In the morning, Su Xiaobai wrote the paper.

In the afternoon, he came to Rui City Pokemon Research Union again.

Although he says he wants to become a trainer, he seems to be going farther and farther on the road of scholar.

When I came to the computer of Pokemon Research Union, in the small closed room, there was a sound of keyboard tapping soon.

Through the intranet of the Pokemon Researcher online platform, even if you are in Rui City, you can also transfer your papers to the Pokemon Research Union headquarters in Magic Capital.

The last time Su Xiaobai went directly to the Pokemon Research Union headquarters to submit a paper, mainly to obtain and activate the Pokemon Researcher Badge as soon as possible.

Now when he is not in a hurry, he chooses to submit it in Rui City Pokemon Research Union.

Click the upload button, Su Xiaobai sighed slightly in relief, and then just wait for the result.


It is still that room, and Pokemon Researcher system Rotom is busy.

"Fire Type Pokemon paper, unqualified evaluation, automatic reply..."

"Pokemon product paper, qualified evaluation, transfer......"

" Catterpie-related papers, evaluated... qualified, transferred to Lin Yuxi Committee Member, Xu Hai Committee Member..."

As the sound of electromagnetic tremor continues to sound in the room, each paper is based on data The form is passed.


A few Masquerains are dancing and playing by the side of a pond.

Lin Yuxi sits on the shore, slender and tender jade foot swaying gently in the water, closing his eyes and enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

Doduo beep~

At this moment, a file reminder sounded in the research room by the pond.

"Are there any papers to review?"

Lin Yuxi stood up and walked directly into the laboratory.

Wet feet stepped on the gravel road, leaving small footprints.

Lin Yuxi came to the computer, logged into the intranet proficiently, and entered the account and password of the Audit Committee Member.

"Catterpie's smelly Move?"

Lightly exclaimed, Lin Yuxi clicked on the paper and immediately saw the opening sentence.

Lin Yuxi's beautiful eyes flickered, and it was also thought of Su Xiaobai, who had submitted a paper before, did not expect that there was a follow-up paper.

"Use tentacles to store odors to form a Move?"

"This kind of Move is different from Normal's Move. Perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it with skill..."


Lin Yuxi read the paper in detail, the so-called Move must contain some Attribute energy.

But the smell of Catterpie does not contain any energy, so it can only be regarded as a skill, just like those Sword Art and Particular Capability.

With the basis of reading the previous paper, she still has several points of recognition for this technique.

Of course, recognition does not represent facts. To get the correct results, you still need to pass practice.

Just thinking of the stench, Lin Yuxi bit her silver teeth again and asked a lady to carry out this kind of experiment. He was really a bit hateful!


At the same time.

Xu Hai Committee Member also saw Su Xiaobai's paper.

At this time, on his laboratory bench, a tube of reagent containing a faint Yellow gas was inserted into the kit.

Looking at this paper, Xu Hai Committee Member took a deep breath, muttered: "This little fellow really gave me another surprise."

"Really It’s a little fellow with a keen observation, the sensory organs on Catterpie’s tentacles, which we didn’t expect at all!"

"In addition, the practicality of this technique is also very high, and it’s worth working for rangers. A large number of internal promotion."

"The cost of collection, purification and storage involved in the production of odor bombs is very high, and the practicality is still a bit worse."

" If Catterpie can directly release this concentration of odor, the cost of the rangers to expel Wild Pokemon will be much less."

"It's just a pity that no one will use Catterpie as their own Pokemon. Most of them will evolve into Butterfree. After the evolution, this ability will be useless. The potential of the technique will be much worse, otherwise it will be no inferior to any Peak Level technique of Move!"

Xu Hai Committee Member read Su Xiaobai’s paper in detail and came to a very pertinent comment: “This spirit of exploration is very worthy of recognition!”

“No matter what, this smelly technique is It’s a very good technique."

"Move and stinky seems I should talk to this little fellow."

Take a look at the reagents For the reagents in the box, Xu Hai Committee Member stood up, planning to find a Catterpie to experiment with.

It is not necessary for Catterpie to master the odor Move, just prove that the sensor organs on the Catterpie tentacles have the ability to store odor!


Rui City Pokemon Research Union.

Su Xiaobai also knows that his paper will definitely not be reviewed within a short period of time.

After publishing the paper, he left Pokemon Research Union and planned to go to the Pokemon supermarket downstairs of the Pokemon Center to buy some laboratory supplies.

It is also worth mentioning that the Bai Zhi Berry that he bought online in the Union store has already arrived, and Su Xiaobai also brought it home by the way.

After Bai Zhi Berry is in place, combined with the learning method of Catterpie String Shot Move, the learning of Catterpie String Shot Move can also start.


After returning to the Laboratory, Catterpie greeted him immediately.

When he saw Catterpie's appearance, Su Xiaobai's face immediately became cold, and Catterpie was actually injured!

"Catterpie, what's the matter?"

Looking at Catterpie, Su Xiaobai asked in a cold voice.

At this moment, Fletchling in the distance also flew back, looking at Catterpie apologetically.

"You two tell me what happened."

Su Xiaobai took a deep breath, he felt that things didn't seem that simple.

After a period of understanding, Su Xiaobai finally knew what was going on.

The cause of everything also starts with the contradiction between the birds Pokemon and Catterpie.

In order to study the diet of bird Pokemon, researcher Lin Kong specially purchased a large amount of Catterpie and placed it in the forest.

Therefore, for the bird Pokemon of the Bird Pokemon Laboratory, Catterpie is their food, and Fletchling and Catterpie also met in the same way.

For this, Researcher Lin Kong only regards it as a link in the natural biological chain, completely laissez-faire.

But after Su Xiaobai took over the Laboratory, he directly let Fletchling begin to manage the bird Pokemon in the forest. One of them was that Catterpie could not be used as food.

Even if Fletchling manages it, some birds in the forest Pokemon still directly ignore them, and Oblivious still preys on Catterpie.

It just so happened that an act recklessly Spearow was hit by Su Xiaobai's Catterpie while preying on Catterpie, and a fierce battle was triggered on the spot!

After understanding the whole process, Su Xiaobai couldn't help but rubbed his eyebrows. It was really troublesome to solve this matter.

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