The busy farming season has passed quickly. Considering that he is now getting paid monthly, it is not really good to give students a few months' leave. With the help of the enthusiastic villagers in the village, his family's food is very fast. After receiving it, a month later, a new semester begins.

For the children studying in Huajia Village School, Qu Qing is not only a teacher who teaches them to read and write, but also their idol.

In their eyes, Mr. is not only handsome, rich in knowledge, and gentle, but also dares to think and do, and he will definitely be able to do it.

He said he wanted to invite talented people to teach them, but in the end he actually invited all the talented people from Shili Baxiang. Vigorously, everyone praised, and even took this opportunity to take them to see the county magistrate, and at the same time provided each of them with a pen and paper; he said that he wanted to teach them to learn to seek justice, which really made Xu Nian In the past year, I got justice, and let the village tyrant Hua Da Niu honestly admit that he lost money...

What he said, some people would say that he was just whimsical at first, but as he did everything with vigor and vigor, the students no longer had any doubts about him.

Even though there are many other teachers in the school now, Qu Qing, the so-called head teacher, has an irreplaceable position in their hearts. In the eyes of all students, Qu Qing is the biggest teacher in this school, the head of this school. people.

Now the teacher said that he would take them to make paper by himself, and none of them in the whole class of twenty or thirty doubted that he could not do it.

But obviously the people in the village did not admire them as much. When many people heard the teacher say that they wanted to make paper, no one believed that Qu Qing could really do it.

"It's really whimsical, forget about other petty things, how can papermaking be so easy, if you can make paper by soaking a few bamboos, everyone in the world can make paper, and I can also make paper hahaha."

The person who spoke was Hua Qiang's father. Hua Qiang showed off his teacher's deeds, but he didn't expect that his father would not give face at all, but laughed at the side.

Hua Qiang blushed suddenly, stalking his neck and said loudly: "Dad, wait and see, our teacher can do anything, he said that if we can make paper, we will be able to make paper, and then our classmates will be able to make paper. , Including me, you can have free paper in the future!"

Father Hua Qiang tutted: "Who wouldn't brag? I also said that in ten years' time, I can increase the output of rice in our fields tenfold."

When they were talking, there was an oops next to them, and the two looked out, and found that Hua Qiang's mother in the kitchen was looking at the pile of ashes burning with distress and self-reproach.

"What's the matter?" Hua Qiang hurriedly went over with his father to see.

"Master, when I was taking the salt just now, I accidentally spilled more than half of the salt into the ashes. Oh, what can I do? These salts are worth a lot of money." Hua Qiangniang looked at the ashes with sorrow. , it hurts so bad.

Although salt is not expensive, it is a lot of money for people who don’t have a big income and can’t even get enough to eat every year. I managed to save some of them, but they were already covered with ash, and the rest were almost fused with the ashes of plants and trees.

The mother of flowers took a small pot and put all the ashes into the pot. She knew there was no way, but she was reluctant to throw the salt away, but there was no remedy.

She looked at the pot of ashes with distress, and almost cried: "These salts are half a catty, how many eggs have to be sold to get them back, it's all my fault, how come my hands are like chicken feet, even a bag of them? I can't even catch the salt."

Hua Qiang's father also felt a little distressed next to him: "Oh, it's really bad blood mold, and it will fall down, what can I do now... Hey, Qiangzi, didn't you say that your teacher is omnipotent, you go ask Ask your teacher to see if he can get the salt out of the ashes."

"How is this possible!" Hua Qiang's eyes widened, his father was clearly embarrassing people, how to separate the salt that was almost as fine as ash.

"Look, your husbands have something they can't do. You can't even do this little thing, and you still make paper."

Hua Qiang was unconvinced and said loudly: "Who said that our teacher can't do it? There will be a teacher's class in the afternoon, and I will ask in the afternoon. If our teacher can do it, you will have to admit it convincingly. Our teacher is really good!"

"Okay, okay, I'm here waiting for your good news, don't move the pot of ashes, my daughter-in-law, today I want to see how this stinky boy turns corruption into magic!"

Hua Mu looked at the childish father and son speechlessly, but she also held a glimmer of hope in her heart. Qu Qing knew so much, what if he really did it, after all, so much salt was thrown away like this, she I really hate it.

When it came to class in the afternoon, Qu Qing was about to teach the songs prepared in advance, when he saw Hua Qiang, the student sitting below, raising his hand, as if something was happening.

After listening to what happened, Qu Qing asked him to sit down, put the lesson plan in his hand on the podium, and said, "In this case, today's music class will be cancelled, and I'll give you a chemistry class... Hmm, what is chemistry? I can’t tell you right now, so let’s understand the course of refining things temporarily. As for the salt, it can be separated from the ashes, no problem at all.”

When Hua Qiang made a promise with his father, he actually didn’t have a clue in his heart, and he was afraid that he would lose face to his teacher, but at this time, seeing his teacher’s confident voice, the big stone in his heart finally fell, and then he was beaming with joy. stand up.

Qu Qing and Hua Qiang discussed it, and finally, after obtaining the consent of his parents, Qu Qing told the students in advance the etiquette and agreement for going to other people's houses. He went to Hua Qiang's house in a mighty manner.

The flower mother and the flower father wanted to warmly invite him to sit in the house, but Qu Qing waved his hands to thank them for their kindness: "I'll just have the children and I have classes in the yard. I have to trouble you today."

Father Hua said, "Where is it?"

Afterwards, the couple saw that twenty or thirty students automatically stood in two rows according to their heights, each with a handful of weeds picked from the road in their hands, and then Qu Qing said that everyone sat down in place, All the children in the school put the weeds on the ground neatly and sat on the ground like this.

Originally, they were still worried about a bunch of children coming, how to prevent them from making trouble, and they even locked the doors of the two rooms in advance. Unexpectedly, under the discipline of Qu Qing, the famous troublemakers in the village were still obedient. Sit down, even if you keep making small movements on your hands, you still sit on the ground and don't run around.

Seeing that their son was well-behaved, straight and serious, completely different from what he looked like at home, Hua Qiang's parents felt a strong sense of relief in their hearts, thinking that they could meet such a good teacher for free , really worth it.

Qu Qing first asked the father and mother, who were standing next to him, to move out of the bench and sit down. Looking at the solemn atmosphere, the mother said to her husband next to her excitedly, "We are still taking classes with Mr. today?"

Father Hua was also a little excited, but he still pretended to be reserved, but the shaking legs betrayed his mind: "Yeah."

Seeing that Qu Qing was almost ready, he clapped his hands, and the children who were excitedly moving and talking to each other suddenly became quiet.

"Okay, let's start the class. What we are going to learn today is the properties of salt and the method of refining." Qu Qing brought the pot of salt ashes to the crowd.

"As you can see, the salt has fallen into it, but it has been mixed with the ash. It is impossible to separate them by ordinary methods, but as long as we learn the characteristics of salt, we can easily separate the salt from it. , Let's think about it first, what's the difference between salt and marl?"

"Taste? Salt is salty! Mud tastes awful."

"Salt is white! Grain by grain."

"Salt can cook, but ash can't!"

Everyone expressed their opinions in vain. Qu Qing deliberately guided them to think. Although they did not answer the key point, at least they would think carefully. His goal was generally achieved. nodded.

"Actually, what everyone said is correct, but today we are going to take advantage of the difference, and no one thought of it," he said after deliberately selling out, "Salt is soluble in water, but mud and plant ash are not, think about it. , a cup of hot water, put a little salt in it, will the water become salty after a while?"

"Seems to be."

"But teacher, I think you're wrong. Mud is also soluble in water, mud and water."

Qu Qing did not get angry because of the questioning, but nodded with a smile and praised the students who dared to question him.

Even the flower mother next to her couldn't help but said, "Yeah, but if you put mud in hot water, it will smell like mud after a while."

Father Hua patted her hand: "You can talk nonsense here? I'm sorry, sir, you continue."

Qu Qing smiled: "It's okay, the question is very correct, but here I want to explain, even if the dust falls into the water, it is difficult to pick it up all of a sudden, but this does not prove that he melted in the water, and it is different from salt. Yes, the salt dissolves in water and completely melts into the water, but the mud is different. After the mud and water are left for a while, the mud will still sink to the bottom, which is obviously different from the water, but the salt will not sink to the bottom. This is their difference.

Today we are going to take advantage of this different characteristic from mud to extract the salt, first add water, let the salt melt in the water, then filter the brine and mud, and finally dry the water, and the salt will be extracted again. The principle is this, and now I will demonstrate it to everyone. "

As he said that, he asked the mother and father to prepare hot water and a larger pot, and also asked for a piece of cloth as a filter, and then lit a stove.

Some idle people in the village noticed the movement here. They heard that they were coming to Hua Qiang's house for a class. They suddenly ran over to watch with some curiosity, and whispered about what class this was. Teacher Qu Qing has a lot of tricks in a day, and they are all very interesting. Sometimes they wonder if he has taught the students to read and write. This is completely different from the schools they know.

Qu Qing poured the salt ash into the large basin, and then poured it with a pot of hot water: "This is our first step, let the hot water melt the salt first, here's a little bit, why not use cold water, this involves When it comes to another characteristic of salt, the higher the temperature, the faster it melts, so if it is cold water, it will be slower. There is no difference in this experiment. If you are interested, you can go home and test it with hot and cold water. "

The onlookers immediately knew that it turned out that salt and mud were mixed together, and they wanted to extract it. This was interesting, and they were very curious about what this gentleman was going to do.

"In order to help melt in the middle, stir with a wooden stick to confirm that all the salt is melted, and then start the next step, oh right, here is another characteristic of salt, the concentration of the solution is equal everywhere, for example, if you drink salt in water, Stir well, and after all the salt has dissolved, the water everywhere is the same salty.”

"Now that the salt has melted, now we wait for the mud to settle down to the bottom of the basin, and then pour the water into another basin through the filter, which is to filter the mud."

He did not panic at the same time, and seemed to be in good order. After waiting for ten minutes, after the mud settled, he asked the two adults who were onlookers to help him, carefully lifted the basin, and used a filter cloth to filter the salt water to the other side. inside a pot.

"Now that we have clean brine, and the mud is real mud, it can be thrown away, and now we start to boil the salt."

As he spoke, he put a small pot on the stove next to him, scooped water into the pot with a ladle and started cooking, constantly gathering firewood.

This is a relatively boring process, but soon, when a pot of water is about to dry, everyone sees with wide eyes that salt crystals actually appear in it! As the salt water becomes less and less, the salt in the pot becomes And more and more.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the people around him, Qu Qing's expression was still calm: "Part of the seawater is extracted from the sea, but people at the seaside don't use firewood to boil it, but get salt by drying the seawater, but drying it from the sea. The salt produced cannot be eaten directly, it has to be processed, and I don’t know the specifics, so I won’t say it. In addition, it is illegal to make salt privately, so please don’t do it.”

After saying this, the villagers who were watching outside, including the students, laughed: "Let's go to make salt there. I don't know how many miles away from the sea."

"I'm joking." After Qu Qing finished speaking, everyone laughed.

After seeing that the sun was almost up, Qu Qing saw that everyone had also learned, so he asked the students to take the things they brought and go home after school. Hua Qiang's parents said that they could do it themselves and invited him Stay for dinner.

Qu Qing politely refused, and then instructed: "In fact, the water has been boiled like this all the time, and when it is boiled, the salt will come out. Although a little bit was lost in the wet mud, those things can be ignored. Thank you very much today. You take care of my kids."

After some courtesies, Qu Qing said goodbye and went home for dinner.

Hua's father looked at the back of Qu Qing's departure, and reached out and patted Hua Qiang's head: "Son, your teacher is really good, you have to follow along and study hard, and it's not in vain for me to study for you."

Seeing the admiration in his father's eyes, Hua Qiang immediately raised his chest proudly: "Of course."

Father Hua quickly went to brag with the neighbors, and while proud of his son, he said: "Hey, sometimes I really envy these stinky boys. If I was born ten years later, I would also like to sit in the school and study with you. Don't say it, it's quite interesting to listen to this class, I'll know it as soon as I learn it."

Neighbors also nodded in agreement, talked for a long time, and finally sighed sincerely: "It's really good to study."

The author has something to say: these chapters are probably idle little things, but the main expression is that the protagonist himself does not realize that some of the ideas he spreads are already subtly affecting the people around him.

I remember that it seems to have been mentioned in "A Brief History of Humanity" or something about why there is such a huge difference in the modern development of China and the West. There is probably a point of view that the mainstream thinking in the West dares to admit that they are ignorant, so they dare to pursue it. Truth, this is also an ideological basis for the later scientific and technological revolution.

The protagonist is definitely unable to bring about a technological revolution. Many things are too difficult. It is impossible for ordinary people to build steam engines in a world without any industrial foundation, but he can spread his ideas of pursuing science to ancient times. In my opinion, it's always been an amazing thing~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Mao Afei;


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