
The smile on Wang Bin's face was completely frozen, and he didn't know what happened just now.

Originally, Spearow, who used Quick Attack, shouldn't be able to defeat Fletchling on the opposite side at a super fast speed, and then get a lot of praise?

But just after he looked towards the outside of the field for a little bit of time, why did he fall to become his own Spearow?

In that moment, what happened on earth? ! This is totally unscientific!

It's not just Wang Bin who is going crazy. At this time, researchers Wang Yunlong and Lin Kong outside the field are also surprised.

Just now, while Spearow used Quick Attack, Fleckling suddenly fanned its wings and blew a whirlwind, and then the silhouette rushed out.

Following the whistling whistling wind, the silhouette of Fletchling rushed out under the power of the wind, and its speed was nearly twice as fast as before!

On the other hand, Spearow swept by the whirlwind, the silhouette suddenly stagnated in the whirlwind, and the Quick Attack Move was also suppressed.

Everyone has seen the final result. Under the impact of Fletchling driving the wind, Spearow's silhouette was directly smacked down and fell heavily to the ground!

At this time, no one paid attention to the defeated Spearow. Everyone's eyes were on Fletchling, who showed amazing speed.

"The trick just now...isn't it Tailwind Move?"

After a while, Wang Yunlong said with some uncertainty.

Seeing this, Researcher Lin Kong is also slightly nodded, and the shock in his eyes is even worse!

After that, their gazes looked towards Su Xiaobai with a calm face, with uncertainty in their eyes.

After a short silence, Researcher Lin Kong took a deep breath and asked: "Su Xiaobai, was that Tailwind the trick just now?"

I heard Researcher Lin Kong Su Xiaobai was nodded, but there was some doubt in his eyes, Tailwind Move...what happened?

Although Fletchling was able to display Tailwind Move just after he learned the Tailwind Move, even he was surprised, but wouldn't it make these two Rui City great characters show this look?

"Wow, No way, is it really the legendary Tailwind Move?"

At this moment, Lin Le on the side finally reacted and suddenly called strangely. Screamed.

The legend in his voice made Su Xiaobai's face move slightly.

In this world built with Pokemon animation as a prototype, Tailwind Move seems to be a very rare Move?

Su Xiaobai closed his eyes slightly and recalled, it seems...in the animation, he hasn’t seen any Pokemon use Tailwind Move yet?

In addition, in this realistic Pokemon world within the realm, Move's accidental insight is very rare. Even if it happens, it must be caused by some external force.

Therefore, in this World, what Move Pokemon wants to learn, almost can only teach Pokemon to learn through specific learning methods.

Obviously, in the real Pokemon world within the realm, it seems that there is no way to learn Tailwind Move, which also makes Tailwind Move the legendary Move!

In addition, the classification of Tailwind Move is the change type Move. Compared with the special Move and Physical Move, the change type Move appears a lot more mysterious.

It's like Tailwind Move's function is to increase the speed of the surrounding friends within a certain period of time, which involves a lot of mysterious things in it.

After all, increasing the speed is not just the power of driving the wind, after all, Normal Pokemon has no ability to control the wind!

Thinking of this, Su Xiaobai couldn't help but took a high look at his own system. Even the legendary Move can sing for a while. His system is too strong, isn't it?

As long as he has sufficient resource points, he can completely let his Pokemon learn a lot of this World’s very rare Move!

This undoubtedly makes his road to the strongest trainer a lot easier, as long as he has enough resource points...

Wait, enough resource points...

Su Xiaobai's face changed slightly. If he wants to get enough resources, it seems that he can only be a Pokemon Researcher?

Thinking of this, Su Xiaobai couldn't help but glanced at his remaining 700 resource points, then glanced at the price of thousands of TM list, his face suddenly stiffened, things seemed to be beyond what he had imagined. That's so beautiful.

"Scholar Su Xiaobai, this Tailwind Move training method is not the result of your research, right?"

It was Su Xiaobai who was thinking about how to quickly earn resource points At that time, Wang Yunlong's voice suddenly sounded.

While speaking, Wang Yunlong's tone is also difficult to conceal his excitement. Tailwind Move is really precious to him as a Flying Attribute trainer.

If you can make your main mechanics Tailwind Move, then his team strength can definitely rise to a level!

The Lin Kong researcher next to him saw this, and his heart was also moved. If it is really the Tailwind Move learning method, then the scholar Integral Points is indeed very scary.

In addition, the learning method of Tailwind Move. At this time, researcher Lin Kong was only excited. He is studying the bird Pokemon scholar. Tailwind Move is also very important to him!

"Research on Tailwind Move?"

After hearing Wang Yunlong's words, Su Xiaobai's heart moved.

If you can study the training method of Tailwind Move, you should be able to harvest a lot of resource points again.

When the time comes, relying on these resource points, he can redeem more TM...

Hey, wait, if you can redeem more TM, he is Isn't it possible to study more Moves and then get more resource points?

Thinking of this, Su Xiaobai’s eyes are getting brighter, but faintly, he seems to feel something is wrong again...

Wait, the researcher is not from Pokemon Researcher. Something? Why did you unconsciously put yourself in?

My dream is to become the strongest trainer! What the hell is to keep doing research to earn resource points? !

At this moment, Su Xiaobai suddenly woke up, and could not help but curse that the system's routine is really too deep!

It’s no wonder that the system will reward the TM that you learn right away, it turns out to be doing your own research for the routine!

But...system is so fragrant, I can't refuse this attraction at all.

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