one level and more than 15 times in the laning period, but Penicillin does not show a similar tendency.

If this trend continues, once Kassadin's synchronization reaches six, Jace will not be able to threaten Kassadin with his tail blade.

Now he can still steal the A a few times, forcing Kassadin to drink a blood bottle to maintain his health. Later, he doesn't know who will hit whom in more pain.

Heart thought: The proficiency is indeed not good... No wonder he is so hesitant...


Qin Hao was a little embarrassed.

It can only be said that he pressed the button quickly and urgently, but the person on the other side was not good at it.

"You need to develop first. Kassadin is useless in a group fight."

PYL said a few words of comfort and quickly joined IMP to bully the children.

It's actually not bad for him to put pressure on him and make a dodge.

But who doesn’t make mistakes sometimes?

When he became a god of death, his teammates didn't put any pressure on him.

PYL is very tolerant in this regard, but wrote down the comment in the notebook that "my roommate Jess is not as good as me".

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