"I actually need 3000 resource points!"

Su Xiaobai thought of flying, and also silently chanted a sentence of system, and called out the information of Grassy Terrain TM!

After looking at the resource points needed by Grassy Terrain, Su Xiaobai startled, the price is too high!

But if you think about it carefully, it feels very reasonable.

If the number of resource points represents the power and rarity of a Move, this grassy Terrain Move is indeed much rarer and more powerful than Tailwind Move!

"It seems that I still need to earn more resource points!"

Looking at his remaining 715 resource points, Su Xiaobai sighed slightly, and seemed to accept I really need to do some research now!

As Su Xiaobai was checking the system, Lin Le was already arranging Oddish to move into his new home.

Listening to the sound of clear water in the pond and the wind in the woods in the distance, the Oddish quickly accepted their new home.

Under the sun's rays, they felt a little tired for a while, and could not help burying their bodies in the ground, enjoying the sun.

Just when one of the Oddish with yellowed leaves wanted to go underground, Su Xiaobai suddenly walked in front of it.

Seeing this, Oddish is a little nervous, and shrinks.

Su Xiaobai smiled slightly and touched Oddish's head to make it less nervous.

"Brother Su, how are these Oddishes? Can they be cured?"

Seeing Su Xiaobai's movements, Lin Le immediately leaned forward and asked.

"Treatment? Why is it necessary?"

Su Xiaobai smiled mysteriously, making Lin Le a little surprised, not knowing what Su Xiaobai meant.

Ignoring the confused Lin Le, Su Xiaobai looked towards the Oddish in front of him and continued: "Don't worry, you are not sick."

"You look so unhealthy, It’s because your body structure is a little different from that of the same kind, and you can’t adapt to the strong sunlight."

"From now on, you will live in the woods during the day, and come out to bathe in Moonlight at night, believe it. It won’t be long before you can recover!"

After listening to Su Xiaobai's words, the slightly yellow leaf on the Oddish head in front of him moved, a little confused.

According to the breeders in the breeding area, they can only thrive in the sun.

So when they are in the breeding area, they are desperately absorbing sunlight, but the effect does not seem to be very good.

Now the new owner told them not to bask in the sun, which immediately made it puzzled.

Seems to see Oddish’s doubts, Su Xiaobai continued: “Your other companions have enough Chlorophyll in their leaves, so they can carry out high-quality Synthesis under the sun, thus constantly It’s true that there is nothing wrong in this situation."

"But there are not that many Chlorophyll in the leaves on your body, which makes the quality of your Synthesis very low, but it is harmful and useless."

Listening to Su Xiaobai's explanation, Oddish is nodded, but it is not quite clear, but it knows that the owner in front of him wants to help himself.

It's not just these Oddish who are confused, even Lin Le who is watching next to him is a bit confused.

The Oddish Pokemon breeding area in Shuncheng can be regarded as the largest Oddish breeding area in the whole Alliance. They raise Oddish in the wrong way?

After hearing Lin Le’s doubts, Su Xiaobai smiled and said: "No problem under normal circumstances, but these Oddish are an accident."

Simply said, Su Xiaobai also did not intend to continue explaining.

Is his method right? You only need to let Oddish live in the woods for a while.

"Then, anyway, the research and training of Pokemon will be given to your Official Pokemon Researcher, and the operation and management of the Laboratory will be given to me!"

Lin Le took a deep breath , Fighting spirit also appeared in his eyes, and his body was full of Vital Spirit!

Speaking, Lin Le also acted immediately, planning to go to the market to select a batch of Berry's fruit seedlings, and plan to start to try Berry's breeding.

Looking at Lin Le leaving in a hurry, Su Xiaobai slightly smiled, and then took the unhealthy Oddish into the woods aside.

In the woods, the sun shines through the shade of the trees, forming a light spot on the ground, which makes people look a little dazzling.

Extend the hand to catch these spots. Because of the shade of trees, I didn't feel the slightest heat.

"Let’s take a rest under the shade of these trees."

"Although the leaves on your body lack Chlorophyll and cannot be used for high-quality synthesis, a little sunshine is still needed. "

Su Xiaobai slightly smiled, directing these unhealthy Oddish to rest.


Oddishes felt the shadyness above their heads, and suddenly felt refreshed.

After thanking Su Xiaobai a lot, these unhealthy Oddish also went underground to rest.

"I will wait for the next night to observe."

"The weather is so good today, there will definitely be Moonlight shining down."

"Follow According to the records in the Pokemon Encyclopedia, Oddish can restore his energy under Moonlight and grow up in Moonlight!"

"Even through Moonlight, Oddish can also display Fairy Type Moonblast Move!"


Su Xiaobai recalled the information about Oddish in the Pokemon Encyclopedia, and looked up towards the cloudless sky, some looking forward to the release of Moonlight.

Speaking of Moonlight, Su Xiaobai couldn't help but think of Fairy Type Pokemon, which has not yet become an official Attribute. The power of Assist Moonlight is also their special skill.

In addition, Oddish can use Moonlight to perform the Fairy Type Move of Moonblast, which may also be a good research topic!


Catterpie screamed on Su Xiaobai's shoulder and asked what they were going to do next.

Su Xiaobai as it should be by rights smiled and said: "Call Fletching, we have started training!"

"The past few days are busy with laboratory things, all I have not trained you well, how can this be done?!"

"After all, you have to be the strongest Pokemon, and I have to be the strongest Pokemon trainer!"

Su Xiaobai feels like his whole body is burning!

But at this moment, his phone rang suddenly.

Turning on the phone and looking at the above information, Su Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment. It turned out that the result of the paper he submitted last time came out!

After reacting, Su Xiaobai looked at Catterpie who was very excited on his shoulder, and suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Obviously I want to go for training, how come the information that this paper passed the review was sent over at this time by coincidence?

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