The center line is slowly but firmly advancing towards the blue side.

The clockwork QW can easily destroy the balance of the army line, and Rookie did not want to push forward at first.

Blood transfusion is blood transfusion.

But I want to control the line more in the middle.

In this way, before the fourth wave of lines comes over, he can make a forward pressing action to disgust the card, forcing it to pay blood or throw Q to rub the knife, and then control the balance of the minions.

But all this was ruined by the card's upward movement, because Rookie couldn't accept that the card came to 3 first, and that position couldn't be passed.

Once it is given up, the card can be used to advance the second wave of back-row soldiers during the basic attack. Click Q to push hard. In the early stage, the A soldier is not as fast as the card.

When it reaches level three, the red card will definitely be pushed first.

In this way, the card can get a return round without losing line.

Furthermore, the teleportation of the card belt, his sprinting, and the lack of mana in the early stage also need to be considered. These factors also need to be considered.

After comprehensive calculation, Qin Hao's goal was achieved.

He controlled the defensive line and the pressure for replacement was greatly reduced.

At the same time, Kid finished two groups and was playing blue. He happened to cut the screen and saw the card standing in front of the tower with its tail knife leisurely. Look at the clockwork again, push slowly with a tacit understanding, and choose to control blue.

What's going on?

Kid was a little confused.

The scene he wanted to see most didn't appear. According to the style of the previous game, the card should not stand behind the army line, and it would be disgusting to be blocked by the clockwork. Why is it so easy?

Broiler, please wake up and don’t relax! How can we win if you let go?

20 seconds pass.

The director gave the shot again.

The clockwork and the card reached 3 at about the same time. Qin Hao cut a blue card and pretended to cooperate with the defense tower to take the knife. The next second, he controlled the card to move to the left, threw his skill to the full-blooded melee soldier on the flank, and dodged a Q shot without warning after the springer raised his hand.

Battle seat.

Rookie's eyes became sharp.

He found that the cards played like this, as if they were confused by him. He maintained his health by missing one or two knives, and held a bottle of corruption in his hand.

And before this wave of lines came out, he seemed to be unable to consume it, because after the line of soldiers was completely sent in, the card was positioned parallel to the defense tower, and he was not far enough away. If you try to consume it at this time, you will be targeted by the defense tower.

"The Penicillin tower knife is okay, but it missed one."

"Push it out, Kid is three, he's under control."

"IMP's pressure in the bottom lane is very fierce, and Rain is out of shape."

Kid didn't care about the bottom lane.

We can return to the city without losing blood. Do we expect him to help us solve the problem?

No profit again!

Just as Kid was about to catch him, Rookie signaled to retreat, signaling not to come. After three seconds, the red line of soldiers came up first. The card drank the last bottle of corruption and cut the red card to push quickly.

This will only have 200 mana points. If you want to continue to rely on the line, it is impossible to change.

"Penicillin is really good at handling lanes. He goes home at level 4 and returns to lane with T. The rhythm is very comfortable."

The poor will be pursued.

Taking advantage of the unstable mana level, Qin Hao cut the red card and continued to put pressure on the army line. While finishing the attack, he communicated with Eimy: "Brother Dan, you can go in this wave and force the opponent Ekko."

18 seconds passed.

Qin Hao walked near the wall behind the red buff, and Ike left early, obviously receiving the message.

But it doesn't matter, Ike will lose a wave of lines if he withdraws, and MaRin feels comfortable again.

When Chris saw this scene backstage, his mouth felt bitter. He couldn't hold back his strongest link.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also in an uproar.

Only Piggy is the calmest.

"As I said, you can tell the direction by processing the second level."

"Xiao Hao is a card that is determined not to be greedy when it comes to leaking cards, and will not take chances. When it is time to exchange blood, he is very brave and will not be cowardly. Rookie is really not that easy to suppress."

"Young Master's vision!"

"Guigui, the master trader still knows how to judge people!"

"Brother Ruo, let's take the brothers and charge again. Where is the armored army?"

Just finished blowing.

Kid focused on the card. At this time, the clockwork will come back online immediately, and the cards are being prepared.

Qin Hao just wanted to send another wave of lines, then went home to mend his straw sandals. When he came to the vicinity of the defense tower, he felt a breeze at his feet.

"Let's sprint, we want to stay, we don't want the cards to go home!"


The shadow of the side wall of the excavator dug out, and the moment it hit the top, Qin Hao hurriedly dodged and got a yellow card.

IG fans will be familiar with this scene.

In the previous games, IG's midfielder often used this routine. During the time when the mid laner returns to the city, the jungler should crouch in advance. The side with the first lane will have to take the tail knife no matter what.

Yutong couldn't help but exclaimed: "Do you want first blood? The yellow card is for the excavator, but what about the clockwork?"

In this version, sprinting starts with the maximum movement speed, and there is no process of slowly increasing the speed.

Afraid of long nights and many dreams.

Rookie flashed QW to slow down and continued to move forward.

Qin Hao knew that he was bound to die. His only thought just now was to use more key skills, so he was so decisive in cross-dodge.

"I should be gone. Wait until I am six and I can come down the road."

PYL cut the screen and took a look, and said with relief: "It's okay, the opponent's AD is weak, and they are 11 knives behind."

The matchup situation in the bottom lane is very favorable.

Just die.

"Rookie got first blood, and the matchup situation in the middle is different again."

The excavator followed up and got an assist.


"What do you think is the safest way to get the cards?"

"Ouch, my blood pressure is up."

Looking at these barrages, Ruozi was a little embarrassed, but then he thought about it, Kid was so quick to catch him, what could Ren Xiaohao do?

You can't let the clockwork show up and the cards not take up the thread.

He explained in a shrill voice: "Two dodges and sprints for one blood, IG loses!"

Ruozi opened his eyes and told lies.

The friend in the water was dissatisfied, so he argued with the friend in the water.

For Qin Hao, the pressure suddenly increased. Clockwork reaches level 5 first. With the standard line control and forward pressure play, you will be threatened if you take the knife.

Qin Hao finally understood why Li Yuanhui had that expression.

He didn't know how pale his face would be if he was tortured like this for 15 minutes. Anyway, at this moment, I can already feel the sweat on my back.

After relying on three bottles of corruption for 2 minutes, Qin Hao hurriedly said: "Brother Dan, go down, remember to go around the dragon pit. Their ward should be at the intersection of the blue zone, wait for a Q to cross the wall to the blue buff."

"My two soldiers have big moves, and Clockwork can't stop them."

When Qin Hao was laning, he never forgot to cut the screen to observe the sidelines. At the beginning of 5 minutes, the troll on the opposite side made a brief move to leave.

Judging from the 7 seconds of disappearance, the troll's ward cannot be very deep, because IG does not have that need in the bottom lane and will only do close defensive wards.

Under the tower.

When Qian Jue circled, the card suddenly gave up the remaining two ranged soldiers and disappeared backwards in front of the clockwork.

This unusual scene was naturally discovered by the audience.

Ruozi suddenly became energetic: "Don't argue, don't argue, this is very important, the card is six."

Just when the audience was surprised that the card was still in good health and why they didn't dare to hit the target, Rookie was already pinning the retreat signal.

Ice and Troll are in a safe position, standing by the wall waiting for the line to come over.

When I first heard the signal, I was still a little confused.

When he realized that he had to retreat, Braum was already helping AD push the lane. In 5 seconds, the two of them had just returned to the tower, Qian Jue showed up and cut off her head, and [Destiny] lit up.

"Did you see how natural it is to cooperate with each other?!" Ruozi said in a surprised tone.

So elegant.

When you give up the two back row soldiers, you have already pronounced the death sentence for the opposite bottom lane double lane. In the full field of view provided by the ultimate move, Kid is brushing stone beetles, and MaRin squats on the grass to look at the wind direction.

Ekko didn't have a T on the top lane, so when he was forced into a position on the wave, he had to use a T to make up for the line.


Kindred QW attacks Jhin and resists first. At this point, the most embarrassing part of Troll's support comes. It has no skill to protect AD. It is only suitable for providing slowdown and helping to squeeze some space.

PYL was equally decisive, W Qianjue Q stopped the troll who was blocking it, and opened the security door to ride on Jin's face.

"The yellow card holds, Kind Jue E to the troll. In this wave, neither of them can escape."

The head was given to IMP, and Chris frowned slightly. However, there is no line in the bottom lane, so it can be forgiven if the card finds an opportunity.

The barrage also thought so:

"You have to rely on IMP at critical moments."

"If you don't press the bottom lane, there's really no place for the cards to fly."

"This Penicillin is really not that strong."

Some IG fans are unhappy.

The card will be affected by the clockwork in the middle lane, but it becomes awesome when it reaches the bottom lane.

It's all Rain and Tabe's fault for being so incompetent!

IG fans are very dissatisfied.



Their eyes lit up, because the level 4 excavator squatted into the side wall grass in the middle. If the card came back to eat the tower knife, the damage of the two people could be exceeded.

"Eimy needs to go back and farm her own stone beetles."

Accompanied by Yutong’s voice.

Heart knows that his midfielder and jungler are actively communicating.

11 seconds.

The card carefully returned to the middle tower from the F4 intersection. Just after capturing a pawn, Rookie adjusted downward to force the card to go upward.

3 seconds.

Rookie knew that the distance was enough, and he saw the cards cutting the monster the moment he took action, but he didn't take it seriously and killed it after the wave of damage was done.

QR rolled up the card and then hit W, and the excavator drilled E and flew forward.

"Oh! Eimy's anti-squat is quite timely!"

Clockwork was in the anti-tower position, Q and E were used by Kindred to lock the opponent's middle lane. The card was consumed and the remaining 90 blood was exploded, and a yellow card was cut out to synchronize the forward pressure. Rookie didn't panic and chose to take Kindred's damage first.

Seeing that Clockwork did not give up his position, Qin Hao knew that the counter-kill script could not be executed. In this wave, only if the clockwork is messed up can they focus on the excavators on the back without paying the price.

Helpless, Qin Hao received the yellow card for the excavator and moved back to the right to keep himself alive.

"It can't be passed, Kid retreats, Rookie shields to block some damage, and backhand QW slows down Kind Jue. Wow, there are no casualties on both sides. LGD's defensive awareness is too good."

"Eimy's rhythm is a bit better. Not only is she 2 groups ahead in the jungle, she is also more efficient than the excavator."

Heart was in the background and couldn't help but applaud softly.

After Xiaohao came on the field, LGD seemed to have become a whole again, instead of each playing his own role and lacking contact...

Please read, please, please.

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