This entire night, it was Oddish’s home court.

Under the light of Moonlight, Oddish dance lightly and gracefully, just like Pokemon.

It wasn't until the sun rose on the 2nd day that they reluctantly got into the ground, so it was a new day.

Tweet tweeted.


In the early morning, Fletchling and Catterpie woke up together.

Although the two of them wave around in the Laboratory during the day, they are still good children at night and will not spend the night outside.

Today, the two little fellows are very excited because Su Xiaobai promised them last night and will accompany them in training today.

"I really can't do anything with you, let's go, let's go training."

Su Xiaobai opened his eyes sleepily and looked at two very excited little fellows. It is also a little helpless.

Since they were all awake, Su Xiaobai just got up and took two Pokemon with him and planned to do morning exercises.

To his surprise, Chen Hanhan actually got up earlier than he did. Now it’s bright, and it’s already watering the Berry Tree in the fruit forest.

On Chen Hanhan's shoulder, a Catterpie that looks very well developed is lying on his stomach. The tentacles on his head are shaking slightly, making him feel very happy.

"Good morning Teacher Su."

Seeing Su Xiaobai coming, Chen Hanhan greeted him.

Su Xiaobai also smiled and said: "I got up so early."

Chen Hanhan nodded, saying that these Berry seedlings must be watered before the sun comes out.

Chen Hanhan also wanted to do something for the Laboratory at this time, so without mentioning Su Xiaobai and Lin Le, he consciously took over the work of the orchard.

"Thanks for your hard work." Su Xiaobai faintly smiled and said: "After pouring the water, go to the morning exercise with me."


Chen Hanhan's face showed excitement. He knew that Su Xiaobai wanted to point him to Pokemon training.

After Chen Hanhan watered the saplings, Su Xiaobai took him to the laboratory battle field.

Although Researcher Lin Kong doesn't like battle very much, there is still a standard battle field in the Laboratory, which is also convenient for many experiments.


In the field, two Catterpies fell on the ground, and they exchanged happily.

"Today's morning exercise is strong wind training."

Su Xiaobai smiled and took out the Mega electric fan from the warehouse beside him.

With the help of Chen Hanhan, they placed the Mega electric fan at one end of the venue.

Looking at the Mega electric fan, Fletchling and Catterpie both be eager to have a try. Among them, Fletchling flew into the air, while Catterpie was crawling on the ground.

Catterpie of Chen Hanhan already knew what to do under Catterpie's explanation. He used the suction cups on the toes of his abdomen to grasp Ground, and his body was directly tightened.

After getting ready, Su Xiaobai also explained: "Although the crawling ability of breed Catterpie is not necessary, the necessary physical exercise is necessary."

"In my training In the concept, only a sufficiently outstanding Catterpie can evolve into a sufficiently outstanding Butterfree, which is the same as the outstanding Pokemon egg that can hatch outstanding Pokemon cubs."

Listen to Su Xiaobai. Later, Chen Hanhan looked thoughtful and nodded, and at the same time secretly gave up the plan to let Catterpie evolve immediately.

After the explanation, Su Xiaobai also activated the Mega electric fan, and at the beginning adjusted the lowest level of wind power.

After the Mega electric fan stirred up, Fletchling immediately spread its wings and resisted the strong wind.

Although he didn't fan his wings too much, he was not blown away directly by the wind under Fletchling's wind protection ability, which also surprised Chen Hanhan.

"Fletchling, it seems that your control of the wind has become stronger during this period of time."

Looking at Fletchling smoothly maintaining stability in the wind, Su Xiaobai's face A smile appeared on his face.

Although he was busy with laboratory work during this time and did not train Flechling, Flechling himself has never stopped training himself.

On the side of Catterpie, Su Xiaobai’s Catterpie directly sucked the Ground with the suction cups on the toes of his abdomen. The silhouette did not retreat but moved forward, crawling towards the Mega electric fan.

In contrast, Chen Hanhan's Catterpie, after a short time of resistance, was directly sent to Whirlwind by the strong wind, which surprised Chen Hanhan.

At this moment, Flettling suddenly stirred its wings, Tailwind Move took advantage of the trend, and directly suppressed the wind power of the Mega electric fan!

After the wind stopped, Catterpie that Whirlwind went out fell from the air at this time, and then I saw a thread entangled Catterpie and took it down from the air.

"Catterpie, are you okay."

Seeing this, Chen Hanhan also hurried over to catch Catterpie and said with concern.


Catterpie immediately shook the head, and then immediately jumped into the training ground, unexpectedly really strong.

"Then let's continue training."

Su Xiaobai looked at Chen Hanhan and his Catterpie, his eyes softened a lot.

As long as the trainer treats his Pokemon sincerely, Pokemon will definitely respond. This is the so-called fetter, a very magical power.

"Fletchling, Catterpie, you two did very well."

Su Xiaobai did not mean to praise his two Pokemon at all.

Actually, Pokemon is really simple to a certain extent. As long as you praise them, they can be happy for a long time.

huhuhu ~

In the field, the Mega electric fan turned again.

After getting ready, Chen Hanhan's Catterpie grabbed Ground with a toe sucker, and threw his body high.

Seeing this, Catterpie immediately used his whole body strength and began to resist the strong wind, using this method to exercise his body.

After seeing this scene, Su Xiaobai also felt relieved, and then turned his attention to Fletchling.

Through this period of training, Fletchling's Tailwind Move has become more handy.

But Su Xiaobai has no thoughts about this Move training except for Fletchling to practice Tailwind Move continuously.

He originally planned to use Fletchling's Tailwind Move to try to apply for research funding.

But Fletchling's Tailwind Move learned it right away. Without knowing anything about Tailwind Move, he was completely unable to start.

If you want to apply for research funding, you must write a project application report.

It involves topic selection, research purpose and conditions, research plan design, schedule, budget, achievements and value, etc.

In terms of topic selection and achievements and value, Su Xiaobai is very confident that he can pass the research on Tailwind Move.

After all, no Flying Attribute trainer can ignore the role of Tailwind Move. This is a Move that can be used as the cornerstone of a team!

But with the project design and schedule, he was completely at a loss, and he didn't know where to start. There was really no way to pull these things!

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